Beispiel #1
// commit all transactions to ovsdb-server
func (transaction *Transaction) Commit() ([]libovsdb.OperationResult, error) {

	// iterate over all transactions and create operations
	operations := make([]libovsdb.Operation, len(transactions))

	for count, row := range transactions {
		if row.operation == DELETE {
			operations[count] = libovsdb.Operation{
				Op:    DELETE,
				Table: row.Table,
				Where: []interface{}{libovsdb.NewCondition("_uuid", "==",
					libovsdb.UUID{GoUUID: row.UUID})}}
		} else if row.operation == INSERT {
			operations[count] = libovsdb.Operation{
				Op:       INSERT,
				Table:    row.Table,
				Row:      row.changes,
				UUIDName: UuidToUuidName(row.UUID)}
		} else if row.operation == UPDATE {
			operations[count] = libovsdb.Operation{
				Op:    UPDATE,
				Table: row.Table,
				Row:   row.changes,
				Where: []interface{}{libovsdb.NewCondition("_uuid", "==",
					libovsdb.UUID{GoUUID: row.UUID})}}
	result, err := transaction.Ovs.Transact(transaction.Db.Name, operations...)
	return result, err
Beispiel #2
func (o *OvsSFlowProbesHandler) UnregisterSFlowProbeFromBridge(bridgeUUID string) error {
	probeUUID, err := o.retrieveSFlowProbeUUID(probeID(bridgeUUID))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if probeUUID == "" {
		return nil

	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{}

	bridgeRow := make(map[string]interface{})
	bridgeRow["sflow"] = libovsdb.OvsSet{make([]interface{}, 0)}

	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("_uuid", "==", libovsdb.UUID{bridgeUUID})
	updateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:    "update",
		Table: "Bridge",
		Row:   bridgeRow,
		Where: []interface{}{condition},

	operations = append(operations, updateOp)
	_, err = o.ovsClient.Exec(operations...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Beispiel #3
func (o *OvsSFlowProbesHandler) retrieveSFlowProbeUUID(id string) (string, error) {
	/* FIX(safchain) don't find a way to send a null condition */
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("_uuid", "!=", libovsdb.UUID{"abc"})
	selectOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:    "select",
		Table: "sFlow",
		Where: []interface{}{condition},

	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{selectOp}
	result, err := o.ovsClient.Exec(operations...)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	for _, o := range result {
		for _, row := range o.Rows {
			u := row["_uuid"].([]interface{})[1]
			uuid := u.(string)

			if ok, _ := compareProbeID(&row, id); ok {
				return uuid, nil

	return "", nil
func (ovsdber *ovsdber) deletePort(bridgeName string, portName string) error {
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("name", "==", portName)
	deleteOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:    "delete",
		Table: "Port",
		Where: []interface{}{condition},

	portUUID := portUUIDForName(portName)
	if portUUID == "" {
		log.Error("Unable to find a matching Port : ", portName)
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to find a matching Port : [ %s ]", portName)

	// Deleting a Bridge row in Bridge table requires mutating the open_vswitch table.
	mutateUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{libovsdb.UUID{portUUID}}
	mutateSet, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsSet(mutateUUID)
	mutation := libovsdb.NewMutation("ports", "delete", mutateSet)
	condition = libovsdb.NewCondition("name", "==", bridgeName)

	// simple mutate operation
	mutateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:        "mutate",
		Table:     "Bridge",
		Mutations: []interface{}{mutation},
		Where:     []interface{}{condition},

	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{deleteOp, mutateOp}
	reply, _ := ovsdber.ovsdb.Transact("Open_vSwitch", operations...)

	if len(reply) < len(operations) {
		log.Error("Number of Replies should be atleast equal to number of Operations")
		return fmt.Errorf("Number of Replies should be atleast equal to number of Operations")
	for i, o := range reply {
		if o.Error != "" && i < len(operations) {
			log.Error("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error, " in ", operations[i])
			return fmt.Errorf("Transaction Failed due to an error: %s in %v", o.Error, operations[i])
		} else if o.Error != "" {
			log.Error("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error)
			return fmt.Errorf("Transaction Failed due to an error %s", o.Error)
	return nil
// Silently fails :/
func (ovsdber *ovsdber) addOvsVethPort(bridgeName string, portName string, tag uint) error {

	namedPortUUID := "port"
	namedIntfUUID := "intf"

	// intf row to insert
	intf := make(map[string]interface{})
	intf["name"] = portName
	intf["type"] = `system`

	insertIntfOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Interface",
		Row:      intf,
		UUIDName: namedIntfUUID,

	// port row to insert
	port := make(map[string]interface{})
	port["name"] = portName
	port["interfaces"] = libovsdb.UUID{namedIntfUUID}

	insertPortOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Port",
		Row:      port,
		UUIDName: namedPortUUID,
	// Inserting a row in Port table requires mutating the bridge table.
	mutateUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{libovsdb.UUID{namedPortUUID}}
	mutateSet, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsSet(mutateUUID)
	mutation := libovsdb.NewMutation("ports", "insert", mutateSet)
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("name", "==", bridgeName)

	// Mutate operation
	mutateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:        "mutate",
		Table:     "Bridge",
		Mutations: []interface{}{mutation},
		Where:     []interface{}{condition},
	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{insertIntfOp, insertPortOp, mutateOp}
	reply, _ := ovsdber.ovsdb.Transact("Open_vSwitch", operations...)

	if len(reply) < len(operations) {
		log.Error("Number of Replies should be atleast equal to number of Operations")
	for i, o := range reply {
		if o.Error != "" && i < len(operations) {
			msg := fmt.Sprintf("Transaction Failed due to an error ]", o.Error, " details:", o.Details, " in ", operations[i])
			return errors.New(msg)
		} else if o.Error != "" {
			msg := fmt.Sprintf("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error)
			return errors.New(msg)
	return nil
func (ovsdber *ovsdber) addVxlanPort(bridgeName string, portName string, peerAddress string) {
	namedPortUUID := "port"
	namedIntfUUID := "intf"

	options := make(map[string]interface{})
	options["remote_ip"] = peerAddress

	// intf row to insert
	intf := make(map[string]interface{})
	intf["name"] = portName
	intf["type"] = `vxlan`
	intf["options"], _ = libovsdb.NewOvsMap(options)

	insertIntfOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Interface",
		Row:      intf,
		UUIDName: namedIntfUUID,

	// port row to insert
	port := make(map[string]interface{})
	port["name"] = portName
	port["interfaces"] = libovsdb.UUID{namedIntfUUID}

	insertPortOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Port",
		Row:      port,
		UUIDName: namedPortUUID,

	// Inserting a row in Port table requires mutating the bridge table.
	mutateUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{libovsdb.UUID{namedPortUUID}}
	mutateSet, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsSet(mutateUUID)
	mutation := libovsdb.NewMutation("ports", "insert", mutateSet)
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("name", "==", bridgeName)

	// simple mutate operation
	mutateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:        "mutate",
		Table:     "Bridge",
		Mutations: []interface{}{mutation},
		Where:     []interface{}{condition},
	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{insertIntfOp, insertPortOp, mutateOp}
	reply, _ := ovsdber.ovsdb.Transact("Open_vSwitch", operations...)
	if len(reply) < len(operations) {
		fmt.Println("Number of Replies should be atleast equal to number of Operations")
	for i, o := range reply {
		if o.Error != "" && i < len(operations) {
			fmt.Println("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error, " details:", o.Details, " in ", operations[i])
		} else if o.Error != "" {
			fmt.Println("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error)
Beispiel #7
func deleteRoute(opsRoute map[string]interface{}) ovsdb.Operation {
	condition := ovsdb.NewCondition("prefix", "==", opsRoute["prefix"])
	deleteOp := ovsdb.Operation{
		Op:    "delete",
		Table: "BGP_Route",
		Where: []interface{}{condition},
	return deleteOp
Beispiel #8
// 'value' is normally a string, except under special conditions, upon which
// this function should recognize them and deal with it appropriately
func newCondition(column, function string, value interface{}) condition {
	if column == "_uuid" {
		switch t := value.(type) {
		case ovs.UUID:
			return ovs.NewCondition(column, function, value)
		case string:
			return ovs.NewCondition(column, function,
				ovs.UUID{GoUUID: value.(string)})
				"value": value,
				"type":  t,
			}).Error("invalid type for value in condition")
			return nil
	return ovs.NewCondition(column, function, value)
Beispiel #9
func createBridge(ovs *libovsdb.OvsdbClient, bridgeName string) {
	namedUuid := "gopher"
	// bridge row to insert
	bridge := make(map[string]interface{})
	bridge["name"] = bridgeName

	// simple insert operation
	insertOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Bridge",
		Row:      bridge,
		UUIDName: namedUuid,

	// Inserting a Bridge row in Bridge table requires mutating the open_vswitch table.
	mutateUuid := []libovsdb.UUID{libovsdb.UUID{namedUuid}}
	mutateSet, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsSet(mutateUuid)
	mutation := libovsdb.NewMutation("bridges", "insert", mutateSet)
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("_uuid", "==", libovsdb.UUID{getRootUuid()})

	// simple mutate operation
	mutateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:        "mutate",
		Table:     "Open_vSwitch",
		Mutations: []interface{}{mutation},
		Where:     []interface{}{condition},

	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{insertOp, mutateOp}
	reply, _ := ovs.Transact("Open_vSwitch", operations...)

	if len(reply) < len(operations) {
		fmt.Println("Number of Replies should be atleast equal to number of Operations")
	ok := true
	for i, o := range reply {
		if o.Error != "" && i < len(operations) {
			fmt.Println("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error, " details:", o.Details, " in ", operations[i])
			ok = false
		} else if o.Error != "" {
			fmt.Println("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error)
			ok = false
	if ok {
		fmt.Println("Bridge Addition Successful : ", reply[0].UUID.GoUuid)
Beispiel #10
func (o *OvsSFlowProbesHandler) retrieveSFlowProbeUUID(monitor *ovsdb.OvsMonitor, probe OvsSFlowProbe) (string, error) {
	/* FIX(safchain) don't find a way to send a null condition */
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("_uuid", "!=", libovsdb.UUID{"abc"})
	selectOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:    "select",
		Table: "sFlow",
		Where: []interface{}{condition},

	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{selectOp}
	result, err := monitor.OvsClient.Exec(operations...)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	for _, o := range result {
		for _, row := range o.Rows {
			u := row["_uuid"].([]interface{})[1]
			uuid := u.(string)

			if targets, ok := row["targets"]; ok {
				if targets != probe.Target {

			if polling, ok := row["polling"]; ok {
				if uint32(polling.(float64)) != probe.Polling {

			if sampling, ok := row["sampling"]; ok {
				if uint32(sampling.(float64)) != probe.Sampling {

			if ok, _ := compareProbeID(&row, probe); ok {
				return uuid, nil

	return "", nil
// deleteBridge deletes the OVS bridge
func (ovsdber *ovsdber) deleteBridge(bridgeName string) error {
	namedBridgeUUID := "bridge"

	// simple delete operation
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("name", "==", bridgeName)
	deleteOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:    "delete",
		Table: "Bridge",
		Where: []interface{}{condition},

	// Deleting a Bridge row in Bridge table requires mutating the open_vswitch table.
	mutateUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{libovsdb.UUID{namedBridgeUUID}}
	mutateSet, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsSet(mutateUUID)
	mutation := libovsdb.NewMutation("bridges", "delete", mutateSet)

	// simple mutate operation
	mutateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:        "mutate",
		Table:     "Open_vSwitch",
		Mutations: []interface{}{mutation},
		Where:     []interface{}{condition},

	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{deleteOp, mutateOp}
	reply, _ := ovsdber.ovsdb.Transact("Open_vSwitch", operations...)

	if len(reply) < len(operations) {
		log.Error("Number of Replies should be atleast equal to number of Operations")
	for i, o := range reply {
		if o.Error != "" && i < len(operations) {
			log.Error("Transaction Failed due to an error :", o.Error, " in ", operations[i])
			errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Transaction Failed due to an error: %s in operation: %v", o.Error, operations[i])
			return errors.New(errMsg)
		} else if o.Error != "" {
			errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Transaction Failed due to an error : %s", o.Error)
			return errors.New(errMsg)
	log.Debugf("OVSDB delete bridge transaction succesful")
	return nil
Beispiel #12
func (o *OvsSFlowProbesHandler) registerSFlowProbeOnBridge(probe OvsSFlowProbe, bridgeUUID string) error {
	probeUUID, err := o.retrieveSFlowProbeUUID(probeID(bridgeUUID))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{}

	var uuid libovsdb.UUID
	if probeUUID != "" {
		uuid = libovsdb.UUID{probeUUID}

		logging.GetLogger().Infof("Using already registered OVS SFlow probe \"%s(%s)\"", probe.ID, uuid)
	} else {
		insertOp, err := newInsertSFlowProbeOP(probe)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		uuid = libovsdb.UUID{insertOp.UUIDName}
		logging.GetLogger().Infof("Registering new OVS SFlow probe \"%s(%s)\"", probe.ID, uuid)

		operations = append(operations, *insertOp)

	bridgeRow := make(map[string]interface{})
	bridgeRow["sflow"] = uuid

	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("_uuid", "==", libovsdb.UUID{bridgeUUID})
	updateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:    "update",
		Table: "Bridge",
		Row:   bridgeRow,
		Where: []interface{}{condition},

	operations = append(operations, updateOp)
	_, err = o.ovsClient.Exec(operations...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Beispiel #13
func (o *OvsSFlowAgentsHandler) registerSFLowAgent(monitor *OvsMonitor, agent SFlowAgent, bridgeUUID string) error {
	agentUUID, err := o.retrieveSFlowAgentUUID(monitor, agent)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{}

	var uuid libovsdb.UUID
	if agentUUID != "" {
		uuid = libovsdb.UUID{agentUUID}

		logging.GetLogger().Info("Using already registered sFlow agent \"%s(%s)\"", agent.ID, uuid)
	} else {
		insertOp, err := newInsertSFlowAgentOP(agent)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		uuid = libovsdb.UUID{insertOp.UUIDName}
		logging.GetLogger().Info("Registering new sFlow agent \"%s(%s)\"", agent.ID, uuid)

		operations = append(operations, *insertOp)

	bridgeRow := make(map[string]interface{})
	bridgeRow["sflow"] = uuid

	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("_uuid", "==", libovsdb.UUID{bridgeUUID})
	updateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:    "update",
		Table: "Bridge",
		Row:   bridgeRow,
		Where: []interface{}{condition},

	operations = append(operations, updateOp)
	_, err = monitor.OvsClient.Exec(operations...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Beispiel #14
func (ovsdber *ovsdber) portExists(portName string) (bool, error) {
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("name", "==", portName)
	selectOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:    "select",
		Table: "Port",
		Where: []interface{}{condition},
	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{selectOp}
	reply, _ := ovsdber.ovsdb.Transact("Open_vSwitch", operations...)

	if len(reply) < len(operations) {
		return false, errors.New("Number of Replies should be atleast equal to number of Operations")

	if reply[0].Error != "" {
		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Transaction Failed due to an error: %v", reply[0].Error)
		return false, errors.New(errMsg)

	if len(reply[0].Rows) == 0 {
		return false, nil
	return true, nil
// createOvsdbBridge creates the OVS bridge
func (ovsdber *ovsdber) createOvsdbBridge(bridgeName string) error {
	namedBridgeUUID := "bridge"
	namedPortUUID := "port"
	namedIntfUUID := "intf"

	// intf row to insert
	intf := make(map[string]interface{})
	intf["name"] = bridgeName
	intf["type"] = `internal`

	insertIntfOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Interface",
		Row:      intf,
		UUIDName: namedIntfUUID,

	// Port row to insert
	port := make(map[string]interface{})
	port["name"] = bridgeName
	port["interfaces"] = libovsdb.UUID{namedIntfUUID}

	insertPortOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Port",
		Row:      port,
		UUIDName: namedPortUUID,

	// Bridge row to insert
	bridge := make(map[string]interface{})
	bridge["name"] = bridgeName
	bridge["stp_enable"] = false
	bridge["ports"] = libovsdb.UUID{namedPortUUID}

	insertBridgeOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       "insert",
		Table:    "Bridge",
		Row:      bridge,
		UUIDName: namedBridgeUUID,

	// Inserting a Bridge row in Bridge table requires mutating the open_vswitch table.
	mutateUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{libovsdb.UUID{namedBridgeUUID}}
	mutateSet, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsSet(mutateUUID)
	mutation := libovsdb.NewMutation("bridges", "insert", mutateSet)
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("_uuid", "==", libovsdb.UUID{ovsdber.getRootUUID()})

	// Mutate operation
	mutateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:        "mutate",
		Table:     "Open_vSwitch",
		Mutations: []interface{}{mutation},
		Where:     []interface{}{condition},

	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{insertIntfOp, insertPortOp, insertBridgeOp, mutateOp}
	reply, _ := ovsdber.ovsdb.Transact("Open_vSwitch", operations...)

	if len(reply) < len(operations) {
		return errors.New("Number of Replies should be atleast equal to number of Operations")
	for i, o := range reply {
		if o.Error != "" && i < len(operations) {
			return errors.New("Transaction Failed due to an error :" + o.Error + " details : " + o.Details)
		} else if o.Error != "" {
			return errors.New("Transaction Failed due to an error :" + o.Error + " details : " + o.Details)
	return nil
Beispiel #16
// Base on RFC 7047, empty condition should return all rows from a table. However,
// libovsdb does not seem to support that yet. This is the simplist, most common solution
// to it.
func noCondition() []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{ovs.NewCondition("_uuid", "!=", ovs.UUID{GoUUID: "_"})}
Beispiel #17
func newCondition(column, function string, value interface{}) []interface{} {
	return []interface{}{ovs.NewCondition(column, function, value)}