Beispiel #1
func (f LinearFunction) Predict(x mat.MatrixRO) (float64, error) {
	if x.Cols() != f.InputDims() {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("x has %d columns. Expected %d.", x.Cols(), f.InputDims())
	value, err := x.Times(&f.Weights)
	if f.AFunc != nil {
		return f.AFunc.Eval(value.Get(0, 0)), err
	} else {
		return value.Get(0, 0), err
Beispiel #2
func (self SGD) PredictM(x mat.MatrixRO) (mat.MatrixRO, error) {
	if self.f != nil {
		if x.Cols() != self.InputDims() {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("x has %d columns. Expected %d.", x.Cols(), self.InputDims())
		// Add biases to the input matrix
		xb := self.addBiasToMatrix(x)
		// Make predictions for each row
		return self.f.PredictM(xb)
	} else {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot predict before running Fit().")
Beispiel #3
func (self SGD) Predict(x mat.MatrixRO) (float64, error) {
	if self.f != nil {
		if x.Cols() != self.InputDims() {
			return 0, fmt.Errorf("x has %d columns. Expected %d.", x.Cols(), self.InputDims())
		// Add a bias to the input vector
		xb := self.addBiasToMatrix(x)
		// Make a prediction
		return self.f.Predict(xb)
	} else {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("Cannot predict before running Fit().")
Beispiel #4
Apply applies the function f to each element in A and returns a new matrix with
the results.

A : a matrix
f : a function from scalar values to scalar values

a matrix derived by applying f to each element in A. If f is nil, then this
function just returns A.
func Apply(A mat.MatrixRO, f SFunction) mat.MatrixRO {
	if f == nil {
		return A
	B := mat.Zeros(A.Rows(), A.Cols())
	for r := 0; r < A.Rows(); r++ {
		for c := 0; c < A.Cols(); c++ {
			x := A.Get(r, c)
			y := f(x)
			B.Set(r, c, y)
	return B
Beispiel #5
func (f LinearFunction) PredictM(x mat.MatrixRO) (mat.MatrixRO, error) {
	if x.Cols() != f.InputDims() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("x has %d columns. Expected %d.", x.Cols(), f.InputDims())
	y, err := x.Times(&f.Weights)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error predicting before applying activation function. %v", err)
	var yprime mat.MatrixRO = nil
	if f.AFunc != nil {
		yprime = Apply(y, f.AFunc.Eval)
	} else {
		yprime = y
	return yprime, nil
Beispiel #6
func (self *SGD) Fit(x mat.MatrixRO, y mat.MatrixRO) error {
	if x.Rows() != y.Rows() {
		return fmt.Errorf("The number of rows in x (%d) does not match the number of rows in y (%d). The matrix x should contain one input vector per row and the vector y should be a column vector containing labels for each input vector.", x.Rows(), y.Rows())
	if y.Cols() != 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("y must be a column vector.")

	// The number of samples in the data set
	n := x.Rows()
	// Get a dense version of the input matrix
	dx := x.DenseMatrix()

	// If there is no LinearModel yet, then we add one.
	if self.f == nil {
		self.inputDims = x.Cols()
		self.f = new(LinearFunction)
		self.f.Weights = *mat.Zeros(self.inputDims+1, 1)
		self.f.AFunc = self.afunc
	} else if self.inputDims != x.Cols() {
		// If there is an existing linear model, then we only train on
		// additional samples if they match the dimensionality of the previous
		// training data.
		return fmt.Errorf("The number of columns in matrix x does not match the dimension of previous training data. Please construct a new SGD instance.")

	for i := 0; i < self.NumIterations; i++ {
		index := rand.Intn(n)
		xrow := dx.GetRowVector(index)
		xrowb := self.addBiasToMatrix(xrow)
		yhat, err := self.f.Predict(xrowb)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error while predicting with internal linear model. %v", err)

		// Compute the activation function's derivative
		yhatPrime := 0.0
		if self.afunc != nil {
			yNoAct, err := xrowb.Times(&self.f.Weights)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error while predicting before applying the activation function. %v", err)
			yhatPrime = self.afunc.Deriv(yNoAct.Get(0, 0))
		} else {
			yhatPrime = 1

		diff := y.Get(index, 0) - yhat
		for j := 0; j < self.inputDims+1; j++ {
			// Get the old weight value
			oldw := self.f.Weights.Get(j, 0)
			// Calculate the gradient of the squared error
			grad := 0.0
			if j < self.inputDims {
				grad = (diff * yhatPrime * -xrow.Get(0, j))
			} else {
				// Gradient for the bias
				grad = -diff * yhatPrime

			// Calculate the gradient of the regularization penalty
			gpen := 0.0
			if self.PenaltyType == L1_PENALTY {
				gpen = self.Lambda * signum(oldw)
			} else {
				gpen = self.Lambda * oldw
			// Calculate the change in weight
			alpha := self.LearningRate / float64(self.inputDims)
			deltaw := alpha * (grad + gpen)
			neww := oldw - deltaw
			// Set the new weight
			self.f.Weights.Set(j, 0, neww)

	return nil