Beispiel #1
func setSnapConf(c *Command, r *http.Request, user *auth.UserState) Response {
	vars := muxVars(r)
	snapName := vars["name"]

	var patchValues map[string]interface{}
	decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
	if err := decoder.Decode(&patchValues); err != nil {
		return BadRequest("cannot decode request body into patch values: %v", err)

	// TODO: Add patch values to configmanager

	s := c.d.overlord.State()
	defer s.Unlock()

	hookTaskSummary := fmt.Sprintf(i18n.G("Run apply-config hook for %s"), snapName)
	task := hookstate.HookTask(s, hookTaskSummary, snapName, snap.Revision{}, "apply-config")
	taskset := state.NewTaskSet(task)

	change := s.NewChange("configure-snap", fmt.Sprintf("Setting config for %s", snapName))


	return AsyncResponse(nil, &Meta{Change: change.ID()})
Beispiel #2
func (s *hookManagerSuite) SetUpTest(c *C) {
	s.state = state.New(nil)
	manager, err := hookstate.Manager(s.state)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	s.manager = manager

	s.task = hookstate.HookTask(s.state, "test summary", "test-snap", snap.R(1), "test-hook")
	c.Assert(s.task, NotNil, Commentf("Expected HookTask to return a task"))

	s.change = s.state.NewChange("kind", "summary")

	s.command = testutil.MockCommand(c, "snap", "")
Beispiel #3
// Configure returns a taskset to apply the given configuration patch.
func Configure(s *state.State, snapName string, patch map[string]interface{}) *state.TaskSet {
	hooksup := &hookstate.HookSetup{
		Snap:     snapName,
		Hook:     "configure",
		Optional: len(patch) == 0,
	var contextData map[string]interface{}
	if len(patch) > 0 {
		contextData = map[string]interface{}{"patch": patch}
	var summary string
	if hooksup.Optional {
		summary = fmt.Sprintf(i18n.G("Run configure hook of %q snap if present"), snapName)
	} else {
		summary = fmt.Sprintf(i18n.G("Run configure hook of %q snap"), snapName)
	task := hookstate.HookTask(s, summary, hooksup, contextData)
	return state.NewTaskSet(task)
Beispiel #4
func (s *hookManagerSuite) SetUpTest(c *C) {
	s.state = state.New(nil)
	manager, err := hookstate.Manager(s.state)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	s.manager = manager

	hooksup := &hookstate.HookSetup{
		Snap:     "test-snap",
		Hook:     "configure",
		Revision: snap.R(1),

	initialContext := map[string]interface{}{
		"test-key": "test-value",

	s.task = hookstate.HookTask(s.state, "test summary", hooksup, initialContext)
	c.Assert(s.task, NotNil, Commentf("Expected HookTask to return a task"))

	s.change = s.state.NewChange("kind", "summary")

	sideInfo := &snap.SideInfo{RealName: "test-snap", SnapID: "some-snap-id", Revision: snap.R(1)}
	snaptest.MockSnap(c, snapYaml, snapContents, sideInfo)
	snapstate.Set(s.state, "test-snap", &snapstate.SnapState{
		Active:   true,
		Sequence: []*snap.SideInfo{sideInfo},
		Current:  snap.R(1),

	s.command = testutil.MockCommand(c, "snap", "")

	s.context = nil
	s.mockHandler = hooktest.NewMockHandler()
	s.manager.Register(regexp.MustCompile("configure"), func(context *hookstate.Context) hookstate.Handler {
		s.context = context
		return s.mockHandler
Beispiel #5
func (s *hookManagerSuite) TestHookTask(c *C) {
	defer s.state.Unlock()

	hooksup := &hookstate.HookSetup{
		Snap:     "test-snap",
		Hook:     "configure",
		Revision: snap.R(1),

	task := hookstate.HookTask(s.state, "test summary", hooksup, nil)
	c.Check(task.Kind(), Equals, "run-hook")

	var setup hookstate.HookSetup
	err := task.Get("hook-setup", &setup)
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(setup.Snap, Equals, "test-snap")
	c.Check(setup.Revision, Equals, snap.R(1))
	c.Check(setup.Hook, Equals, "configure")
Beispiel #6
func (m *DeviceManager) ensureOperational() error {
	defer m.state.Unlock()

	device, err := auth.Device(m.state)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if device.Serial != "" {
		// serial is set, we are all set
		return nil

	if device.Brand == "" || device.Model == "" {
		// need first-boot, loading of model assertion info
		if release.OnClassic {
			// TODO: are we going to have model assertions on classic or need will need to cheat here?
			return nil
		// cannot proceed yet, once first boot is done these will be set
		// and we can pick up from there
		return nil

	if m.changeInFlight("become-operational") {
		return nil

	if serialRequestURL == "" {
		// cannot do anything actually
		return nil

	gadgetInfo, err := snapstate.GadgetInfo(m.state)
	if err == state.ErrNoState {
		// no gadget installed yet, cannot proceed
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// XXX: some of these will need to be split and use hooks
	// retries might need to embrace more than one "task" then,
	// need to be careful

	tasks := []*state.Task{}

	var prepareDevice *state.Task
	if gadgetInfo.Hooks["prepare-device"] != nil {
		summary := i18n.G("Run prepare-device hook")
		hooksup := &hookstate.HookSetup{
			Snap: gadgetInfo.Name(),
			Hook: "prepare-device",
		prepareDevice = hookstate.HookTask(m.state, summary, hooksup, nil)
		tasks = append(tasks, prepareDevice)

	genKey := m.state.NewTask("generate-device-key", i18n.G("Generate device key"))
	if prepareDevice != nil {
	tasks = append(tasks, genKey)
	requestSerial := m.state.NewTask("request-serial", i18n.G("Request device serial"))
	tasks = append(tasks, requestSerial)

	chg := m.state.NewChange("become-operational", i18n.G("Initialize device"))

	return nil