Beispiel #1
func TestPeerOnGossip(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testcase := range []struct {
		initial map[mesh.PeerName]int
		msg     map[mesh.PeerName]int
		want    map[mesh.PeerName]int
			map[mesh.PeerName]int{123: 1, 456: 2},
			map[mesh.PeerName]int{123: 1, 456: 2},
			map[mesh.PeerName]int{123: 1},
			map[mesh.PeerName]int{123: 0, 456: 2},
			map[mesh.PeerName]int{456: 2},
			map[mesh.PeerName]int{123: 9},
			map[mesh.PeerName]int{123: 8},
	} {
		p := newPeer(mesh.PeerName(999), log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0))
		var buf bytes.Buffer
		if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(testcase.msg); err != nil {
		delta, err := p.OnGossip(buf.Bytes())
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%v OnGossip %v: %v", testcase.initial, testcase.msg, err)
		if want := testcase.want; want == nil {
			if delta != nil {
				t.Errorf("%v OnGossip %v: want nil, have non-nil", testcase.initial, testcase.msg)
		} else {
			if have := delta.(*state).set; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
				t.Errorf("%v OnGossip %v: want %v, have %v", testcase.initial, testcase.msg, want, have)
Beispiel #2
// Restart a node
func (m *Model) restart(node *TestNode) {
	node.Node = NewNode(mesh.PeerName(m.nextID),
		mesh.PeerUID(m.r.Int63()), m.quorum)

	// The node is now ignorant, so we need to mark the links into
	// the node as ready.
	for _, l := range node.links {
		if ! {

	// If a consensus was just accepted due to this node accepting
	// it, without other nodes hearing of it, and we then restart
	// this node, then a different consensus can occur later on.
	// If a tree falls with no one to hear it, does it make a
	// sound?
	node.firstConsensus = AcceptedValue{}
Beispiel #3
// Make a network of nodes with random topology
func makeRandomModel(params *TestParams, r *rand.Rand, t *testing.T) *Model {
	m := Model{
		t:          t,
		r:          r,
		quorum:     params.nodeCount/2 + 1,
		nodes:      make([]TestNode, params.nodeCount),
		readyLinks: []*Link{},
		nextID:     params.nodeCount + 1,

	for i := range m.nodes {
		m.nodes[i].Node = NewNode(mesh.PeerName(i/2+1),
			mesh.PeerUID(r.Int63()), m.quorum)

	for i := 1; i < len(m.nodes); i++ {
		// was node i connected to the other nodes yet?
		connected := false

		for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
			if r.Float32() < params.connectedProb {
				connected = true
				m.addLink(&m.nodes[i], &m.nodes[j])

		if !connected {
			// node i must be connected into the graph
			// somewhere.  So if we didn't connect it
			// already, this is a last resort.
			m.addLink(&m.nodes[i], &m.nodes[r.Intn(i)])

	return &m
Beispiel #4
func checkSuccess(t *testing.T, nameStr string, expected uint64) {
	actual, err := mesh.PeerNameFromString(nameStr)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Equal(t, mesh.PeerName(expected), actual)