Beispiel #1
// NewQueryResultReaderForTablet creates a new QueryResultReader for
// the provided tablet / sql query
func NewQueryResultReaderForTablet(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, sql string) (*QueryResultReader, error) {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	endPoint, err := tablet.EndPoint()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	conn, err := tabletconn.GetDialer()(ctx, *endPoint, tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard, *remoteActionsTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	sr, clientErrFn, err := conn.StreamExecute(ctx, sql, make(map[string]interface{}), 0)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// read the columns, or grab the error
	cols, ok := <-sr
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot read Fields for query '%v': %v", sql, clientErrFn())

	return &QueryResultReader{
		Output:      sr,
		Fields:      cols.Fields,
		conn:        conn,
		clientErrFn: clientErrFn,
	}, nil
Beispiel #2
// If error is not nil, the results in the dictionary are incomplete.
func GetTabletMap(ts topo.Server, tabletAliases []topo.TabletAlias) (map[topo.TabletAlias]*topo.TabletInfo, error) {
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	mutex := sync.Mutex{}

	tabletMap := make(map[topo.TabletAlias]*topo.TabletInfo)
	var someError error

	for _, tabletAlias := range tabletAliases {
		go func(tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias) {
			defer wg.Done()
			tabletInfo, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
			if err != nil {
				relog.Warning("%v: %v", tabletAlias, err)
				// There can be data races removing nodes - ignore them for now.
				if err != topo.ErrNoNode {
					someError = err
			} else {
				tabletMap[tabletAlias] = tabletInfo
	return tabletMap, someError
Beispiel #3
// NewQueryResultReaderForTablet creates a new QueryResultReader for
// the provided tablet / sql query
func NewQueryResultReaderForTablet(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, tabletAlias *topodatapb.TabletAlias, sql string) (*QueryResultReader, error) {
	shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(shortCtx, tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	conn, err := tabletconn.GetDialer()(tablet.Tablet, *remoteActionsTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	stream, err := conn.StreamExecute(ctx, &querypb.Target{
		Keyspace:   tablet.Tablet.Keyspace,
		Shard:      tablet.Tablet.Shard,
		TabletType: tablet.Tablet.Type,
	}, sql, make(map[string]interface{}), nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// read the columns, or grab the error
	cols, err := stream.Recv()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot read Fields for query '%v': %v", sql, err)

	return &QueryResultReader{
		output: stream,
		fields: cols.Fields,
		conn:   conn,
	}, nil
Beispiel #4
// TabletExternallyReparented updates all topo records so the current
// tablet is the new master for this shard. It is called by the RPC
// server.
func TabletExternallyReparented(ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, actionTimeout, lockTimeout time.Duration) error {
	// we're apprently not the master yet, so let's do the work
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// fast quick check on the shard
	shardInfo, err := ts.GetShard(tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if shardInfo.MasterAlias == tabletAlias {
		return nil

	// grab the shard lock
	actionNode := actionnode.ShardExternallyReparented(tabletAlias)
	interrupted := make(chan struct{})
	lockPath, err := actionNode.LockShard(ts, tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard, lockTimeout, interrupted)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// do the work
	err = tabletExternallyReparentedLocked(ts, tablet, actionTimeout, lockTimeout, interrupted)

	// release the lock in any case
	return actionNode.UnlockShard(ts, tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard, lockPath, err)
Beispiel #5
func SlaveWasRestarted(ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, swrd *actionnode.SlaveWasRestartedArgs) error {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Once this action completes, update authoritive tablet node first.
	tablet.Parent = swrd.Parent
	if tablet.Type == topo.TYPE_MASTER {
		tablet.Type = topo.TYPE_SPARE
		tablet.State = topo.STATE_READ_ONLY
	err = topo.UpdateTablet(ts, tablet)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Update the new tablet location in the replication graph now that
	// we've updated the tablet.
	err = topo.CreateTabletReplicationData(ts, tablet.Tablet)
	if err != nil && err != topo.ErrNodeExists {
		return err

	return nil
Beispiel #6
// CopyTablets will create the tablets in the destination topo
func CopyTablets(fromTS, toTS topo.Server) {
	cells, err := fromTS.GetKnownCells()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("fromTS.GetKnownCells failed: %v", err)

	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	rec := concurrency.AllErrorRecorder{}
	for _, cell := range cells {
		go func(cell string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			tabletAliases, err := fromTS.GetTabletsByCell(cell)
			if err != nil {
			} else {
				for _, tabletAlias := range tabletAliases {
					go func(tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias) {
						defer wg.Done()

						// read the source tablet
						ti, err := fromTS.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
						if err != nil {

						// try to create the destination
						err = toTS.CreateTablet(ti.Tablet)
						if err == topo.ErrNodeExists {
							// update the destination tablet
							log.Warningf("tablet %v already exists, updating it", tabletAlias)
							err = toTS.UpdateTabletFields(ti.Alias(), func(t *topo.Tablet) error {
								*t = *ti.Tablet
								return nil
						if err != nil {

						// create the replication paths
						// for masters only here
						if ti.Type == topo.TYPE_MASTER {
							if err = toTS.CreateReplicationPath(ti.Keyspace, ti.Shard, ti.Alias().String()); err != nil && err != topo.ErrNodeExists {
	if rec.HasErrors() {
		log.Fatalf("copyTablets failed: %v", rec.Error())
// NewRestartableResultReader creates a new RestartableResultReader for
// the provided tablet and chunk.
// It will automatically create the necessary query to read all rows within
// the chunk.
// NOTE: We assume that the Columns field in "td" was ordered by a preceding
// call to reorderColumnsPrimaryKeyFirst().
func NewRestartableResultReader(ctx context.Context, logger logutil.Logger, ts topo.Server, tabletAlias *topodatapb.TabletAlias, td *tabletmanagerdatapb.TableDefinition, chunk chunk) (*RestartableResultReader, error) {
	shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(shortCtx, tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("tablet=%v table=%v chunk=%v: Failed to resolve tablet alias: %v", topoproto.TabletAliasString(tabletAlias), td.Name, chunk, err)

	conn, err := tabletconn.GetDialer()(tablet.Tablet, *remoteActionsTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("tablet=%v table=%v chunk=%v: Failed to get dialer for tablet: %v", topoproto.TabletAliasString(tabletAlias), td.Name, chunk, err)

	r := &RestartableResultReader{
		ctx:    ctx,
		logger: logger,
		tablet: tablet.Tablet,
		td:     td,
		chunk:  chunk,
		conn:   conn,

	if err := r.startStream(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	logger.Infof("tablet=%v table=%v chunk=%v: Starting to stream rows using query '%v'.", topoproto.TabletAliasString(tabletAlias), td.Name, chunk, r.query)
	return r, nil
Beispiel #8
// ChangeType changes the type of the tablet and possibly also updates
// the health informaton for it. Make this external, since these
// transitions need to be forced from time to time.
// - if health is nil, we don't touch the Tablet's Health record.
// - if health is an empty map, we clear the Tablet's Health record.
// - if health has values, we overwrite the Tablet's Health record.
func ChangeType(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, newType topo.TabletType, health map[string]string) error {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !topo.IsTrivialTypeChange(tablet.Type, newType) {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot change tablet type %v -> %v %v", tablet.Type, newType, tabletAlias)

	tablet.Type = newType
	if newType == topo.TYPE_IDLE {
		tablet.Keyspace = ""
		tablet.Shard = ""
		tablet.KeyRange = key.KeyRange{}
		tablet.Health = health
	if health != nil {
		if len(health) == 0 {
			tablet.Health = nil
		} else {
			tablet.Health = health
	return topo.UpdateTablet(ctx, ts, tablet)
Beispiel #9
func SlaveWasPromoted(ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias) error {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return updateReplicationGraphForPromotedSlave(ts, tablet)
Beispiel #10
// Make this external, since these transitions need to be forced from time to time.
func SetBlacklistedTables(ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, tables []string) error {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	tablet.BlacklistedTables = tables
	return topo.UpdateTablet(ts, tablet)
Beispiel #11
// Make this external, since these transitions need to be forced from time to time.
func ChangeType(ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, newType topo.TabletType, runHooks bool) error {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !topo.IsTrivialTypeChange(tablet.Type, newType) || !topo.IsValidTypeChange(tablet.Type, newType) {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot change tablet type %v -> %v %v", tablet.Type, newType, tabletAlias)

	if runHooks {
		// Only run the preflight_serving_type hook when
		// transitioning from non-serving to serving.
		if !topo.IsInServingGraph(tablet.Type) && topo.IsInServingGraph(newType) {
			if err := hook.NewSimpleHook("preflight_serving_type").ExecuteOptional(); err != nil {
				return err

	tablet.Type = newType
	if newType == topo.TYPE_IDLE {
		if tablet.Parent.IsZero() {
			si, err := ts.GetShard(tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			rec := concurrency.AllErrorRecorder{}
			wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
			for _, cell := range si.Cells {
				go func(cell string) {
					defer wg.Done()
					sri, err := ts.GetShardReplication(cell, tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard)
					if err != nil {
						log.Warningf("Cannot check cell %v for extra replication paths, assuming it's good", cell)
					for _, rl := range sri.ReplicationLinks {
						if rl.Parent == tabletAlias {
							rec.RecordError(fmt.Errorf("Still have a ReplicationLink in cell %v", cell))
			if rec.HasErrors() {
				return rec.Error()
		tablet.Parent = topo.TabletAlias{}
		tablet.Keyspace = ""
		tablet.Shard = ""
		tablet.KeyRange = key.KeyRange{}
	return topo.UpdateTablet(ts, tablet)
Beispiel #12
func (th *tabletHealth) stream(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, tabletAlias *topodatapb.TabletAlias) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		th.err = err

	ti, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ep, err := topo.TabletEndPoint(ti.Tablet)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Pass in a tablet type that is not UNKNOWN, so we don't ask
	// for sessionId.
	conn, err := tabletconn.GetDialer()(ctx, ep, "", "", topodatapb.TabletType_MASTER, 30*time.Second)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close()

	stream, err := conn.StreamHealth(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	first := true
	for time.Since(th.lastAccessed()) < *tabletHealthKeepAlive {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()

		result, err := stream.Recv()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		th.result = result

		if first {
			// We got the first result, so we're ready to be accessed.
			first = false

	return nil
Beispiel #13
// handleExplorerRedirect returns the redirect target URL.
func handleExplorerRedirect(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, r *http.Request) (string, error) {
	keyspace := r.FormValue("keyspace")
	shard := r.FormValue("shard")
	cell := r.FormValue("cell")

	switch r.FormValue("type") {
	case "keyspace":
		if keyspace == "" {
			return "", errors.New("keyspace is required for this redirect")
		return appPrefix + "#/keyspaces/", nil
	case "shard":
		if keyspace == "" || shard == "" {
			return "", errors.New("keyspace and shard are required for this redirect")
		return appPrefix + fmt.Sprintf("#/shard/%s/%s", keyspace, shard), nil
	case "srv_keyspace":
		if keyspace == "" || cell == "" {
			return "", errors.New("keyspace and cell are required for this redirect")
		return appPrefix + "#/keyspaces/", nil
	case "srv_shard":
		if keyspace == "" || shard == "" || cell == "" {
			return "", errors.New("keyspace, shard, and cell are required for this redirect")
		return appPrefix + fmt.Sprintf("#/shard/%s/%s", keyspace, shard), nil
	case "srv_type":
		tabletType := r.FormValue("tablet_type")
		if keyspace == "" || shard == "" || cell == "" || tabletType == "" {
			return "", errors.New("keyspace, shard, cell, and tablet_type are required for this redirect")
		return appPrefix + fmt.Sprintf("#/shard/%s/%s", keyspace, shard), nil
	case "tablet":
		alias := r.FormValue("alias")
		if alias == "" {
			return "", errors.New("alias is required for this redirect")
		tabletAlias, err := topoproto.ParseTabletAlias(alias)
		if err != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("bad tablet alias %q: %v", alias, err)
		ti, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tabletAlias)
		if err != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("can't get tablet %q: %v", alias, err)
		return appPrefix + fmt.Sprintf("#/shard/%s/%s", ti.Keyspace, ti.Shard), nil
	case "replication":
		if keyspace == "" || shard == "" || cell == "" {
			return "", errors.New("keyspace, shard, and cell are required for this redirect")
		return appPrefix + fmt.Sprintf("#/shard/%s/%s", keyspace, shard), nil
		return "", errors.New("bad redirect type")
Beispiel #14
// Scrap will update the tablet type to 'Scrap', and remove it from
// the serving graph.
// 'force' means we are not on the tablet being scrapped, so it is
// probably dead. So if 'force' is true, we will also remove pending
// remote actions.  And if 'force' is false, we also run an optional
// hook.
func Scrap(ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, force bool) error {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// If you are already scrap, skip updating replication data. It won't
	// be there anyway.
	wasAssigned := tablet.IsAssigned()
	tablet.Type = topo.TYPE_SCRAP
	tablet.Parent = topo.TabletAlias{}
	// Update the tablet first, since that is canonical.
	err = topo.UpdateTablet(ts, tablet)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Remove any pending actions. Presumably forcing a scrap
	// means you don't want the agent doing anything and the
	// machine requires manual attention.
	if force {
		err := ts.PurgeTabletActions(tabletAlias, actionnode.ActionNodeCanBePurged)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("purge actions failed: %v", err)

	if wasAssigned {
		err = topo.DeleteTabletReplicationData(ts, tablet.Tablet)
		if err != nil {
			if err == topo.ErrNoNode {
				log.V(6).Infof("no ShardReplication object for cell %v", tablet.Alias.Cell)
				err = nil
			if err != nil {
				log.Warningf("remove replication data for %v failed: %v", tablet.Alias, err)

	// run a hook for final cleanup, only in non-force mode.
	// (force mode executes on the vtctl side, not on the vttablet side)
	if !force {
		hk := hook.NewSimpleHook("postflight_scrap")
		ConfigureTabletHook(hk, tablet.Alias)
		if hookErr := hk.ExecuteOptional(); hookErr != nil {
			// we don't want to return an error, the server
			// is already in bad shape probably.
			log.Warningf("Scrap: postflight_scrap failed: %v", hookErr)

	return nil
Beispiel #15
func (th *tabletHealth) stream(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		th.err = err

	ti, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ep, err := ti.EndPoint()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// pass in empty keyspace and shard to not ask for sessionId
	conn, err := tabletconn.GetDialer()(ctx, *ep, "", "", 30*time.Second)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close()

	stream, errFunc, err := conn.StreamHealth(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	first := true
	for time.Since(th.lastAccessed()) < *tabletHealthKeepAlive {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()
		case result, ok := <-stream:
			if !ok {
				return errFunc()
			th.result = result

			if first {
				// We got the first result, so we're ready to be accessed.
				first = false

	return nil
Beispiel #16
// CopyTablets will create the tablets in the destination topo
func CopyTablets(fromTS, toTS topo.Server) {
	cells, err := fromTS.GetKnownCells()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("fromTS.GetKnownCells: %v", err)

	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	rec := concurrency.AllErrorRecorder{}
	for _, cell := range cells {
		go func(cell string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			tabletAliases, err := fromTS.GetTabletsByCell(cell)
			if err != nil {
				rec.RecordError(fmt.Errorf("GetTabletsByCell(%v): %v", cell, err))
			} else {
				for _, tabletAlias := range tabletAliases {
					go func(tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias) {
						defer wg.Done()

						// read the source tablet
						ti, err := fromTS.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
						if err != nil {
							rec.RecordError(fmt.Errorf("GetTablet(%v): %v", tabletAlias, err))

						// try to create the destination
						err = toTS.CreateTablet(ti.Tablet)
						if err == topo.ErrNodeExists {
							// update the destination tablet
							log.Warningf("tablet %v already exists, updating it", tabletAlias)
							err = toTS.UpdateTabletFields(ti.Alias, func(t *topo.Tablet) error {
								*t = *ti.Tablet
								return nil
						if err != nil {
							rec.RecordError(fmt.Errorf("CreateTablet(%v): %v", tabletAlias, err))
	if rec.HasErrors() {
		log.Fatalf("copyTablets failed: %v", rec.Error())
Beispiel #17
func (th *tabletHealth) stream(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, tabletAlias *topodatapb.TabletAlias) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		th.err = err

	ti, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	conn, err := tabletconn.GetDialer()(ti.Tablet, 30*time.Second)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	stream, err := conn.StreamHealth(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	first := true
	for time.Since(th.lastAccessed()) < *tabletHealthKeepAlive {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()

		result, err := stream.Recv()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		th.result = result

		if first {
			// We got the first result, so we're ready to be accessed.
			first = false

	return nil
Beispiel #18
func SlaveWasPromoted(ts topo.Server, mysqlDaemon mysqlctl.MysqlDaemon, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias) error {
	// We first check we don't have a master any more.
	// If we do, it probably means we're not *the* master, and something
	// is really wrong.
	masterAddr, err := mysqlDaemon.GetMasterAddr()
	if err != mysqlctl.ErrNotSlave {
		return fmt.Errorf("new master is a slave: %v %v", masterAddr, err)

	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return updateReplicationGraphForPromotedSlave(ts, mysqlDaemon, tablet)
Beispiel #19
func SlaveWasRestarted(ts topo.Server, mysqlDaemon mysqlctl.MysqlDaemon, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, swrd *actionnode.SlaveWasRestartedArgs) error {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// check the reparent actually worked
	masterAddr, err := mysqlDaemon.GetMasterAddr()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if masterAddr != swrd.ExpectedMasterAddr && masterAddr != swrd.ExpectedMasterIpAddr {
		log.Errorf("SlaveWasRestarted found unexpected master %v for %v (was expecting %v or %v)", masterAddr, tabletAlias, swrd.ExpectedMasterAddr, swrd.ExpectedMasterIpAddr)
		// Disabled for now
		// if swrd.ContinueOnUnexpectedMaster {
		//	log.Errorf("ContinueOnUnexpectedMaster is set, we keep going anyway")
		// } else
		if swrd.ScrapStragglers {
			return Scrap(ts, tablet.Alias, false)
		} else {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected master %v for %v (was expecting %v or %v)", masterAddr, tabletAlias, swrd.ExpectedMasterAddr, swrd.ExpectedMasterIpAddr)

	// Once this action completes, update authoritive tablet node first.
	tablet.Parent = swrd.Parent
	if tablet.Type == topo.TYPE_MASTER {
		tablet.Type = topo.TYPE_SPARE
		tablet.State = topo.STATE_READ_ONLY
	err = topo.UpdateTablet(ts, tablet)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Update the new tablet location in the replication graph now that
	// we've updated the tablet.
	err = topo.CreateTabletReplicationData(ts, tablet.Tablet)
	if err != nil && err != topo.ErrNodeExists {
		return err

	return nil
Beispiel #20
// Scrap will update the tablet type to 'Scrap', and remove it from
// the serving graph.
// 'force' means we are not on the tablet being scrapped, so it is
// probably dead. So if 'force' is true, we will also remove pending
// remote actions.  And if 'force' is false, we also run an optional
// hook.
func Scrap(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, force bool) error {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// If you are already scrap, skip updating replication data. It won't
	// be there anyway.
	wasAssigned := tablet.IsAssigned()
	tablet.Type = topo.TYPE_SCRAP
	// Update the tablet first, since that is canonical.
	err = topo.UpdateTablet(ctx, ts, tablet)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if wasAssigned {
		err = topo.DeleteTabletReplicationData(ctx, ts, tablet.Tablet)
		if err != nil {
			if err == topo.ErrNoNode {
				log.V(6).Infof("no ShardReplication object for cell %v", tablet.Alias.Cell)
				err = nil
			if err != nil {
				log.Warningf("remove replication data for %v failed: %v", tablet.Alias, err)

	// run a hook for final cleanup, only in non-force mode.
	// (force mode executes on the vtctl side, not on the vttablet side)
	if !force {
		hk := hook.NewSimpleHook("postflight_scrap")
		ConfigureTabletHook(hk, tablet.Alias)
		if hookErr := hk.ExecuteOptional(); hookErr != nil {
			// we don't want to return an error, the server
			// is already in bad shape probably.
			log.Warningf("Scrap: postflight_scrap failed: %v", hookErr)

	return nil
Beispiel #21
// Make this external, since these transitions need to be forced from time to time.
func ChangeType(ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, newType topo.TabletType, runHooks bool) error {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !topo.IsTrivialTypeChange(tablet.Type, newType) || !topo.IsValidTypeChange(tablet.Type, newType) {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot change tablet type %v -> %v %v", tablet.Type, newType, tabletAlias)

	if runHooks {
		// Only run the preflight_serving_type hook when
		// transitioning from non-serving to serving.
		if !topo.IsServingType(tablet.Type) && topo.IsServingType(newType) {
			if err := hook.NewSimpleHook("preflight_serving_type").ExecuteOptional(); err != nil {
				return err

	tablet.Type = newType
	if newType == topo.TYPE_IDLE {
		if tablet.Parent.Uid == topo.NO_TABLET {
			// With a master the node cannot be set to idle unless we have already removed all of
			// the derived paths. The global replication path is a good indication that this has
			// been resolved.
			children, err := ts.GetReplicationPaths(tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard, tablet.ReplicationPath())
			if err != nil && err != topo.ErrNoNode {
				return err
			if err == nil && len(children) > 0 {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot change tablet type %v -> %v - reparent action has not finished %v", tablet.Type, newType, tabletAlias)
		tablet.Parent = topo.TabletAlias{}
		tablet.Keyspace = ""
		tablet.Shard = ""
		tablet.KeyRange = key.KeyRange{}
	return topo.UpdateTablet(ts, tablet)
Beispiel #22
// NewQueryResultReaderForTablet creates a new QueryResultReader for
// the provided tablet / sql query
func NewQueryResultReaderForTablet(ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, sql string) (*QueryResultReader, error) {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	addr := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", tablet.IPAddr, tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	rpcClient, err := bsonrpc.DialHTTP("tcp", addr, 30*time.Second, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var sessionInfo tproto.SessionInfo
	if err := rpcClient.Call("SqlQuery.GetSessionId", tproto.SessionParams{Keyspace: tablet.Keyspace, Shard: tablet.Shard}, &sessionInfo); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	req := &tproto.Query{
		Sql:           sql,
		BindVariables: make(map[string]interface{}),
		TransactionId: 0,
		SessionId:     sessionInfo.SessionId,
	sr := make(chan *mproto.QueryResult, 1000)
	call := rpcClient.StreamGo("SqlQuery.StreamExecute", req, sr)

	// read the columns, or grab the error
	cols, ok := <-sr
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot read Fields for query: %v", sql)

	return &QueryResultReader{
		Output: sr,
		Fields: cols.Fields,
		client: rpcClient,
		call:   call,
	}, nil
Beispiel #23
func addTablet(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, ts topo.Server, uid int, cell string, tabletType topo.TabletType) *topo.TabletInfo {
	tablet := &topo.Tablet{
		Alias:    topo.TabletAlias{Cell: cell, Uid: uint32(uid)},
		Hostname: fmt.Sprintf("%vbsr%v", cell, uid),
		IPAddr:   fmt.Sprintf("212.244.218.%v", uid),
		Portmap: map[string]int{
			"vt":    3333 + 10*uid,
			"mysql": 3334 + 10*uid,
		Keyspace: testKeyspace,
		Type:     tabletType,
		Shard:    testShard,
	if err := topo.CreateTablet(ctx, ts, tablet); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("CreateTablet: %v", err)

	ti, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTablet: %v", err)
	return ti
Beispiel #24
// Make this external, since in needs to be forced from time to time.
func Scrap(ts topo.Server, tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias, force bool) error {
	tablet, err := ts.GetTablet(tabletAlias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// If you are already scrap, skip deleting the path. It won't
	// be correct since the Parent will be cleared already.
	wasAssigned := tablet.IsAssigned()
	replicationPath := ""
	if wasAssigned {
		replicationPath = tablet.ReplicationPath()

	tablet.Type = topo.TYPE_SCRAP
	tablet.Parent = topo.TabletAlias{}
	// Update the tablet first, since that is canonical.
	err = topo.UpdateTablet(ts, tablet)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Remove any pending actions. Presumably forcing a scrap means you don't
	// want the agent doing anything and the machine requires manual attention.
	if force {
		err := ts.PurgeTabletActions(tabletAlias, ActionNodeCanBePurged)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("purge actions failed: %v", err)

	if wasAssigned {
		err = ts.DeleteReplicationPath(tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard, replicationPath)
		if err != nil {
			switch err {
			case topo.ErrNoNode:
				log.V(6).Infof("no replication path: %v", replicationPath)
				err = nil
			case topo.ErrNotEmpty:
				// If you are forcing the scrapping of a master, you can't update the
				// replication graph yet, since other nodes are still under the impression
				// they are slaved to this tablet.
				// If the node was not empty, we can't do anything about it - the replication
				// graph needs to be fixed by reparenting. If the action was forced, assume
				// the user knows best and squelch the error.
				if tablet.Parent.Uid == topo.NO_TABLET && force {
					err = nil
			if err != nil {
				log.Warningf("remove replication path failed: %v %v", replicationPath, err)

	// run a hook for final cleanup, only in non-force mode.
	// (force mode executes on the vtctl side, not on the vttablet side)
	if !force {
		hk := hook.NewSimpleHook("postflight_scrap")
		configureTabletHook(hk, tablet.Alias())
		if hookErr := hk.ExecuteOptional(); hookErr != nil {
			// we don't want to return an error, the server
			// is already in bad shape probably.
			log.Warningf("Scrap: postflight_scrap failed: %v", hookErr)

	return nil
Beispiel #25
func CheckTablet(t *testing.T, ts topo.Server) {
	cell := getLocalCell(t, ts)
	tablet := &topo.Tablet{
		Cell:        cell,
		Uid:         1,
		Addr:        "localhost:3333",
		MysqlAddr:   "localhost:3334",
		MysqlIpAddr: "",

		Alias:    topo.TabletAlias{Cell: cell, Uid: 1},
		Hostname: "localhost",
		IPAddr:   "",
		Portmap: map[string]int{
			"vt":    3333,
			"mysql": 3334,

		Tags:     map[string]string{"tag": "value"},
		Keyspace: "test_keyspace",
		Type:     topo.TYPE_MASTER,
		State:    topo.STATE_READ_WRITE,
		KeyRange: newKeyRange("-10"),

		BlacklistedTables: []string{"black1", "black2"},
	if err := ts.CreateTablet(tablet); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("CreateTablet: %v", err)
	if err := ts.CreateTablet(tablet); err != topo.ErrNodeExists {
		t.Errorf("CreateTablet(again): %v", err)

	if _, err := ts.GetTablet(topo.TabletAlias{Cell: cell, Uid: 666}); err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Errorf("GetTablet(666): %v", err)

	ti, err := ts.GetTablet(tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("GetTablet %v: %v", tablet.Alias, err)
	if eq, err := tabletEqual(ti.Tablet, tablet); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("cannot compare tablets: %v", err)
	} else if !eq {
		t.Errorf("put and got tablets are not identical:\n%#v\n%#v", tablet, ti.Tablet)

	if _, err := ts.GetTabletsByCell("666"); err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Errorf("GetTabletsByCell(666): %v", err)

	inCell, err := ts.GetTabletsByCell(cell)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("GetTabletsByCell: %v", err)
	if len(inCell) != 1 || inCell[0] != tablet.Alias {
		t.Errorf("GetTabletsByCell: want [%v], got %v", tablet.Alias, inCell)

	ti.State = topo.STATE_READ_ONLY
	if err := topo.UpdateTablet(ts, ti); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("UpdateTablet: %v", err)

	ti, err = ts.GetTablet(tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("GetTablet %v: %v", tablet.Alias, err)
	if want := topo.STATE_READ_ONLY; ti.State != want {
		t.Errorf("ti.State: want %v, got %v", want, ti.State)

	if err := ts.UpdateTabletFields(tablet.Alias, func(t *topo.Tablet) error {
		t.State = topo.STATE_READ_WRITE
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("UpdateTabletFields: %v", err)
	ti, err = ts.GetTablet(tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("GetTablet %v: %v", tablet.Alias, err)

	if want := topo.STATE_READ_WRITE; ti.State != want {
		t.Errorf("ti.State: want %v, got %v", want, ti.State)

	if err := ts.DeleteTablet(tablet.Alias); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("DeleteTablet: %v", err)
	if err := ts.DeleteTablet(tablet.Alias); err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Errorf("DeleteTablet(again): %v", err)

	if _, err := ts.GetTablet(tablet.Alias); err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Errorf("GetTablet: expected error, tablet was deleted: %v", err)

Beispiel #26
// initTabletMap creates the action agents and associated data structures
// for all tablets, based on the vttest proto parameter.
func initTabletMap(ts topo.Server, topoProto string, mysqld mysqlctl.MysqlDaemon, dbcfgs dbconfigs.DBConfigs, schemaDir string, mycnf *mysqlctl.Mycnf) error {
	// parse the input topology
	tpb := &vttestpb.VTTestTopology{}
	if err := proto.UnmarshalText(topoProto, tpb); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse topology: %v", err)

	tabletMap = make(map[uint32]*tablet)

	ctx := context.Background()

	// disable publishing of stats from query service
	flag.Set("queryserver-config-enable-publish-stats", "false")

	// iterate through the keyspaces
	wr := wrangler.New(logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), ts, nil)
	var uid uint32 = 1
	for _, kpb := range tpb.Keyspaces {
		keyspace := kpb.Name

		// First parse the ShardingColumnType.
		// Note if it's empty, we will return 'UNSET'.
		sct, err := key.ParseKeyspaceIDType(kpb.ShardingColumnType)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("parseKeyspaceIDType(%v) failed: %v", kpb.ShardingColumnType, err)

		if kpb.ServedFrom != "" {
			// if we have a redirect, create a completely redirected
			// keyspace and no tablet
			if err := ts.CreateKeyspace(ctx, keyspace, &topodatapb.Keyspace{
				ShardingColumnName: kpb.ShardingColumnName,
				ShardingColumnType: sct,
				ServedFroms: []*topodatapb.Keyspace_ServedFrom{
						TabletType: topodatapb.TabletType_MASTER,
						Keyspace:   kpb.ServedFrom,
						TabletType: topodatapb.TabletType_REPLICA,
						Keyspace:   kpb.ServedFrom,
						TabletType: topodatapb.TabletType_RDONLY,
						Keyspace:   kpb.ServedFrom,
			}); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("CreateKeyspace(%v) failed: %v", keyspace, err)
		} else {
			// create a regular keyspace
			if err := ts.CreateKeyspace(ctx, keyspace, &topodatapb.Keyspace{
				ShardingColumnName: kpb.ShardingColumnName,
				ShardingColumnType: sct,
			}); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("CreateKeyspace(%v) failed: %v", keyspace, err)

			// iterate through the shards
			for _, spb := range kpb.Shards {
				shard := spb.Name
				dbname := spb.DbNameOverride
				if dbname == "" {
					dbname = fmt.Sprintf("vt_%v_%v", keyspace, shard)
				dbcfgs.App.DbName = dbname

				// create the master
				if err := createTablet(ctx, ts, cell, uid, keyspace, shard, dbname, topodatapb.TabletType_MASTER, mysqld, dbcfgs); err != nil {
					return err

				// create a replica slave
				if err := createTablet(ctx, ts, cell, uid, keyspace, shard, dbname, topodatapb.TabletType_REPLICA, mysqld, dbcfgs); err != nil {
					return err

				// create a rdonly slave
				if err := createTablet(ctx, ts, cell, uid, keyspace, shard, dbname, topodatapb.TabletType_RDONLY, mysqld, dbcfgs); err != nil {
					return err

		// vschema for the keyspace
		if schemaDir != "" {
			f := path.Join(schemaDir, keyspace, "vschema.json")
			if _, err := os.Stat(f); err == nil {
				// load the vschema
				formal, err := vindexes.LoadFormalKeyspace(f)
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("cannot load vschema file %v for keyspace %v: %v", f, keyspace, err)

				if err := ts.SaveVSchema(ctx, keyspace, formal); err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("SaveVSchema(%v) failed: %v", keyspace, err)
			} else {
				log.Infof("File %v doesn't exist, skipping vschema for keyspace %v", f, keyspace)

		// Rebuild the SrvKeyspace object, so we can support
		// range-based sharding queries, and export the redirects.
		if err := wr.RebuildKeyspaceGraph(ctx, keyspace, nil); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot rebuild %v: %v", keyspace, err)

	// Rebuild the SrvVSchema object
	if err := topotools.RebuildVSchema(ctx, wr.Logger(), ts, []string{cell}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("RebuildVSchemaGraph failed: %v", err)

	// Register the tablet dialer for tablet server
	tabletconn.RegisterDialer("internal", dialer)
	*tabletconn.TabletProtocol = "internal"

	// Register the tablet manager client factory for tablet manager
	tmclient.RegisterTabletManagerClientFactory("internal", func() tmclient.TabletManagerClient {
		return &internalTabletManagerClient{}
	*tmclient.TabletManagerProtocol = "internal"

	// run healthcheck on all vttablets
	tmc := tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient()
	for _, tablet := range tabletMap {
		tabletInfo, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tablet.agent.TabletAlias)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot find tablet: %+v", tablet.agent.TabletAlias)
		tmc.RunHealthCheck(ctx, tabletInfo.Tablet)

	return nil
Beispiel #27
func initAPI(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, actions *ActionRepository) {
	tabletHealthCache := newTabletHealthCache(ts)

	// Cells
	handleCollection("cells", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		if getItemPath(r.URL.Path) != "" {
			return nil, errors.New("cells can only be listed, not retrieved")
		return ts.GetKnownCells(ctx)

	// Keyspaces
	handleCollection("keyspaces", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		keyspace := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)

		// List all keyspaces.
		if keyspace == "" {
			return ts.GetKeyspaces(ctx)

		// Perform an action on a keyspace.
		if r.Method == "POST" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			action := r.FormValue("action")
			if action == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("must specify action")
			return actions.ApplyKeyspaceAction(ctx, action, keyspace, r), nil

		// Get the keyspace record.
		return ts.GetKeyspace(ctx, keyspace)

	// Shards
	handleCollection("shards", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		shardPath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)
		if !strings.Contains(shardPath, "/") {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid shard path: %q", shardPath)
		parts := strings.SplitN(shardPath, "/", 2)
		keyspace := parts[0]
		shard := parts[1]

		// List the shards in a keyspace.
		if shard == "" {
			return ts.GetShardNames(ctx, keyspace)

		// Perform an action on a shard.
		if r.Method == "POST" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			action := r.FormValue("action")
			if action == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("must specify action")
			return actions.ApplyShardAction(ctx, action, keyspace, shard, r), nil

		// Get the shard record.
		return ts.GetShard(ctx, keyspace, shard)

	// Tablets
	handleCollection("tablets", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		tabletPath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)

		// List tablets based on query params.
		if tabletPath == "" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			shardRef := r.FormValue("shard")
			cell := r.FormValue("cell")

			if shardRef != "" {
				// Look up by keyspace/shard, and optionally cell.
				keyspace, shard, err := topoproto.ParseKeyspaceShard(shardRef)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				if cell != "" {
					return ts.FindAllTabletAliasesInShardByCell(ctx, keyspace, shard, []string{cell})
				return ts.FindAllTabletAliasesInShard(ctx, keyspace, shard)

			// Get all tablets in a cell.
			if cell == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("cell param required")
			return ts.GetTabletsByCell(ctx, cell)

		// Get tablet health.
		if parts := strings.Split(tabletPath, "/"); len(parts) == 2 && parts[1] == "health" {
			tabletAlias, err := topoproto.ParseTabletAlias(parts[0])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return tabletHealthCache.Get(ctx, tabletAlias)

		tabletAlias, err := topoproto.ParseTabletAlias(tabletPath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Perform an action on a tablet.
		if r.Method == "POST" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			action := r.FormValue("action")
			if action == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("must specify action")
			return actions.ApplyTabletAction(ctx, action, tabletAlias, r), nil

		// Get the tablet record.
		return ts.GetTablet(ctx, tabletAlias)

	// Schema Change
	http.HandleFunc(apiPrefix+"schema/apply", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		req := struct{ Keyspace, SQL string }{}
		if err := unmarshalRequest(r, &req); err != nil {
			httpErrorf(w, r, "can't unmarshal request: %v", err)

		executor := schemamanager.NewTabletExecutor(

			schemamanager.NewUIController(req.SQL, req.Keyspace, w), executor)
Beispiel #28
func initAPI(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, actions *ActionRepository, realtimeStats *realtimeStats) {
	tabletHealthCache := newTabletHealthCache(ts)
	tmClient := tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient()

	// Cells
	handleCollection("cells", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		if getItemPath(r.URL.Path) != "" {
			return nil, errors.New("cells can only be listed, not retrieved")
		return ts.GetKnownCells(ctx)

	// Keyspaces
	handleCollection("keyspaces", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		keyspace := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)
		switch r.Method {
		case "GET":
			// List all keyspaces.
			if keyspace == "" {
				return ts.GetKeyspaces(ctx)
			// Get the keyspace record.
			k, err := ts.GetKeyspace(ctx, keyspace)
			// Pass the embedded proto directly or jsonpb will panic.
			return k.Keyspace, err
			// Perform an action on a keyspace.
		case "POST":
			if keyspace == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("A POST request needs a keyspace in the URL")
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err

			action := r.FormValue("action")
			if action == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("A POST request must specify action")
			return actions.ApplyKeyspaceAction(ctx, action, keyspace, r), nil
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported HTTP method: %v", r.Method)

	// Shards
	handleCollection("shards", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		shardPath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)
		if !strings.Contains(shardPath, "/") {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid shard path: %q", shardPath)
		parts := strings.SplitN(shardPath, "/", 2)
		keyspace := parts[0]
		shard := parts[1]

		// List the shards in a keyspace.
		if shard == "" {
			return ts.GetShardNames(ctx, keyspace)

		// Perform an action on a shard.
		if r.Method == "POST" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			action := r.FormValue("action")
			if action == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("must specify action")
			return actions.ApplyShardAction(ctx, action, keyspace, shard, r), nil

		// Get the shard record.
		si, err := ts.GetShard(ctx, keyspace, shard)
		// Pass the embedded proto directly or jsonpb will panic.
		return si.Shard, err

	// SrvKeyspace
	handleCollection("srv_keyspace", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		keyspacePath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)
		parts := strings.SplitN(keyspacePath, "/", 2)

		// Request was incorrectly formatted.
		if len(parts) != 2 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid srvkeyspace path: %q  expected path: /srv_keyspace/<cell>/<keyspace>", keyspacePath)

		cell := parts[0]
		keyspace := parts[1]

		if cell == "local" {
			if *localCell == "" {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("local cell requested, but not specified. Please set with -cell flag")
			cell = *localCell

		// If a keyspace is provided then return the specified srvkeyspace.
		if keyspace != "" {
			srvKeyspace, err := ts.GetSrvKeyspace(ctx, cell, keyspace)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't get server keyspace: %v", err)
			return srvKeyspace, nil

		// Else return the srvKeyspace from all keyspaces.
		srvKeyspaces := make(map[string]interface{})
		keyspaceNamesList, err := ts.GetSrvKeyspaceNames(ctx, cell)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't get list of SrvKeyspaceNames for cell %q: GetSrvKeyspaceNames returned: %v", cell, err)
		for _, keyspaceName := range keyspaceNamesList {
			err := addSrvkeyspace(ctx, ts, cell, keyspaceName, srvKeyspaces)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
		return srvKeyspaces, nil


	// Tablets
	handleCollection("tablets", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		tabletPath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)

		// List tablets based on query params.
		if tabletPath == "" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			shardRef := r.FormValue("shard")
			cell := r.FormValue("cell")

			if shardRef != "" {
				// Look up by keyspace/shard, and optionally cell.
				keyspace, shard, err := topoproto.ParseKeyspaceShard(shardRef)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				if cell != "" {
					result, err := ts.FindAllTabletAliasesInShardByCell(ctx, keyspace, shard, []string{cell})
					if err != nil && err != topo.ErrPartialResult {
						return result, err
					return result, nil
				result, err := ts.FindAllTabletAliasesInShard(ctx, keyspace, shard)
				if err != nil && err != topo.ErrPartialResult {
					return result, err
				return result, nil

			// Get all tablets in a cell.
			if cell == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("cell param required")
			return ts.GetTabletsByCell(ctx, cell)

		// Get tablet health.
		if parts := strings.Split(tabletPath, "/"); len(parts) == 2 && parts[1] == "health" {
			tabletAlias, err := topoproto.ParseTabletAlias(parts[0])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return tabletHealthCache.Get(ctx, tabletAlias)

		tabletAlias, err := topoproto.ParseTabletAlias(tabletPath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Perform an action on a tablet.
		if r.Method == "POST" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			action := r.FormValue("action")
			if action == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("must specify action")
			return actions.ApplyTabletAction(ctx, action, tabletAlias, r), nil

		// Get the tablet record.
		t, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tabletAlias)
		// Pass the embedded proto directly or jsonpb will panic.
		return t.Tablet, err

	// Healthcheck real time status per (cell, keyspace, tablet type, metric).
	handleCollection("tablet_statuses", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		targetPath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)

		// Get the heatmap data based on query parameters.
		if targetPath == "" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			keyspace := r.FormValue("keyspace")
			cell := r.FormValue("cell")
			tabletType := r.FormValue("type")
			_, err := topoproto.ParseTabletType(tabletType)
			// Excluding the case where parse fails because all tabletTypes was chosen.
			if err != nil && tabletType != "all" {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid tablet type: %v ", err)
			metric := r.FormValue("metric")

			// Setting default values if none was specified in the query params.
			if keyspace == "" {
				keyspace = "all"
			if cell == "" {
				cell = "all"
			if tabletType == "" {
				tabletType = "all"
			if metric == "" {
				metric = "health"

			if realtimeStats == nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("realtimeStats not initialized")

			heatmap, err := realtimeStats.heatmapData(keyspace, cell, tabletType, metric)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't get heatmap data: %v", err)
			return heatmap, nil

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid target path: %q  expected path: ?keyspace=<keyspace>&cell=<cell>&type=<type>&metric=<metric>", targetPath)

	handleCollection("tablet_health", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		tabletPath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)
		parts := strings.SplitN(tabletPath, "/", 2)

		// Request was incorrectly formatted.
		if len(parts) != 2 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid tablet_health path: %q  expected path: /tablet_health/<cell>/<uid>", tabletPath)

		if realtimeStats == nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("realtimeStats not initialized")

		cell := parts[0]
		uidStr := parts[1]
		uid, err := topoproto.ParseUID(uidStr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("incorrect uid: %v", err)

		tabletAlias := topodatapb.TabletAlias{
			Cell: cell,
			Uid:  uid,
		tabletStat, err := realtimeStats.tabletStats(&tabletAlias)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get tabletStats: %v", err)
		return tabletStat, nil

	handleCollection("topology_info", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		targetPath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)

		// Retrieving topology information (keyspaces, cells, and types) based on query params.
		if targetPath == "" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			keyspace := r.FormValue("keyspace")
			cell := r.FormValue("cell")

			// Setting default values if none was specified in the query params.
			if keyspace == "" {
				keyspace = "all"
			if cell == "" {
				cell = "all"

			if realtimeStats == nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("realtimeStats not initialized")

			return realtimeStats.topologyInfo(keyspace, cell), nil
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid target path: %q  expected path: ?keyspace=<keyspace>&cell=<cell>", targetPath)

	// Vtctl Command
	http.HandleFunc(apiPrefix+"vtctl/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if err := acl.CheckAccessHTTP(r, acl.ADMIN); err != nil {
			httpErrorf(w, r, "Access denied")
		var args []string
		resp := struct {
			Error  string
			Output string
		if err := unmarshalRequest(r, &args); err != nil {
			httpErrorf(w, r, "can't unmarshal request: %v", err)

		logstream := logutil.NewMemoryLogger()

		wr := wrangler.New(logstream, ts, tmClient)
		// TODO(enisoc): Context for run command should be request-scoped.
		err := vtctl.RunCommand(ctx, wr, args)
		if err != nil {
			resp.Error = err.Error()
		resp.Output = logstream.String()
		data, err := json.MarshalIndent(resp, "", "  ")
		if err != nil {
			httpErrorf(w, r, "json error: %v", err)
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", jsonContentType)

	// Schema Change
	http.HandleFunc(apiPrefix+"schema/apply", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if err := acl.CheckAccessHTTP(r, acl.ADMIN); err != nil {
			httpErrorf(w, r, "Access denied")
		req := struct {
			Keyspace, SQL       string
			SlaveTimeoutSeconds int
		if err := unmarshalRequest(r, &req); err != nil {
			httpErrorf(w, r, "can't unmarshal request: %v", err)
		if req.SlaveTimeoutSeconds <= 0 {
			req.SlaveTimeoutSeconds = 10

		logger := logutil.NewCallbackLogger(func(ev *logutilpb.Event) {
		wr := wrangler.New(logger, ts, tmClient)

		executor := schemamanager.NewTabletExecutor(
			wr, time.Duration(req.SlaveTimeoutSeconds)*time.Second)

			schemamanager.NewUIController(req.SQL, req.Keyspace, w), executor)
Beispiel #29
// CheckTablet verifies the topo server API is correct for managing tablets.
func CheckTablet(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, ts topo.Server) {
	cell := getLocalCell(ctx, t, ts)
	tablet := &topo.Tablet{
		Alias:    topo.TabletAlias{Cell: cell, Uid: 1},
		Hostname: "localhost",
		IPAddr:   "",
		Portmap: map[string]int{
			"vt":    3333,
			"mysql": 3334,

		Tags:     map[string]string{"tag": "value"},
		Keyspace: "test_keyspace",
		Type:     topo.TYPE_MASTER,
		KeyRange: newKeyRange("-10"),
	if err := ts.CreateTablet(ctx, tablet); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("CreateTablet: %v", err)
	if err := ts.CreateTablet(ctx, tablet); err != topo.ErrNodeExists {
		t.Errorf("CreateTablet(again): %v", err)

	if _, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, topo.TabletAlias{Cell: cell, Uid: 666}); err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Errorf("GetTablet(666): %v", err)

	ti, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("GetTablet %v: %v", tablet.Alias, err)
	if eq, err := tabletEqual(ti.Tablet, tablet); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("cannot compare tablets: %v", err)
	} else if !eq {
		t.Errorf("put and got tablets are not identical:\n%#v\n%#v", tablet, ti.Tablet)

	if _, err := ts.GetTabletsByCell(ctx, "666"); err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Errorf("GetTabletsByCell(666): %v", err)

	inCell, err := ts.GetTabletsByCell(ctx, cell)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("GetTabletsByCell: %v", err)
	if len(inCell) != 1 || inCell[0] != tablet.Alias {
		t.Errorf("GetTabletsByCell: want [%v], got %v", tablet.Alias, inCell)

	ti.Hostname = "remotehost"
	if err := topo.UpdateTablet(ctx, ts, ti); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("UpdateTablet: %v", err)

	ti, err = ts.GetTablet(ctx, tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("GetTablet %v: %v", tablet.Alias, err)
	if want := "remotehost"; ti.Hostname != want {
		t.Errorf("ti.Hostname: want %v, got %v", want, ti.Hostname)

	if err := topo.UpdateTabletFields(ctx, ts, tablet.Alias, func(t *topo.Tablet) error {
		t.Hostname = "anotherhost"
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("UpdateTabletFields: %v", err)
	ti, err = ts.GetTablet(ctx, tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("GetTablet %v: %v", tablet.Alias, err)

	if want := "anotherhost"; ti.Hostname != want {
		t.Errorf("ti.Hostname: want %v, got %v", want, ti.Hostname)

	if err := ts.DeleteTablet(ctx, tablet.Alias); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("DeleteTablet: %v", err)
	if err := ts.DeleteTablet(ctx, tablet.Alias); err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Errorf("DeleteTablet(again): %v", err)

	if _, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, tablet.Alias); err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Errorf("GetTablet: expected error, tablet was deleted: %v", err)

Beispiel #30
func initAPI(ctx context.Context, ts topo.Server, actions *ActionRepository) {
	tabletHealthCache := newTabletHealthCache(ts)

	// Cells
	handleCollection("cells", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		if getItemPath(r.URL.Path) != "" {
			return nil, errors.New("cells can only be listed, not retrieved")
		return ts.GetKnownCells(ctx)

	// Keyspaces
	handleCollection("keyspaces", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		keyspace := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)

		// List all keyspaces.
		if keyspace == "" {
			return ts.GetKeyspaces(ctx)

		// Perform an action on a keyspace.
		if r.Method == "POST" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			action := r.FormValue("action")
			if action == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("must specify action")
			return actions.ApplyKeyspaceAction(ctx, action, keyspace, r), nil

		// Get the keyspace record.
		return ts.GetKeyspace(ctx, keyspace)

	// Shards
	handleCollection("shards", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		shardPath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)
		if !strings.Contains(shardPath, "/") {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid shard path: %q", shardPath)
		parts := strings.SplitN(shardPath, "/", 2)
		keyspace := parts[0]
		shard := parts[1]

		// List the shards in a keyspace.
		if shard == "" {
			return ts.GetShardNames(ctx, keyspace)

		// Perform an action on a shard.
		if r.Method == "POST" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			action := r.FormValue("action")
			if action == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("must specify action")
			return actions.ApplyShardAction(ctx, action, keyspace, shard, r), nil

		// Get the shard record.
		return ts.GetShard(ctx, keyspace, shard)

	// Tablets
	handleCollection("tablets", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		tabletPath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)

		// List tablets based on query params.
		if tabletPath == "" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			shardRef := r.FormValue("shard")
			cell := r.FormValue("cell")

			if shardRef != "" {
				// Look up by keyspace/shard, and optionally cell.
				keyspace, shard, err := topoproto.ParseKeyspaceShard(shardRef)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				if cell != "" {
					return ts.FindAllTabletAliasesInShardByCell(ctx, keyspace, shard, []string{cell})
				return ts.FindAllTabletAliasesInShard(ctx, keyspace, shard)

			// Get all tablets in a cell.
			if cell == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("cell param required")
			return ts.GetTabletsByCell(ctx, cell)

		// Get tablet health.
		if parts := strings.Split(tabletPath, "/"); len(parts) == 2 && parts[1] == "health" {
			tabletAlias, err := topoproto.ParseTabletAlias(parts[0])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return tabletHealthCache.Get(ctx, tabletAlias)

		tabletAlias, err := topoproto.ParseTabletAlias(tabletPath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Perform an action on a tablet.
		if r.Method == "POST" {
			if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			action := r.FormValue("action")
			if action == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("must specify action")
			return actions.ApplyTabletAction(ctx, action, tabletAlias, r), nil

		// Get the tablet record.
		return ts.GetTablet(ctx, tabletAlias)

	// EndPoints
	handleCollection("endpoints", func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		// We expect cell/keyspace/shard/tabletType.
		epPath := getItemPath(r.URL.Path)
		parts := strings.Split(epPath, "/")
		if len(parts) != 4 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cell/keyspace/shard/tabletType: %q", epPath)

		if parts[3] == "" {
			// tabletType is empty, so list the tablet types.
			return ts.GetSrvTabletTypesPerShard(ctx, parts[0], parts[1], parts[2])

		tabletType, err := topoproto.ParseTabletType(parts[3])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid tablet type %v: %v", parts[3], err)

		// Get the endpoints object for a specific type.
		ep, _, err := ts.GetEndPoints(ctx, parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], tabletType)
		return ep, err

	// Schema Change
	http.HandleFunc(apiPrefix+"schema/apply", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		req := struct{ Keyspace, SQL string }{}
		if err := unmarshalRequest(r, &req); err != nil {
			httpErrorf(w, r, "can't unmarshal request: %v", err)

		executor := schemamanager.NewTabletExecutor(

			schemamanager.NewUIController(req.SQL, req.Keyspace, w), executor)

	// VSchema
	http.HandleFunc(apiPrefix+"vschema/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// Save VSchema
		if r.Method == "POST" {
			vschema, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
			if err != nil {
				httpErrorf(w, r, "can't read request body: %v", err)
			if err := ts.SaveVSchema(ctx, string(vschema)); err != nil {
				httpErrorf(w, r, "can't save vschema: %v", err)

		// Get VSchema
		vschema, err := ts.GetVSchema(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			httpErrorf(w, r, "can't get vschema: %v", err)
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", jsonContentType)