Beispiel #1
func TestFilesInParallel(t *testing.T) {
	f := func(id string, done <-chan struct{}) error {
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
		return nil

	for n := uint(1); n < 5; n++ {
		err := repository.FilesInParallel(lister, backend.Data, n*100, f)
		OK(t, err)
Beispiel #2
func TestFilesInParallelWithError(t *testing.T) {

	f := func(id string, done <-chan struct{}) error {
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)

		if rand.Float32() < 0.01 {
			return errTest

		return nil

	for n := uint(1); n < 5; n++ {
		err := repository.FilesInParallel(lister, backend.Data, n*100, f)
		Equals(t, errTest, err)
Beispiel #3
// loadSnapshotTreeIDs loads all snapshots from backend and returns the tree IDs.
func loadSnapshotTreeIDs(repo *repository.Repository) (backend.IDs, []error) {
	var trees struct {
		IDs backend.IDs

	var errs struct {
		errs []error

	snapshotWorker := func(strID string, done <-chan struct{}) error {
		id, err := backend.ParseID(strID)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		debug.Log("Checker.Snaphots", "load snapshot %v", id.Str())

		treeID, err := loadTreeFromSnapshot(repo, id)
		if err != nil {
			errs.errs = append(errs.errs, err)
			return nil

		debug.Log("Checker.Snaphots", "snapshot %v has tree %v", id.Str(), treeID.Str())
		trees.IDs = append(trees.IDs, treeID)

		return nil

	err := repository.FilesInParallel(repo.Backend(), backend.Snapshot, defaultParallelism, snapshotWorker)
	if err != nil {
		errs.errs = append(errs.errs, err)

	return trees.IDs, errs.errs
Beispiel #4
// LoadIndex loads all index files.
func (c *Checker) LoadIndex() error {
	debug.Log("LoadIndex", "Start")
	type indexRes struct {
		Index *repository.Index
		ID    string

	indexCh := make(chan indexRes)

	worker := func(id string, done <-chan struct{}) error {
		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "worker got index %v", id)
		idx, err := repository.LoadIndex(c.repo, id)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		select {
		case indexCh <- indexRes{Index: idx, ID: id}:
		case <-done:

		return nil

	var perr error
	go func() {
		defer close(indexCh)
		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "start loading indexes in parallel")
		perr = repository.FilesInParallel(c.repo.Backend(), backend.Index, defaultParallelism, worker)
		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "loading indexes finished, error: %v", perr)

	done := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(done)

	for res := range indexCh {
		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "process index %v", res.ID)
		id, err := backend.ParseID(res.ID)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		c.indexes[id] = res.Index

		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "process blobs")
		cnt := 0
		for blob := range res.Index.Each(done) {
			c.packs[blob.PackID] = struct{}{}
			c.blobs[blob.ID] = struct{}{}
			c.blobRefs.M[blob.ID] = 0

		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "%d blobs processed", cnt)

	debug.Log("LoadIndex", "done, error %v", perr)


	return perr
Beispiel #5
// LoadIndex loads all index files.
func (c *Checker) LoadIndex() (hints []error, errs []error) {
	debug.Log("LoadIndex", "Start")
	type indexRes struct {
		Index *repository.Index
		ID    string

	indexCh := make(chan indexRes)

	worker := func(id backend.ID, done <-chan struct{}) error {
		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "worker got index %v", id)
		idx, err := repository.LoadIndexWithDecoder(c.repo, id.String(), repository.DecodeIndex)
		if err == repository.ErrOldIndexFormat {
			debug.Log("LoadIndex", "index %v has old format", id.Str())
			hints = append(hints, ErrOldIndexFormat{id})

			idx, err = repository.LoadIndexWithDecoder(c.repo, id.String(), repository.DecodeOldIndex)

		if err != nil {
			return err

		select {
		case indexCh <- indexRes{Index: idx, ID: id.String()}:
		case <-done:

		return nil

	var perr error
	go func() {
		defer close(indexCh)
		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "start loading indexes in parallel")
		perr = repository.FilesInParallel(c.repo.Backend(), backend.Index, defaultParallelism,
		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "loading indexes finished, error: %v", perr)

	done := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(done)

	if perr != nil {
		errs = append(errs, perr)
		return hints, errs

	packToIndex := make(map[backend.ID]backend.IDSet)

	for res := range indexCh {
		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "process index %v", res.ID)
		idxID, err := backend.ParseID(res.ID)
		if err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse as index ID: %v", res.ID))

		c.indexes[idxID] = res.Index

		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "process blobs")
		cnt := 0
		for blob := range res.Index.Each(done) {
			c.packs[blob.PackID] = struct{}{}
			c.blobs[blob.ID] = struct{}{}
			c.blobRefs.M[blob.ID] = 0

			if _, ok := packToIndex[blob.PackID]; !ok {
				packToIndex[blob.PackID] = backend.NewIDSet()

		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "%d blobs processed", cnt)

	debug.Log("LoadIndex", "done, error %v", perr)

	debug.Log("LoadIndex", "checking for duplicate packs")
	for packID := range c.packs {
		debug.Log("LoadIndex", "  check pack %v: contained in %d indexes", packID.Str(), len(packToIndex[packID]))
		if len(packToIndex[packID]) > 1 {
			hints = append(hints, ErrDuplicatePacks{
				PackID:  packID,
				Indexes: packToIndex[packID],


	return hints, errs