Beispiel #1
// isMounted returns true if the given path is a mountpoint
func isMounted(path string) (bool, error) {
	cmd := exec.Command(mountpointCmd, path)
	// mountpoint uses translated messages, ensure we get the
	// english ones
	cmd.Env = []string{"LC_ALL=C"}

	output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	exitCode, err := osutil.ExitCode(err)
	// if we get anything other than "ExitError" er error here
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	// mountpoint.c from util-linux always returns 0 or 1
	// (unless e.g. signal)
	if exitCode != 0 && exitCode != 1 {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("got unexpected exit code %v from the mountpoint command: %s", exitCode, output)

	// exitCode == 0 means it is a mountpoint, do we are done
	if exitCode == 0 {
		return true, nil

	// exitCode == 1 either means something went wrong *or*
	//               the path is not a mount point
	//               (thanks mountpoint.c :/)
	if strings.Contains(string(output), "is not a mountpoint") {
		return false, nil

	return false, fmt.Errorf("unexpected output from mountpoint: %s (%v)", output, exitCode)
Beispiel #2
// run calls systemctl with the given args, returning its standard output (and wrapped error)
func run(args ...string) ([]byte, error) {
	bs, err := exec.Command("systemctl", args...).CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		exitCode, _ := osutil.ExitCode(err)
		return nil, &Error{cmd: args, exitCode: exitCode, msg: bs}

	return bs, nil
Beispiel #3
// jctl calls journalctl to get the JSON logs of the given services, wrapping the error if any.
func jctl(svcs []string) ([]byte, error) {
	cmd := []string{"journalctl", "-o", "json"}

	for i := range svcs {
		cmd = append(cmd, "-u", svcs[i])

	bs, err := exec.Command(cmd[0], cmd[1:]...).Output() // journalctl can be messy with its stderr
	if err != nil {
		exitCode, _ := osutil.ExitCode(err)
		return nil, &Error{cmd: cmd, exitCode: exitCode, msg: bs}

	return bs, nil
Beispiel #4
// Lowlevel copy the snap data (but never override existing data)
func copySnapDataDirectory(oldPath, newPath string) (err error) {
	if _, err := os.Stat(oldPath); err == nil {
		if _, err := os.Stat(newPath); err != nil {
			// there is no golang "CopyFile"
			cmd := exec.Command("cp", "-a", oldPath, newPath)
			if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
				if exitCode, err := osutil.ExitCode(err); err == nil {
					return &ErrDataCopyFailed{
						OldPath:  oldPath,
						NewPath:  newPath,
						ExitCode: exitCode}
				return err
	return nil