			WaitUntilConnectableFunc: func(*net.TCPAddr, time.Duration) error {
				return connectionTimeoutErr

	itStartsARedisProcess := func(executablePath string) {
			fmt.Sprintf("%s configFilePath --pidfile pidFilePath --dir instanceDataDir --logfile logFilePath", executablePath),

	Describe("StartAndWaitUntilReady", func() {
		It("runs the right command to start redis", func() {
			processController.StartAndWaitUntilReady(instance, "configFilePath", "instanceDataDir", "pidFilePath", "logFilePath", time.Second*1)

		It("returns no error", func() {
			err := processController.StartAndWaitUntilReady(instance, "", "", "", "", time.Second*1)

		Context("when the redis process fails to start", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {
				connectionTimeoutErr = errors.New("oops")

			It("returns the same error that the WaitUntilConnectableFunc returns", func() {
				err := processController.StartAndWaitUntilReady(instance, "", "", "", "", time.Second*1)