Beispiel #1
// Harvest fetches PRONOM reports listed in the DROID file
func Harvest() []error {
	d, err := newDroid(config.Droid())
	if err != nil {
		return []error{err}
	apply := func(puid string) error {
		url, _, _ := config.HarvestOptions()
		return save(puid, url, config.Reports())
	return applyAll(5, d.IDs(), apply)
Beispiel #2
func getHttp(url string) ([]byte, error) {
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	_, timeout, transport := config.HarvestOptions()
	req.Header.Add("User-Agent", "siegfried/r2d2bot (+")
	timer := time.AfterFunc(timeout, func() {
	defer timer.Stop()
	client := http.Client{
		Transport: transport,
	resp, err := client.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	return ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
Beispiel #3
	nopriority  = build.Bool("nopriority", false, "ignore priority rules when recording results")
	nocontainer = build.Bool("nocontainer", false, "skip container signatures")
	notext      = build.Bool("notext", false, "skip text matcher")
	noext       = build.Bool("noext", false, "skip extension matcher")
	noreports   = build.Bool("noreports", false, "build directly from DROID file rather than PRONOM reports")
	doubleup    = build.Bool("doubleup", false, "include byte signatures for formats that also have container signatures")
	rng         = build.Int("range", config.Range(), "define a maximum range for segmentation")
	distance    = build.Int("distance", config.Distance(), "define a maximum distance for segmentation")
	choices     = build.Int("choices", config.Choices(), "define a maximum number of choices for segmentation")

	harvest        = flag.NewFlagSet("harvest", flag.ExitOnError)
	harvestHome    = harvest.String("home", config.Home(), "override the default home directory")
	harvestDroid   = harvest.String("droid", config.Droid(), "set name/path for DROID signature file")
	harvestReports = harvest.String("reports", config.Reports(), "set path for PRONOM reports directory")
	_, htimeout, _ = config.HarvestOptions()
	timeout        = flag.Duration("timeout", htimeout, "set duration before timing-out harvesting requests e.g. 120s")

	// INSPECT (roy inspect | roy inspect fmt/121 | roy inspect usr/local/mysig.gob | roy inspect 10)
	inspect        = flag.NewFlagSet("inspect", flag.ExitOnError)
	inspectHome    = inspect.String("home", config.Home(), "override the default home directory")
	inspectReports = inspect.String("reports", config.Reports(), "set path for PRONOM reports directory")
	inspectCType   = inspect.Int("ct", 0, "provide container type to inspect container hits")
	inspectCName   = inspect.String("cn", "", "provide container name to inspect container hits")

func savereps() error {
	file, err := os.Open(config.Reports())
	if err != nil {
		err = os.Mkdir(config.Reports(), os.ModePerm)
		if err != nil {