func (serverEntry *ServerEntry) GetUntunneledWebRequestPorts() []string {
	ports := make([]string, 0)
	if common.Contains(serverEntry.Capabilities, common.CAPABILITY_UNTUNNELED_WEB_API_REQUESTS) {
		// Server-side configuration quirk: there's a port forward from
		// port 443 to the web server, which we can try, except on servers
		// running FRONTED_MEEK, which listens on port 443.
		if !serverEntry.SupportsProtocol(common.TUNNEL_PROTOCOL_FRONTED_MEEK) {
			ports = append(ports, "443")
		ports = append(ports, serverEntry.WebServerPort)
	return ports
Beispiel #2
// NewClientSeedState creates a new client seed state to track
// client progress towards seeding SLOKs. psiphond maintains one
// ClientSeedState for each connected client.
// A signal is sent on signalIssueSLOKs when sufficient progress
// has been made that a new SLOK *may* be issued. psiphond will
// receive the signal and then call GetClientSeedPayload/IssueSLOKs
// to issue SLOKs, generate payload, and send to the client. The
// sender will not block sending to signalIssueSLOKs; the channel
// should be appropriately buffered.
func (config *Config) NewClientSeedState(
	clientRegion, propagationChannelID string,
	signalIssueSLOKs chan struct{}) *ClientSeedState {

	defer config.ReloadableFile.RUnlock()

	for _, scheme := range config.Schemes {
		// Only the first matching scheme is selected.
		// Note: this implementation assumes a few simple schemes. For more
		// schemes with many propagation channel IDs or region filters, use
		// maps for more efficient lookup.
		if scheme.epoch.Before(time.Now().UTC()) &&
			common.Contains(scheme.PropagationChannelIDs, propagationChannelID) &&
			(len(scheme.Regions) == 0 || common.Contains(scheme.Regions, clientRegion)) {

			// Empty progress is initialized up front for all seed specs. Once
			// created, the progress structure is read-only (the slice, not the
			// TrafficValue fields); this permits lock-free operation.
			progress := make([]*TrafficValues, len(scheme.SeedSpecs))
			for index := 0; index < len(scheme.SeedSpecs); index++ {
				progress[index] = &TrafficValues{}

			return &ClientSeedState{
				scheme:               scheme,
				propagationChannelID: propagationChannelID,
				signalIssueSLOKs:     signalIssueSLOKs,
				progressSLOKTime:     getSLOKTime(scheme.SeedPeriodNanoseconds),
				progress:             progress,
				issuedSLOKs:          make(map[string]*SLOK),
				payloadSLOKs:         nil,

	return &ClientSeedState{}
func (sshClient *sshClient) isPortForwardPermitted(
	portForwardType int, host string, port int) bool {

	defer sshClient.Unlock()

	if !sshClient.handshakeState.completed {
		return false

	if common.Contains(SSH_DISALLOWED_PORT_FORWARD_HOSTS, host) {
		return false

	var allowPorts []int
	if portForwardType == portForwardTypeTCP {
		allowPorts = sshClient.trafficRules.AllowTCPPorts
	} else {
		allowPorts = sshClient.trafficRules.AllowUDPPorts

	if len(allowPorts) == 0 {
		return true

	// TODO: faster lookup?
	if len(allowPorts) > 0 {
		for _, allowPort := range allowPorts {
			if port == allowPort {
				return true

	// TODO: AllowSubnets won't match when host is a domain.
	// Callers should resolve domain host before checking
	// isPortForwardPermitted.

	if ip := net.ParseIP(host); ip != nil {
		for _, subnet := range sshClient.trafficRules.AllowSubnets {
			// Note: ignoring error as config has been validated
			_, network, _ := net.ParseCIDR(subnet)
			if network.Contains(ip) {
				return true

	return false
func hasExpectedCustomHeaders(h http.Header) bool {
	for name, values := range upstreamProxyCustomHeaders {
		if h[name] == nil {
			return false
		// Order may not be the same
		for _, value := range values {
			if !common.Contains(h[name], value) {
				return false
	return true
func (body *jwtBody) verifyJWTBody() (validApkCert, validApkPackageName bool) {
	// Verify apk certificate digest
	if body.ApkCertificateDigestSha256 != nil {
		if len(*body.ApkCertificateDigestSha256) > 0 && (*body.ApkCertificateDigestSha256)[0] == psiphon3Base64CertHash {
			validApkCert = true

	// Verify apk package name
	if body.ApkPackageName != nil && common.Contains(psiphonApkPackagenames, *body.ApkPackageName) {
		validApkPackageName = true

// StorePersistentStats adds a new persistent stat record, which
// is set to StateUnreported and is an immediate candidate for
// reporting.
// The stat is a JSON byte array containing fields as
// required by the Psiphon server API. It's assumed that the
// JSON value contains enough unique information for the value to
// function as a key in the key/value datastore. This assumption
// is currently satisfied by the fields sessionId + tunnelNumber
// for tunnel stats, and URL + ETag for remote server list stats.
func StorePersistentStat(statType string, stat []byte) error {

	if !common.Contains(persistentStatTypes, statType) {
		return common.ContextError(fmt.Errorf("invalid persistent stat type: %s", statType))

	err := singleton.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		bucket := tx.Bucket([]byte(statType))
		err := bucket.Put(stat, persistentStatStateUnreported)
		return err

	if err != nil {
		return common.ContextError(err)

	return nil
// newTargetServerEntryIterator is a helper for initializing the TargetServerEntry case
func newTargetServerEntryIterator(config *Config) (iterator *ServerEntryIterator, err error) {
	serverEntry, err := protocol.DecodeServerEntry(
		config.TargetServerEntry, common.GetCurrentTimestamp(), protocol.SERVER_ENTRY_SOURCE_TARGET)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if config.EgressRegion != "" && serverEntry.Region != config.EgressRegion {
		return nil, errors.New("TargetServerEntry does not support EgressRegion")
	if config.TunnelProtocol != "" {
		// Note: same capability/protocol mapping as in StoreServerEntry
		requiredCapability := strings.TrimSuffix(config.TunnelProtocol, "-OSSH")
		if !common.Contains(serverEntry.Capabilities, requiredCapability) {
			return nil, errors.New("TargetServerEntry does not support TunnelProtocol")
	iterator = &ServerEntryIterator{
		isTargetServerEntryIterator: true,
		hasNextTargetServerEntry:    true,
		targetServerEntry:           serverEntry,
	NoticeInfo("using TargetServerEntry: %s", serverEntry.IpAddress)
	return iterator, nil
// SupportsSSHAPIRequests returns true when the server supports
// SSH API requests.
func (serverEntry *ServerEntry) SupportsSSHAPIRequests() bool {
	return common.Contains(serverEntry.Capabilities, common.CAPABILITY_SSH_API_REQUESTS)
Beispiel #9
// Pave creates the full set of OSL files, for all schemes in the
// configuration, to be dropped in an out-of-band distribution site.
// Only OSLs for the propagation channel ID associated with the
// distribution site are paved. This function is used by automation.
// The Name component of each file relates to the values returned by
// the client functions GetRegistryURL and GetOSLFileURL.
// Pave returns a pave file for the entire registry of all OSLs from
// epoch. It only returns pave files for OSLs referenced in
// paveServerEntries. paveServerEntries is a list of maps, one for each
// scheme, from the first SLOK time period identifying an OSL to a
// payload to encrypt and pave.
// The registry file spec MD5 checksum values are populated only for
// OSLs referenced in paveServerEntries. To ensure a registry is fully
// populated with hashes for skipping redownloading, all OSLs should
// be paved.
// Automation is responsible for consistently distributing server entries
// to OSLs in the case where OSLs are repaved in subsequent calls.
func (config *Config) Pave(
	endTime time.Time,
	propagationChannelID string,
	signingPublicKey string,
	signingPrivateKey string,
	paveServerEntries []map[time.Time]string) ([]*PaveFile, error) {

	defer config.ReloadableFile.RUnlock()

	var paveFiles []*PaveFile

	registry := &Registry{}

	if len(paveServerEntries) != len(config.Schemes) {
		return nil, common.ContextError(errors.New("invalid paveServerEntries"))

	for schemeIndex, scheme := range config.Schemes {

		slokTimePeriodsPerOSL := 1
		for _, keySplit := range scheme.SeedPeriodKeySplits {
			slokTimePeriodsPerOSL *= keySplit.Total

		if common.Contains(scheme.PropagationChannelIDs, propagationChannelID) {
			oslTime := scheme.epoch
			for !oslTime.After(endTime) {

				firstSLOKTime := oslTime
				fileKey, fileSpec, err := makeOSLFileSpec(
					scheme, propagationChannelID, firstSLOKTime)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, common.ContextError(err)

				registry.FileSpecs = append(registry.FileSpecs, fileSpec)

				serverEntries, ok := paveServerEntries[schemeIndex][oslTime]
				if ok {

					signedServerEntries, err := common.WriteAuthenticatedDataPackage(
					if err != nil {
						return nil, common.ContextError(err)

					boxedServerEntries, err := box(fileKey, compress(signedServerEntries))
					if err != nil {
						return nil, common.ContextError(err)

					md5sum := md5.Sum(boxedServerEntries)
					fileSpec.MD5Sum = md5sum[:]

					fileName := fmt.Sprintf(
						OSL_FILENAME_FORMAT, hex.EncodeToString(fileSpec.ID))

					paveFiles = append(paveFiles, &PaveFile{
						Name:     fileName,
						Contents: boxedServerEntries,

				oslTime = oslTime.Add(
						int64(slokTimePeriodsPerOSL) * scheme.SeedPeriodNanoseconds))

	registryJSON, err := json.Marshal(registry)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, common.ContextError(err)

	signedRegistry, err := common.WriteAuthenticatedDataPackage(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, common.ContextError(err)

	paveFiles = append(paveFiles, &PaveFile{
		Contents: compress(signedRegistry),

	return paveFiles, nil
Beispiel #10
// GenerateConfig creates a new Psiphon server config. It returns JSON
// encoded configs and a client-compatible "server entry" for the server. It
// generates all necessary secrets and key material, which are emitted in
// the config file and server entry as necessary.
// GenerateConfig uses sample values for many fields. The intention is for
// generated configs to be used for testing or as a template for production
// setup, not to generate production-ready configurations.
func GenerateConfig(params *GenerateConfigParams) ([]byte, []byte, []byte, error) {

	// Input validation

	if net.ParseIP(params.ServerIPAddress) == nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(errors.New("invalid IP address"))

	if len(params.TunnelProtocolPorts) == 0 {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(errors.New("no tunnel protocols"))

	usedPort := make(map[int]bool)
	if params.WebServerPort != 0 {
		usedPort[params.WebServerPort] = true

	usingMeek := false

	for protocol, port := range params.TunnelProtocolPorts {

		if !common.Contains(common.SupportedTunnelProtocols, protocol) {
			return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(errors.New("invalid tunnel protocol"))

		if usedPort[port] {
			return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(errors.New("duplicate listening port"))
		usedPort[port] = true

		if common.TunnelProtocolUsesMeekHTTP(protocol) ||
			common.TunnelProtocolUsesMeekHTTPS(protocol) {
			usingMeek = true

	// Web server config

	var webServerSecret, webServerCertificate,
		webServerPrivateKey, webServerPortForwardAddress string

	if params.WebServerPort != 0 {
		var err error
		webServerSecret, err = common.MakeRandomStringHex(WEB_SERVER_SECRET_BYTE_LENGTH)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

		webServerCertificate, webServerPrivateKey, err = GenerateWebServerCertificate("")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

		webServerPortForwardAddress = net.JoinHostPort(
			params.ServerIPAddress, strconv.Itoa(params.WebServerPort))

	// SSH config

	// TODO: use other key types: anti-fingerprint by varying params
	rsaKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, SSH_RSA_HOST_KEY_BITS)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

	sshPrivateKey := pem.EncodeToMemory(
			Type:  "RSA PRIVATE KEY",
			Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(rsaKey),

	signer, err := ssh.NewSignerFromKey(rsaKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

	sshPublicKey := signer.PublicKey()

	sshUserNameSuffix, err := common.MakeRandomStringHex(SSH_USERNAME_SUFFIX_BYTE_LENGTH)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

	sshUserName := "******" + sshUserNameSuffix

	sshPassword, err := common.MakeRandomStringHex(SSH_PASSWORD_BYTE_LENGTH)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

	// TODO: vary version string for anti-fingerprint
	sshServerVersion := "SSH-2.0-Psiphon"

	// Obfuscated SSH config

	obfuscatedSSHKey, err := common.MakeRandomStringHex(SSH_OBFUSCATED_KEY_BYTE_LENGTH)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

	// Meek config

	var meekCookieEncryptionPublicKey, meekCookieEncryptionPrivateKey, meekObfuscatedKey string

	if usingMeek {
		rawMeekCookieEncryptionPublicKey, rawMeekCookieEncryptionPrivateKey, err :=
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

		meekCookieEncryptionPublicKey = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(rawMeekCookieEncryptionPublicKey[:])
		meekCookieEncryptionPrivateKey = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(rawMeekCookieEncryptionPrivateKey[:])

		meekObfuscatedKey, err = common.MakeRandomStringHex(SSH_OBFUSCATED_KEY_BYTE_LENGTH)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

	// Other config

	discoveryValueHMACKey, err := common.MakeRandomStringBase64(DISCOVERY_VALUE_KEY_BYTE_LENGTH)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

	// Assemble configs and server entry

	// Note: this config is intended for either testing or as an illustrative
	// example or template and is not intended for production deployment.

	config := &Config{
		LogLevel:                       "info",
		LogFilename:                    params.LogFilename,
		GeoIPDatabaseFilenames:         nil,
		HostID:                         "example-host-id",
		ServerIPAddress:                params.ServerIPAddress,
		DiscoveryValueHMACKey:          discoveryValueHMACKey,
		WebServerPort:                  params.WebServerPort,
		WebServerSecret:                webServerSecret,
		WebServerCertificate:           webServerCertificate,
		WebServerPrivateKey:            webServerPrivateKey,
		WebServerPortForwardAddress:    webServerPortForwardAddress,
		SSHPrivateKey:                  string(sshPrivateKey),
		SSHServerVersion:               sshServerVersion,
		SSHUserName:                    sshUserName,
		SSHPassword:                    sshPassword,
		ObfuscatedSSHKey:               obfuscatedSSHKey,
		TunnelProtocolPorts:            params.TunnelProtocolPorts,
		DNSResolverIPAddress:           "",
		UDPInterceptUdpgwServerAddress: "",
		MeekCookieEncryptionPrivateKey: meekCookieEncryptionPrivateKey,
		MeekObfuscatedKey:              meekObfuscatedKey,
		MeekCertificateCommonName:      "",
		MeekProhibitedHeaders:          nil,
		MeekProxyForwardedForHeaders:   []string{"X-Forwarded-For"},
		LoadMonitorPeriodSeconds:       300,
		TrafficRulesFilename:           params.TrafficRulesFilename,

	encodedConfig, err := json.MarshalIndent(config, "\n", "    ")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

	intPtr := func(i int) *int {
		return &i

	trafficRulesSet := &TrafficRulesSet{
		DefaultRules: TrafficRules{
			RateLimits: RateLimits{
				ReadUnthrottledBytes:  new(int64),
				ReadBytesPerSecond:    new(int64),
				WriteUnthrottledBytes: new(int64),
				WriteBytesPerSecond:   new(int64),
			MaxTCPPortForwardCount:                intPtr(DEFAULT_MAX_TCP_PORT_FORWARD_COUNT),
			MaxUDPPortForwardCount:                intPtr(DEFAULT_MAX_UDP_PORT_FORWARD_COUNT),
			AllowTCPPorts:                         nil,
			AllowUDPPorts:                         nil,

	encodedTrafficRulesSet, err := json.MarshalIndent(trafficRulesSet, "\n", "    ")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

	capabilities := []string{}

	if params.EnableSSHAPIRequests {
		capabilities = append(capabilities, common.CAPABILITY_SSH_API_REQUESTS)

	if params.WebServerPort != 0 {
		capabilities = append(capabilities, common.CAPABILITY_UNTUNNELED_WEB_API_REQUESTS)

	for protocol, _ := range params.TunnelProtocolPorts {
		capabilities = append(capabilities, psiphon.GetCapability(protocol))

	sshPort := params.TunnelProtocolPorts["SSH"]
	obfuscatedSSHPort := params.TunnelProtocolPorts["OSSH"]

	// Meek port limitations
	// - fronted meek protocols are hard-wired in the client to be port 443 or 80.
	// - only one other meek port may be specified.
	meekPort := params.TunnelProtocolPorts["UNFRONTED-MEEK-OSSH"]
	if meekPort == 0 {
		meekPort = params.TunnelProtocolPorts["UNFRONTED-MEEK-HTTPS-OSSH"]

	// Note: fronting params are a stub; this server entry will exercise
	// client and server fronting code paths, but not actually traverse
	// a fronting hop.

	serverEntryWebServerPort := ""
	strippedWebServerCertificate := ""

	if params.WebServerPort != 0 {
		serverEntryWebServerPort = fmt.Sprintf("%d", params.WebServerPort)

		// Server entry format omits the BEGIN/END lines and newlines
		lines := strings.Split(webServerCertificate, "\n")
		strippedWebServerCertificate = strings.Join(lines[1:len(lines)-2], "")

	serverEntry := &psiphon.ServerEntry{
		IpAddress:                     params.ServerIPAddress,
		WebServerPort:                 serverEntryWebServerPort,
		WebServerSecret:               webServerSecret,
		WebServerCertificate:          strippedWebServerCertificate,
		SshPort:                       sshPort,
		SshUsername:                   sshUserName,
		SshPassword:                   sshPassword,
		SshHostKey:                    base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(sshPublicKey.Marshal()),
		SshObfuscatedPort:             obfuscatedSSHPort,
		SshObfuscatedKey:              obfuscatedSSHKey,
		Capabilities:                  capabilities,
		Region:                        "US",
		MeekServerPort:                meekPort,
		MeekCookieEncryptionPublicKey: meekCookieEncryptionPublicKey,
		MeekObfuscatedKey:             meekObfuscatedKey,
		MeekFrontingHosts:             []string{params.ServerIPAddress},
		MeekFrontingAddresses:         []string{params.ServerIPAddress},
		MeekFrontingDisableSNI:        false,

	encodedServerEntry, err := psiphon.EncodeServerEntry(serverEntry)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, common.ContextError(err)

	return encodedConfig, encodedTrafficRulesSet, []byte(encodedServerEntry), nil
Beispiel #11
// LoadConfig loads and validates a JSON encoded server config.
func LoadConfig(configJSON []byte) (*Config, error) {

	var config Config
	err := json.Unmarshal(configJSON, &config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, common.ContextError(err)

	if config.ServerIPAddress == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("ServerIPAddress is required")

	if config.WebServerPort > 0 && (config.WebServerSecret == "" || config.WebServerCertificate == "" ||
		config.WebServerPrivateKey == "") {

		return nil, errors.New(
			"Web server requires WebServerSecret, WebServerCertificate, WebServerPrivateKey")

	if config.WebServerPortForwardAddress != "" {
		if err := validateNetworkAddress(config.WebServerPortForwardAddress, false); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.New("WebServerPortForwardAddress is invalid")

	if config.WebServerPortForwardRedirectAddress != "" {

		if config.WebServerPortForwardAddress == "" {
			return nil, errors.New(
				"WebServerPortForwardRedirectAddress requires WebServerPortForwardAddress")

		if err := validateNetworkAddress(config.WebServerPortForwardRedirectAddress, false); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.New("WebServerPortForwardRedirectAddress is invalid")

	for tunnelProtocol, _ := range config.TunnelProtocolPorts {
		if !common.Contains(common.SupportedTunnelProtocols, tunnelProtocol) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported tunnel protocol: %s", tunnelProtocol)
		if common.TunnelProtocolUsesSSH(tunnelProtocol) ||
			common.TunnelProtocolUsesObfuscatedSSH(tunnelProtocol) {
			if config.SSHPrivateKey == "" || config.SSHServerVersion == "" ||
				config.SSHUserName == "" || config.SSHPassword == "" {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf(
					"Tunnel protocol %s requires SSHPrivateKey, SSHServerVersion, SSHUserName, SSHPassword",
		if common.TunnelProtocolUsesObfuscatedSSH(tunnelProtocol) {
			if config.ObfuscatedSSHKey == "" {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf(
					"Tunnel protocol %s requires ObfuscatedSSHKey",
		if common.TunnelProtocolUsesMeekHTTP(tunnelProtocol) ||
			common.TunnelProtocolUsesMeekHTTPS(tunnelProtocol) {
			if config.MeekCookieEncryptionPrivateKey == "" || config.MeekObfuscatedKey == "" {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf(
					"Tunnel protocol %s requires MeekCookieEncryptionPrivateKey, MeekObfuscatedKey",
		if common.TunnelProtocolUsesMeekHTTPS(tunnelProtocol) {
			if config.MeekCertificateCommonName == "" {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf(
					"Tunnel protocol %s requires MeekCertificateCommonName",

	if config.UDPInterceptUdpgwServerAddress != "" {
		if err := validateNetworkAddress(config.UDPInterceptUdpgwServerAddress, true); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("UDPInterceptUdpgwServerAddress is invalid: %s", err)

	if config.DNSResolverIPAddress != "" {
		if net.ParseIP(config.DNSResolverIPAddress) == nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("DNSResolverIPAddress is invalid")

	return &config, nil
// LoadConfig parses and validates a JSON format Psiphon config JSON
// string and returns a Config struct populated with config values.
func LoadConfig(configJson []byte) (*Config, error) {
	var config Config
	err := json.Unmarshal(configJson, &config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, common.ContextError(err)

	// Do SetEmitDiagnosticNotices first, to ensure config file errors are emitted.
	if config.EmitDiagnosticNotices {

	// These fields are required; the rest are optional
	if config.PropagationChannelId == "" {
		return nil, common.ContextError(
			errors.New("propagation channel ID is missing from the configuration file"))
	if config.SponsorId == "" {
		return nil, common.ContextError(
			errors.New("sponsor ID is missing from the configuration file"))

	if config.DataStoreDirectory == "" {
		config.DataStoreDirectory, err = os.Getwd()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, common.ContextError(err)

	if config.ClientVersion == "" {
		config.ClientVersion = "0"

	_, err = strconv.Atoi(config.ClientVersion)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, common.ContextError(
			fmt.Errorf("invalid client version: %s", err))

	if config.TunnelProtocol != "" {
		if !common.Contains(protocol.SupportedTunnelProtocols, config.TunnelProtocol) {
			return nil, common.ContextError(
				errors.New("invalid tunnel protocol"))

	if config.EstablishTunnelTimeoutSeconds == nil {
		defaultEstablishTunnelTimeoutSeconds := ESTABLISH_TUNNEL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
		config.EstablishTunnelTimeoutSeconds = &defaultEstablishTunnelTimeoutSeconds

	if config.ConnectionWorkerPoolSize == 0 {
		config.ConnectionWorkerPoolSize = CONNECTION_WORKER_POOL_SIZE

	if config.TunnelPoolSize == 0 {
		config.TunnelPoolSize = TUNNEL_POOL_SIZE

	if config.NetworkConnectivityChecker != nil {
		return nil, common.ContextError(
			errors.New("NetworkConnectivityChecker interface must be set at runtime"))

	if config.DeviceBinder != nil {
		return nil, common.ContextError(
			errors.New("DeviceBinder interface must be set at runtime"))

	if config.DnsServerGetter != nil {
		return nil, common.ContextError(
			errors.New("DnsServerGetter interface must be set at runtime"))

	if config.HostNameTransformer != nil {
		return nil, common.ContextError(
			errors.New("HostNameTransformer interface must be set at runtime"))

	if !common.Contains(
		[]string{"", protocol.PSIPHON_SSH_API_PROTOCOL, protocol.PSIPHON_WEB_API_PROTOCOL},
		config.TargetApiProtocol) {

		return nil, common.ContextError(
			errors.New("invalid TargetApiProtocol"))

	if config.UpgradeDownloadUrl != "" &&
		(config.UpgradeDownloadClientVersionHeader == "" || config.UpgradeDownloadFilename == "") {
		return nil, common.ContextError(errors.New(
			"UpgradeDownloadUrl requires UpgradeDownloadClientVersionHeader and UpgradeDownloadFilename"))

	if !config.DisableRemoteServerListFetcher {

		if config.RemoteServerListUrl != "" {

			if config.RemoteServerListSignaturePublicKey == "" {
				return nil, common.ContextError(errors.New("missing RemoteServerListSignaturePublicKey"))

			if config.RemoteServerListDownloadFilename == "" {
				return nil, common.ContextError(errors.New("missing RemoteServerListDownloadFilename"))

		if config.ObfuscatedServerListRootURL != "" {

			if config.RemoteServerListSignaturePublicKey == "" {
				return nil, common.ContextError(errors.New("missing RemoteServerListSignaturePublicKey"))

			if config.ObfuscatedServerListDownloadDirectory == "" {
				return nil, common.ContextError(errors.New("missing ObfuscatedServerListDownloadDirectory"))

	if config.TunnelConnectTimeoutSeconds == nil {
		defaultTunnelConnectTimeoutSeconds := TUNNEL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
		config.TunnelConnectTimeoutSeconds = &defaultTunnelConnectTimeoutSeconds

	if config.TunnelPortForwardDialTimeoutSeconds == nil {
		config.TunnelPortForwardDialTimeoutSeconds = &TunnelPortForwardDialTimeoutSeconds

	if config.TunnelSshKeepAliveProbeTimeoutSeconds == nil {
		defaultTunnelSshKeepAliveProbeTimeoutSeconds := TUNNEL_SSH_KEEP_ALIVE_PROBE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
		config.TunnelSshKeepAliveProbeTimeoutSeconds = &defaultTunnelSshKeepAliveProbeTimeoutSeconds

	if config.TunnelSshKeepAlivePeriodicTimeoutSeconds == nil {
		defaultTunnelSshKeepAlivePeriodicTimeoutSeconds := TUNNEL_SSH_KEEP_ALIVE_PERIODIC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
		config.TunnelSshKeepAlivePeriodicTimeoutSeconds = &defaultTunnelSshKeepAlivePeriodicTimeoutSeconds

	if config.FetchRemoteServerListTimeoutSeconds == nil {
		defaultFetchRemoteServerListTimeoutSeconds := FETCH_REMOTE_SERVER_LIST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
		config.FetchRemoteServerListTimeoutSeconds = &defaultFetchRemoteServerListTimeoutSeconds

	if config.PsiphonApiServerTimeoutSeconds == nil {
		defaultPsiphonApiServerTimeoutSeconds := PSIPHON_API_SERVER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
		config.PsiphonApiServerTimeoutSeconds = &defaultPsiphonApiServerTimeoutSeconds

	if config.FetchRoutesTimeoutSeconds == nil {
		defaultFetchRoutesTimeoutSeconds := FETCH_ROUTES_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
		config.FetchRoutesTimeoutSeconds = &defaultFetchRoutesTimeoutSeconds

	if config.HttpProxyOriginServerTimeoutSeconds == nil {
		defaultHttpProxyOriginServerTimeoutSeconds := HTTP_PROXY_ORIGIN_SERVER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
		config.HttpProxyOriginServerTimeoutSeconds = &defaultHttpProxyOriginServerTimeoutSeconds

	if config.FetchRemoteServerListRetryPeriodSeconds == nil {
		defaultFetchRemoteServerListRetryPeriodSeconds := FETCH_REMOTE_SERVER_LIST_RETRY_PERIOD_SECONDS
		config.FetchRemoteServerListRetryPeriodSeconds = &defaultFetchRemoteServerListRetryPeriodSeconds

	if config.DownloadUpgradeRetryPeriodSeconds == nil {
		defaultDownloadUpgradeRetryPeriodSeconds := DOWNLOAD_UPGRADE_RETRY_PERIOD_SECONDS
		config.DownloadUpgradeRetryPeriodSeconds = &defaultDownloadUpgradeRetryPeriodSeconds

	if config.EstablishTunnelPausePeriodSeconds == nil {
		defaultEstablishTunnelPausePeriodSeconds := ESTABLISH_TUNNEL_PAUSE_PERIOD_SECONDS
		config.EstablishTunnelPausePeriodSeconds = &defaultEstablishTunnelPausePeriodSeconds

	return &config, nil
Beispiel #13
func isRelayProtocol(_ *SupportServices, value string) bool {
	return common.Contains(common.SupportedTunnelProtocols, value)
func serverEntrySupportsProtocol(serverEntry *protocol.ServerEntry, protocol string) bool {
	// Note: for meek, the capabilities are FRONTED-MEEK and UNFRONTED-MEEK
	// and the additonal OSSH service is assumed to be available internally.
	requiredCapability := strings.TrimSuffix(protocol, "-OSSH")
	return common.Contains(serverEntry.Capabilities, requiredCapability)
Beispiel #15
func isServerEntrySource(_ *SupportServices, value string) bool {
	return common.Contains(common.SupportedServerEntrySources, value)
// SupportsProtocol returns true if and only if the ServerEntry has
// the necessary capability to support the specified tunnel protocol.
func (serverEntry *ServerEntry) SupportsProtocol(protocol string) bool {
	requiredCapability := GetCapability(protocol)
	return common.Contains(serverEntry.Capabilities, requiredCapability)
// GetTrafficRules determines the traffic rules for a client based on its attributes.
// For the return value TrafficRules, all pointer and slice fields are initialized,
// so nil checks are not required. The caller must not modify the returned TrafficRules.
func (set *TrafficRulesSet) GetTrafficRules(
	tunnelProtocol string, geoIPData GeoIPData, state handshakeState) TrafficRules {

	defer set.ReloadableFile.RUnlock()

	// Start with a copy of the DefaultRules, and then select the first
	// matches Rules from FilteredTrafficRules, taking only the explicitly
	// specified fields from that Rules.
	// Notes:
	// - Scalar pointers are used in TrafficRules and RateLimits to distinguish between
	//   omitted fields (in serialized JSON) and default values. For example, if a filtered
	//   Rules specifies a field value of 0, this will override the default; but if the
	//   serialized filtered rule omits the field, the default is to be retained.
	// - We use shallow copies and slices and scalar pointers are shared between the
	//   return value TrafficRules, so callers must treat the return value as immutable.
	//   This also means that these slices and pointers can remain referenced in memory even
	//   after a hot reload.

	trafficRules := set.DefaultRules

	// Populate defaults for omitted DefaultRules fields

	if trafficRules.RateLimits.ReadUnthrottledBytes == nil {
		trafficRules.RateLimits.ReadUnthrottledBytes = new(int64)

	if trafficRules.RateLimits.ReadBytesPerSecond == nil {
		trafficRules.RateLimits.ReadBytesPerSecond = new(int64)

	if trafficRules.RateLimits.WriteUnthrottledBytes == nil {
		trafficRules.RateLimits.WriteUnthrottledBytes = new(int64)

	if trafficRules.RateLimits.WriteBytesPerSecond == nil {
		trafficRules.RateLimits.WriteBytesPerSecond = new(int64)

	if trafficRules.RateLimits.CloseAfterExhausted == nil {
		trafficRules.RateLimits.CloseAfterExhausted = new(bool)

	intPtr := func(i int) *int {
		return &i

	if trafficRules.IdleTCPPortForwardTimeoutMilliseconds == nil {
		trafficRules.IdleTCPPortForwardTimeoutMilliseconds =

	if trafficRules.IdleUDPPortForwardTimeoutMilliseconds == nil {
		trafficRules.IdleUDPPortForwardTimeoutMilliseconds =

	if trafficRules.MaxTCPPortForwardCount == nil {
		trafficRules.MaxTCPPortForwardCount =

	if trafficRules.MaxUDPPortForwardCount == nil {
		trafficRules.MaxUDPPortForwardCount =

	if trafficRules.AllowTCPPorts == nil {
		trafficRules.AllowTCPPorts = make([]int, 0)

	if trafficRules.AllowUDPPorts == nil {
		trafficRules.AllowUDPPorts = make([]int, 0)

	// TODO: faster lookup?
	for _, filteredRules := range set.FilteredRules {

		log.WithContextFields(LogFields{"filter": filteredRules.Filter}).Debug("filter check")

		if len(filteredRules.Filter.TunnelProtocols) > 0 {
			if !common.Contains(filteredRules.Filter.TunnelProtocols, tunnelProtocol) {

		if len(filteredRules.Filter.Regions) > 0 {
			if !common.Contains(filteredRules.Filter.Regions, geoIPData.Country) {

		if filteredRules.Filter.APIProtocol != "" {
			if !state.completed {
			if state.apiProtocol != filteredRules.Filter.APIProtocol {

		if filteredRules.Filter.HandshakeParameters != nil {
			if !state.completed {

			mismatch := false
			for name, values := range filteredRules.Filter.HandshakeParameters {
				clientValue, err := getStringRequestParam(state.apiParams, name)
				if err != nil || !common.Contains(values, clientValue) {
					mismatch = true
			if mismatch {

		log.WithContextFields(LogFields{"filter": filteredRules.Filter}).Debug("filter match")

		// This is the first match. Override defaults using provided fields from selected rules, and return result.

		if filteredRules.Rules.RateLimits.ReadUnthrottledBytes != nil {
			trafficRules.RateLimits.ReadUnthrottledBytes = filteredRules.Rules.RateLimits.ReadUnthrottledBytes

		if filteredRules.Rules.RateLimits.ReadBytesPerSecond != nil {
			trafficRules.RateLimits.ReadBytesPerSecond = filteredRules.Rules.RateLimits.ReadBytesPerSecond

		if filteredRules.Rules.RateLimits.WriteUnthrottledBytes != nil {
			trafficRules.RateLimits.WriteUnthrottledBytes = filteredRules.Rules.RateLimits.WriteUnthrottledBytes

		if filteredRules.Rules.RateLimits.WriteBytesPerSecond != nil {
			trafficRules.RateLimits.WriteBytesPerSecond = filteredRules.Rules.RateLimits.WriteBytesPerSecond

		if filteredRules.Rules.RateLimits.CloseAfterExhausted != nil {
			trafficRules.RateLimits.CloseAfterExhausted = filteredRules.Rules.RateLimits.CloseAfterExhausted

		if filteredRules.Rules.IdleTCPPortForwardTimeoutMilliseconds != nil {
			trafficRules.IdleTCPPortForwardTimeoutMilliseconds = filteredRules.Rules.IdleTCPPortForwardTimeoutMilliseconds

		if filteredRules.Rules.IdleUDPPortForwardTimeoutMilliseconds != nil {
			trafficRules.IdleUDPPortForwardTimeoutMilliseconds = filteredRules.Rules.IdleUDPPortForwardTimeoutMilliseconds

		if filteredRules.Rules.MaxTCPPortForwardCount != nil {
			trafficRules.MaxTCPPortForwardCount = filteredRules.Rules.MaxTCPPortForwardCount

		if filteredRules.Rules.MaxUDPPortForwardCount != nil {
			trafficRules.MaxUDPPortForwardCount = filteredRules.Rules.MaxUDPPortForwardCount

		if filteredRules.Rules.AllowTCPPorts != nil {
			trafficRules.AllowTCPPorts = filteredRules.Rules.AllowTCPPorts

		if filteredRules.Rules.AllowUDPPorts != nil {
			trafficRules.AllowUDPPorts = filteredRules.Rules.AllowUDPPorts


	log.WithContextFields(LogFields{"trafficRules": trafficRules}).Debug("selected traffic rules")

	return trafficRules