Beispiel #1
// Generate creates the capabilities based on policy rules.  Generate will produce the following:
// 1.  a capabilities.Add set containing all the required adds (unless the
// 		container specifically is dropping the cap) and container requested adds
// 2.  a capabilities.Drop set containing all the required drops and container requested drops
func (s *defaultCapabilities) Generate(pod *api.Pod, container *api.Container) (*api.Capabilities, error) {
	defaultAdd := makeCapSet(s.defaultAddCapabilities)
	requiredDrop := makeCapSet(s.requiredDropCapabilities)
	containerAdd := sets.NewString()
	containerDrop := sets.NewString()

	if container.SecurityContext != nil && container.SecurityContext.Capabilities != nil {
		containerAdd = makeCapSet(container.SecurityContext.Capabilities.Add)
		containerDrop = makeCapSet(container.SecurityContext.Capabilities.Drop)

	// remove any default adds that the container is specifically dropping
	defaultAdd = defaultAdd.Difference(containerDrop)

	combinedAdd := defaultAdd.Union(containerAdd).List()
	combinedDrop := requiredDrop.Union(containerDrop).List()

	// nothing generated?  return nil
	if len(combinedAdd) == 0 && len(combinedDrop) == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	return &api.Capabilities{
		Add:  capabilityFromStringSlice(combinedAdd),
		Drop: capabilityFromStringSlice(combinedDrop),
	}, nil
func TestWaitFlagNew(t *testing.T) {
	fcmd := exec.FakeCmd{
		CombinedOutputScript: []exec.FakeCombinedOutputAction{
			// iptables version check
			func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte("iptables v1.4.22"), nil },
			// Success.
			func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte{}, nil },
	fexec := exec.FakeExec{
		CommandScript: []exec.FakeCommandAction{
			func(cmd string, args ...string) exec.Cmd { return exec.InitFakeCmd(&fcmd, cmd, args...) },
			func(cmd string, args ...string) exec.Cmd { return exec.InitFakeCmd(&fcmd, cmd, args...) },
	runner := New(&fexec, dbus.NewFake(nil, nil), ProtocolIpv4)
	defer runner.Destroy()
	err := runner.DeleteChain(TableNAT, Chain("FOOBAR"))
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("expected success, got %v", err)
	if fcmd.CombinedOutputCalls != 2 {
		t.Errorf("expected 2 CombinedOutput() calls, got %d", fcmd.CombinedOutputCalls)
	if !sets.NewString(fcmd.CombinedOutputLog[1]...).HasAll("iptables", "-w2") {
		t.Errorf("wrong CombinedOutput() log, got %s", fcmd.CombinedOutputLog[1])
	if sets.NewString(fcmd.CombinedOutputLog[1]...).HasAny("-w") {
		t.Errorf("wrong CombinedOutput() log, got %s", fcmd.CombinedOutputLog[1])
Beispiel #3
// Test public interface
func doTestIndex(t *testing.T, indexer Indexer) {
	mkObj := func(id string, val string) testStoreObject {
		return testStoreObject{id: id, val: val}

	// Test Index
	expected := map[string]sets.String{}
	expected["b"] = sets.NewString("a", "c")
	expected["f"] = sets.NewString("e")
	expected["h"] = sets.NewString("g")
	indexer.Add(mkObj("a", "b"))
	indexer.Add(mkObj("c", "b"))
	indexer.Add(mkObj("e", "f"))
	indexer.Add(mkObj("g", "h"))
		for k, v := range expected {
			found := sets.String{}
			indexResults, err := indexer.Index("by_val", mkObj("", k))
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
			for _, item := range indexResults {
			items := v.List()
			if !found.HasAll(items...) {
				t.Errorf("missing items, index %s, expected %v but found %v", k, items, found.List())
func TestPetQueueScaleDown(t *testing.T) {
	replicas := 1
	ps := newPetSet(replicas)

	// knownPods are the pods in the system
	knownPods := newPodList(ps, 3)

	q := NewPetQueue(ps, knownPods)

	// The iterator will insert a single replica, the enqueue
	// mimics that behavior.
	pet, _ := newPCB(fmt.Sprintf("%v", 0), ps)

	deletes := sets.NewString(fmt.Sprintf("%v-1", ps.Name), fmt.Sprintf("%v-2", ps.Name))
	syncs := sets.NewString(fmt.Sprintf("%v-0", ps.Name))

	// Confirm that 2 known pods are deleted
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		p := q.dequeue()
		switch p.event {
		case syncPet:
			if !syncs.Has(p.pod.Name) {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected sync %v expecting %+v", p.pod.Name, syncs)
		case deletePet:
			if !deletes.Has(p.pod.Name) {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected deletes %v expecting %+v", p.pod.Name, deletes)
	if q.dequeue() != nil {
		t.Errorf("Expected no pets")
Beispiel #5
func newRESTMapper(externalVersions []unversioned.GroupVersion) meta.RESTMapper {
	// the list of kinds that are scoped at the root of the api hierarchy
	// if a kind is not enumerated here, it is assumed to have a namespace scope
	rootScoped := sets.NewString()

	ignoredKinds := sets.NewString()

	return api.NewDefaultRESTMapper(externalVersions, interfacesFor, importPrefix, ignoredKinds, rootScoped)
// test the processItem function making the expected actions.
func TestProcessItem(t *testing.T) {
	pod := newDanglingPod()
	podBytes, err := json.Marshal(pod)
	if err != nil {
	testHandler := &fakeActionHandler{
		response: map[string]FakeResponse{
			"GET" + "/api/v1/namespaces/ns1/replicationcontrollers/owner1": {
			"GET" + "/api/v1/namespaces/ns1/pods/ToBeDeletedPod": {
	podResource := []unversioned.GroupVersionResource{{Version: "v1", Resource: "pods"}}
	srv, clientConfig := testServerAndClientConfig(testHandler.ServeHTTP)
	defer srv.Close()
	clientPool := dynamic.NewClientPool(clientConfig, dynamic.LegacyAPIPathResolverFunc)
	gc, err := NewGarbageCollector(clientPool, podResource)
	if err != nil {
	item := &node{
		identity: objectReference{
			OwnerReference: metatypes.OwnerReference{
				Kind:       pod.Kind,
				APIVersion: pod.APIVersion,
				Name:       pod.Name,
				UID:        pod.UID,
			Namespace: pod.Namespace,
		// owners are intentionally left empty. The processItem routine should get the latest item from the server.
		owners: nil,
	err = gc.processItem(item)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected Error: %v", err)
	expectedActionSet := sets.NewString()

	actualActionSet := sets.NewString()
	for _, action := range testHandler.actions {
	if !expectedActionSet.Equal(actualActionSet) {
		t.Errorf("expected actions:\n%v\n but got:\n%v\nDifference:\n%v", expectedActionSet,
			actualActionSet, expectedActionSet.Difference(actualActionSet))
func TestSyncResourceQuotaNoChange(t *testing.T) {
	resourceQuota := api.ResourceQuota{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
			Namespace: "default",
			Name:      "rq",
		Spec: api.ResourceQuotaSpec{
			Hard: api.ResourceList{
				api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("4"),
		Status: api.ResourceQuotaStatus{
			Hard: api.ResourceList{
				api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("4"),
			Used: api.ResourceList{
				api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("0"),

	kubeClient := fake.NewSimpleClientset(&api.PodList{}, &resourceQuota)
	resourceQuotaControllerOptions := &ResourceQuotaControllerOptions{
		KubeClient:   kubeClient,
		ResyncPeriod: controller.NoResyncPeriodFunc,
		Registry:     install.NewRegistry(kubeClient),
		GroupKindsToReplenish: []unversioned.GroupKind{
		ControllerFactory:         NewReplenishmentControllerFactoryFromClient(kubeClient),
		ReplenishmentResyncPeriod: controller.NoResyncPeriodFunc,
	quotaController := NewResourceQuotaController(resourceQuotaControllerOptions)
	err := quotaController.syncResourceQuota(resourceQuota)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error %v", err)
	expectedActionSet := sets.NewString(
		strings.Join([]string{"list", "replicationcontrollers", ""}, "-"),
		strings.Join([]string{"list", "services", ""}, "-"),
		strings.Join([]string{"list", "pods", ""}, "-"),
		strings.Join([]string{"list", "resourcequotas", ""}, "-"),
		strings.Join([]string{"list", "secrets", ""}, "-"),
		strings.Join([]string{"list", "persistentvolumeclaims", ""}, "-"),
	actionSet := sets.NewString()
	for _, action := range kubeClient.Actions() {
		actionSet.Insert(strings.Join([]string{action.GetVerb(), action.GetResource().Resource, action.GetSubresource()}, "-"))
	if !actionSet.HasAll(expectedActionSet.List()...) {
		t.Errorf("Expected actions:\n%v\n but got:\n%v\nDifference:\n%v", expectedActionSet, actionSet, expectedActionSet.Difference(actionSet))
func (im *realImageManager) detectImages(detectTime time.Time) error {
	images, err := im.runtime.ListImages()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	pods, err := im.runtime.GetPods(true)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Make a set of images in use by containers.
	imagesInUse := sets.NewString()
	for _, pod := range pods {
		for _, container := range pod.Containers {
			glog.V(5).Infof("Pod %s/%s, container %s uses image %s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, container.Name, container.Image)

	// Add new images and record those being used.
	now := time.Now()
	currentImages := sets.NewString()
	defer im.imageRecordsLock.Unlock()
	for _, image := range images {
		glog.V(5).Infof("Adding image ID %s to currentImages", image.ID)

		// New image, set it as detected now.
		if _, ok := im.imageRecords[image.ID]; !ok {
			glog.V(5).Infof("Image ID %s is new", image.ID)
			im.imageRecords[image.ID] = &imageRecord{
				firstDetected: detectTime,

		// Set last used time to now if the image is being used.
		if isImageUsed(image, imagesInUse) {
			glog.V(5).Infof("Setting Image ID %s lastUsed to %v", image.ID, now)
			im.imageRecords[image.ID].lastUsed = now

		glog.V(5).Infof("Image ID %s has size %d", image.ID, image.Size)
		im.imageRecords[image.ID].size = image.Size

	// Remove old images from our records.
	for image := range im.imageRecords {
		if !currentImages.Has(image) {
			glog.V(5).Infof("Image ID %s is no longer present; removing from imageRecords", image)
			delete(im.imageRecords, image)

	return nil
Beispiel #9
func newRESTMapper(externalVersions []unversioned.GroupVersion) meta.RESTMapper {
	rootScoped := sets.NewString(

	ignoredKinds := sets.NewString()

	return api.NewDefaultRESTMapper(externalVersions, interfacesFor, importPrefix, ignoredKinds, rootScoped)
func TestRequirementConstructor(t *testing.T) {
	requirementConstructorTests := []struct {
		Key     string
		Op      Operator
		Vals    sets.String
		Success bool
		{"x", InOperator, nil, false},
		{"x", NotInOperator, sets.NewString(), false},
		{"x", InOperator, sets.NewString("foo"), true},
		{"x", NotInOperator, sets.NewString("foo"), true},
		{"x", ExistsOperator, nil, true},
		{"x", DoesNotExistOperator, nil, true},
		{"1foo", InOperator, sets.NewString("bar"), true},
		{"1234", InOperator, sets.NewString("bar"), true},
		{"y", GreaterThanOperator, sets.NewString("1.1"), true},
		{"z", LessThanOperator, sets.NewString("5.3"), true},
		{"foo", GreaterThanOperator, sets.NewString("bar"), false},
		{"barz", LessThanOperator, sets.NewString("blah"), false},
		{strings.Repeat("a", 254), ExistsOperator, nil, false}, //breaks DNS rule that len(key) <= 253
	for _, rc := range requirementConstructorTests {
		if _, err := NewRequirement(rc.Key, rc.Op, rc.Vals); err == nil && !rc.Success {
			t.Errorf("expected error with key:%#v op:%v vals:%v, got no error", rc.Key, rc.Op, rc.Vals)
		} else if err != nil && rc.Success {
			t.Errorf("expected no error with key:%#v op:%v vals:%v, got:%v", rc.Key, rc.Op, rc.Vals, err)
Beispiel #11
func TestStoreWatch(t *testing.T) {
	testContext := api.WithNamespace(api.NewContext(), "test")
	noNamespaceContext := api.NewContext()

	table := map[string]struct {
		context api.Context
		"single": {
			Matcher: setMatcher{sets.NewString("foo")},
		"multi": {
			Matcher: setMatcher{sets.NewString("foo", "bar")},
		"singleNoNamespace": {
			Matcher: setMatcher{sets.NewString("foo")},
			context: noNamespaceContext,

	for name, m := range table {
		ctx := testContext
		if m.context != nil {
			ctx = m.context
		podA := &api.Pod{
			ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
				Name:      "foo",
				Namespace: "test",
			Spec: api.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine"},

		server, registry := NewTestGenericStoreRegistry(t)
		wi, err := registry.WatchPredicate(ctx, m, "0")
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%v: unexpected error: %v", name, err)
		} else {
			obj, err := registry.Create(testContext, podA)
			if err != nil {
				got, open := <-wi.ResultChan()
				if !open {
					t.Errorf("%v: unexpected channel close", name)
				} else {
					if e, a := obj, got.Object; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
						t.Errorf("Expected %#v, got %#v", e, a)

// Makes sure that exactly the specified hosts are registered as instances with the load balancer
func (c *Cloud) ensureLoadBalancerInstances(loadBalancerName string, lbInstances []*elb.Instance, instances []*ec2.Instance) error {
	expected := sets.NewString()
	for _, instance := range instances {

	actual := sets.NewString()
	for _, lbInstance := range lbInstances {

	additions := expected.Difference(actual)
	removals := actual.Difference(expected)

	addInstances := []*elb.Instance{}
	for _, instanceId := range additions.List() {
		addInstance := &elb.Instance{}
		addInstance.InstanceId = aws.String(instanceId)
		addInstances = append(addInstances, addInstance)

	removeInstances := []*elb.Instance{}
	for _, instanceId := range removals.List() {
		removeInstance := &elb.Instance{}
		removeInstance.InstanceId = aws.String(instanceId)
		removeInstances = append(removeInstances, removeInstance)

	if len(addInstances) > 0 {
		registerRequest := &elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerInput{}
		registerRequest.Instances = addInstances
		registerRequest.LoadBalancerName = aws.String(loadBalancerName)
		_, err := c.elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer(registerRequest)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		glog.V(1).Infof("Instances added to load-balancer %s", loadBalancerName)

	if len(removeInstances) > 0 {
		deregisterRequest := &elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancerInput{}
		deregisterRequest.Instances = removeInstances
		deregisterRequest.LoadBalancerName = aws.String(loadBalancerName)
		_, err := c.elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer(deregisterRequest)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		glog.V(1).Infof("Instances removed from load-balancer %s", loadBalancerName)

	return nil
func compareResults(t *testing.T, expected, actual []types.UID) {
	expectedSet := sets.NewString()
	for _, u := range expected {
	actualSet := sets.NewString()
	for _, u := range actual {
	if !expectedSet.Equal(actualSet) {
		t.Errorf("Expected %#v, got %#v", expectedSet.List(), actualSet.List())
Beispiel #14
// fsTypeToStringSet converts an FSType slice to a string set.
func FSTypeToStringSet(fsTypes []extensions.FSType) sets.String {
	set := sets.NewString()
	for _, v := range fsTypes {
	return set
Beispiel #15
// makeCapSet makes a string set from capabilities and normalizes them to be all lower case to help
// with comparisons.
func makeCapSet(caps []api.Capability) sets.String {
	s := sets.NewString()
	for _, c := range caps {
	return s
Beispiel #16
// NodeSelectorRequirementsAsSelector converts the []NodeSelectorRequirement api type into a struct that implements
// labels.Selector.
func NodeSelectorRequirementsAsSelector(nsm []NodeSelectorRequirement) (labels.Selector, error) {
	if len(nsm) == 0 {
		return labels.Nothing(), nil
	selector := labels.NewSelector()
	for _, expr := range nsm {
		var op labels.Operator
		switch expr.Operator {
		case NodeSelectorOpIn:
			op = labels.InOperator
		case NodeSelectorOpNotIn:
			op = labels.NotInOperator
		case NodeSelectorOpExists:
			op = labels.ExistsOperator
		case NodeSelectorOpDoesNotExist:
			op = labels.DoesNotExistOperator
		case NodeSelectorOpGt:
			op = labels.GreaterThanOperator
		case NodeSelectorOpLt:
			op = labels.LessThanOperator
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid node selector operator", expr.Operator)
		r, err := labels.NewRequirement(expr.Key, op, sets.NewString(expr.Values...))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		selector = selector.Add(*r)
	return selector, nil
Beispiel #17
func GetAllFSTypesAsSet() sets.String {
	fstypes := sets.NewString()
	return fstypes
func TestEnsureRuleAlreadyExists(t *testing.T) {
	fcmd := exec.FakeCmd{
		CombinedOutputScript: []exec.FakeCombinedOutputAction{
			// iptables version check
			func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte("iptables v1.9.22"), nil },
			// Success.
			func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte{}, nil },
	fexec := exec.FakeExec{
		CommandScript: []exec.FakeCommandAction{
			// iptables version check
			func(cmd string, args ...string) exec.Cmd { return exec.InitFakeCmd(&fcmd, cmd, args...) },
			// The second Command() call is checking the rule.  Success of that exec means "done".
			func(cmd string, args ...string) exec.Cmd { return exec.InitFakeCmd(&fcmd, cmd, args...) },
	runner := New(&fexec, dbus.NewFake(nil, nil), ProtocolIpv4)
	defer runner.Destroy()
	exists, err := runner.EnsureRule(Append, TableNAT, ChainOutput, "abc", "123")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("expected success, got %v", err)
	if !exists {
		t.Errorf("expected exists = true")
	if fcmd.CombinedOutputCalls != 2 {
		t.Errorf("expected 2 CombinedOutput() calls, got %d", fcmd.CombinedOutputCalls)
	if !sets.NewString(fcmd.CombinedOutputLog[1]...).HasAll("iptables", "-t", "nat", "-C", "OUTPUT", "abc", "123") {
		t.Errorf("wrong CombinedOutput() log, got %s", fcmd.CombinedOutputLog[1])
func TestDeleteRuleNew(t *testing.T) {
	fcmd := exec.FakeCmd{
		CombinedOutputScript: []exec.FakeCombinedOutputAction{
			// iptables version check
			func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte("iptables v1.9.22"), nil },
			// Success on the first call.
			func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte{}, nil },
			// Success on the second call.
			func() ([]byte, error) { return []byte{}, nil },
	fexec := exec.FakeExec{
		CommandScript: []exec.FakeCommandAction{
			// iptables version check
			func(cmd string, args ...string) exec.Cmd { return exec.InitFakeCmd(&fcmd, cmd, args...) },
			// The second Command() call is checking the rule.  Success of that means delete it.
			func(cmd string, args ...string) exec.Cmd { return exec.InitFakeCmd(&fcmd, cmd, args...) },
			func(cmd string, args ...string) exec.Cmd { return exec.InitFakeCmd(&fcmd, cmd, args...) },
	runner := New(&fexec, dbus.NewFake(nil, nil), ProtocolIpv4)
	defer runner.Destroy()
	err := runner.DeleteRule(TableNAT, ChainOutput, "abc", "123")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("expected success, got %v", err)
	if fcmd.CombinedOutputCalls != 3 {
		t.Errorf("expected 3 CombinedOutput() calls, got %d", fcmd.CombinedOutputCalls)
	if !sets.NewString(fcmd.CombinedOutputLog[2]...).HasAll("iptables", "-t", "nat", "-D", "OUTPUT", "abc", "123") {
		t.Errorf("wrong CombinedOutput() log, got %s", fcmd.CombinedOutputLog[2])
// getUnmountedVolumes fetches the current list of mounted volumes from
// the actual state of the world, and uses it to process the list of
// expectedVolumes. It returns a list of unmounted volumes.
func (vm *volumeManager) getUnmountedVolumes(
	podName types.UniquePodName, expectedVolumes []string) []string {
	mountedVolumes := sets.NewString()
	for _, mountedVolume := range vm.actualStateOfWorld.GetMountedVolumesForPod(podName) {
	return filterUnmountedVolumes(mountedVolumes, expectedVolumes)
Beispiel #21
// NewHandler creates a new base handler that handles the passed
// in operations
func NewHandler(ops ...Operation) *Handler {
	operations := sets.NewString()
	for _, op := range ops {
	return &Handler{
		operations: operations,
// Creates new queue which will use given RateLimiter to oversee execution.
func NewRateLimitedTimedQueue(limiter flowcontrol.RateLimiter) *RateLimitedTimedQueue {
	return &RateLimitedTimedQueue{
		queue: UniqueQueue{
			queue: TimedQueue{},
			set:   sets.NewString(),
		limiter: limiter,
// Clear removes all items from the queue and duplication preventing set.
func (q *UniqueQueue) Clear() {
	defer q.lock.Unlock()
	if q.queue.Len() > 0 {
		q.queue = make(TimedQueue, 0)
	if len(q.set) > 0 {
		q.set = sets.NewString()
Beispiel #24
// Executes the rule check without using the "-C" flag, instead parsing iptables-save.
// Present for compatibility with <1.4.11 versions of iptables.  This is full
// of hack and half-measures.  We should nix this ASAP.
func (runner *runner) checkRuleWithoutCheck(table Table, chain Chain, args ...string) (bool, error) {
	glog.V(1).Infof("running iptables-save -t %s", string(table))
	out, err := runner.exec.Command(cmdIptablesSave, "-t", string(table)).CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("error checking rule: %v", err)

	// Sadly, iptables has inconsistent quoting rules for comments. Just remove all quotes.
	// Also, quoted multi-word comments (which are counted as a single arg)
	// will be unpacked into multiple args,
	// in order to compare against iptables-save output (which will be split at whitespace boundary)
	// e.g. a single arg('"this must be before the NodePort rules"') will be unquoted and unpacked into 7 args.
	var argsCopy []string
	for i := range args {
		tmpField := strings.Trim(args[i], "\"")
		argsCopy = append(argsCopy, strings.Fields(tmpField)...)
	argset := sets.NewString(argsCopy...)

	for _, line := range strings.Split(string(out), "\n") {
		var fields = strings.Fields(line)

		// Check that this is a rule for the correct chain, and that it has
		// the correct number of argument (+2 for "-A <chain name>")
		if !strings.HasPrefix(line, fmt.Sprintf("-A %s", string(chain))) || len(fields) != len(argsCopy)+2 {

		// Sadly, iptables has inconsistent quoting rules for comments.
		// Just remove all quotes.
		for i := range fields {
			fields[i] = strings.Trim(fields[i], "\"")

		// TODO: This misses reorderings e.g. "-x foo ! -y bar" will match "! -x foo -y bar"
		if sets.NewString(fields...).IsSuperset(argset) {
			return true, nil
		glog.V(5).Infof("DBG: fields is not a superset of args: fields=%v  args=%v", fields, args)

	return false, nil
Beispiel #25
func stringSetFromPointers(in []*string) sets.String {
	if in == nil {
		return nil
	out := sets.NewString()
	for i := range in {
	return out
Beispiel #26
func (dk *BasicDockerKeyring) Add(cfg DockerConfig) {
	if dk.index == nil {
		dk.index = make([]string, 0)
		dk.creds = make(map[string][]LazyAuthConfiguration)
	for loc, ident := range cfg {

		var creds LazyAuthConfiguration
		if ident.Provider != nil {
			creds = LazyAuthConfiguration{
				Provider: ident.Provider,
		} else {
			creds = DockerConfigEntryToLazyAuthConfiguration(ident)

		value := loc
		if !strings.HasPrefix(value, "https://") && !strings.HasPrefix(value, "http://") {
			value = "https://" + value
		parsed, err := url.Parse(value)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Entry %q in dockercfg invalid (%v), ignoring", loc, err)

		// The docker client allows exact matches:
		// Or hostname matches:
		// It also considers /v2/  and /v1/ equivalent to the hostname
		// See ResolveAuthConfig in docker/registry/auth.go.
		effectivePath := parsed.Path
		if strings.HasPrefix(effectivePath, "/v2/") || strings.HasPrefix(effectivePath, "/v1/") {
			effectivePath = effectivePath[3:]
		var key string
		if (len(effectivePath) > 0) && (effectivePath != "/") {
			key = parsed.Host + effectivePath
		} else {
			key = parsed.Host
		dk.creds[key] = append(dk.creds[key], creds)
		dk.index = append(dk.index, key)

	eliminateDupes := sets.NewString(dk.index...)
	dk.index = eliminateDupes.List()

	// Update the index used to identify which credentials to use for a given
	// image. The index is reverse-sorted so more specific paths are matched
	// first. For example, if for the given image "",
	// credentials for "" should match before "".
func TestActivePodFiltering(t *testing.T) {
	// This rc is not needed by the test, only the newPodList to give the pods labels/a namespace.
	rc := newReplicationController(0)
	podList := newPodList(nil, 5, api.PodRunning, rc)
	podList.Items[0].Status.Phase = api.PodSucceeded
	podList.Items[1].Status.Phase = api.PodFailed
	expectedNames := sets.NewString()
	for _, pod := range podList.Items[2:] {

	got := FilterActivePods(podList.Items)
	gotNames := sets.NewString()
	for _, pod := range got {
	if expectedNames.Difference(gotNames).Len() != 0 || gotNames.Difference(expectedNames).Len() != 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", expectedNames.List(), gotNames.List())
func TestRequirementSelectorMatching(t *testing.T) {
	var req Requirement
	labelSelectorMatchingTests := []struct {
		Set   Set
		Sel   Selector
		Match bool
		{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &internalSelector{
		}, false},
		{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &internalSelector{
			getRequirement("x", InOperator, sets.NewString("foo"), t),
			getRequirement("y", NotInOperator, sets.NewString("alpha"), t),
		}, true},
		{Set{"x": "foo", "y": "baz"}, &internalSelector{
			getRequirement("x", InOperator, sets.NewString("foo"), t),
			getRequirement("y", InOperator, sets.NewString("alpha"), t),
		}, false},
		{Set{"y": ""}, &internalSelector{
			getRequirement("x", NotInOperator, sets.NewString(""), t),
			getRequirement("y", ExistsOperator, nil, t),
		}, true},
		{Set{"y": ""}, &internalSelector{
			getRequirement("x", DoesNotExistOperator, nil, t),
			getRequirement("y", ExistsOperator, nil, t),
		}, true},
		{Set{"y": ""}, &internalSelector{
			getRequirement("x", NotInOperator, sets.NewString(""), t),
			getRequirement("y", DoesNotExistOperator, nil, t),
		}, false},
		{Set{"y": "baz"}, &internalSelector{
			getRequirement("x", InOperator, sets.NewString(""), t),
		}, false},
		{Set{"z": "1.2"}, &internalSelector{
			getRequirement("z", GreaterThanOperator, sets.NewString("1.0"), t),
		}, true},
		{Set{"z": "v1.2"}, &internalSelector{
			getRequirement("z", GreaterThanOperator, sets.NewString("1.0"), t),
		}, false},
	for _, lsm := range labelSelectorMatchingTests {
		if match := lsm.Sel.Matches(lsm.Set); match != lsm.Match {
			t.Errorf("%+v.Matches(%#v) => %v, want %v", lsm.Sel, lsm.Set, match, lsm.Match)
Beispiel #29
// SplitResourceArgument splits the argument with commas and returns unique
// strings in the original order.
func SplitResourceArgument(arg string) []string {
	out := []string{}
	set := sets.NewString()
	for _, s := range strings.Split(arg, ",") {
		if set.Has(s) {
		out = append(out, s)
	return out
func TestTry(t *testing.T) {
	evictor := NewRateLimitedTimedQueue(flowcontrol.NewFakeAlwaysRateLimiter())

	deletedMap := sets.NewString()
	evictor.Try(func(value TimedValue) (bool, time.Duration) {
		return true, 0

	setPattern := sets.NewString("first", "third")
	if len(deletedMap) != len(setPattern) {
		t.Fatalf("Map %v should have length %d", evictor.queue.set, len(setPattern))
	if !CheckSetEq(setPattern, deletedMap) {
		t.Errorf("Invalid map. Got %v, expected %v", deletedMap, setPattern)