Beispiel #1
func createRegForm() *form.Form {

	key := form.NewCharField("key", "邀请码", true).
		Error("required", "邀请码必须填写").Field()

	email := form.NewEmailField("email", "Email", true).
		Error("invalid", "Email地址错误").
		Error("required", "Email地址必须填写").Field()

	pwd := form.NewCharField("pwd", "密码", true).Min(6).Max(30).
		Error("required", "密码必须填写").
		Error("range", "密码长度必须在{0}到{1}之间").Field()

	name := form.NewCharField("name", "昵称", true).Min(2).Max(15).
		Error("required", "昵称必须填写").
		Error("range", "昵称长度必须在{0}到{1}之间").Field()

	repwd := form.NewCharField("repwd", "确认密码", true).Min(6).Max(30).
		Error("required", "确认密码必须填写").
		Error("range", "密码长度必须在{0}到{1}之间").Field()

	// add the fields to a form
	form := form.NewForm(key, email, name, pwd, repwd)
	return form
Beispiel #2
func createRecoverPasswordForm() *form.Form {
	email := form.NewEmailField("email", "Email", true).
		Error("invalid", "Email地址错误").
		Error("required", "Email地址必须填写").Field()
	form := form.NewForm(email)
	return form
Beispiel #3
 * form
func createLoginForm() *form.Form {
	// defined the field
	email := form.NewEmailField("email", "Email", true).
		Error("invalid", "Email地址错误").
		Error("require", "Email地址必须填写").Field()

	pwd := form.NewCharField("pwd", "密码", true).Min(6).Max(30).
		Error("required", "密码必须填写").
		Error("range", "密码长度必须在{0}到{1}之间").Field()

	remeber_me := form.NewCharField("remeber_me", "记住我", false)

	// add the fields to a form
	form := form.NewForm(email, pwd, remeber_me)
	return form
Beispiel #4
		} else {
			ctx.ViewData["screenname"] = sinaUser.Screen_Name
			ctx.ViewData["token"] = token.Access_Token
			ctx.ViewData["uid"] = token.Uid
			ctx.ViewData["expires"] = token.Expires_In

		return ctx.Render("oauthcallback", nil)
	 * 新浪微博登录,提交email和昵称
	Post("sinaoauthcallback", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {

		email := form.NewEmailField("email", "Email", true).
			Error("invalid", "Email地址错误").
			Error("required", "Email地址必须填写").Field()

		name := form.NewCharField("name", "昵称", true).Min(2).Max(15).
			Error("required", "昵称必须填写").
			Error("range", "昵称长度必须在{0}到{1}之间").Field()

		// add the fields to a form
		f := form.NewForm(email, name)

		errorMsgs := make([]string, 0)
		userId := int64(0)
		if f.Valid() {
			m := f.CleanValues()
Beispiel #5
func createEmailField() form.Field {
	email := form.NewEmailField("email", "Email", true).
		Error("invalid", "Email地址错误").
		Error("required", "Email地址必须填写").Field()
	return email