func (m *Middleware) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {
	start := time.Now()
	next(rw, r)
	res := negroni.NewResponseWriter(rw)
	m.reqs.WithLabelValues(http.StatusText(res.Status()), r.Method, r.URL.Path).Inc()
	m.latency.WithLabelValues(http.StatusText(res.Status()), r.Method, r.URL.Path).Observe(float64(time.Since(start).Nanoseconds()) / 1000000)
Beispiel #2
// ServeHTTP wraps the http.ResponseWriter with a gzip.Writer.
func (h *handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {
	// Skip compression if the client doesn't accept gzip encoding.
	if !strings.Contains(r.Header.Get(headerAcceptEncoding), encodingGzip) {
		next(w, r)

	// Skip compression if client attempt WebSocket connection
	if len(r.Header.Get(headerSecWebSocketKey)) > 0 {
		next(w, r)

	// Skip compression if already compressed
	if w.Header().Get(headerContentEncoding) == encodingGzip {
		next(w, r)

	// Retrieve gzip writer from the pool. Reset it to use the ResponseWriter.
	// This allows us to re-use an already allocated buffer rather than
	// allocating a new buffer for every request.
	// We defer g.pool.Put here so that the gz writer is returned to the
	// pool if any thing after here fails for some reason (functions in
	// next could potentially panic, etc)
	gz := h.pool.Get().(*gzip.Writer)
	defer h.pool.Put(gz)

	// Set the appropriate gzip headers.
	headers := w.Header()
	headers.Set(headerContentEncoding, encodingGzip)
	headers.Set(headerVary, headerAcceptEncoding)

	// Wrap the original http.ResponseWriter with negroni.ResponseWriter
	// and create the gzipResponseWriter.
	nrw := negroni.NewResponseWriter(w)
	grw := gzipResponseWriter{

	// Call the next handler supplying the gzipResponseWriter instead of
	// the original.
	next(grw, r)

	// Delete the content length after we know we have been written to.
