Beispiel #1
// createFilter creates a message filter to check against installed handlers.
func createFilter(message *Message, topics []Topic) filter.Filter {
	matcher := make([][]Topic, len(topics))
	for i, topic := range topics {
		matcher[i] = []Topic{topic}
	return filterer{
		to:      string(crypto.FromECDSAPub(message.To)),
		from:    string(crypto.FromECDSAPub(message.Recover())),
		matcher: newTopicMatcher(matcher...),
Beispiel #2
// Watch installs a new message handler to run in case a matching packet arrives
// from the whisper network.
func (self *Whisper) Watch(options Filter) int {
	filter := filterer{
		to:      string(crypto.FromECDSAPub(options.To)),
		from:    string(crypto.FromECDSAPub(options.From)),
		matcher: newTopicMatcher(options.Topics...),
		fn: func(data interface{}) {
	return self.filters.Install(filter)
Beispiel #3
// NewWhisperMessage converts an internal message into an API version.
func NewWhisperMessage(message *whisper.Message) WhisperMessage {
	return WhisperMessage{
		ref: message,

		Payload: common.ToHex(message.Payload),
		From:    common.ToHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(message.Recover())),
		To:      common.ToHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(message.To)),
		Sent:    message.Sent.Unix(),
		TTL:     int64(message.TTL / time.Second),
		Hash:    common.ToHex(message.Hash.Bytes()),
Beispiel #4
// NewIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for the client, and injects
// it into the known identities for message decryption.
func (self *Whisper) NewIdentity() *ecdsa.PrivateKey {
	key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
	if err != nil {
	self.keys[string(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&key.PublicKey))] = key

	return key
Beispiel #5
// authMsg creates an encrypted initiator handshake message.
func (h *encHandshake) authMsg(prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey, token []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	var tokenFlag byte
	if token == nil {
		// no session token found means we need to generate shared secret.
		// ecies shared secret is used as initial session token for new peers
		// generate shared key from prv and remote pubkey
		var err error
		if token, err = h.ecdhShared(prv); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	} else {
		// for known peers, we use stored token from the previous session
		tokenFlag = 0x01

	// sign known message:
	//   ecdh-shared-secret^nonce for new peers
	//   token^nonce for old peers
	signed := xor(token, h.initNonce)
	signature, err := crypto.Sign(signed, h.randomPrivKey.ExportECDSA())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// encode auth message
	// signature || sha3(ecdhe-random-pubk) || pubk || nonce || token-flag
	msg := make([]byte, authMsgLen)
	n := copy(msg, signature)
	n += copy(msg[n:], crypto.Sha3(exportPubkey(&h.randomPrivKey.PublicKey)))
	n += copy(msg[n:], crypto.FromECDSAPub(&prv.PublicKey)[1:])
	n += copy(msg[n:], h.initNonce)
	msg[n] = tokenFlag

	// encrypt auth message using remote-pubk
	return ecies.Encrypt(rand.Reader, h.remotePub, msg, nil, nil)
Beispiel #6
// GetIdentity retrieves the private key of the specified public identity.
func (self *Whisper) GetIdentity(key *ecdsa.PublicKey) *ecdsa.PrivateKey {
	return self.keys[string(crypto.FromECDSAPub(key))]
Beispiel #7
// HasIdentity checks if the the whisper node is configured with the private key
// of the specified public pair.
func (self *Whisper) HasIdentity(key *ecdsa.PublicKey) bool {
	return self.keys[string(crypto.FromECDSAPub(key))] != nil
Beispiel #8
// NewIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for the client, and injects
// it into the known identities for message decryption.
func (self *Whisper) NewIdentity() string {
	identity := self.Whisper.NewIdentity()
	return common.ToHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&identity.PublicKey))