Beispiel #1
func getClients(t *testing.T, serverCh *tchannel.Channel) (gen.TChanSimpleService, gen.TChanSecondService) {
	serverInfo := serverCh.PeerInfo()
	ch := testutils.NewClient(t, nil)

	client := NewClient(ch, serverInfo.ServiceName, nil)

	simpleClient := gen.NewTChanSimpleServiceClient(client)
	secondClient := gen.NewTChanSecondServiceClient(client)
	return simpleClient, secondClient
// NewZipkinTraceReporter returns a zipkin trace reporter that submits span to tcollector service.
func NewZipkinTraceReporter(ch *tc.Channel) *ZipkinTraceReporter {
	thriftClient := thrift.NewClient(ch, tcollectorServiceName, nil)
	client := tcollector.NewTChanTCollectorClient(thriftClient)
	// create the goroutine method to actually to the submit Span.
	reporter := &ZipkinTraceReporter{
		tchannel: ch,
		client:   client,
		c:        make(chan zipkinData, chanBufferSize),
		logger:   ch.Logger(),
	go reporter.zipkinSpanWorker()
	return reporter
Beispiel #3
func getClients(serverCh *tchannel.Channel) (gen.TChanSimpleService, gen.TChanSecondService, error) {
	serverInfo := serverCh.PeerInfo()
	ch, err := testutils.NewClientChannel(nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	client := NewClient(ch, serverInfo.ServiceName, nil)

	simpleClient := gen.NewTChanSimpleServiceClient(client)
	secondClient := gen.NewTChanSecondServiceClient(client)
	return simpleClient, secondClient, nil
Beispiel #4
// NewTCollectorReporter return trace reporter that submits span to TCollector.
func NewTCollectorReporter(ch *tc.Channel) *TCollectorReporter {
	thriftClient := thrift.NewClient(ch, tcollectorServiceName, nil)
	client := tcollector.NewTChanTCollectorClient(thriftClient)

	curHostIP, err := tc.ListenIP()
	if err != nil {
		ch.Logger().WithFields(tc.ErrField(err)).Warn("TCollector TraceReporter failed to get IP.")
		curHostIP = net.IPv4(0, 0, 0, 0)

	// create the goroutine method to actually to the submit Span.
	reporter := &TCollectorReporter{
		tchannel:  ch,
		client:    client,
		c:         make(chan tc.TraceData, chanBufferSize),
		logger:    ch.Logger(),
		curHostIP: inetAton(curHostIP.String()),
	go reporter.worker()
	return reporter