Beispiel #1
func (t *Topic) makeInvite(notify, target, from types.Uid, act types.InviteAction, modeWant,
	modeGiven types.AccessMode, info interface{}) *ServerComMessage {

	// FIXME(gene): this is a workaround for gorethink's broken way of marshalling json
	inv, err := json.Marshal(MsgInvitation{
		User:   target.UserId(),
		Action: act.String(),
		Acs:    MsgAccessMode{modeWant.String(), modeGiven.String()},
		Info:   info})
	if err != nil {
	converted := map[string]interface{}{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(inv, &converted)
	if err != nil {
	// endof workaround

	msg := &ServerComMessage{Data: &MsgServerData{
		Topic:     "me",
		From:      from.UserId(),
		Timestamp: time.Now().UTC().Round(time.Millisecond),
		Content:   converted}, rcptto: notify.UserId()}
	log.Printf("Invite generated: %#+v", msg.Data)
	return msg
Beispiel #2
// approveSub processes a request to initiate an invite or approve a subscription request from another user:
// Handle these cases:
// A. Manager is inviting another user for the first time (no prior subscription)
// B. Manager is re-inviting another user (adjusting modeGiven, modeWant is still "N")
// C. Manager is changing modeGiven for another user, modeWant != "N"
func (t *Topic) approveSub(h *Hub, sess *Session, target types.Uid, set *MsgClientSet) error {
	now := time.Now().UTC().Round(time.Millisecond)

	// Check if requester actually has permission to manage sharing
	if userData, ok := t.perUser[sess.uid]; !ok || !userData.modeGiven.IsManager() || !userData.modeWant.IsManager() {
		sess.queueOut(ErrPermissionDenied(set.Id, t.original, now))
		return errors.New("topic access denied")

	// Parse the access mode granted
	var modeGiven types.AccessMode
	if set.Sub.Mode != "" {

	// If the user is banned from topic, make sute it's the only change
	if modeGiven.IsBanned() {
		modeGiven = types.ModeBanned

	// Make sure no one but the owner can do an ownership transfer
	if modeGiven.IsOwner() && t.owner != sess.uid {
		sess.queueOut(ErrPermissionDenied(set.Id, t.original, now))
		return errors.New("attempt to transfer ownership by non-owner")

	var givenBefore types.AccessMode
	// Check if it's a new invite. If so, save it to database as a subscription.
	// Saved subscription does not mean the user is allowed to post/read
	userData, ok := t.perUser[target]
	if !ok {
		if modeGiven == types.ModeNone {
			if t.accessAuth != types.ModeNone {
				// Request to use default access mode for the new subscriptions.
				modeGiven = t.accessAuth
			} else {
				sess.queueOut(ErrMalformed(set.Id, t.original, now))
				return errors.New("cannot invite without giving any access rights")

		// Add subscription to database
		sub := &types.Subscription{
			User:      target.String(),
			ModeWant:  types.ModeNone,
			ModeGiven: modeGiven,

		if err := store.Subs.Create(sub); err != nil {
			sess.queueOut(ErrUnknown(set.Id, t.original, now))
			return err

		userData = perUserData{
			modeGiven: sub.ModeGiven,
			modeWant:  sub.ModeWant,
			private:   nil,

		t.perUser[target] = userData

	} else {
		// Action on an existing subscription (re-invite or confirm/decline)
		givenBefore = userData.modeGiven

		// Request to re-send invite without changing the access mode
		if modeGiven == types.ModeNone {
			modeGiven = userData.modeGiven
		} else if modeGiven != userData.modeGiven {
			userData.modeGiven = modeGiven

			// Save changed value to database
			if err := store.Subs.Update(, sess.uid,
				map[string]interface{}{"ModeGiven": modeGiven}); err != nil {
				return err

			t.perUser[target] = userData

	// The user does not want to be bothered, no further action is needed
	if userData.modeWant.IsBanned() {
		sess.queueOut(ErrPermissionDenied(set.Id, t.original, now))
		return errors.New("topic access denied")

	// Handle the following cases:
	// * a ban of the user, modeGive.IsBanned = true (if user is banned no need to invite anyone)
	// * regular invite: modeWant = "N", modeGiven > 0
	// * access rights update: old modeGiven != new modeGiven
	if !modeGiven.IsBanned() {
		if userData.modeWant == types.ModeNone {
			// (re-)Send the invite to target
			h.route <- t.makeInvite(target, target, sess.uid, types.InvJoin, userData.modeWant, modeGiven,
		} else if givenBefore != modeGiven {
			// Inform target that the access has changed
			h.route <- t.makeInvite(target, target, sess.uid, types.InvInfo, userData.modeWant, modeGiven,

	// Has anything actually changed?
	if givenBefore != modeGiven {
		// inform requester of the change made
		h.route <- t.makeInvite(sess.uid, target, sess.uid, types.InvInfo, userData.modeWant, modeGiven,
			map[string]string{"before": givenBefore.String()})

	return nil