Beispiel #1
// ListTags returns the list of all release tags, sorted by the versions they represent.
func ListTags() (tags []string, err error) {
	var task = "Get release tags"

	// Get all release tags.
	stdout, err := git.RunCommand("tag", "--list", "v*.*.*")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errs.NewError(task, err)

	// Parse the output to get sortable versions.
	var vers []*version.Version
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		line := scanner.Text()
		if line == "" {
		line = line[1:] // strip "v"
		ver, _ := version.Parse(line)
		vers = append(vers, ver)
	if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
		return nil, errs.NewError(task, err)

	// Sort the versions.

	// Convert versions back to tag names and return.
	tgs := make([]string, 0, len(vers))
	for _, ver := range vers {
		tgs = append(tgs, "v"+ver.String())
	return tgs, nil
Beispiel #2
func SetForBranch(ver *Version, branch string) (act action.Action, err error) {
	var mainTask = fmt.Sprintf("Bump version to %v for branch '%v'", ver, branch)

	// Make sure the repository is clean (don't check untracked files).
	task := "Make sure the repository is clean"
	if err := git.EnsureCleanWorkingTree(false); err != nil {
		return nil, errs.NewError(task, err)

	// Remember the current branch.
	currentBranch, err := git.CurrentBranch()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Remember the current position of the target branch.
	task = fmt.Sprintf("Remember the position of branch '%v'", branch)
	originalPosition, err := git.Hexsha("refs/heads/" + branch)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errs.NewError(task, err)

	// Checkout the target branch.
	task = fmt.Sprintf("Checkout branch '%v'", branch)
	if err := git.Checkout(branch); err != nil {
		return nil, errs.NewError(task, err)
	defer func() {
		// Checkout the original branch on return.
		task := fmt.Sprintf("Checkout branch '%v'", currentBranch)
		if ex := git.Checkout(currentBranch); ex != nil {
			if err == nil {
				err = ex
			} else {
				errs.LogError(task, ex)

	// Set the project version to the desired value.
	if err := Set(ver); err != nil {
		if ex, ok := err.(*scripts.ErrNotFound); ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf(
				"custom SalsaFlow script '%v' not found on branch '%v'", ex.ScriptName(), branch)
		return nil, err

	// Commit changes.
	_, err = git.RunCommand("commit", "-a",
		"-m", fmt.Sprintf("Bump version to %v", ver),
		"-m", fmt.Sprintf("Story-Id: %v", git.StoryIdUnassignedTagValue))
	if err != nil {
		task := "Reset the working tree to the original state"
		if err := git.Reset("--keep"); err != nil {
			errs.LogError(task, err)
		return nil, err

	return action.ActionFunc(func() (err error) {
		// On rollback, reset the target branch to the original position.
		return git.ResetKeep(branch, originalPosition)
	}), nil