Beispiel #1
func TestCheck(t *testing.T) {

	// Declare builtins for testing.

	// If explicit test files are specified, only check those.
	if files := *testFiles; files != "" {
		checkFiles(t, strings.Split(files, " "))

	// Otherwise, run all the tests.
	for _, files := range tests {
		checkFiles(t, files)
Beispiel #2
func TestTypeString(t *testing.T) {

	var tests []testEntry
	tests = append(tests, independentTestTypes...)
	tests = append(tests, dependentTestTypes...)

	for _, test := range tests {
		src := `package p; import "io"; type _ io.Writer; type T ` + test.src
		pkg, err := makePkg(t, src)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: %s", src, err)
		typ := pkg.Scope().Lookup("T").Type().Underlying()
		if got := typ.String(); got != test.str {
			t.Errorf("%s: got %s, want %s", test.src, got, test.str)
Beispiel #3
func TestEvalPos(t *testing.T) {

	// The contents of /*-style comments are of the form
	//	expr => value, type
	// where value may be the empty string.
	// Each expr is evaluated at the position of the comment
	// and the result is compared with the expected value
	// and type.
	var sources = []string{
		package p
		import "fmt"
		import m "math"
		const c = 3.0
		type T []int
		func f(a int, s string) float64 {
			fmt.Println("calling f")
			_ = m.Pi // use package math
			const d int = c + 1
			var x int
			x = a + len(s)
			return float64(x)
			/* true => true, untyped bool */
			/* fmt.Println => , func(a ...interface{}) (n int, err ?error) */
			/* c => 3, untyped float */
			/* T => , p.T */
			/* a => , int */
			/* s => , string */
			/* d => 4, int */
			/* x => , int */
			/* d/c => 1, int */
			/* c/2 => 3/2, untyped float */
			/* m.Pi < m.E => false, untyped bool */
		package p
		/* c => 3, untyped float */
		type T1 /* T1 => , p.T1 */ struct {}
		var v1 /* v1 => , int */ = 42
		func /* f1 => , func(v1 float64) */ f1(v1 float64) {
			/* f1 => , func(v1 float64) */
			/* v1 => , float64 */
			var c /* c => 3, untyped float */ = "foo" /* c => , string */
				var c struct {
					c /* c => , string */ int
				/* c => , struct{c int} */
				_ = c
			_ = func(a, b, c int) /* c => , string */ {
				/* c => , int */
			_ = c
			type FT /* FT => , p.FT */ interface{}
		package p
		/* T => , p.T */

	fset := token.NewFileSet()
	var files []*ast.File
	for i, src := range sources {
		file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "p", src, parser.ParseComments)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("could not parse file %d: %s", i, err)
		files = append(files, file)

	conf := Config{Importer: importer.Default(files)}
	pkg, err := conf.Check("p", fset, files, nil)
	if err != nil {

	for _, file := range files {
		for _, group := range file.Comments {
			for _, comment := range group.List {
				s := comment.Text
				if len(s) >= 4 && s[:2] == "/*" && s[len(s)-2:] == "*/" {
					str, typ := split(s[2:len(s)-2], ", ")
					str, val := split(str, "=>")
					testEval(t, fset, pkg, comment.Pos(), str, nil, typ, val)
Beispiel #4
// This tests that the package associated with the types.Object.Pkg method
// is the type's package independent of the order in which the imports are
// listed in the sources src1, src2 below.
// The actual issue is in go/internal/gcimporter which has a corresponding
// test; we leave this test here to verify correct behavior at the go/types
// level.
func TestIssue13898(t *testing.T) {

	const src0 = `
package main

import ""

func main() {
	var info types.Info
	for _, obj := range info.Uses {
		_ = obj.Pkg()
	// like src0, but also imports go/importer
	const src1 = `
package main

import (
	_ ""

func main() {
	var info types.Info
	for _, obj := range info.Uses {
		_ = obj.Pkg()
	// like src1 but with different import order
	// (used to fail with this issue)
	const src2 = `
package main

import (
	_ ""

func main() {
	var info types.Info
	for _, obj := range info.Uses {
		_ = obj.Pkg()
	f := func(test, src string) {
		f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", src, 0)
		if err != nil {
		cfg := Config{Importer: importer.Default([]*ast.File{f})}
		info := Info{Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]Object)}
		_, err = cfg.Check("main", fset, []*ast.File{f}, &info)
		if err != nil {

		var pkg *Package
		count := 0
		for id, obj := range info.Uses {
			if id.Name == "Pkg" {
				pkg = obj.Pkg()
		if count != 1 {
			t.Fatalf("%s: got %d entries named Pkg; want 1", test, count)
		if pkg.Name() != "types" {
			t.Fatalf("%s: got %v; want package types", test, pkg)

	f("src0", src0)
	f("src1", src1)
	f("src2", src2)
Beispiel #5
func TestScopesInfo(t *testing.T) {

	var tests = []struct {
		src    string
		scopes []string // list of scope descriptors of the form kind:varlist
		{`package p0`, []string{
		{`package p1; import ( "fmt"; m "math"; _ "os" ); var ( _ = fmt.Println; _ = m.Pi )`, []string{
			"file:fmt m",
		{`package p2; func _() {}`, []string{
			"file:", "func:",
		{`package p3; func _(x, y int) {}`, []string{
			"file:", "func:x y",
		{`package p4; func _(x, y int) { x, z := 1, 2; _ = z }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:x y", // redeclaration of x
		{`package p5; func _(x, y int) (u, _ int) { return }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:u x y",
		{`package p6; func _() { { var x int; _ = x } }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:", "block:x",
		{`package p7; func _() { if true {} }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:", "if:", "block:",
		{`package p8; func _() { if x := 0; x < 0 { y := x; _ = y } }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:", "if:x", "block:y",
		{`package p9; func _() { switch x := 0; x {} }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:", "switch:x",
		{`package p10; func _() { switch x := 0; x { case 1: y := x; _ = y; default: }}`, []string{
			"file:", "func:", "switch:x", "case:y", "case:",
		{`package p11; func _(t interface{}) { switch t.(type) {} }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:t", "type switch:",
		{`package p12; func _(t interface{}) { switch t := t; t.(type) {} }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:t", "type switch:t",
		{`package p13; func _(t interface{}) { switch x := t.(type) { case int: _ = x } }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:t", "type switch:", "case:x", // x implicitly declared
		{`package p14; func _() { select{} }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:",
		{`package p15; func _(c chan int) { select{ case <-c: } }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:c", "comm:",
		{`package p16; func _(c chan int) { select{ case i := <-c: x := i; _ = x} }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:c", "comm:i x",
		{`package p17; func _() { for{} }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:", "for:", "block:",
		{`package p18; func _(n int) { for i := 0; i < n; i++ { _ = i } }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:n", "for:i", "block:",
		{`package p19; func _(a []int) { for i := range a { _ = i} }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:a", "range:i", "block:",
		{`package p20; var s int; func _(a []int) { for i, x := range a { s += x; _ = i } }`, []string{
			"file:", "func:a", "range:i x", "block:",

	for _, test := range tests {
		info := Info{Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*Scope)}
		name := mustTypecheck(t, "ScopesInfo", test.src, &info)

		// number of scopes must match
		if len(info.Scopes) != len(test.scopes) {
			t.Errorf("package %s: got %d scopes; want %d", name, len(info.Scopes), len(test.scopes))

		// scope descriptions must match
		for node, scope := range info.Scopes {
			kind := "<unknown node kind>"
			switch node.(type) {
			case *ast.File:
				kind = "file"
			case *ast.FuncType:
				kind = "func"
			case *ast.BlockStmt:
				kind = "block"
			case *ast.IfStmt:
				kind = "if"
			case *ast.SwitchStmt:
				kind = "switch"
			case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
				kind = "type switch"
			case *ast.CaseClause:
				kind = "case"
			case *ast.CommClause:
				kind = "comm"
			case *ast.ForStmt:
				kind = "for"
			case *ast.RangeStmt:
				kind = "range"

			// look for matching scope description
			desc := kind + ":" + strings.Join(scope.Names(), " ")
			found := false
			for _, d := range test.scopes {
				if desc == d {
					found = true
			if !found {
				t.Errorf("package %s: no matching scope found for %s", name, desc)
Beispiel #6
func TestPredicatesInfo(t *testing.T) {

	var tests = []struct {
		src  string
		expr string
		pred string
		// void
		{`package n0; func f() { f() }`, `f()`, `void`},

		// types
		{`package t0; type _ int`, `int`, `type`},
		{`package t1; type _ []int`, `[]int`, `type`},
		{`package t2; type _ func()`, `func()`, `type`},

		// built-ins
		{`package b0; var _ = len("")`, `len`, `builtin`},
		{`package b1; var _ = (len)("")`, `(len)`, `builtin`},

		// constants
		{`package c0; var _ = 42`, `42`, `const`},
		{`package c1; var _ = "foo" + "bar"`, `"foo" + "bar"`, `const`},
		{`package c2; const (i = 1i; _ = i)`, `i`, `const`},

		// values
		{`package v0; var (a, b int; _ = a + b)`, `a + b`, `value`},
		{`package v1; var _ = &[]int{1}`, `([]int literal)`, `value`},
		{`package v2; var _ = func(){}`, `(func() literal)`, `value`},
		{`package v4; func f() { _ = f }`, `f`, `value`},
		{`package v3; var _ ?*int = nil`, `nil`, `value, nil`},
		{`package v3; var _ ?*int = (nil)`, `(nil)`, `value, nil`},

		// addressable (and thus assignable) operands
		{`package a0; var (x int; _ = x)`, `x`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
		{`package a1; var (p *int; _ = *p)`, `*p`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
		{`package a2; var (s []int; _ = s[0])`, `s[0]`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
		{`package a3; var (s struct{f int}; _ = s.f)`, `s.f`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
		{`package a4; var (a [10]int; _ = a[0])`, `a[0]`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
		{`package a5; func _(x int) { _ = x }`, `x`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
		{`package a6; func _()(x int) { _ = x; return }`, `x`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
		{`package a7; type T int; func (x T) _() { _ = x }`, `x`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
		// composite literals are not addressable

		// assignable but not addressable values
		{`package s0; var (m map[int]int; _ = m[0])`, `m[0]`, `value, assignable, hasOk`},
		{`package s1; var (m map[int]int;); func _() { _ \ _ = m[0] }`, `m[0]`, `value, assignable, hasOk`},

		// hasOk expressions
		{`package k0; var (ch chan int; _ = <-ch)`, `<-ch`, `value, hasOk`},
		{`package k1; var (ch chan int;); func _() { _, _ = <-ch }`, `<-ch`, `value, hasOk`},

		// missing entries
		// - package names are collected in the Uses map
		// - identifiers being declared are collected in the Defs map
		{`package m0; import "os"; func _() { _ = os.Stdout }`, `os`, `<missing>`},
		{`package m1; import p "os"; func _() { _ = p.Stdout }`, `p`, `<missing>`},
		{`package m2; const c = 0`, `c`, `<missing>`},
		{`package m3; type T int`, `T`, `<missing>`},
		{`package m4; var v int`, `v`, `<missing>`},
		{`package m5; func f() {}`, `f`, `<missing>`},
		{`package m6; func _(x int) {}`, `x`, `<missing>`},
		{`package m6; func _()(x int) { return }`, `x`, `<missing>`},
		{`package m6; type T int; func (x T) _() {}`, `x`, `<missing>`},

	for _, test := range tests {
		info := Info{Types: make(map[ast.Expr]TypeAndValue)}
		name := mustTypecheck(t, "PredicatesInfo", test.src, &info)

		// look for expression predicates
		got := "<missing>"
		for e, tv := range info.Types {
			//println(name, ExprString(e))
			if ExprString(e) == test.expr {
				got = predString(tv)

		if got != test.pred {
			t.Errorf("package %s: got %s; want %s", name, got, test.pred)
Beispiel #7
func TestResolveIdents(t *testing.T) {

	sources := []string{
		package p
		import "fmt"
		import "math"
		const pi = math.Pi
		func sin(x float64) float64 {
			return math.Sin(x)
		var Println = fmt.Println
		package p
		import "fmt"
		type errorStringer struct { fmt.Stringer; error }
		func f() string {
			_ = "foo"
			return fmt.Sprintf("%d", g())
		func g() (x int) { return }
		package p
		import . ""
		import "sync"
		func h() Mode { return ImportsOnly }
		var _, x int = 1, 2
		func init() {}
		type T struct{ *sync.Mutex; a, b, c int}
		type I interface{ m() }
		var _ = T{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
		func (_ T) m() {}
		func (T) _() {}
		var i I
		var _ = i.m
		func _(s []int) { for i, x := range s { _, _ = i, x } }
		func _(x interface{}) {
			switch x := x.(type) {
			case int:
				_ = x
			switch {} // implicit 'true' tag
		package p
		type S struct{}
		func (T) _() {}
		func (T) _() {}
		package p
		func _() {
			goto L0
			for {
				goto L1
			if true {
				goto L2

	pkgnames := []string{

	// parse package files
	fset := token.NewFileSet()
	var files []*ast.File
	for i, src := range sources {
		f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, fmt.Sprintf("sources[%d]", i), src, parser.DeclarationErrors)
		if err != nil {
		files = append(files, f)

	// resolve and type-check package AST
	importer := new(resolveTestImporter)
	importer.files = files
	conf := Config{
		Importer:                  importer,
		AllowUseUninitializedVars: true,
		AllowUninitializedExprs:   true,
	uses := make(map[*ast.Ident]Object)
	defs := make(map[*ast.Ident]Object)
	_, err := conf.Check("testResolveIdents", fset, files, &Info{Defs: defs, Uses: uses})
	if err != nil {

	// check that all packages were imported
	for _, name := range pkgnames {
		if !importer.imported[name] {
			t.Errorf("package %s not imported", name)

	// check that qualified identifiers are resolved
	for _, f := range files {
		ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
			if s, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
				if x, ok := s.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
					obj := uses[x]
					if obj == nil {
						t.Errorf("%s: unresolved qualified identifier %s", fset.Position(x.Pos()), x.Name)
						return false
					if _, ok := obj.(*PkgName); ok && uses[s.Sel] == nil {
						t.Errorf("%s: unresolved selector %s", fset.Position(s.Sel.Pos()), s.Sel.Name)
						return false
					return false
				return false
			return true

	for id, obj := range uses {
		if obj == nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: Uses[%s] == nil", fset.Position(id.Pos()), id.Name)

	// check that each identifier in the source is found in uses or defs or both
	var both []string
	for _, f := range files {
		ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
			if x, ok := n.(*ast.Ident); ok {
				var objects int
				if _, found := uses[x]; found {
					objects |= 1
					delete(uses, x)
				if _, found := defs[x]; found {
					objects |= 2
					delete(defs, x)
				if objects == 0 {
					t.Errorf("%s: unresolved identifier %s", fset.Position(x.Pos()), x.Name)
				} else if objects == 3 {
					both = append(both, x.Name)
				return false
			return true

	// check the expected set of idents that are simultaneously uses and defs
	if got, want := fmt.Sprint(both), "[Mutex Stringer error]"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("simultaneous uses/defs = %s, want %s", got, want)

	// any left-over identifiers didn't exist in the source
	for x := range uses {
		t.Errorf("%s: identifier %s not present in source", fset.Position(x.Pos()), x.Name)
	for x := range defs {
		t.Errorf("%s: identifier %s not present in source", fset.Position(x.Pos()), x.Name)

	// TODO(gri) add tests to check ImplicitObj callbacks