Beispiel #1
//NodesForGet returns nodes which has datfile cache , and that extends nodes to #searchDepth .
func NodesForGet(datfile string, searchDepth int) node.Slice {
	var ns, ns2 node.Slice
	ns = ns.Extend(Get(datfile, nil))
	ns = ns.Extend(Get(list, nil))
	ns = ns.Extend(Random(ns, 0))

	for _, n := range ns {
		if !n.Equals(node.Me(true)) && n.IsAllowed() {
			ns2 = append(ns2, n)
	if ns2.Len() > searchDepth {
		ns2 = ns2[:searchDepth]
	return ns2
Beispiel #2
//Random selects # of min(all # of nodes,n) nodes randomly except exclude nodes.
func Random(exclude node.Slice, num int) []*node.Node {
	all := getAllNodes()
	if exclude != nil {
		cand := make([]*node.Node, 0, len(all))
		m := exclude.ToMap()
		for _, n := range all {
			if _, exist := m[n.Nodestr]; !exist {
				cand = append(cand, n)
		all = cand
	n := all.Len()
	if num < n && num != 0 {
		n = num
	r := make([]*node.Node, n)
	rs := rand.Perm(all.Len())
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		r[i] = all[rs[i]]
	return r