Beispiel #1
// Solve each given Environment and plot it.
func solveAndPlot(envs []*tempAll.Environment, epsabs, epsrel float64, vars plots.GraphVars, xyLabels []string, fileLabelF0, fileLabelMu, fileLabelD1, xmax string) error {
	// solve
	var plotEnvs []interface{}
	var errs []error
	if *plotFS || *preciseFS {
		plotEnvs, errs = tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, epsabs, epsrel, SolveNoninteracting)
	} else {
		plotEnvs, errs = tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, epsabs, epsrel, ZeroTempSolve)

	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
	grapherPath := wd + "/../plots/"
	graphParams := map[string]string{plots.FILE_KEY: wd + "/" + fileLabelF0, plots.XLABEL_KEY: xyLabels[0], plots.YLABEL_KEY: xyLabels[1], plots.YMIN_KEY: "0.0", "xmax": xmax}
	if !*plotFS && !*preciseFS {
		// plot F0
		err := plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, *printerPlots)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error making plots: %v", err)
	// plot Mu_h
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelMu
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = xyLabels[2]
	graphParams[plots.YMIN_KEY] = ""
	vars.Y = "Mu_h"
	err := plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, *printerPlots)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error making plots: %v", err)
	// plot D1
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelD1
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = xyLabels[3]
	vars.Y = "D1"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, *printerPlots)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error making plots: %v", err)
	graphParams["xmax"] = ""
	if *plotFS || *preciseFS {
		// plot Fermi surface
		for _, env := range envs {
			X := strconv.FormatFloat(env.X, 'f', 6, 64)
			Tz := strconv.FormatFloat(env.Tz, 'f', 6, 64)
			Thp := strconv.FormatFloat(env.Thp, 'f', 6, 64)
			outPrefix := wd + "/" + "plot_data.FermiSurface_x_" + X + "_tz_" + Tz + "_thp_" + Thp
			err = tempAll.FermiSurface(env, outPrefix, grapherPath, *preciseFS)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("error making plots: %v", err)
	return nil
Beispiel #2
// Plot evolution of Tp vs X.
func TestPlotTpVsX(t *testing.T) {
	if !*testPlot || *production {
	defaultEnv, err := ptDefaultEnv()
	if err != nil {
	envs := defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{2, 2, 2}, []float64{0.01, -0.1, -0.05}, []float64{0.15, 0.1, 0.05})
	if *longPlot {
		if !*tinyX {
			envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{10, 1, 1}, []float64{0.0005, 0.1, 0.1}, []float64{0.15, 0.1, 0.1})
		} else {
			envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{10, 2, 2}, []float64{0.001, 0.05, 0.05}, []float64{0.01, 0.1, 0.1})

	eps := 1e-9
	plotEnvs, errs := tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, eps, eps, PairTempSolve)
	// T_p vs x plot
	vars := plots.GraphVars{"X", "", []string{"Tz", "Thp"}, []string{"t_z", "t_h^{\\prime}"}, nil, tempAll.GetTemp}
	fileLabel := "plot_data.tp_x"
	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
	grapherPath := wd + "/../plots/"
	graphParams := map[string]string{plots.FILE_KEY: wd + "/" + fileLabel, plots.XLABEL_KEY: "$x_{eff}$", plots.YLABEL_KEY: "$T_p$", plots.YMIN_KEY: "0"}
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making plot: %v", err)
	// Mu_h vs x plot
	fileLabel = "plot_data.mu_x"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$\\mu_h$"
	graphParams[plots.YMIN_KEY] = ""
	vars.Y = "Mu_h"
	vars.YFunc = nil
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making Mu_h plot: %v", err)
	// D1 vs x plot
	fileLabel = "plot_data.D1_x"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$D_1$"
	vars.Y = "D1"
	vars.YFunc = nil
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making D1 plot: %v", err)
Beispiel #3
func solveAndPlot(envs []*tempAll.Environment, epsabs, epsrel float64, fileLabelTp, fileLabelMu, fileLabelD1, xmax string) error {
	// solve
	plotEnvs, errs := tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, epsabs, epsrel, PairTempSolve)
	// T_p vs x plot
	vars := plots.GraphVars{"X", "", []string{"Tz", "Thp"}, []string{"t_z/t_0", "t_h^{\\prime}/t_0"}, nil, tempAll.GetTemp}
	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
	grapherPath := wd + "/../plots/"
	graphParams := map[string]string{plots.FILE_KEY: wd + "/" + fileLabelTp, plots.XLABEL_KEY: "$x_{eff}$", plots.YLABEL_KEY: "$T_p/t_0$", plots.YMIN_KEY: "0.0", "xmax": xmax}
	err := plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, false)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelTp + "_BW_"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Mu_h vs x plot
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelMu
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$\\mu_h/t_0$"
	graphParams[plots.YMIN_KEY] = ""
	vars.Y = "Mu_h"
	vars.YFunc = nil
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, false)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelMu + "_BW_"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// D1 vs x plot
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelD1
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$D_1$"
	vars.Y = "D1"
	vars.YFunc = nil
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, false)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelD1 + "_BW_"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Beispiel #4
// X = 0.1; tz = 0.1; thp = 0.1; -0.7 < mu_b < -0.8
func TestPlotX2Collapse(t *testing.T) {
	if !*collapsePlot {
	defaultEnv, err := flucDefaultEnv()
	if err != nil {
	defaultEnv.X = 0.1
	defaultEnv.Tz = 0.1
	defaultEnv.Thp = 0.1
	envs := defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"Mu_b"}, []int{20}, []float64{-0.75}, []float64{-0.9})

	eps := 1e-6
	plotEnvs, errs := tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, eps, eps, FlucTempSolve)

	// X2 vs Mu_b plots
	vars := plots.GraphVars{"Mu_b", "", []string{"Tz"}, []string{"t_z"}, nil, tempCrit.GetX2}
	fileLabel := "plot.x2_mu_b"
	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
	grapherPath := wd + "/../plots/"
	graphParams := map[string]string{plots.FILE_KEY: wd + "/" + fileLabel, plots.XLABEL_KEY: "$\\mu_b$", plots.YLABEL_KEY: "$x_2$"}
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making Mu_b plot: %v", err)
	// T vs Mu_b plots
	fileLabel = "plot_data.T_mu_b"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$T$"
	vars.YFunc = tempAll.GetTemp
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making T plot: %v", err)
	// Mu_h vs Mu_b plots
	fileLabel = "plot_data.mu_h_mu_b"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$\\mu_h$"
	vars.Y = "Mu_h"
	vars.YFunc = nil
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making Mu_h plot: %v", err)
Beispiel #5
func TestPlotX2VsT(t *testing.T) {
	if !(*testPlot || *longPlot) {
	var plotEnvs []interface{}
	var errs []error
	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
	cachePath := wd + "/__data_cache_tempLow"
	if *loadCache {
		var err error
		plotEnvs, errs, err = tempAll.LoadEnvCache(cachePath)
		if err != nil {
	} else {
		envs, err := lowDefaultEnvSet(*longPlot)
		if err != nil {
		// solve the full system
		eps := 1e-9
		plotEnvs, errs = tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, eps, eps, D1MuBetaSolve)
		// cache results for future use
		err = tempAll.SaveEnvCache(cachePath, plotEnvs, errs)
		if err != nil {
	Xs := getXs(plotEnvs)
	// T vs F0 plots
	vars := plots.GraphVars{"F0", "", []string{"Tz", "Thp", "X", "Be_field"}, []string{"t_z", "t_h^{\\prime}", "x", "eB"}, nil, tempAll.GetTemp}
	fileLabel := "plot_data.T_F0"
	grapherPath := wd + "/../plots/"
	graphParams := map[string]string{plots.FILE_KEY: wd + "/" + fileLabel, plots.XLABEL_KEY: "$F_0$", plots.YLABEL_KEY: "$T$"}
	err := plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making T(F0) plot: %v", err)
	// X2 vs T plots
	fileLabel = "plot_data.x2_T"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.XLABEL_KEY] = "$T$"
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$x_2$"
	vars.X = ""
	vars.XFunc = tempAll.GetTemp
	vars.YFunc = tempCrit.GetX2
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making X2(T) plot: %v", err)
	// Mu_h vs T plots
	fileLabel = "plot_data.mu_h_T"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$\\mu_h$"
	vars.Y = "Mu_h"
	vars.YFunc = nil
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making Mu_h(T) plot: %v", err)
	// if looking for magnetization plot, make that plot and don't get Cv
	if *magnetization_calc {
		fileLabel = "plot_data.M_eB"
		graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
		graphParams[plots.XLABEL_KEY] = "$eB$"
		graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$M$"
		vars.X = "Be_field"
		vars.XFunc = nil
		vars.Y = ""
		vars.YFunc = tempCrit.GetMagnetization
		vars.Params = []string{"Tz", "Thp", "X", "F0"}
		vars.ParamLabels = []string{"t_z", "t_h^{\\prime}", "x", "F_0"}
		err := plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error making M plot: %v", err)
	// calculate specific heat contributions
	SHenvs := make([]interface{}, len(plotEnvs))
	F := func(i int, cerr chan<- error) {
		pe := plotEnvs[i]
		if pe == nil {
			cerr <- errors.New("pe is nil")
		if errs[i] != nil {
			cerr <- errs[i]
		env, ok := pe.(tempAll.Environment)
		if !ok {
			cerr <- errors.New("pe is not Environment")
		X2, err := tempCrit.X2(&env)
		if err != nil {
			cerr <- err
		SHenvs[i] = SpecificHeatEnv{env, X2, 0.0, 0.0}
		if X2 == 0.0 {
			cerr <- nil
		sh_1, err := HolonSpecificHeat(&env)
		if err != nil {
			cerr <- err
		fmt.Printf("sh_1 = %f\n", sh_1)
		sh_2, err := PairSpecificHeat(&env)
		if err != nil {
			cerr <- err
		fmt.Printf("sh_2 = %f\n", sh_2)
		SHenvs[i] = SpecificHeatEnv{env, X2, sh_1, sh_2}
		cerr <- nil
	SHerrs := parallel.Run(F, len(plotEnvs))
	for _, err := range SHerrs {
		if err != nil {
	SHenvs = fixXs(SHenvs, Xs)
	// specific heat plots
	fileLabel = "plot_data.SH-1_mu_b"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$C_V^{1}$"
	vars.XFunc = GetSHTemp
	vars.Y = "SH_1"
	vars.YFunc = nil
	err = plots.MultiPlot(SHenvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making specific heat plot: %v", err)
	fileLabel = "plot_data.SH-2_mu_b"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$C_V^{2}$"
	vars.Y = "SH_2"
	err = plots.MultiPlot(SHenvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making specific heat plot: %v", err)
	SH12 := func(d interface{}) float64 {
		env := d.(SpecificHeatEnv)
		return env.SH_1 + env.SH_2
	fileLabel = "plot_data.SH-12_mu_b"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$C_V^{12}$"
	vars.Y = ""
	vars.YFunc = SH12
	err = plots.MultiPlot(SHenvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making specific heat plot: %v", err)
	// C_V / T = C_V * Beta
	Gamma := func(d interface{}) float64 {
		env := d.(SpecificHeatEnv)
		return SH12(d) * env.Beta
	fileLabel = "plot_data.gamma-12_mu_b"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$\\gamma^{12}$"
	vars.YFunc = Gamma
	err = plots.MultiPlot(SHenvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making specific heat plot: %v", err)
	Gamma1 := func(d interface{}) float64 {
		env := d.(SpecificHeatEnv)
		return env.SH_1 * env.Beta
	fileLabel = "plot_data.gamma-1_mu_b"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$\\gamma^{1}$"
	vars.YFunc = Gamma1
	err = plots.MultiPlot(SHenvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making specific heat plot: %v", err)

	Gamma2 := func(d interface{}) float64 {
		env := d.(SpecificHeatEnv)
		return env.SH_2 * env.Beta
	fileLabel = "plot_data.gamma-2_mu_b"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$\\gamma^{2}$"
	vars.YFunc = Gamma2
	err = plots.MultiPlot(SHenvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making specific heat plot: %v", err)
Beispiel #6
func solveAndPlot(envs []*tempAll.Environment, epsabs, epsrel float64, fileLabelMu_b, fileLabelMu_h, fileLabelD1, fileLabel_a, fileLabel_b, fileLabel_x2, fileLabel_x1 string) error {
	// solve
	plotEnvs, errs := tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, epsabs, epsrel, FlucTempSolve)
	// Mu_b vs T plot
	vars := plots.GraphVars{"", "Mu_b", []string{"Tz", "Thp", "X"}, []string{"t_z/t_0", "t_h^{\\prime}/t_0", "x_{eff}"}, tempAll.GetTemp, nil}
	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
	grapherPath := wd + "/../plots/"
	graphParams := map[string]string{plots.FILE_KEY: wd + "/" + fileLabelMu_b, plots.XLABEL_KEY: "$T$", plots.YLABEL_KEY: "$\\mu_{pair}/t_0$", plots.YMIN_KEY: ""}
	err := plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, false)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelMu_b + "_BW_"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Mu_h vs T plots
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelMu_h
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$\\mu_h/t_0$"
	vars.Y = "Mu_h"
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelMu_h + "_BW_"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// D_1 vs T plots
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelD1
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$D_1$"
	vars.Y = "D1"
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabelD1 + "_BW_"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// x_2 vs T plots
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel_x2
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$x_2$"
	graphParams[plots.YMIN_KEY] = "0.0"
	vars.Y = ""
	vars.YFunc = tempCrit.GetX2
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel_x2 + "_BW_"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// x_1 vs T plots
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel_x1
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$x_1$"
	x1fn := func(data interface{}) float64 {
		env := data.(tempAll.Environment)
		return env.X - tempCrit.GetX2(data)
	vars.Y = ""
	vars.YFunc = x1fn
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel_x1 + "_BW_"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// omega_+(q) parameters (a, b) vs T
	get_fit := func(data interface{}, i int) float64 {
		env := data.(tempAll.Environment)
		if env.FixedPairCoeffs {
			if i == 0 || i == 1 {
				return env.A
			} else {
				return env.B
		fit, err := tempCrit.OmegaFit(&env, tempCrit.OmegaPlus)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
		return fit[i]
	get_a := func(data interface{}) float64 {
		return get_fit(data, 0)
	get_b := func(data interface{}) float64 {
		return get_fit(data, 2)
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel_a
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$a/t_0$"
	graphParams[plots.YMIN_KEY] = ""
	vars.Y = ""
	vars.YFunc = get_a
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel_a + "_BW_"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel_b
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$b/t_0$"
	vars.Y = ""
	vars.YFunc = get_b
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel_b + "_BW_"
	err = plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Beispiel #7
func TestPlotX2VsMu_b(t *testing.T) {
	if !(*testPlot || *longPlot) {
	var plotEnvs []interface{}
	var errs []error
	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
	cachePath := wd + "/__data_cache_tempFluc"
	if *loadCache {
		var err error
		plotEnvs, errs, err = tempAll.LoadEnvCache(cachePath)
		if err != nil {
	} else {
		envs, err := flucDefaultEnvSet(*longPlot)
		if err != nil {
		// solve the full system
		eps := 1e-9
		plotEnvs, errs = tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, eps, eps, FlucTempSolve)
		// cache results for future use
		err = tempAll.SaveEnvCache(cachePath, plotEnvs, errs)
		if err != nil {
	Xs := getXs(plotEnvs)
	// T vs Mu_b plots
	vars := plots.GraphVars{"Mu_b", "", []string{"Tz", "Thp", "X", "Be_field"}, []string{"t_z", "t_h^{\\prime}", "x", "eB"}, nil, tempAll.GetTemp}
	fileLabel := "plot_data.T_mu_b"
	grapherPath := wd + "/../plots/"
	graphParams := map[string]string{plots.FILE_KEY: wd + "/" + fileLabel, plots.XLABEL_KEY: "$\\mu_b$", plots.YLABEL_KEY: "$T$"}
	if !*skipPlots {
		err := plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error making T(Mu_b) plot: %v", err)
	// X2 vs T plots
	fileLabel = "plot_data.x2_T"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.XLABEL_KEY] = "$T$"
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$x_2$"
	vars.X = ""
	vars.XFunc = tempAll.GetTemp
	vars.YFunc = tempCrit.GetX2
	if !*skipPlots {
		err := plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error making X2(T) plot: %v", err)
	// Mu_h vs T plots
	fileLabel = "plot_data.mu_h_T"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$\\mu_h$"
	vars.Y = "Mu_h"
	vars.YFunc = nil
	if !*skipPlots {
		err := plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error making Mu_h plot: %v", err)
	// omega(q) parameters (a, b) vs T
	get_fit := func(data interface{}, i int) float64 {
		env := data.(tempAll.Environment)
		if env.FixedPairCoeffs {
			if i == 0 || i == 1 {
				return env.A
			} else {
				return env.B
		fit, err := tempCrit.OmegaFit(&env, tempCrit.OmegaPlus)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
		return fit[i]
	get_a := func(data interface{}) float64 {
		return get_fit(data, 0)
	get_b := func(data interface{}) float64 {
		return get_fit(data, 2)
	fileLabel = "plot_data.a_T"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$a$"
	vars.Y = ""
	vars.YFunc = get_a
	if !*skipPlots {
		err := plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error making a plot: %v", err)
	fileLabel = "plot_data.b_T"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$b$"
	vars.Y = ""
	vars.YFunc = get_b
	if !*skipPlots {
		err := plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error making b plot: %v", err)
	// if looking for magnetization plot, make that plot and don't get Cv
	if *magnetization_calc && !*skipPlots {
		fileLabel = "plot_data.M_eB"
		//fileLabel := "plot_data.M_eB"
		//graphParams := map[string]string{plots.FILE_KEY: wd + "/" + fileLabel, plots.XLABEL_KEY: "$eB$", plots.YLABEL_KEY: "$M$"}
		graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
		graphParams[plots.XLABEL_KEY] = "$eB$"
		graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$M$"
		//vars := plots.GraphVars{"Be_field", "", []string{"Tz", "Thp", "X", "Mu_b"}, []string{"t_z", "t_h^{\\prime}", "x", "\\mu_b"}, nil, tempCrit.GetMagnetization}
		vars.X = "Be_field"
		vars.XFunc = nil
		vars.Y = ""
		vars.YFunc = tempCrit.GetMagnetization
		vars.Params = []string{"Tz", "Thp", "X", "Mu_b"}
		vars.ParamLabels = []string{"t_z", "t_h^{\\prime}", "x", "\\mu_b"}
		//grapherPath := wd + "/../plots/"
		err := plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("error making M plot: %v", err)
	// calculate specific heat contributions
	SH_envs := makeSHEnvs(plotEnvs, errs, Xs)
	// specific heat plots
	fileLabelSH1 := "plot_data.SH-1_mu_b"
	fileLabelSH2 := "plot_data.SH-2_mu_b"
	fileLabelSH12 := "plot_data.SH-12_mu_b"
	fileLabelGamma12 := "plot_data.gamma-12_mu_b"
	fileLabelGamma1 := "plot_data.gamma-1_mu_b"
	fileLabelGamma2 := "plot_data.gamma-2_mu_b"
	err := makeSHPlots(SH_envs, errs, fileLabelSH1, fileLabelSH2, fileLabelSH12, fileLabelGamma1, fileLabelGamma2, fileLabelGamma12)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making specific heat plot: %v", err)
Beispiel #8
// Production-ready plots:
//   D1, Mu_h, and Tc vs T.
//   Extra set of plots to zoom in on x=0.
//   x1 & x2, a & b.
//   x = {0.03, 0.06, 0.09} in each set.
//   Vary tz and thp independently in each set (fix one at 0.1 and the other is in {0.05, 0.1, 0.15}).
func TestProductionPlots(t *testing.T) {
	// setup
	if !*production {
	defaultEnv, err := flucDefaultEnv()
	if err != nil {
	eps := 1e-6
		N_Mu_b := 60
		N_Tz_Thp := 3
		Nx := 3
		// vary thp; running a & b
		defaultEnv.FixedPairCoeffs = false
		envs := defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"Mu_b", "Tz", "Thp", "X"}, []int{N_Mu_b, 1, N_Tz_Thp, Nx}, []float64{0.0, 0.1, 0.05, 0.03}, []float64{-0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.09})
		fileLabelMu_b := "plot_data_THP.Mu_b_T"
		fileLabelMu_h := "plot_data_THP.Mu_h_T"
		fileLabelD1 := "plot_data_THP.D1_T"
		fileLabel_a := "plot_data_THP.a_T"
		fileLabel_b := "plot_data_THP.b_T"
		fileLabel_x2 := "plot_data_THP.x2_T"
		fileLabel_x1 := "plot_data_THP.x1_T"
		err = solveAndPlot(envs, eps, eps, fileLabelMu_b, fileLabelMu_h, fileLabelD1, fileLabel_a, fileLabel_b, fileLabel_x2, fileLabel_x1)
		if err != nil {
		// vary thp; fixed a & b
		defaultEnv.FixedPairCoeffs = true
		envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"Mu_b", "Tz", "Thp", "X"}, []int{N_Mu_b, 1, N_Tz_Thp, Nx}, []float64{0.0, 0.1, 0.05, 0.03}, []float64{-0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.09})
		fileLabelMu_b = "plot_data_THP_FIXED_AB.Mu_b_T"
		fileLabelMu_h = "plot_data_THP_FIXED_AB.Mu_h_T"
		fileLabelD1 = "plot_data_THP_FIXED_AB.D1_T"
		fileLabel_a = "plot_data_THP_FIXED_AB.a_T"
		fileLabel_b = "plot_data_THP_FIXED_AB.b_T"
		fileLabel_x2 = "plot_data_THP_FIXED_AB.x2_T"
		fileLabel_x1 = "plot_data_THP_FIXED_AB.x1_T"
		err = solveAndPlot(envs, eps, eps, fileLabelMu_b, fileLabelMu_h, fileLabelD1, fileLabel_a, fileLabel_b, fileLabel_x2, fileLabel_x1)
		if err != nil {
		// vary tz; running a & b
		defaultEnv.FixedPairCoeffs = false
		envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"Mu_b", "Tz", "Thp", "X"}, []int{N_Mu_b, N_Tz_Thp, 1, Nx}, []float64{0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.03}, []float64{-0.5, 0.15, 0.1, 0.09})
		fileLabelMu_b = "plot_data_TZ.Mu_b_T"
		fileLabelMu_h = "plot_data_TZ.Mu_h_T"
		fileLabelD1 = "plot_data_TZ.D1_T"
		fileLabel_a = "plot_data_TZ.a_T"
		fileLabel_b = "plot_data_TZ.b_T"
		fileLabel_x2 = "plot_data_TZ.x2_T"
		fileLabel_x1 = "plot_data_TZ.x1_T"
		err = solveAndPlot(envs, eps, eps, fileLabelMu_b, fileLabelMu_h, fileLabelD1, fileLabel_a, fileLabel_b, fileLabel_x2, fileLabel_x1)
		if err != nil {
		// vary tz; fixed a & b
		defaultEnv.FixedPairCoeffs = true
		envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"Mu_b", "Tz", "Thp", "X"}, []int{N_Mu_b, N_Tz_Thp, 1, Nx}, []float64{0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.03}, []float64{-0.5, 0.15, 0.1, 0.09})
		fileLabelMu_b = "plot_data_TZ_FIXED_AB.Mu_b_T"
		fileLabelMu_h = "plot_data_TZ_FIXED_AB.Mu_h_T"
		fileLabelD1 = "plot_data_TZ_FIXED_AB.D1_T"
		fileLabel_a = "plot_data_TZ_FIXED_AB.a_T"
		fileLabel_b = "plot_data_TZ_FIXED_AB.b_T"
		fileLabel_x2 = "plot_data_TZ_FIXED_AB.x2_T"
		fileLabel_x1 = "plot_data_TZ_FIXED_AB.x1_T"
		err = solveAndPlot(envs, eps, eps, fileLabelMu_b, fileLabelMu_h, fileLabelD1, fileLabel_a, fileLabel_b, fileLabel_x2, fileLabel_x1)
		if err != nil {
		// SH with running a & b; tz = thp = 0.1
		N_Mu_b_SH := 30
		defaultEnv.FixedPairCoeffs = false
		envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"Mu_b", "Tz", "Thp", "X"}, []int{N_Mu_b_SH, 1, 1, Nx}, []float64{-0.03, 0.1, 0.1, 0.03}, []float64{-0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.09})
		plotEnvs, errs := tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, eps, eps, FlucTempSolve)
		Xs := getXs(plotEnvs)
		SH_envs := makeSHEnvs(plotEnvs, errs, Xs)
		fileLabelSH1 := "plot_data_SH.SH1_T"
		fileLabelSH2 := "plot_data_SH.SH2_T"
		fileLabelSH12 := "plot_data_SH.SH12_T"
		fileLabelGamma12 := "plot_data_SH.gamma12_T"
		fileLabelGamma1 := "plot_data_SH.gamma1_T"
		fileLabelGamma2 := "plot_data_SH.gamma2_T"
		err = makeSHPlots(SH_envs, errs, fileLabelSH1, fileLabelSH2, fileLabelSH12, fileLabelGamma1, fileLabelGamma2, fileLabelGamma12)
		if err != nil {
		// SH with a & b fixed at their Tc values
		defaultEnv.FixedPairCoeffs = true
		envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"Mu_b", "Tz", "Thp", "X"}, []int{N_Mu_b_SH, 1, 1, Nx}, []float64{-0.03, 0.1, 0.1, 0.03}, []float64{-0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.09})
		plotEnvs, errs = tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, eps, eps, FlucTempSolve)
		Xs = getXs(plotEnvs)
		SH_envs = makeSHEnvs(plotEnvs, errs, Xs)
		fileLabelSH1 = "plot_data_SH_FIXED_AB.SH1_T"
		fileLabelSH2 = "plot_data_SH_FIXED_AB.SH2_T"
		fileLabelSH12 = "plot_data_SH_FIXED_AB.SH12_T"
		fileLabelGamma12 = "plot_data_SH_FIXED_AB.gamma12_T"
		fileLabelGamma1 = "plot_data_SH_FIXED_AB.gamma1_T"
		fileLabelGamma2 = "plot_data_SH_FIXED_AB.gamma2_T"
		err = makeSHPlots(SH_envs, errs, fileLabelSH1, fileLabelSH2, fileLabelSH12, fileLabelGamma1, fileLabelGamma2, fileLabelGamma12)
		if err != nil {
	// magnetization
	eps = 1e-9
	defaultEnv.FixedPairCoeffs = true
	defaultEnv.IterateD1Mu_hMu_b = true
	defaultEnv.X = 0.05
	//TcFactors := []float64{1.0, 1.05, 1.1, 1.15}
	//TcFactors := []float64{1.15, 1.2, 1.25, 1.3} // works for x = 0.1
	TcFactors := []float64{1.2, 1.25, 1.3, 1.35} // works for x = 0.05
	//TcFactors := []float64{1.15, 1.2, 1.25, 1.3}
	//TcFactors := []float64{1.2, 1.4, 1.6}
	//TcFactors := []float64{1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6}
	BeFields := []float64{}
	for i := 0; i < 11; i++ {
		BeFields = append(BeFields, 0.005*float64(i))
	magEnvs, err := EnvSplitTcB(defaultEnv, TcFactors, BeFields, eps, eps)
	if err != nil {
	plotEnvs, errs := tempAll.MultiSolve(magEnvs, eps, eps, SolveMu_b)

	fileLabelB := "plot_data.M_eB"
	vars := plots.GraphVars{"Be_field", "", []string{"Temp"}, []string{"T/t_0"}, nil, tempCrit.GetMagnetization}
	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
	grapherPath := wd + "/../plots/"
	graphParams := map[string]string{plots.FILE_KEY: wd + "/" + fileLabelB, plots.XLABEL_KEY: "$eB$", plots.YLABEL_KEY: "$M/e$", "xmax": "0.05"}
	errMPlot := plots.MultiPlotStyle(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath, true)
	if errMPlot != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making M plot: %v", errMPlot)
Beispiel #9
// Production-ready plots:
//   D1, Mu_h, and Tc vs x.
//   Extra set of plots to zoom in on x=0.
//   x1 & x2, a & b.
//   Vary tz and thp independently in each set (fix one at 0.1 and the other is in {0.05, 0.1, 0.15}).
func TestProductionPlots(t *testing.T) {
	// setup
	if !*production {
	defaultEnv, err := ctDefaultEnv()
	if err != nil {
	tpEnv, err := tpDefaultEnv()
	if err != nil {
	// number of X values to use
	Nx := 60
	// vary thp
	envs := defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{Nx, 1, 3}, []float64{0.001, 0.1, 0.05}, []float64{0.1, 0.1, 0.15})
	fileLabelTc := "plot_data_THP.tc_x"
	fileLabelMu := "plot_data_THP.mu_x"
	fileLabelD1 := "plot_data_THP.D1_x"
	fileLabel_a := "plot_data_THP.a_x"
	fileLabel_b := "plot_data_THP.b_x"
	fileLabel_x2 := "plot_data_THP.x2_x"
	fileLabel_x1 := "plot_data_THP.x1_x"
	eps := 1e-6
	err = solveAndPlot(envs, eps, eps, fileLabelTc, fileLabelMu, fileLabelD1, fileLabel_a, fileLabel_b, fileLabel_x2, fileLabel_x1, "0.1")
	if err != nil {
	// vary thp (small x)
	envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{Nx, 1, 3}, []float64{0.001, 0.1, 0.05}, []float64{0.01, 0.1, 0.15})
	fileLabelTc = "plot_data_THP_LOWX.tc_x"
	fileLabelMu = "plot_data_THP_LOWX.mu_x"
	fileLabelD1 = "plot_data_THP_LOWX.D1_x"
	fileLabel_a = "plot_data_THP_LOWX.a_x"
	fileLabel_b = "plot_data_THP_LOWX.b_x"
	fileLabel_x2 = "plot_data_THP_LOWX.x2_x"
	fileLabel_x1 = "plot_data_THP_LOWX.x1_x"
	err = solveAndPlot(envs, eps, eps, fileLabelTc, fileLabelMu, fileLabelD1, fileLabel_a, fileLabel_b, fileLabel_x2, fileLabel_x1, "0.01")
	if err != nil {
	// vary tz
	envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{Nx, 3, 1}, []float64{0.001, 0.05, 0.1}, []float64{0.1, 0.15, 0.1})
	fileLabelTc = "plot_data_TZ.tc_x"
	fileLabelMu = "plot_data_TZ.mu_x"
	fileLabelD1 = "plot_data_TZ.D1_x"
	fileLabel_a = "plot_data_TZ.a_x"
	fileLabel_b = "plot_data_TZ.b_x"
	fileLabel_x2 = "plot_data_TZ.x2_x"
	fileLabel_x1 = "plot_data_TZ.x1_x"
	err = solveAndPlot(envs, eps, eps, fileLabelTc, fileLabelMu, fileLabelD1, fileLabel_a, fileLabel_b, fileLabel_x2, fileLabel_x1, "0.1")
	if err != nil {
	// vary tz (small x)
	envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{Nx, 3, 1}, []float64{0.001, 0.05, 0.1}, []float64{0.01, 0.15, 0.1})
	fileLabelTc = "plot_data_TZ_LOWX.tc_x"
	fileLabelMu = "plot_data_TZ_LOWX.mu_x"
	fileLabelD1 = "plot_data_TZ_LOWX.D1_x"
	fileLabel_a = "plot_data_TZ_LOWX.a_x"
	fileLabel_b = "plot_data_TZ_LOWX.b_x"
	fileLabel_x2 = "plot_data_TZ_LOWX.x2_x"
	fileLabel_x1 = "plot_data_TZ_LOWX.x1_x"
	err = solveAndPlot(envs, eps, eps, fileLabelTc, fileLabelMu, fileLabelD1, fileLabel_a, fileLabel_b, fileLabel_x2, fileLabel_x1, "0.01")
	if err != nil {
	// Tc and Tp plotted together, tz = thp = 0.1
	envsTc := defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{Nx, 1, 1}, []float64{0.001, 0.1, 0.1}, []float64{0.1, 0.1, 0.1})
	envsTp := tpEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{Nx, 1, 1}, []float64{0.001, 0.1, 0.1}, []float64{0.1, 0.1, 0.1})
	// TODO shouldn't throw away errors here
	_, _ = tempAll.MultiSolve(envsTc, eps, eps, CritTempSolve)
	_, _ = tempAll.MultiSolve(envsTp, eps, eps, tempPair.PairTempSolve)
	fileLabelTcTp := "plot_data_TCTP_Tz_0.1_Thp_0.1_"
	plotTcTp(envsTc, envsTp, fileLabelTcTp, "0.1")
Beispiel #10
// Plot evolution of Tc vs X.
func TestPlotTcVsX(t *testing.T) {
	if !*testPlot && !*longPlot {
	defaultEnv, err := ctDefaultEnv()
	if err != nil {
	envs := defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{4, 1, 1}, []float64{0.025, 0.05, 0.05}, []float64{0.10, 0.1, 0.1})
	if *longPlot {
		if !*tinyX {
			envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{10, 2, 2}, []float64{0.0001, 0.05, 0.05}, []float64{0.15, 0.1, 0.10})
		} else {
			envs = defaultEnv.MultiSplit([]string{"X", "Tz", "Thp"}, []int{10, 2, 2}, []float64{0.001, 0.05, 0.05}, []float64{0.01, 0.1, 0.1})
	vars := plots.GraphVars{"X", "", []string{"Tz", "Thp"}, []string{"t_z", "t_h^{\\prime}"}, nil, tempAll.GetTemp}
	eps := 1e-6
	// solve the full system
	plotEnvs, errs := tempAll.MultiSolve(envs, eps, eps, CritTempSolve)

	// Tc vs x plots
	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
	grapherPath := wd + "/../plots/"
	var fileLabel string
	if !*tinyX {
		fileLabel = "plot_data.tc_x"
	} else {
		fileLabel = "plot_data.tinyX_tc_x"
	graphParams := map[string]string{plots.FILE_KEY: wd + "/" + fileLabel, plots.XLABEL_KEY: "$x_{eff}$", plots.YLABEL_KEY: "$T_c/t_0$"}
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making Tc plot: %v", err)
	// Mu_h vs x plots
	if !*tinyX {
		fileLabel = "plot_data.mu_x_data"
	} else {
		fileLabel = "plot_data.tinyX_mu_x_data"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$\\mu_h/t_0$"
	vars.Y = "Mu_h"
	vars.YFunc = nil
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making Mu_h plot: %v", err)
	// D_1 vs x plots
	if !*tinyX {
		fileLabel = "plot_data.D1_x_data"
	} else {
		fileLabel = "plot_data.tinyX_D1_x_data"
	graphParams[plots.FILE_KEY] = wd + "/" + fileLabel
	graphParams[plots.YLABEL_KEY] = "$D_1$"
	vars.Y = "D1"
	vars.YFunc = nil
	err = plots.MultiPlot(plotEnvs, errs, vars, graphParams, grapherPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error making D1 plot: %v", err)
