Beispiel #1
func (db *repoStore) Get(ID int64) (*model.Repo, error) {
	repo := new(model.Repo)
	err := meddler.Load(db, repoTable, repo, ID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return repo, nil
// PutProblemBundle handles a request to /v2/problem_bundles/:problem_id,
// updating an existing problem.
// The bundle must have a full set of passing commits signed by the daycare.
// If any assignments exist that refer to this problem, then the updates cannot change the number
// of steps in the problem.
func PutProblemBundle(w http.ResponseWriter, tx *sql.Tx, params martini.Params, bundle ProblemBundle, render render.Render) {
	if bundle.Problem == nil {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "bundle must contain a problem")
	if bundle.Problem.ID <= 0 {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "updated problem must have ID > 0")

	old := new(Problem)
	if err := meddler.Load(tx, "problems", old, bundle.Problem.ID); err != nil {
		loggedHTTPDBNotFoundError(w, err)
	if bundle.Problem.Unique != old.Unique {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "updating a problem cannot change its unique ID from %q to %q; create a new problem instead", old.Unique, bundle.Problem.Unique)
	if bundle.Problem.ProblemType != old.ProblemType {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "updating a problem cannot change its type from %q to %q; create a new problem instead", old.ProblemType, bundle.Problem.ProblemType)
	if !bundle.Problem.CreatedAt.Equal(old.CreatedAt) {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "updating a problem cannot change its created time from %v to %v", old.CreatedAt, bundle.Problem.CreatedAt)

	var assignmentCount int
	if err := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT COUNT(1) FROM assignments INNER JOIN problem_sets ON assignments.problem_set_id = INNER JOIN problem_set_problems ON = problem_set_problems.problem_set_id WHERE problem_set_problems.problem_id = $1`, bundle.Problem.ID).Scan(&assignmentCount); err != nil {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error: %v", err)
	if assignmentCount > 0 {
		// count the steps in the old problem
		var stepCount int
		if err := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT COUNT(1) FROM problem_steps WHERE problem_id = $1`, bundle.Problem.ID).Scan(&stepCount); err != nil {
			loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error: %v", err)
		if len(bundle.ProblemSteps) != stepCount {
			loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "cannot change the number of steps in a problem that is already in use")

	saveProblemBundleCommon(w, tx, &bundle, render)
Beispiel #3
func doMoneyTest(t *testing.T, curr string, amt string, expectedIso int16, expectedAmount int64) {
	c := NewTestConfig(t)
	ctx, err := NewContext(c)
	if err != nil {
	defer ctx.Close()

	_, err = ctx.DB.Exec("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE money_test (id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, cash monetary)")
	if err != nil {

	cash, err := NewMonetary(ctx.DB, curr, amt)
	if err != nil {
		if expectedIso == 0 && expectedAmount == 0 {

	m := moneyTest{0, cash}

	err = meddler.Insert(ctx.DB, "money_test", &m)
	if err != nil {

	m2 := moneyTest{}
	err = meddler.Load(ctx.DB, "money_test", &m2, m.Id)
	if err != nil {

	if m2.Cash.Iso4217Code != expectedIso {
		t.Fatal("ISO code incorrect")

	if m2.Cash.Amount != expectedAmount {
		t.Fatal("Amount incorrect")
Beispiel #4
// GetCourse handles /v2/courses/:course_id requests,
// returning a single course.
func GetCourse(w http.ResponseWriter, tx *sql.Tx, params martini.Params, currentUser *User, render render.Render) {
	courseID, err := parseID(w, "course_id", params["course_id"])
	if err != nil {

	course := new(Course)

	if currentUser.Admin {
		err = meddler.Load(tx, "courses", course, courseID)
	} else {
		err = meddler.QueryRow(tx, course, `SELECT courses.* `+
			`FROM courses JOIN assignments ON = assignments.course_id `+
			`WHERE assignments.user_id = $1 AND assignments.course_id = $2`,
			currentUser.ID, courseID)

	if err != nil {
		loggedHTTPDBNotFoundError(w, err)
	render.JSON(http.StatusOK, course)
Beispiel #5
// GetUser handles /v2/users/:user_id requests,
// returning a single user.
func GetUser(w http.ResponseWriter, tx *sql.Tx, params martini.Params, currentUser *User, render render.Render) {
	userID, err := parseID(w, "user_id", params["user_id"])
	if err != nil {

	user := new(User)

	if currentUser.Admin {
		err = meddler.Load(tx, "users", user, int64(userID))
	} else {
		err = meddler.QueryRow(tx, &user, `SELECT users.* `+
			`FROM users JOIN user_users ON = user_users.other_user_id `+
			`WHERE user_users.user_id = $1 AND user_users.other_user_id = $2`,
			currentUser.ID, userID)

	if err != nil {
		loggedHTTPDBNotFoundError(w, err)
	render.JSON(http.StatusOK, user)
Beispiel #6
// GetProblem handles a request to /v2/problems/:problem_id,
// returning a single problem.
func GetProblem(w http.ResponseWriter, tx *sql.Tx, params martini.Params, currentUser *User, render render.Render) {
	problemID, err := parseID(w, "problem_id", params["problem_id"])
	if err != nil {

	problem := new(Problem)

	if currentUser.Admin || currentUser.Author {
		err = meddler.Load(tx, "problems", problem, problemID)
	} else {
		err = meddler.QueryRow(tx, problem, `SELECT problems.* `+
			`FROM problems JOIN user_problems ON = problem_id `+
			`WHERE user_id = $1 AND problem_id = $2`,
			currentUser.ID, problemID)

	if err != nil {
		loggedHTTPDBNotFoundError(w, err)

	render.JSON(http.StatusOK, problem)
// PostProblemBundleUnconfirmed handles a request to /v2/problem_bundles/unconfirmed,
// signing a new/updated problem that has not yet been tested on the daycare.
func PostProblemBundleUnconfirmed(w http.ResponseWriter, tx *sql.Tx, currentUser *User, bundle ProblemBundle, render render.Render) {
	now := time.Now()

	// basic sanity checks
	if len(bundle.ProblemSteps) < 2 {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "problem must have at least one step")
	if len(bundle.ProblemSteps) != len(bundle.Commits) {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "problem must have exactly one commit for each step")
	if len(bundle.ProblemSignature) != 0 {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "unconfirmed bundle must not have problem signature")
	if len(bundle.CommitSignatures) != 0 {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "unconfirmed bundle must not have commit signatures")

	// clean up basic fields and do some checks
	if err := bundle.Problem.Normalize(now, bundle.ProblemSteps); err != nil {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "%v", err)

	// if this is an update to an existing problem, we need to check that some things match
	if bundle.Problem.ID != 0 {
		old := new(Problem)
		if err := meddler.Load(tx, "problems", old, int64(bundle.Problem.ID)); err != nil {
			if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
				loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusNotFound, "request to update problem %d, but that problem does not exist", bundle.Problem.ID)
			} else {
				loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error: %v", err)

		if bundle.Problem.Unique != old.Unique {
			loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "updating a problem cannot change its unique ID from %q to %q; create a new problem instead", old.Unique, bundle.Problem.Unique)
		if bundle.Problem.ProblemType != old.ProblemType {
			loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "updating a problem cannot change its type from %q to %q; create a new problem instead", old.ProblemType, bundle.Problem.ProblemType)
		if !bundle.Problem.CreatedAt.Equal(old.CreatedAt) {
			loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "updating a problem cannot change its created time from %v to %v", old.CreatedAt, bundle.Problem.CreatedAt)
	} else {
		// for new problems, set the created timestamp to now
		bundle.Problem.CreatedAt = now

	// make sure the unique ID is unique
	conflict := new(Problem)
	if err := meddler.QueryRow(tx, conflict, `SELECT * FROM problems WHERE unique_id = $1`, bundle.Problem.Unique); err != nil {
		if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
			conflict.ID = 0
		} else {
			loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error: %v", err)
	if conflict.ID != 0 && conflict.ID != bundle.Problem.ID {
		loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "unique ID %q is already in use by problem %d", bundle.Problem.Unique, conflict.ID)

	// update the timestamp
	bundle.Problem.UpdatedAt = now

	// compute signature
	bundle.ProblemSignature = bundle.Problem.ComputeSignature(Config.DaycareSecret, bundle.ProblemSteps)

	// check the commits
	whitelists := bundle.Problem.GetStepWhitelists(bundle.ProblemSteps)
	bundle.CommitSignatures = nil

	for n, commit := range bundle.Commits {
		commit.ID = 0
		commit.AssignmentID = 0
		commit.ProblemID = bundle.Problem.ID
		commit.Step = int64(n) + 1
		if commit.Action != "confirm" {
			loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "commit %d has action %q, expected %q", n, commit.Action, "confirm")
		commit.Transcript = []*EventMessage{}
		commit.ReportCard = nil
		commit.Score = 0.0
		commit.CreatedAt = now
		commit.UpdatedAt = now
		if err := commit.Normalize(now, whitelists[n]); err != nil {
			loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "commit %d: %v", n, err)

		// set timestamps and compute signature
		sig := commit.ComputeSignature(Config.DaycareSecret, bundle.ProblemSignature)
		bundle.CommitSignatures = append(bundle.CommitSignatures, sig)

	render.JSON(http.StatusOK, &bundle)
Beispiel #8
func (db *nodestore) Get(id int64) (*model.Node, error) {
	var node = new(model.Node)
	var err = meddler.Load(db, nodeTable, node, id)
	return node, err
Beispiel #9
// GetRepo retrieves a specific repo from the
// datastore for the given ID.
func (db *Repostore) GetRepo(id int64) (*model.Repo, error) {
	var repo = new(model.Repo)
	var err = meddler.Load(db, repoTable, repo, id)
	return repo, err
Beispiel #10
func (db *userStore) Get(id int64) (*model.User, error) {
	user := new(model.User)
	err := meddler.Load(db, userTable, user, id)
	return user, err
Beispiel #11
func main() {
	// parse command line
	var configFile string
	flag.StringVar(&configFile, "config", "/etc/codegrinder/config.json", "Path to the config file")
	var ta, daycare bool
	flag.BoolVar(&ta, "ta", true, "Serve the TA role")
	flag.BoolVar(&daycare, "daycare", true, "Serve the daycare role")

	if !ta && !daycare {
		log.Fatalf("must run at least one role (ta/daycare)")

	// set config defaults
	Config.ToolName = "CodeGrinder"
	Config.ToolID = "codegrinder"
	Config.ToolDescription = "Programming exercises with grading"
	Config.LetsEncryptCache = "/etc/codegrinder/letsencrypt.cache"
	Config.PostgresHost = "/var/run/postgresql"
	Config.PostgresPort = ""
	Config.PostgresUsername = os.Getenv("USER")
	Config.PostgresPassword = ""
	Config.PostgresDatabase = os.Getenv("USER")

	// load config file
	if raw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to load config file %q: %v", configFile, err)
	} else if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &Config); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to parse config file: %v", err)
	Config.SessionSecret = unBase64(Config.SessionSecret)
	Config.DaycareSecret = unBase64(Config.DaycareSecret)

	// set up martini
	r := martini.NewRouter()
	m := martini.New()
	m.Logger(log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags))
	m.Use(martini.Static(Config.StaticDir, martini.StaticOptions{SkipLogging: true}))
	m.MapTo(r, (*martini.Routes)(nil))

	m.Use(render.Renderer(render.Options{IndentJSON: true}))

	store := sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(Config.SessionSecret))
	m.Use(sessions.Sessions(CookieName, store))

	// sessions expire June 30 and December 31
	go func() {
		for {
			now := time.Now()

			// expire at the end of the calendar year
			expires := time.Date(now.Year(), time.December, 31, 23, 59, 59, 0, time.Local)

			if expires.Sub(now).Hours() < 14*24 {
				// are we within 2 weeks of the end of the year? probably prepping for spring,
				// so expire next June 30 instead
				expires = time.Date(now.Year()+1, time.June, 30, 23, 59, 59, 0, time.Local)
			} else if expires.Sub(now).Hours() > (365/2+14)*24 {
				// is it still more than 2 weeks before June 30? probably in spring semester,
				// so expire this June 30 instead
				expires = time.Date(now.Year(), time.June, 30, 23, 59, 59, 0, time.Local)
			store.Options(sessions.Options{Path: "/", Secure: true, MaxAge: int(expires.Sub(now).Seconds())})
			time.Sleep(11 * time.Minute)

	// set up TA role
	if ta {
		// make sure relevant secrets are included in config file
		if Config.LTISecret == "" {
			log.Fatalf("cannot run TA role with no LTISecret in the config file")
		if Config.SessionSecret == "" {
			log.Fatalf("cannot run TA role with no SessionSecret in the config file")
		if Config.DaycareSecret == "" {
			log.Fatalf("cannot run with no DaycareSecret in the config file")

		// set up the database
		db := setupDB(Config.PostgresHost, Config.PostgresPort, Config.PostgresUsername, Config.PostgresPassword, Config.PostgresDatabase)

		// martini service: wrap handler in a transaction
		withTx := func(c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter) {
			// start a transaction
			tx, err := db.Begin()
			if err != nil {
				loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error starting transaction: %v", err)

			// pass it on to the main handler

			// was it a successful result?
			rw := w.(martini.ResponseWriter)
			if rw.Status() < http.StatusBadRequest {
				// commit the transaction
				if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
					loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error committing transaction: %v", err)
			} else {
				// rollback
				log.Printf("rolling back transaction")
				if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
					loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error rolling back transaction: %v", err)

		// martini service: to require an active logged-in session
		auth := func(w http.ResponseWriter, session sessions.Session) {
			if userID := session.Get("id"); userID == nil {
				loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "authentication: no user ID found in session")

		// martini service: include the current logged-in user (requires withTx and auth)
		withCurrentUser := func(c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, tx *sql.Tx, session sessions.Session) {
			rawID := session.Get("id")
			if rawID == nil {
				loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "cannot find user ID in session")
			userID, ok := rawID.(int64)
			if !ok {
				loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "error extracting user ID from session")

			// load the user record
			user := new(User)
			if err := meddler.Load(tx, "users", user, userID); err != nil {
				if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
					loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "user %d not found", userID)
				loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error: %v", err)

			// map the current user to the request context

		// martini service: require logged in user to be an administrator (requires withCurrentUser)
		administratorOnly := func(w http.ResponseWriter, currentUser *User) {
			if !currentUser.Admin {
				loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "user %d (%s) is not an administrator", currentUser.ID, currentUser.Email)

		// martini service: require logged in user to be an author or administrator (requires withCurrentUser)
		authorOnly := func(w http.ResponseWriter, tx *sql.Tx, currentUser *User) {
			if currentUser.Admin {
			if !currentUser.Author {
				loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "user %d (%s) is not an author", currentUser.ID, currentUser.Name)

		// version
		r.Get("/v2/version", func(w http.ResponseWriter, render render.Render) {
			render.JSON(http.StatusOK, &CurrentVersion)

		// LTI
		r.Get("/v2/lti/config.xml", GetConfigXML)
		r.Post("/v2/lti/problem_sets", binding.Bind(LTIRequest{}), checkOAuthSignature, withTx, LtiProblemSets)
		r.Post("/v2/lti/problem_sets/:unique", binding.Bind(LTIRequest{}), checkOAuthSignature, withTx, LtiProblemSet)

		// problem bundles--for problem creation only
		r.Post("/v2/problem_bundles/unconfirmed", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, authorOnly, binding.Json(ProblemBundle{}), PostProblemBundleUnconfirmed)
		r.Post("/v2/problem_bundles/confirmed", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, authorOnly, binding.Json(ProblemBundle{}), PostProblemBundleConfirmed)
		r.Put("/v2/problem_bundles/:problem_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, authorOnly, binding.Json(ProblemBundle{}), PutProblemBundle)

		// problem set bundles--for problem set creation only
		r.Post("/v2/problem_set_bundles", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, authorOnly, binding.Json(ProblemSetBundle{}), PostProblemSetBundle)

		// problem types
		r.Get("/v2/problem_types", auth, GetProblemTypes)
		r.Get("/v2/problem_types/:name", auth, GetProblemType)

		// problems
		r.Get("/v2/problems", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetProblems)
		r.Get("/v2/problems/:problem_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetProblem)
		r.Get("/v2/problems/:problem_id/steps", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetProblemSteps)
		r.Get("/v2/problems/:problem_id/steps/:step", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetProblemStep)
		r.Delete("/v2/problems/:problem_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, administratorOnly, DeleteProblem)

		// problem sets
		r.Get("/v2/problem_sets", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetProblemSets)
		r.Get("/v2/problem_sets/:problem_set_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetProblemSet)
		r.Get("/v2/problem_sets/:problem_set_id/problems", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetProblemSetProblems)
		r.Delete("/v2/problem_sets/:problem_set_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, administratorOnly, DeleteProblemSet)

		// courses
		r.Get("/v2/courses", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetCourses)
		r.Get("/v2/courses/:course_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetCourse)
		r.Delete("/v2/courses/:course_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, administratorOnly, DeleteCourse)

		// users
		r.Get("/v2/users", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetUsers)
		r.Get("/v2/users/me", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetUserMe)
		r.Get("/v2/users/me/cookie", auth, GetUserMeCookie)
		r.Get("/v2/users/:user_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetUser)
		r.Get("/v2/courses/:course_id/users", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetCourseUsers)
		r.Delete("/v2/users/:user_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, administratorOnly, DeleteUser)

		// assignments
		r.Get("/v2/users/:user_id/assignments", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetUserAssignments)
		r.Get("/v2/courses/:course_id/users/:user_id/assignments", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetCourseUserAssignments)
		r.Get("/v2/assignments/:assignment_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetAssignment)
		r.Delete("/v2/assignments/:assignment_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, administratorOnly, DeleteAssignment)

		// commits
		r.Get("/v2/assignments/:assignment_id/problems/:problem_id/commits/last", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetAssignmentProblemCommitLast)
		r.Get("/v2/assignments/:assignment_id/problems/:problem_id/steps/:step/commits/last", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, GetAssignmentProblemStepCommitLast)
		r.Delete("/v2/commits/:commit_id", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, administratorOnly, DeleteCommit)

		// commit bundles
		r.Post("/v2/commit_bundles/unsigned", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, binding.Json(CommitBundle{}), PostCommitBundlesUnsigned)
		r.Post("/v2/commit_bundles/signed", auth, withTx, withCurrentUser, binding.Json(CommitBundle{}), PostCommitBundlesSigned)

	// set up daycare role
	if daycare {
		// make sure relevant secrets are included in config file
		if Config.DaycareSecret == "" {
			log.Fatalf("cannot run with no DaycareSecret in the config file")

		// attach to docker and try a ping
		var err error
		dockerClient, err = docker.NewVersionedClient("unix:///var/run/docker.sock", "1.18")
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("NewVersionedClient: %v", err)
		if err = dockerClient.Ping(); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Ping: %v", err)

		r.Get("/v2/sockets/:problem_type/:action", SocketProblemTypeAction)

	// start redirecting http calls to https
	log.Printf("starting http -> https forwarder")
	go http.ListenAndServe(":http", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// get the address of the client
		addr := r.Header.Get("X-Real-IP")
		if addr == "" {
			addr = r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For")
			if addr == "" {
				addr = r.RemoteAddr

		// make sure the request is for the right host name
		if Config.Hostname != r.Host {
			loggedHTTPErrorf(w, http.StatusNotFound, "http request to invalid host: %s", r.Host)
		var u url.URL = *r.URL
		u.Scheme = "https"
		u.Host = Config.Hostname
		log.Printf("redirecting http request from %s to %s", addr, u.String())
		http.Redirect(w, r, u.String(), http.StatusMovedPermanently)

	// set up letsencrypt
	lem := letsencrypt.Manager{}
	if err := lem.CacheFile(Config.LetsEncryptCache); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Setting up LetsEncrypt: %v", err)
	if !lem.Registered() {
		log.Printf("registering with letsencrypt")
		if err := lem.Register(Config.LetsEncryptEmail, nil); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Registering with LetsEncrypt: %v", err)

	// start the https server
	log.Printf("accepting https connections")
	server := &http.Server{
		Addr:    ":https",
		Handler: m,
		TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
			MinVersion:     tls.VersionTLS10,
			GetCertificate: lem.GetCertificate,
	if err := server.ListenAndServeTLS("", ""); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("ListenAndServeTLS: %v", err)
Beispiel #12
func GetExpenseById(db meddler.DB, id int64) (*Expense, error) {
	expense := new(Expense)
	err := meddler.Load(db, "expenses", expense, id)
	return expense, err
func GetTransactionById(db meddler.DB, id int64) (*Transaction, error) {
	trans := new(Transaction)
	err := meddler.Load(db, "transactions", trans, id)
	return trans, err
Beispiel #14
// GetCommit retrieves a commit from the
// datastore for the given ID.
func (db *Commitstore) GetCommit(id int64) (*model.Commit, error) {
	var commit = new(model.Commit)
	var err = meddler.Load(db, commitTable, commit, id)
	return commit, err
Beispiel #15
func GetUserById(db meddler.DB, id int64) (*User, error) {
	user := new(User)
	err := meddler.Load(db, "users", user, id)
	return user, err
Beispiel #16
func (db *datastore) GetUser(id int64) (*model.User, error) {
	var usr = new(model.User)
	var err = meddler.Load(db, userTable, usr, id)
	return usr, err
Beispiel #17
func (u *User) Reload(db meddler.DB) error {
	return meddler.Load(db, "users", u, u.Id)
Beispiel #18
func (db *jobstore) Get(id int64) (*model.Job, error) {
	var job = new(model.Job)
	var err = meddler.Load(db, jobTable, job, id)
	return job, err
Beispiel #19
func GetLabelById(db meddler.DB, id int64) (*Label, error) {
	label := new(Label)
	err := meddler.Load(db, "labels", label, id)
	return label, err
Beispiel #20
func (db *buildstore) Get(id int64) (*model.Build, error) {
	var build = new(model.Build)
	var err = meddler.Load(db, buildTable, build, id)
	return build, err
Beispiel #21
func (db *datastore) GetAgent(id int64) (*model.Agent, error) {
	var agent = new(model.Agent)
	var err = meddler.Load(db, agentTable, agent, id)
	return agent, err