Beispiel #1
// attributeMarshalerR is the recursive implementation of AttributeMarshaler.
func attributeMarshalerR(att *design.AttributeDefinition, context, source, target string, depth int) string {
	var marshaler string
	switch actual := att.Type.(type) {
	case *design.MediaTypeDefinition:
		marshaler = mediaTypeMarshalerR(actual, source, target, att.View, depth)
	case design.Object:
		marshaler = objectMarshalerR(actual, att.AllRequired(), context, source, target, depth)
		marshaler = typeMarshalerR(att.Type, context, source, target, depth)
	validation := ValidationChecker(att, false, source, context, 1)
	if validation != "" {
		if !strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimLeft(" \t\n", marshaler), "if err == nil {") {
			return fmt.Sprintf(
				"%s\n%sif err == nil {\n%s\n%s}",
		return validation + marshaler
	return marshaler
Beispiel #2
// RecursiveChecker produces Go code that runs the validation checks recursively over the given
// attribute.
func RecursiveChecker(att *design.AttributeDefinition, required bool, target, context string, depth int) string {
	var checks []string
	validation := ValidationChecker(att, required, target, context, depth)
	if validation != "" {
		checks = append(checks, validation)
	if o := att.Type.ToObject(); o != nil {
		o.IterateAttributes(func(n string, catt *design.AttributeDefinition) error {
			validation := RecursiveChecker(
				fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", target, Goify(n, true)),
				fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", context, n),
			if validation != "" {
				checks = append(checks, validation)
			return nil
	} else if a := att.Type.ToArray(); a != nil {
		data := map[string]interface{}{
			"attribute": att,
			"context":   context,
			"target":    target,
			"depth":     1,
		validation := runTemplate(arrayValT, data)
		if validation != "" {
			checks = append(checks, validation)
	return strings.Join(checks, "\n")
Beispiel #3
// ArrayOf creates an array type from its element type. The result can be used anywhere a type can.
// Examples:
//	var Bottle = Type("bottle", func() {
//		Attribute("name")
//	})
//	var Bottles = ArrayOf(Bottle)
//	Action("update", func() {
//		Params(func() {
//			Param("ids", ArrayOf(Integer))
//		})
//		Payload(ArrayOf(Bottle))  // Equivalent to Payload(Bottles)
//	})
func ArrayOf(t design.DataType) *design.Array {
	at := design.AttributeDefinition{Type: t}
	if ds, ok := t.(design.DataStructure); ok {
		at.APIVersions = ds.Definition().APIVersions
	return &design.Array{ElemType: &at}
Beispiel #4
// Required adds a "required" validation to the attribute.
// See
func Required(names ...string) {
	var at *design.AttributeDefinition
	if a, ok := attributeDefinition(false); ok {
		at = a
	} else if mt, ok := mediaTypeDefinition(true); ok {
		at = mt.AttributeDefinition
	} else {
	if at.Type != nil && at.Type.Kind() != design.ObjectKind {
		incompatibleAttributeType("required", at.Type.Name(), "an object")
	} else {
		at.Validations = append(at.Validations, &design.RequiredValidationDefinition{Names: names})
Beispiel #5
// Payload implements the action payload DSL. An action payload describes the HTTP request body
// data structure. The function accepts either a type or a DSL that describes the payload members
// using the Member DSL which accepts the same syntax as the Attribute DSL. This function can be
// called passing in a type, a DSL or both. Examples:
//	Payload(BottlePayload)		// Request payload is described by the BottlePayload type
//	Payload(func() {		// Request payload is an object and is described inline
//		Member("Name")
//	})
//	Payload(BottlePayload, func() {	// Request payload is described by merging the inline
//		Required("Name")	// definition into the BottlePayload type.
//	})
func Payload(p interface{}, dsls ...func()) {
	if len(dsls) > 1 {
		ReportError("too many arguments given to Payload")
	if a, ok := actionDefinition(true); ok {
		var att *design.AttributeDefinition
		var dsl func()
		switch actual := p.(type) {
		case func():
			dsl = actual
			att = newAttribute(a.Parent.MediaType)
			att.Type = design.Object{}
		case *design.AttributeDefinition:
			att = actual.Dup()
		case design.DataStructure:
			att = actual.Definition().Dup()
		case string:
			ut, ok := design.Design.Types[actual]
			if !ok {
				ReportError("unknown payload type %s", actual)
			att = ut.AttributeDefinition.Dup()
		case *design.Array:
			att = &design.AttributeDefinition{Type: actual}
		case *design.Hash:
			att = &design.AttributeDefinition{Type: actual}
		case design.Primitive:
			att = &design.AttributeDefinition{Type: actual}
		if len(dsls) == 1 {
			if dsl != nil {
				ReportError("invalid arguments in Payload call, must be (type), (dsl) or (type, dsl)")
			dsl = dsls[0]
		if dsl != nil {
			ExecuteDSL(dsl, att)
		rn := inflect.Camelize(a.Parent.Name)
		an := inflect.Camelize(a.Name)
		a.Payload = &design.UserTypeDefinition{
			AttributeDefinition: att,
			TypeName:            fmt.Sprintf("%s%sPayload", an, rn),
Beispiel #6
// BaseParams defines the API base path parameters. These parameters may correspond to wildcards in
// the BasePath or URL query string values.
// The DSL for describing each Param is the Attribute DSL.
func BaseParams(dsl func()) {
	params := new(design.AttributeDefinition)
	if !ExecuteDSL(dsl, params) {
	params.NonZeroAttributes = make(map[string]bool)
	for n := range params.Type.ToObject() {
		params.NonZeroAttributes[n] = true
	if a, ok := apiDefinition(false); ok {
		a.BaseParams = params
	} else if v, ok := versionDefinition(false); ok {
		v.BaseParams = params
	} else if r, ok := resourceDefinition(true); ok {
		r.BaseParams = params
Beispiel #7
func paramsFromDefinition(params *design.AttributeDefinition, path string) ([]*Parameter, error) {
	if params == nil {
		return nil, nil
	obj := params.Type.ToObject()
	if obj == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid parameters definition, not an object")
	res := make([]*Parameter, len(obj))
	i := 0
	wildcards := design.ExtractWildcards(path)
	obj.IterateAttributes(func(n string, at *design.AttributeDefinition) error {
		in := "query"
		required := params.IsRequired(n)
		for _, w := range wildcards {
			if n == w {
				in = "path"
				required = true
		param := &Parameter{
			Name:        n,
			Default:     at.DefaultValue,
			Description: at.Description,
			Required:    required,
			In:          in,
			Type:        at.Type.Name(),
		var items *Items
		if at.Type.IsArray() {
			items = itemsFromDefinition(at)
		param.Items = items
		initValidations(at, param)
		res[i] = param
		return nil
	return res, nil
Beispiel #8
// Attribute implements the attribute definition DSL. An attribute describes a data structure
// recursively. Attributes are used for describing request headers, parameters and payloads -
// response bodies and headers - media types and types. An attribute definition is recursive:
// attributes may include other attributes. At the basic level an attribute has a name,
// a type and optionally a default value and validation rules. The type of an attribute can be one of:
// * The primitive types Boolean, Integer, Number or String.
// * A type defined via the Type function.
// * A media type defined via the MediaType function.
// * An object described recursively with child attributes.
// * An array defined using the ArrayOf function.
// * An hashmap defined using the HashOf function.
// Attributes can be defined using the Attribute, Param, Member or Header functions depending
// on where the definition appears. The syntax for all these DSL is the same.
// Here are some examples:
//	Attribute("name")					// Defines an attribute of type String
//	Attribute("name", func() {
//		Pattern("^foo")					// Adds a validation rule to the attribute
//	})
//	Attribute("name", Integer)				// Defines an attribute of type Integer
//	Attribute("name", Integer, func() {
//		Default(42)					// With a default value
//	})
//	Attribute("name", Integer, "description")		// Specifies a description
//	Attribute("name", Integer, "description", func() {
//		Enum(1, 2)					// And validation rules
//	})
// Nested attributes:
//	Attribute("nested", func() {
//		Description("description")
//		Attribute("child")
//		Attribute("child2", func() {
//			// ....
//		})
//		Required("child")
//	})
// Here are all the valid usage of the Attribute function:
//	Attribute(name string, dataType DataType, description string, dsl func())
//	Attribute(name string, dataType DataType, description string)
//	Attribute(name string, dataType DataType, dsl func())
//	Attribute(name string, dataType DataType)
//	Attribute(name string, dsl func())	// dataType is String or Object (if DSL defines child attributes)
//	Attribute(name string)			// dataType is String
func Attribute(name string, args ...interface{}) {
	var parent *design.AttributeDefinition
	if at, ok := attributeDefinition(false); ok {
		parent = at
	} else if mt, ok := mediaTypeDefinition(true); ok {
		parent = mt.AttributeDefinition

	if parent != nil {
		if parent.Type == nil {
			parent.Type = design.Object{}
		if _, ok := parent.Type.(design.Object); !ok {
			ReportError("can't define child attributes on attribute of type %s", parent.Type.Name())

		var baseAttr *design.AttributeDefinition
		if parent.Reference != nil {
			if att, ok := parent.Reference.ToObject()[name]; ok {
				baseAttr = att.Dup()

		dataType, description, dsl := parseAttributeArgs(baseAttr, args...)
		if baseAttr != nil {
			if description != "" {
				baseAttr.Description = description
			if dataType != nil {
				baseAttr.Type = dataType
		} else {
			baseAttr = &design.AttributeDefinition{
				Type:        dataType,
				Description: description,
		baseAttr.Reference = parent.Reference
		if dsl != nil {
			executeDSL(dsl, baseAttr)
		if baseAttr.Type == nil {
			// DSL did not contain an "Attribute" declaration
			baseAttr.Type = design.String
		parent.Type.(design.Object)[name] = baseAttr
Beispiel #9
	. ""

var _ = Describe("validation code generation", func() {
	BeforeEach(func() {
		codegen.TempCount = 0

	Describe("ValidationChecker", func() {
		Context("given an attribute definition and validations", func() {
			var attType design.DataType
			var validations []design.ValidationDefinition

			att := new(design.AttributeDefinition)
			target := "val"
			context := "context"
			var code string // generated code

			JustBeforeEach(func() {
				att.Type = attType
				att.Validations = validations
				code = codegen.ValidationChecker(att, false, false, target, context, 1)

			Context("of enum", func() {
				BeforeEach(func() {
					attType = design.Integer
					enumVal := &design.EnumValidationDefinition{
						Values: []interface{}{1, 2, 3},
Beispiel #10
package design_test

import (
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("IsRequired", func() {
	var required string
	var attName string

	var attribute *design.AttributeDefinition
	var res bool

	JustBeforeEach(func() {
		integer := &design.AttributeDefinition{Type: design.Integer}
		attribute = &design.AttributeDefinition{
			Type: design.Object{required: integer},
			Validations: []design.ValidationDefinition{
				&design.RequiredValidationDefinition{Names: []string{required}},
		res = attribute.IsRequired(attName)

	Context("called on a required field", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			attName = "required"
			required = "required"
Beispiel #11
package dsl

import (


// Attribute implements the attribute definition DSL. An attribute describes a data structure
// recursively. Attributes are used for describing request headers, parameters and payloads -
// response bodies and headers - media types and types. An attribute definition is recursive:
// attributes may include other attributes. At the basic level an attribute has a name,
// a type and optionally a default value and validation rules. The type of an attribute can be one of:
// * The primitive types Boolean, Integer, Number or String.
// * A type defined via the Type function.
// * A media type defined via the MediaType function.
// * An object described recursively with child attributes.
// * An array defined using the ArrayOf function.
// * An hashmap defined using the HashOf function.
// Attributes can be defined using the Attribute, Param, Member or Header functions depending
// on where the definition appears. The syntax for all these DSL is the same.
// Here are some examples:
//	 Attribute("name")             //  Defines an attribute of type String
//	 Attribute("name", func() {
//	 	Pattern("^foo")        // Adds a validation rule to the attribute
//	 })
//	 Attribute("name", Integer)    // Defines an attribute of type Integer
//	 Attribute("name", Integer, func() {
//	 	Default(42)            // With a default value
//	 })
//	 Attribute("name", Integer, "description") // Specifies a description
//	 Attribute("name", Integer, "description", func() {
//	 	Enum(1, 2)             // And validation rules
//	 })
// Nested attributes:
//	 Attribute("nested", func() {
//	 	Description("description")
//	 	Attribute("child")
//	 	Attribute("child2", func() {
//	 		// ....
//	 	})
//              Required("child")
//	 })
// Here are all the valid usage of the Attribute function:
//	 Attribute(name string, dataType DataType, description string, dsl func())
//	 Attribute(name string, dataType DataType, description string)
//	 Attribute(name string, dataType DataType, dsl func())
//	 Attribute(name string, dataType DataType)
//	 Attribute(name string, dsl func()) /* dataType is String or Object (if DSL defines child attributes) */
//	 Attribute(name string) /* dataType is String */
func Attribute(name string, args ...interface{}) {
	var parent *design.AttributeDefinition
	if at, ok := attributeDefinition(false); ok {
		parent = at
	} else if mt, ok := mediaTypeDefinition(true); ok {
		parent = mt.AttributeDefinition
	if parent != nil {
		if parent.Type == nil {
			parent.Type = design.Object{}
		} else if _, ok := parent.Type.(design.Object); !ok {
			ReportError("can't define child attributes on attribute of type %s", parent.Type.Name())
		var baseAttr *design.AttributeDefinition
		if parent.Reference != nil {
			for n, att := range parent.Reference.ToObject() {
				if n == name {
					baseAttr = att.Dup()
		var dataType design.DataType
		var description string
		var dsl func()
		var ok bool
		if len(args) == 0 {
			if baseAttr != nil {
				dataType = baseAttr.Type
			} else {
				dataType = design.String
		} else if len(args) == 1 {
			if dsl, ok = args[0].(func()); !ok {
				if dataType, ok = args[0].(design.DataType); !ok {
					invalidArgError("DataType or func()", args[0])
			} else if baseAttr != nil {
				dataType = baseAttr.Type
		} else if len(args) == 2 {
			if dataType, ok = args[0].(design.DataType); !ok {
				invalidArgError("DataType", args[0])
			if dsl, ok = args[1].(func()); !ok {
				if description, ok = args[1].(string); !ok {
					invalidArgError("string or func()", args[1])
		} else if len(args) == 3 {
			if dataType, ok = args[0].(design.DataType); !ok {
				invalidArgError("DataType", args[0])
			if description, ok = args[1].(string); !ok {
				invalidArgError("string", args[1])
			if dsl, ok = args[2].(func()); !ok {
				invalidArgError("func()", args[2])
		} else {
			ReportError("too many arguments in call to Attribute")
		var att *design.AttributeDefinition
		if baseAttr != nil {
			att = baseAttr
			if description != "" {
				att.Description = description
			if dataType != nil {
				att.Type = dataType
		} else {
			att = &design.AttributeDefinition{
				Type:        dataType,
				Description: description,
		att.Reference = parent.Reference
		if dsl != nil {
			executeDSL(dsl, att)
		if att.Type == nil {
			// DSL did not contain an "Attribute" declaration
			att.Type = design.String
		parent.Type.(design.Object)[name] = att