Beispiel #1
func main() {
	//flag parsing
	//Lots of options, but the defaults are sane enough that you shouldnt need to use more than the filename and qm program.
	charge := flag.Int("charge", 0, "The charge of the system.")
	multi := flag.Int("multi", 1, "The multiplicity of the system.")
	filename := flag.String("file", "", "The XYZ file containing the coordinates for the system.")
	functional := flag.String("func", "BP86", "The density functional used. TPSS and BP86 activate RI when possible.")
	program := flag.String("program", "nwchem", "The QM program used: qcmine, nwchem, or orca.")
	basis := flag.String("basis", "def2-SVP", "the basis set to use. Use Karlsruhe basis.")
	dielectric := flag.Float64("epsilon", -1, "The dielectric constant. -1 indicates no dielectric used.")
	optimize := flag.Bool("opt", true, "Wether to optimize or run an SP calculation.")
	fixed := flag.String("fixed", "", "Fixed atoms, counting from zero, separated by spaces.")
	//We set the calculation to the values in the flags. Not big deal.
	mol, err := chem.XYZFileRead(*filename)
	if err != nil {
	calc := new(qm.Calc)
	if strings.Contains("TPSS,BP86,PBE", *functional) {
		calc.RI = true
	if *fixed != "" {
		calc.CConstraints, err = scu.IndexStringParse(*fixed)
		if err != nil {
	calc.Memory = 1000
	calc.Dielectric = *dielectric
	calc.Grid = 3
	if !strings.HasPrefix(*basis, "def2") {
		fmt.Println("Told ya to use Karlsruhe basis! RI cannot be activated. Happy now?")
		calc.RI = false
	calc.Basis = *basis
	calc.Job.Opti = true //for the preeliminar calculation we always optimize, regarless of the user's input, because it's, well, a preoptimization.
	if calc.Job.Opti {
		calc.SCFTightness = 1
	calc.Dispersion = "D3"
	//The preeliminar optimization will have a different name.
	namep := strings.Replace(*filename, ".xyz", "OPT", -1)
	name := strings.Replace(*filename, ".xyz", "", -1)
	pre := qm.NewMopacHandle()
	pre.BuildInput(mol.Coords[0], mol, calc)
	ncoords, err := pre.OptimizedGeometry(mol)
	if err != nil {
	calc.Job.Opti = *optimize //here we optimize depending on what the user wants
	//MOPAC will overwrite the method, as it doesnt support DFT. This is why we set it AFTER the preeliminar calculations
	calc.Method = *functional
	var QM qmdef
	switch *program {
		QM = qmdef(qm.NewNWChemHandle())
	case "orca":
		QM = qmdef(qm.NewOrcaHandle())
		//		default:
		//			//There is a hicup with ChemShell since I have not implemented a few methods.
		//			//I should have an interface in goChem that does not require Energy() and OptimizedGeometry()
		//			CS:=qm.NewCSHandle()
		//			CS.SetDefaults()
		//			CS.SetName(name)
		//			CS.BuildInput(ncoords,mol,calc)
	if QM != nil {
		QM.BuildInput(ncoords, mol, calc)
	newfilename := strings.Replace(*filename, ".xyz", "", 1)
	chem.XYZFileWrite(newfilename, ncoords, mol)
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Apparently, we made it :-)")