Beispiel #1
func (c *Context) RemoveContainer(h *exec.Handle, scope string) error {
	defer c.Unlock()

	if h == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("handle is required")

	if _, ok := c.containers[uid.Parse(h.ExecConfig.ID)]; ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("container is bound")

	var err error
	s, err := c.resolveScope(scope)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var ne *executor.NetworkEndpoint
	ne, ok := h.ExecConfig.Networks[s.Name()]
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("container %s not part of network %s", h.ExecConfig.ID, s.Name())

	// figure out if any other networks are using the NIC
	removeNIC := true
	for _, ne2 := range h.ExecConfig.Networks {
		if ne2 == ne {
		if ne2.ID == ne.ID {
			removeNIC = false

	if removeNIC {
		// ensure spec is not nil

		var devices object.VirtualDeviceList
		backing, err :=
		if err != nil {
			return err

		d, err := devices.CreateEthernetCard("vmxnet3", backing)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		devices = append(devices, d)
		spec, err := devices.ConfigSpec(types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationRemove)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		h.Spec.DeviceChange = append(h.Spec.DeviceChange, spec...)

	delete(h.ExecConfig.Networks, s.Name())

	return nil
Beispiel #2
// AddContainer add a container to the specified scope, optionally specifying an ip address
// for the container in the scope
func (c *Context) AddContainer(h *exec.Handle, options *AddContainerOptions) error {
	defer c.Unlock()

	if h == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("handle is required")

	var err error
	s, err := c.resolveScope(options.Scope)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if h.ExecConfig.Networks != nil {
		if _, ok := h.ExecConfig.Networks[s.Name()]; ok {
			// already part of this scope
			return nil

		// check if container is already part of an "external" scope;
		// only one "external" scope per container is allowed
		if s.Type() == ExternalScopeType {
			for name := range h.ExecConfig.Networks {
				sc, _ := c.resolveScope(name)
				if sc.Type() == ExternalScopeType {
					return fmt.Errorf("container can only be added to at most one mapped network")

	if err := h.SetSpec(nil); err != nil {
		return err

	// figure out if we need to add a new NIC
	// if there is already a NIC connected to a
	// bridge network and we are adding the container
	// to a bridge network, we just reuse that
	// NIC
	var pciSlot int32
	if s.Type() == BridgeScopeType {
		for _, ne := range h.ExecConfig.Networks {
			sc, err := c.resolveScope(ne.Network.Name)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			if sc.Type() != BridgeScopeType {

			if ne.ID != "" {
				pciSlot = atoiOrZero(ne.ID)
				if pciSlot != 0 {

	if pciSlot == 0 {
		d, err := addEthernetCard(h, s)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		pciSlot = spec.VirtualDeviceSlotNumber(d)

	if h.ExecConfig.Networks == nil {
		h.ExecConfig.Networks = make(map[string]*executor.NetworkEndpoint)

	ne := &executor.NetworkEndpoint{
		Common: executor.Common{
			ID: strconv.Itoa(int(pciSlot)),
			// Name: this would cause NIC renaming if uncommented
		Network: executor.ContainerNetwork{
			Common: executor.Common{
				Name: s.Name(),
			Aliases: options.Aliases,
		Ports: options.Ports,

	if options.IP != nil && !options.IP.IsUnspecified() {
		ne.Static = &net.IPNet{
			IP:   *options.IP,
			Mask: s.Subnet().Mask,

	h.ExecConfig.Networks[s.Name()] = ne
	return nil