Beispiel #1
// generateShortCircuitedBinaryOperator generates the expression source for a short circuiting binary operator.
func (eg *expressionGenerator) generateShortCircuitedBinaryOperator(binaryOp *codedom.BinaryOperationNode, context generationContext) esbuilder.ExpressionBuilder {
	compareValue := codedom.LiteralValue("false", binaryOp.BasisNode())
	if binaryOp.Operator == "&&" {
		compareValue = codedom.LiteralValue("true", binaryOp.BasisNode())

	return eg.generateShortCircuiter(

		func(resultName string, rightSide esbuilder.ExpressionBuilder) esbuilder.ExpressionBuilder {
			return esbuilder.Binary(esbuilder.Identifier(resultName), binaryOp.Operator, rightSide)
Beispiel #2
// generateAwaitPromise generates the expression source for waiting for a promise.
func (eg *expressionGenerator) generateAwaitPromise(awaitPromise *codedom.AwaitPromiseNode, context generationContext) esbuilder.ExpressionBuilder {
	resultName := eg.generateUniqueName("$result")
	childExpr := eg.generateExpression(awaitPromise.ChildExpression, context)

	// Add an asynchronous wrapper for the await that executes the child expression as a promise and then
	// waits for it to return (via a call to then), at which point the wrapped expression is executed.
	if context.shortCircuiter != nil {
		eg.addAsyncWrapper(esbuilder.Binary(context.shortCircuiter, "||", childExpr), resultName)
	} else {
		eg.addAsyncWrapper(childExpr, resultName)

	// An await expression is a reference to the "result" after waiting on the child expression
	// and then executing the parent expression inside the await callback.
	return esbuilder.Identifier(resultName)
Beispiel #3
// generateNormalBinaryOperator generates the expression source for a non-short circuiting binary operator.
func (eg *expressionGenerator) generateNormalBinaryOperator(binaryOp *codedom.BinaryOperationNode, context generationContext) esbuilder.ExpressionBuilder {
	binaryLeftExpr := eg.generateExpression(binaryOp.LeftExpr, context)
	binaryRightExpr := eg.generateExpression(binaryOp.RightExpr, context)

	return esbuilder.Binary(binaryLeftExpr, binaryOp.Operator, binaryRightExpr)