Beispiel #1
func getPkgInfoWithQ(path, tag string, q *qbs.Qbs) (*hv.PkgInfo, error) {
	// Check path length to reduce connect times.
	if len(path) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("models.getPkgInfoWithQ -> Empty path as not found.")

	pinfo := new(hv.PkgInfo)
	q.WhereEqual("import_path", path).Find(pinfo)

	proPath := utils.GetProjectPath(path)
	if utils.IsGoRepoPath(path) {
		proPath = ""
	beego.Trace("models.getPkgInfoWithQ -> proPath:", proPath)
	ptag := new(PkgTag)
	cond := qbs.NewCondition("path = ?", proPath).And("tag = ?", tag)
	err := q.Condition(cond).Find(ptag)
	if err != nil {
		pinfo.Ptag = "ptag"
		return pinfo, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("models.getPkgInfoWithQ( %s:%s ) -> 'PkgTag': %s", path, tag, err))
	pinfo.Vcs = ptag.Vcs
	pinfo.Tags = ptag.Tags

	// Only 'PkgInfo' cannot prove that package exists,
	// we have to check 'PkgDecl' as well in case it was deleted by mistake.

	pdecl := new(PkgDecl)
	cond = qbs.NewCondition("pid = ?", pinfo.Id).And("tag = ?", tag)
	err = q.Condition(cond).Find(pdecl)
	if err != nil {
		// Basically, error means not found, so we set 'pinfo.PkgVer' to 0
		// because server uses it to decide whether force update.
		pinfo.PkgVer = 0
		pinfo.Ptag = "ptag"
		return pinfo, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("models.getPkgInfoWithQ( %s:%s ) -> 'PkgDecl': %s", path, tag, err))

	docPath := path + utils.TagSuffix("-", tag)
	if !com.IsExist("." + utils.DocsJsPath + docPath + ".js") {
		pinfo.PkgVer = 0
		pinfo.Ptag = "ptag"
		return pinfo, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("models.getPkgInfoWithQ( %s:%s ) -> JS: File not found", path, tag))

	return pinfo, nil
Beispiel #2
// generatePage genarates documentation page for project.
// it returns false when it's a invaild(empty) project.
func generatePage(this *HomeRouter, pdoc *hv.Package, q, tag string) bool {
	docPath := pdoc.ImportPath + utils.TagSuffix("-", tag)

	if pdoc.IsNeedRender {
		if !renderDoc(this, pdoc, q, tag, docPath) {
			return false
	} else {
		pdecl, err := models.LoadProject(pdoc.Id, tag)
		if err != nil {
			beego.Error("HomeController.generatePage ->", err)
			return false

		err = ConvertDataFormat(pdoc, pdecl)
		if err != nil {
			beego.Error("HomeController.generatePage -> ConvertDataFormat:", err)
			return false

		this.Data["UtcTime"] = pdoc.Created.Add(4 * time.Hour)
		this.Data["TimeSince"] = calTimeSince(pdoc.Created.Add(4 * time.Hour))

	proName := path.Base(pdoc.ImportPath)
	if i := strings.Index(proName, "?"); i > -1 {
		proName = proName[:i]
	this.Data["ProName"] = proName

	// Check if need to show Hacker View.
	f := this.Input().Get("f")
	hvJs := utils.HvJsPath + pdoc.ImportPath + "/" + f + ".js"
	if len(tag) == 0 && (pdoc.IsCmd || pdoc.IsGoRepo || pdoc.IsGoSubrepo) &&
		len(f) > 0 && com.IsExist("."+hvJs) {
		this.TplNames = "hv.html"

		var query string
		if i := strings.Index(pdoc.ViewDirPath, "?"); i > -1 {
			query = pdoc.ViewDirPath[i:]
			pdoc.ViewDirPath = pdoc.ViewDirPath[:i]
		this.Data["ViewDirPath"] = strings.TrimSuffix(pdoc.ViewDirPath, "/")
		this.Data["Query"] = query
		this.Data["FileName"] = f
		this.Data["HvJs"] = hvJs
		return true

	// Set properties.
	this.TplNames = "docs.html"

	this.Data["Pid"] = pdoc.Id
	this.Data["IsGoRepo"] = pdoc.IsGoRepo

	if len(tag) == 0 && (pdoc.IsCmd || pdoc.IsGoRepo || pdoc.IsGoSubrepo) {
		this.Data["IsHasHv"] = true

	// Refresh (within 10 seconds).
	this.Data["IsRefresh"] = pdoc.Created.UTC().Add(10 * time.Second).After(time.Now().UTC())

	this.Data["VCS"] = pdoc.Vcs
	this.Data["ProPath"] = pdoc.ProjectPath
	this.Data["ProDocPath"] = path.Dir(pdoc.ImportPath)

	// Introduction.
	this.Data["ImportPath"] = pdoc.ImportPath
	lang := this.Data["Lang"].(string)
	byts, _ := base32.StdEncoding.DecodeString(
		models.LoadPkgDoc(pdoc.ImportPath, lang, "rm"))
	if len(byts) > 0 {
		this.Data["IsHasReadme"] = true
		this.Data["PkgDoc"] = string(byts)

	// Index.
	this.Data["IsHasExports"] = pdoc.IsHasExport
	this.Data["IsHasConst"] = pdoc.IsHasConst
	this.Data["IsHasVar"] = pdoc.IsHasVar

	if !pdoc.IsCmd {
		this.Data["IsHasExams"] = pdoc.IsHasExample

		tags := strings.Split(pdoc.Tags, "|||")
		// Tags.
		if len(tag) == 0 {
			tag = tags[0]
		this.Data["CurTag"] = tag
		this.Data["Tags"] = tags
	} else {
		this.Data["IsCmd"] = true

	this.Data["Rank"] = pdoc.Rank
	this.Data["Views"] = pdoc.Views + 1
	//this.Data["Labels"] = getLabels(pdoc.Labels)
	//this.Data["LabelDataSrc"] = labelSet
	this.Data["LabelDataSrc"] = ""
	this.Data["ImportPkgNum"] = len(pdoc.Imports)
	this.Data["IsHasSubdirs"] = pdoc.IsHasSubdir
	this.Data["IsHasFiles"] = pdoc.IsHasFile
	this.Data["IsHasImports"] = len(pdoc.Imports) > 0
	this.Data["IsImported"] = pdoc.RefNum > 0
	this.Data["ImportedNum"] = pdoc.RefNum
	this.Data["IsDocumentation"] = true

	docJS := make([]string, 0, pdoc.JsNum+1)
	docJS = append(docJS, utils.DocsJsPath+docPath+".js")

	for i := 1; i <= pdoc.JsNum; i++ {
		docJS = append(docJS, fmt.Sprintf(
			"%s%s-%d.js", utils.DocsJsPath, docPath, i))
	this.Data["DocJS"] = docJS
	return true
Beispiel #3
// generatePage genarates documentation page for project.
// it returns false when it's a invaild(empty) project.
func generatePage(this *HomeRouter, pdoc *hv.Package, q, tag string) bool {
	docPath := pdoc.ImportPath + utils.TagSuffix("-", tag)

	if pdoc.IsNeedRender {
		if !renderDoc(this, pdoc, q, tag, docPath) {
			return false
	} else {
		pdecl, err := models.LoadProject(pdoc.Id, tag)
		if err != nil {
			beego.Error("HomeController.generatePage ->", err)
			return false

		err = ConvertDataFormat(pdoc, pdecl)
		if err != nil {
			beego.Error("HomeController.generatePage -> ConvertDataFormat:", err)
			return false

		this.Data["UtcTime"] = time.Unix(pdoc.Created, 0).UTC()
		this.Data["TimeSince"] = calTimeSince(time.Unix(pdoc.Created, 0))

	// Add create time for JS files' link to prevent cache in case the page is recreated.
	this.Data["Timestamp"] = pdoc.Created

	proName := path.Base(pdoc.ImportPath)
	if i := strings.Index(proName, "?"); i > -1 {
		proName = proName[:i]
	this.Data["ProName"] = proName

	// Check if need to show Hacker View.
	f := this.Input().Get("f")
	hvJs := utils.HvJsPath + pdoc.ImportPath + "/" + f + ".js"
	if len(tag) == 0 && (pdoc.IsCmd || pdoc.IsGoRepo || pdoc.IsGoSubrepo) &&
		len(f) > 0 && com.IsExist("."+hvJs) {
		this.TplNames = "hv.html"

		var query string
		if i := strings.Index(pdoc.ViewDirPath, "?"); i > -1 {
			query = pdoc.ViewDirPath[i:]
			pdoc.ViewDirPath = pdoc.ViewDirPath[:i]
		this.Data["ViewDirPath"] = strings.TrimSuffix(pdoc.ViewDirPath, "/")
		this.Data["Query"] = query
		this.Data["FileName"] = f
		this.Data["HvJs"] = hvJs
		return true

	// Set properties.
	this.TplNames = "docs.html"

	this.Data["PkgDesc"] = pdoc.Synopsis
	this.Data["Pid"] = pdoc.Id
	this.Data["IsGoRepo"] = pdoc.IsGoRepo

	if len(tag) == 0 && (pdoc.IsCmd || pdoc.IsGoRepo || pdoc.IsGoSubrepo) {
		this.Data["IsHasHv"] = true

	// Refresh (within 10 seconds).
	this.Data["IsRefresh"] = time.Unix(pdoc.Created, 0).Add(10 * time.Second).After(time.Now())

	this.Data["VCS"] = pdoc.Vcs
	proPath := pdoc.ProjectPath

	// Introduction.
	this.Data["ImportPath"] = pdoc.ImportPath

	lang := this.Data["Lang"].(string)[:2]
	readmePath := utils.DocsJsPath + docPath + "_RM_" + lang + ".js"
	if com.IsFile("." + readmePath) {
		this.Data["IsHasReadme"] = true
		this.Data["PkgDocPath"] = readmePath

	// Index.
	this.Data["IsHasExports"] = pdoc.IsHasExport
	this.Data["IsHasConst"] = pdoc.IsHasConst
	this.Data["IsHasVar"] = pdoc.IsHasVar

	if !pdoc.IsCmd {
		this.Data["IsHasExams"] = pdoc.IsHasExample

		tags := strings.Split(pdoc.Tags, "|||")
		// Tags.
		if len(tag) == 0 {
			tag = tags[0]
		this.Data["CurTag"] = tag
		this.Data["Tags"] = tags
		if strings.HasPrefix(proPath, "") {
			offset := 6
			if len(tag) == 0 {
				// Projects with no tag.
				offset = 0
			proPath = proPath[:strings.Index(proPath, "/tree/")+offset] + tag
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(proPath, "") {
			proPath = proPath[:strings.Index(proPath, "?r=")+3] + tag
	} else {
		this.Data["IsCmd"] = true
	this.Data["IsCgo"] = pdoc.IsCgo

	this.Data["ProPath"] = proPath
	this.Data["ProDocPath"] = path.Dir(pdoc.ImportPath)

	this.Data["Rank"] = pdoc.Rank
	this.Data["Views"] = pdoc.Views + 1
	//this.Data["Labels"] = getLabels(pdoc.Labels)
	//this.Data["LabelDataSrc"] = labelSet
	this.Data["LabelDataSrc"] = ""
	this.Data["ImportPkgNum"] = len(pdoc.Imports)
	this.Data["IsHasSubdirs"] = pdoc.IsHasSubdir
	this.Data["IsHasFiles"] = pdoc.IsHasFile
	this.Data["IsHasImports"] = len(pdoc.Imports) > 0
	this.Data["IsImported"] = pdoc.RefNum > 0
	this.Data["ImportedNum"] = pdoc.RefNum
	this.Data["IsDocumentation"] = true

	docJS := make([]string, 0, pdoc.JsNum+1)
	docJS = append(docJS, utils.DocsJsPath+docPath+".js")

	for i := 1; i <= pdoc.JsNum; i++ {
		docJS = append(docJS, fmt.Sprintf(
			"%s%s-%d.js", utils.DocsJsPath, docPath, i))
	this.Data["DocJS"] = docJS
	return true
Beispiel #4
// GetPkgInfo returns 'PkgInfo' by given import path and tag.
// It returns error when the package does not exist.
func GetPkgInfo(path, tag string) (*hv.PkgInfo, error) {
	// Check path length to reduce connect times.
	if len(path) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("models.GetPkgInfo -> Empty path as not found.")

	pinfo := &hv.PkgInfo{ImportPath: path}
	has, err := x.Get(pinfo)
	if !has || err != nil {
		return pinfo, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("models.GetPkgInfo( %s:%s ) -> Get hv.PkgInfo: %v",
				path, tag, err))

	proPath := utils.GetProjectPath(path)
	if utils.IsGoRepoPath(path) {
		proPath = ""
	beego.Trace("models.GetPkgInfo -> proPath:", proPath)

	ptag := &PkgTag{
		Path: proPath,
		Tag:  tag,
	has, err = x.Get(ptag)
	if !has || err != nil {
		pinfo.Ptag = "ptag"
		return pinfo, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("models.GetPkgInfo( %s:%s ) -> Get PkgTag: %v",
				path, tag, err))

	pinfo.Vcs = ptag.Vcs
	pinfo.Tags = ptag.Tags

	// Only 'PkgInfo' cannot prove that package exists,
	// we have to check 'PkgDecl' as well in case it was deleted by mistake.

	pdecl := &PkgDecl{
		Pid: pinfo.Id,
		Tag: tag,
	has, err = x.Get(pdecl)
	if err != nil {
		return pinfo, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("models.GetPkgInfo( %s:%s ) -> Get PkgDecl: %v", path, tag, err))
	if !has {
		pinfo.PkgVer = 0
		pinfo.Ptag = "ptag"
		return pinfo, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("models.GetPkgInfo( %s:%s ) -> PkgDecl not exist: %v", path, tag, err))

	docPath := path + utils.TagSuffix("-", tag)
	if !com.IsExist("." + utils.DocsJsPath + docPath + ".js") {
		pinfo.PkgVer = 0
		pinfo.Ptag = "ptag"
		return pinfo, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("models.GetPkgInfo( %s:%s ) -> JS: File not found", path, tag))

	return pinfo, nil