func testP() { go func() { mgox.New("111111").Insert( &User{Name: "xiongtoto456", Age: 8, Sex: 1, FirstCreated: time.Now()}, ) }() }
func TestInsert(t *testing.T) { err := mgox.New("111").Insert( &User{Name: "xiongtoto456", Age: 8, Sex: 1}, ) println("success...xht") if handleError(t, err) { return } results := []bson.M{} mgox.New().Find(bson.M{}).Result(&results) if len(results) > 0 { output, _ := json.MarshalIndent(results, "", " ") println("result is :" + string(output)) } }
/* reference: - - 1. prepare data in test-db:{_id: ObjectId("50a8240b927d5d8b5891743c"),cust_id: "abc123",ord_date: new Date("Oct 04, 2012"),status: 'A',price: 25,items: [ { sku: "ss1", qty: 5, price: 2.5 },{ sku: "nnn", qty: 5, price: 2.5 } ]}){_id: ObjectId("50a8240b927d5d8b5891744c"),cust_id: "abc123",ord_date: new Date("Oct 04, 2012"),status: 'A',price: 21,items: [ { sku: "sss2", qty: 5, price: 2.5 },{ sku: "nnn", qty: 5, price: 2.5 } ]});{_id: ObjectId("50a8240b927d5d8b5891745c"),cust_id: "abc124",ord_date: new Date("Oct 04, 2012"),status: 'B',price: 29,items: [ { sku: "sss3", qty: 5, price: 2.5 },{ sku: "nnn", qty: 5, price: 2.5 } ]});{_id: ObjectId("50a8240b927d5d8b5891746c"),cust_id: "abc125",ord_date: new Date("Oct 04, 2012"),status: 'A',price: 11,items: [ { sku: "sss4", qty: 5, price: 2.5 },{ sku: "nnn", qty: 5, price: 2.5 } ]}); 2. execute in mongo-shell var mapFunction1 = function() { emit(this.cust_id, this.price); }; var reduceFunction1 = function(keyCustId, valuesPrices) { return Array.sum(valuesPrices); }; db.orders.mapReduce( mapFunction1, reduceFunction1, { out: "map_reduce_example" } ) 3. show the shell result { "result" : "map_reduce_example", "timeMillis" : 117, "counts" : { "input" : 4, "emit" : 4, "reduce" : 1, "output" : 3 }, "ok" : 1 } */ func TestMapReduce(t *testing.T) { println("aa:", 1<<5) dialInfo := &mgo.DialInfo{ Addrs: []string{""}, Timeout: 10 * time.Second, Database: "tako", Username: "******", Password: "******", } // Connect to MongoDB and establish a connection session, err := mgo.DialWithInfo(dialInfo) if err != nil { println("db create ERROR : %s", err) return } println("db create success") // Capture a reference to the collection db := session.DB(MONGODB_DATABASE) job := &mgo.MapReduce{ Map: "function() {emit(this.cust_id, this.price);};", Reduce: "function(keyCustId, valuesPrices) {return Array.sum(valuesPrices);};", } result := []bson.M{} _, err1 := db.C("orders").Find(nil).MapReduce(job, &result) if err1 != nil { return } if len(result) > 0 { output, _ := json.MarshalIndent(result, "", " ") println("map reduce result is :" + string(output)) } count := 1000000 for i := 0; i < count; i++ { //Push(randIp(), nil, nil) go func() { d := mgox.Connect() defer d.Close() mgox.New("111111").Insert( &User{Name: "xiongtoto456", Age: 8, Sex: 1, FirstCreated: time.Now()}, ) }() } }
func TestTimezoneInsert(t *testing.T) { err := mgox.New("111111").Insert( &User{Name: "xiongtoto456", Age: 8, Sex: 1, FirstCreated: time.Now()}, ) println("success...xht") if handleError(t, err) { return } var usr User mgox.New().Find(bson.M{"name": "xiongtoto456"}).Result(&usr) println(usr.FirstCreated.String()) // if len(results) > 0 { // output, _ := json.MarshalIndent(results, "", " ") // println("result is :" + string(output)) // } }
func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) { db, _ := mgox.GetDatabase() o1 := bson.M{ // "ip" : "", "_id": bson.ObjectIdHex("5656b4833e5a2c071d00005b"), "": bson.M{"$exists": true}, } o2 := bson.M{"$set": bson.M{ "": "china111", "client.area": "华南1", // "client.region":"广东1", "": "珠海", "client.hee": "11112", }} // o2 := bson.M{"$set":bson.M{"client":bson.M{ // "country": "china111", // "area": "华南", // "region":"广东1", // "city":"珠海", // "hee":"1111", // }}} results := []bson.M{} // _ = mgox.Dao().Set("downloadlog", o1, o2) db.C("downloadlog").UpdateAll(o1, o2) db.C("downloadlog").Find(o1).All(&results) db.C("app").UpdateAll(bson.M{"appid": "55bb3026e138230ee700000e"}, bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"downloadcount": 11, "viewcount": 555}}) // db.C("").Pipe() if len(results) > 0 { output, _ := json.MarshalIndent(results, "", " ") println("update result is :" + string(output)) } var ips []string mgox.New().Find().Distinct("downloadlog", "client.ip", &ips) // db.C("downloadlog").UpdateId(bson.ObjectIdHex("5656b4e13e5a2c071d00005d"),o2) }