Beispiel #1
func (b *BashShell) GenerateScript(info common.ShellScriptInfo) (*common.ShellScript, error) {
	script := common.ShellScript{
		PreScript:   b.generatePreBuildScript(info),
		BuildScript: b.generateCommands(info),
		PostScript:  b.generatePostBuildScript(info),
		Environment: b.GetVariables(info),

	// su
	if info.User != nil {
		script.Command = "su"
		if info.Type == common.LoginShell {
			script.Arguments = []string{"--shell", "/bin/bash", "--login", *info.User}
		} else {
			script.Arguments = []string{"--shell", "/bin/bash", *info.User}
	} else {
		script.Command = "bash"
		if info.Type == common.LoginShell {
			script.Arguments = []string{"--login"}

	return &script, nil
Beispiel #2
func (b *BashShell) GenerateScript(build *common.Build, shellType common.ShellType) (*common.ShellScript, error) {
	var buffer bytes.Buffer
	w := bufio.NewWriter(&buffer)

	io.WriteString(w, "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "\n")
	if len(build.Hostname) != 0 {
		io.WriteString(w, fmt.Sprintf("echo Running on $(hostname) via %s...\n", helpers.ShellEscape(build.Hostname)))
	} else {
		io.WriteString(w, "echo Running on $(hostname)...\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "set -eo pipefail\n")

	io.WriteString(w, "\n")
	if build.AllowGitFetch {
		b.writeFetchCmd(w, build)
	} else {
		b.writeCloneCmd(w, build)

	b.writeCheckoutCmd(w, build)
	io.WriteString(w, "\n")
	if !helpers.BoolOrDefault(build.Runner.DisableVerbose, false) {
		io.WriteString(w, "set -v\n")
		io.WriteString(w, "\n")

	commands := build.Commands
	commands = strings.Replace(commands, "\r\n", "\n", -1)
	io.WriteString(w, commands)


	env := []string{
		fmt.Sprintf("CI_BUILD_REF=%s", build.Sha),
		fmt.Sprintf("CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA=%s", build.BeforeSha),
		fmt.Sprintf("CI_BUILD_REF_NAME=%s", build.RefName),
		fmt.Sprintf("CI_BUILD_ID=%d", build.ID),
		fmt.Sprintf("CI_BUILD_REPO=%s", build.RepoURL),

		fmt.Sprintf("CI_PROJECT_ID=%d", build.ProjectID),
		fmt.Sprintf("CI_PROJECT_DIR=%s", build.FullProjectDir()),


	script := common.ShellScript{
		Environment: env,
		Script:      buffer.Bytes(),
		Command:     "bash",

	if shellType == common.LoginShell {
		script.Arguments = []string{"--login"}

	return &script, nil
func (b *BashShell) GenerateScript(info common.ShellScriptInfo) (*common.ShellScript, error) {
	var buffer bytes.Buffer
	w := bufio.NewWriter(&buffer)

	build := info.Build
	projectDir := build.FullProjectDir()
	projectDir = helpers.ToSlash(projectDir)
	gitDir := filepath.Join(projectDir, ".git")

	projectScript := helpers.ShellEscape(build.FullProjectDir() + ".sh")

	io.WriteString(w, "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "set -eo pipefail\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "\n")

	if len(build.Hostname) != 0 {
		io.WriteString(w, fmt.Sprintf("echo Running on $(hostname) via %s...", helpers.ShellEscape(build.Hostname)))
	} else {
		io.WriteString(w, "echo Running on $(hostname)...\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "echo\n")

	// Set env variables from build script
	for _, keyValue := range b.GetVariables(build, projectDir, info.Environment) {
		io.WriteString(w, "export "+helpers.ShellEscape(keyValue)+"\n")

	io.WriteString(w, "\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "# save script that is read from to file and execute script file on remote server\n")
	io.WriteString(w, fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %s\n", helpers.ShellEscape(projectDir)))
	io.WriteString(w, fmt.Sprintf("cat > %s; source %s\n", projectScript, projectScript))
	io.WriteString(w, "\n")

	if build.AllowGitFetch {
		b.writeFetchCmd(w, build, helpers.ShellEscape(projectDir), helpers.ShellEscape(gitDir))
	} else {
		b.writeCloneCmd(w, build, helpers.ShellEscape(projectDir))

	b.writeCheckoutCmd(w, build)
	io.WriteString(w, "\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "echo\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "\n")

	commands := build.Commands
	commands = strings.TrimSpace(commands)
	for _, command := range strings.Split(commands, "\n") {
		command = strings.TrimSpace(command)
		if !helpers.BoolOrDefault(build.Runner.DisableVerbose, false) {
			if command != "" {
				b.echoColored(w, "$ "+command)
			} else {
				io.WriteString(w, "echo\n")
		io.WriteString(w, command+"\n")

	io.WriteString(w, "\n")


	script := common.ShellScript{
		Script:      buffer.String(),
		Environment: b.GetVariables(build, projectDir, info.Environment),

	// su
	if info.User != nil {
		script.Command = "su"
		if info.Type == common.LoginShell {
			script.Arguments = []string{"--shell", "/bin/bash", "--login", *info.User}
		} else {
			script.Arguments = []string{"--shell", "/bin/bash", *info.User}
	} else {
		script.Command = "bash"
		if info.Type == common.LoginShell {
			script.Arguments = []string{"--login"}

	return &script, nil