Beispiel #1
func WalletEntryFromReadable(w *ReadableWalletEntry) WalletEntry {
	// SimpleWallet entries are shared as a form of identification, the secret key
	// is not required
	// TODO -- fix lib/base58 to not panic on invalid input -- should
	// return error, so we can detect a broken wallet.

	if w.Address == "" {
		//log.Panic("ReadableWalletEntry has no Address")
	var s cipher.SecKey
	if w.Secret != "" {
		s = cipher.MustSecKeyFromHex(w.Secret)

	//regen from the private key
	if w.Address == "" {
		addr := cipher.AddressFromSecKey(s)
		pub := cipher.PubKeyFromSecKey(s)

		return WalletEntry{
			Address: addr,
			Public:  pub,
			Secret:  s,

	return WalletEntry{
		Address: cipher.MustDecodeBase58Address(w.Address),
		Public:  cipher.MustPubKeyFromHex(w.Public),
		Secret:  s,
Beispiel #2
func Decrypt(in []byte, nonce []byte, pubkey string, seckey string) (data []byte, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			err = errors.New("encrypt faild")
	p := cipher.MustPubKeyFromHex(pubkey)
	s := cipher.MustSecKeyFromHex(seckey)
	key := cipher.ECDH(p, s)
	data, err = cipher.Chacha20Decrypt(in, key, nonce)
Beispiel #3
func main() {
	initLogging(logging.DEBUG, true)
	cfg := initConfig()

	// print pubkey so that client can use that to communicate with server
	sk := cipher.MustSecKeyFromHex(cfg.Seckey)
	logger.Info("pubkey:%v", cipher.PubKeyFromSecKey(sk).Hex())

	s := server.New(cfg)
	// Bind supported coins
Beispiel #4
func Encrypt(r interface{}, pubkey string, seckey string) (data []byte, nonce []byte, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			err = errors.New("encrypt faild")
	d, err := json.Marshal(r)
	if err != nil {

	p := cipher.MustPubKeyFromHex(pubkey)
	s := cipher.MustSecKeyFromHex(seckey)
	nonce = cipher.RandByte(chacha20.NonceSize)
	key := cipher.ECDH(p, s)
	data, err = cipher.Chacha20Encrypt([]byte(d), key, nonce)
Beispiel #5
func addBlock(bc historydb.Blockchainer, td testData, tm uint64) (*coin.Block, *coin.Transaction, error) {
	tx := coin.Transaction{}
	// get unspent output
	ux, err := getUx(bc, td.Vin.BlockSeq, td.Vin.TxID, td.Vin.Addr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	if ux == nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.New("no unspent output")

	for _, o := range td.Vouts {
		addr, err := cipher.DecodeBase58Address(o.ToAddr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		tx.PushOutput(addr, o.Coins, o.Hours)

	sigKey := cipher.MustSecKeyFromHex(td.Vin.SigKey)
	if err := bc.VerifyTransaction(tx); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	preBlock := bc.GetBlock(td.PreBlockHash)
	b := newBlock(*preBlock, tm, *bc.GetUnspent(), coin.Transactions{tx}, _feeCalc)

	// uxs, err := bc.ExecuteBlock(&b)
	_, err = bc.ExecuteBlock(&b)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	return &b, &tx, nil
Beispiel #6
func createSkyWithdrawTx(egn engine.Exchange, amount uint64, toAddr string) (*SkyTxResult, error) {
	uxs, err := egn.ChooseUtxos(skycoin.Type, amount, ChooseUtxoTm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	utxos := uxs.([]skycoin.Utxo)

	for _, u := range utxos {
		logger.Debug("using skycoin utxos:%s", u.GetHash())

	var success bool
	defer func() {
		if !success {
			go func() { egn.PutUtxos(skycoin.Type, utxos) }()

	var totalAmounts uint64
	var totalHours uint64
	for _, u := range utxos {
		totalAmounts += u.GetCoins()
		totalHours += u.GetHours()

	outAddrs := []skycoin.TxOut{}
	chgAmt := totalAmounts - amount
	chgHours := totalHours / 4
	chgAddr := ""
	if chgAmt > 0 {
		// generate a change address
		chgAddr = egn.GetNewAddress(skycoin.Type)
		outAddrs = append(outAddrs,
			skycoin.MakeUtxoOutput(toAddr, amount, chgHours/2),
			skycoin.MakeUtxoOutput(chgAddr, chgAmt, chgHours/2))
	} else {
		outAddrs = append(outAddrs, skycoin.MakeUtxoOutput(toAddr, amount, chgHours/2))

	keys := make([]cipher.SecKey, len(utxos))
	for i, u := range utxos {
		k, err := egn.GetAddrPrivKey(skycoin.Type, u.GetAddress())
		if err != nil {
		keys[i] = cipher.MustSecKeyFromHex(k)

	logger.Debug("creating skycoin transaction...")
	tx := skycoin.NewTransaction(utxos, keys, outAddrs)
	if err := tx.Verify(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	success = true
	rlt := SkyTxResult{
		Tx:         tx,
		UsingUtxos: utxos[:],
		ChangeAddr: chgAddr,
	return &rlt, nil