Beispiel #1
func Start(config *model.Config, wg *sync.WaitGroup,
	inChan chan *model.ChatMessage,
	commandrouter *commandrouter.Router, done chan struct{}) {

	logIn = spacelog.GetLoggerNamed("slack-incoming")
	logOut = spacelog.GetLoggerNamed("slack-outgoing")

	api := slack.New(config.SlackKey)

	StartOutgoing(wg, config, api, inChan, done)

	// Not ready yet
	//StartIncomingWebhook(config, commandrouter)
Beispiel #2
func StartIncomingRTM(wg *sync.WaitGroup, config *model.Config, api *slack.Client,
	commandrouter *commandrouter.Router, done chan struct{}) {

	rtmLogger = spacelog.GetLoggerNamed("slack-rtm")

	// wg.Add(1)
	// go (func() {
	// 	rtm := api.NewRTM()
	// 	go rtm.ManageConnection()
	// 	for {
	// 		select {
	// 		case msg := <-rtm.IncomingEvents:
	// 			if ev, ok := msg.Data.(*slack.MessageEvent); ok {
	// 				// Handle the message
	// 				go routeMessage(api, commandrouter, ev)
	// 			}
	// 		case <-done:
	// 			err := rtm.Disconnect()
	// 			if err != nil {
	// 				rtmLogger.Errorf("Shutting down Slack RTM: %s", err.Error())
	// 			}
	// 			wg.Done()
	// 			return
	// 		}
	// 	}
	// })()

Beispiel #3
func Start(config *model.Config, wg *sync.WaitGroup,
	outChan chan *model.ChatMessage, done chan struct{}) {

	logger = spacelog.GetLoggerNamed("jira-webhook")

	replacer = strings.NewReplacer("&", "&amp;", "<", "&lt;", ">", "&gt;")
	handlers = map[string]WebhookFormatter{
		"jira:issue_updated": IssueUpdatedFormatter,
		// "jira:issue_created":   IssueCreatedFormatter,
		// "jira:issue_deleted":   IssueDeletedFormatter,

	// Create web server to listen for webhooks
	http.HandleFunc("/jirahook", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		handleWebhook(config, outChan, w, r)
Beispiel #4
func main() {
	var config *model.Config
	var err error

	spacelog.MustSetup("promulgator", spacelog.SetupConfig{Output: "stderr", Stdlevel: "warn"})
	mainLogger := spacelog.GetLoggerNamed("main")

	if config, err = readConfig(); err != nil {
		mainLogger.Critf("Error reading config: %s\n", err.Error())

	// Channel for sending messages out to Slack.
	slackOutChan := make(chan *model.ChatMessage, 1)

	// This channel is closed when the server is done. At present, there is no
	// reason to ever do this, but the option is here.
	closeChan := make(chan struct{})

	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}

	// Route incoming messages from Slack to the appropriate destination.
	router := commandrouter.New()

	jiraclient.Start(config, wg, router, slackOutChan, closeChan)
	jirawebhook.Start(config, wg, slackOutChan, closeChan)
	slackclient.Start(config, wg, slackOutChan, router, closeChan)

	go func() {
		// TODO Support TLS. Unimportant for now only because this runs solely
		// within our own network, using nginx for TLS termination.
		mainLogger.Noticef("Listening on %s", config.WebHookBind)
		err := http.ListenAndServe(config.WebHookBind, nil)
		if err != nil {

Beispiel #5
func init() {
	logRouter = spacelog.GetLoggerNamed("commandrouter")