Beispiel #1
func ExampleSplit60() {
	neg, x60, seg, err := base.Split60(-123.456, 2, true)
	if err != nil {
	s := ""
	if neg {
		s = "-"
	fmt.Printf("%s%02d° %s′\n", s, x60, seg)
	// Output:
	// -02° 03.46′
Beispiel #2
func TestSplit60(t *testing.T) {
	for _, tc := range []struct {
		x    float64
		prec int
		neg  bool
		quo  int64
		rem  string
		err  error
		// warm up
		{75, 0, false, 1, "15", nil},
		{75, 1, false, 1, "15.0", nil},
		// smallest valid with prec = 15 is about 4.5 seconds.
		{4.500000123456789, 15, false, 0, "4.500000123456789", nil},
		{9, 16, false, 0, "9", base.WidthErrorInvalidPrecision},
		{10, 15, false, 0, "10", base.WidthErrorLossOfPrecision},
		// one degree can have 12 digits of precision without loss.
		{3600, 12, false, 60, "0.000000000000", nil},
		// 360 degrees (21600 minutes) can have 9.
		{360 * 3600, 9, false, 21600, "0.000000000", nil},
	} {
		neg, quo, rem, err := base.Split60(tc.x, tc.prec, false)
		if err != tc.err {
			t.Logf("%#v", tc)
			t.Fatal("err", err)
		if err != nil {
		if neg != tc.neg {
			t.Logf("%#v", tc)
			t.Fatal("neg", neg)
		if quo != tc.quo {
			t.Logf("%#v", tc)
			t.Fatal("quo", quo)
		if rem != tc.rem {
			t.Logf("%#v", tc)
			t.Fatal("rem", rem)