Beispiel #1
// polyIgnoresAddHandler is for adding a new ignore rule.
func polyIgnoresAddHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	user := login.LoggedInAs(r)
	if user == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Not logged in."), "You must be logged in to add an ignore rule.")
	req := &IgnoresRequest{}
	if err := parseJson(r, req); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to parse submitted data.")
	if req.Filter == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Filter: %q", req.Filter), "Filters can't be empty.")
	d, err := human.ParseDuration(req.Duration)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to parse duration")
	ignoreRule := ignore.NewIgnoreRule(user, time.Now().Add(d), req.Filter, req.Note)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to create ignore rule.")

	if err = storages.IgnoreStore.Create(ignoreRule); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to create ignore rule.")

	polyIgnoresJSONHandler(w, r)
Beispiel #2
// triageUndoHandler performs an "undo" for a given change id.
// The change id's are returned in the result of polyTriageLogHandler.
// It accepts one query parameter 'id' which is the id if the change
// that should be reversed.
// If successful it retunrs the same result as a call to polyTriageLogHandler
// to reflect the changed triagelog.
func triageUndoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Get the user and make sure they are logged in.
	user := login.LoggedInAs(r)
	if user == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Not logged in."), "You must be logged in to change expectations.")

	// Extract the id to undo.
	changeID, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("id"))
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Invalid change id.")

	// Do the undo procedure.
	_, err = storages.ExpectationsStore.UndoChange(changeID, user)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Unable to undo.")

	// Send the same response as a query for the first page.
	polyTriageLogHandler(w, r)
func AddTaskHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, task AddTaskVars) {
	if !ctfeutil.UserHasEditRights(r) {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Must have google or chromium account to add tasks"), "")
	if task.IsAdminTask() && !ctfeutil.UserHasAdminRights(r) {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Must be admin to add admin tasks; contact rmistry@"), "")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&task); err != nil {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to add %T task", task))
	defer skutil.Close(r.Body)

	task.GetAddTaskCommonVars().Username = login.LoggedInAs(r)
	task.GetAddTaskCommonVars().TsAdded = ctutil.GetCurrentTs()
	if len(task.GetAddTaskCommonVars().Username) > 255 {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Username is too long, limit 255 bytes"), "")

	if _, err := AddTask(task); err != nil {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to insert %T task", task))
func RedoTaskHandler(prototype Task, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if !ctfeutil.UserHasEditRights(r) {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Must have google or chromium account to redo tasks"), "")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	vars := struct{ Id int64 }{}
	if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&vars); err != nil {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to parse redo request")
	defer skutil.Close(r.Body)

	rowQuery := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = ? AND ts_completed IS NOT NULL", prototype.TableName())
	binds := []interface{}{vars.Id}
	data, err := prototype.Select(rowQuery, binds...)
	if err != nil {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, err, "Unable to find requested task.")
	tasks := AsTaskSlice(data)
	if len(tasks) != 1 {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, err, "Unable to find requested task.")

	addTaskVars := tasks[0].GetPopulatedAddTaskVars()
	// Replace the username with the new requester.
	addTaskVars.GetAddTaskCommonVars().Username = login.LoggedInAs(r)
	if _, err := AddTask(addTaskVars); err != nil {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, err, "Could not redo the task.")
Beispiel #5
// makeBugChomperPage builds and serves the BugChomper page.
func makeBugChomperPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Redirect for login if needed.
	user := login.LoggedInAs(r)
	if user == "" {
		http.Redirect(w, r, login.LoginURL(w, r), http.StatusFound)
	glog.Infof("Logged in as %s", user)

	issueTracker := issue_tracker.New(login.GetHttpClient(r))
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
	glog.Info("Loading bugs for " + user)
	bugList, err := issueTracker.GetBugs(PROJECT_NAME, user)
	if err != nil {
		reportError(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	bugsById := make(map[string]*issue_tracker.Issue)
	bugsByPriority := make(map[string][]*issue_tracker.Issue)
	for _, bug := range bugList.Items {
		bugsById[strconv.Itoa(bug.Id)] = bug
		var bugPriority string
		for _, label := range bug.Labels {
			if strings.HasPrefix(label, PRIORITY_PREFIX) {
				bugPriority = label[len(PRIORITY_PREFIX):]
		if _, ok := bugsByPriority[bugPriority]; !ok {
			bugsByPriority[bugPriority] = make(
				[]*issue_tracker.Issue, 0)
		bugsByPriority[bugPriority] = append(
			bugsByPriority[bugPriority], bug)
	bugsJson, err := json.Marshal(bugsById)
	if err != nil {
		reportError(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	data := struct {
		Title          string
		User           string
		BugsJson       template.JS
		BugsByPriority *map[string][]*issue_tracker.Issue
		Priorities     []string
		PriorityPrefix string
		Title:          "BugChomper",
		User:           user,
		BugsJson:       template.JS(string(bugsJson)),
		BugsByPriority: &bugsByPriority,
		Priorities:     issue_tracker.BugPriorities,
		PriorityPrefix: PRIORITY_PREFIX,

	if err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "bug_chomper.html", data); err != nil {
		reportError(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
Beispiel #6
func addBuildCommentHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	defer timer.New("addBuildCommentHandler").Stop()
	if !userHasEditRights(r) {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("User does not have edit rights."), "User does not have edit rights.")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	cache, err := getCommitCache(w, r)
	if err != nil {
	buildId, err := strconv.ParseInt(mux.Vars(r)["buildId"], 10, 32)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid build id: %v", err))
	comment := struct {
		Comment string `json:"comment"`
	if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&comment); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to add comment: %v", err))
	defer util.Close(r.Body)
	c := buildbot.BuildComment{
		BuildId:   int(buildId),
		User:      login.LoggedInAs(r),
		Timestamp: float64(time.Now().UTC().Unix()),
		Message:   comment.Comment,
	if err := cache.AddBuildComment(int(buildId), &c); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to add comment: %v", err))
Beispiel #7
// changeHandler handles actions on individual services.
// The actions are forwarded off to the pulld service
// running on the machine hosting that service.
func changeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("You must be logged on to push."), "")
	if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to parse form.")
	action := r.Form.Get("action")
	name := r.Form.Get("name")
	machine := ip.Resolve(r.Form.Get("machine"))
	url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:10114/_/change?name=%s&action=%s", machine, name, action)
	resp, err := client.Post(url, "", nil)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to reach %s: %v %s", machine, resp, err))
	defer util.Close(resp.Body)
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to reach %s: %v %s", machine, resp, err))
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	if _, err := io.Copy(w, resp.Body); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to copy JSON error out: %s", err)
Beispiel #8
func addCommitCommentHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	defer timer.New("addCommitCommentHandler").Stop()
	if !userHasEditRights(r) {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("User does not have edit rights."), "User does not have edit rights.")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	commit := mux.Vars(r)["commit"]
	comment := struct {
		Comment string `json:"comment"`
	if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&comment); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to add comment: %v", err))
	defer util.Close(r.Body)

	c := buildbot.CommitComment{
		Commit:    commit,
		User:      login.LoggedInAs(r),
		Timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
		Message:   comment.Comment,
	if err := db.PutCommitComment(&c); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to add commit comment: %v", err))
Beispiel #9
// redirectHandler handles redirecting to the correct tradefed page.
func redirectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
		r.Header.Set("Referer", r.URL.String())
		http.Redirect(w, r, login.LoginURL(w, r), 302)
	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	codename := vars["codename"]
	buildNumberStr := vars["buildNumber"]
	target, err := codenameDB.Get([]byte(codename), nil)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Not a valid target codename.")
	buildNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(buildNumberStr)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Not a valid build number.")
	build, err := buildbot.GetBuildFromDB(string(codename), FAKE_MASTER, buildNumber)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Could not find a matching build.")
	id, ok := build.GetProperty("androidinternal_buildid").([]interface{})[1].(string)
	if !ok {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Got %#v", id), "Could not find a matching build id.")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
	if _, err := w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(REDIRECT_TEMPLATE, codename, target, id, id, target, id, id, target))); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to write response: %s", err)
Beispiel #10
func handleAlert(alertId int64, comment string, until int, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	email := login.LoggedInAs(r)
	if !userHasEditRights(email) {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("User does not have edit rights."), "You must be logged in to an account with edit rights to do that.")

	action, ok := mux.Vars(r)["action"]
	if !ok {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("No action provided."), "No action provided.")

	if action == "dismiss" {
		glog.Infof("%s %d", action, alertId)
		if err := alertManager.Dismiss(alertId, email, comment); err != nil {
			util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to dismiss alert.")
	} else if action == "snooze" {
		if until == 0 {
			util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Invalid snooze time."), fmt.Sprintf("Invalid snooze time"))
		until := time.Unix(int64(until), 0)
		glog.Infof("%s %d until %v", action, alertId, until.String())
		if err := alertManager.Snooze(alertId, until, email, comment); err != nil {
			util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to snooze alert.")
	} else if action == "unsnooze" {
		glog.Infof("%s %d", action, alertId)
		if err := alertManager.Unsnooze(alertId, email, comment); err != nil {
			util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to unsnooze alert.")
	} else if action == "addcomment" {
		if !StringIsInteresting(comment) {
			util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Invalid comment text."), comment)
		glog.Infof("%s %d: %s", action, alertId, comment)
		if err := alertManager.AddComment(alertId, email, comment); err != nil {
			util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to add comment.")
	} else {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Invalid action %s", action), "The requested action is invalid.")

Beispiel #11
func UserHasAdminRights(r *http.Request) bool {
	// TODO(benjaminwagner): Add this list to GCE project level metadata and retrieve from there.
	admins := map[string]bool{
		"*****@*****.**": true,
		"*****@*****.**":        true,
		"*****@*****.**":     true,
		"*****@*****.**":        true,
		"*****@*****.**":       true,
	return UserHasEditRights(r) && admins[login.LoggedInAs(r)]
Beispiel #12
// polyTriageHandler handles a request to change the triage status of one or more
// digests of one test.
// It accepts a POST'd JSON serialization of PolyTriageRequest and updates
// the expectations.
func polyTriageHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	req := &PolyTriageRequest{}
	if err := parseJson(r, req); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to parse JSON request.")
	glog.Infof("Triage request: %#v", req)
	user := login.LoggedInAs(r)
	if user == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Not logged in."), "You must be logged in to triage.")

	// Build the expecations change request from the list of digests passed in.
	digests := req.Digest

	// Or build the expectations change request from filter, query, and include.
	if req.All {
		exp, err := storages.ExpectationsStore.Get()
		if err != nil {
			util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to load expectations.")
		e := exp.Tests[req.Test]
		ii, _, err := imgInfo(req.Filter, req.Query, req.Test, e, -1, req.Include, false, "", "", req.Head)
		digests = []string{}
		for _, d := range ii {
			digests = append(digests, d.Digest)

	// Label the digests.
	labelledDigests := map[string]types.Label{}
	for _, d := range digests {
		labelledDigests[d] = types.LabelFromString(req.Status)

	tc := map[string]types.TestClassification{
		req.Test: labelledDigests,

	// Otherwise update the expectations directly.
	if err := storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(tc, user); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to store the updated expectations.")

	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
	if err := enc.Encode(map[string]string{}); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to write or encode result: %s", err)
// Returns true if the given task can be deleted by the logged-in user; otherwise false and an error
// describing the problem.
func canDeleteTask(task Task, r *http.Request) (bool, error) {
	if !ctfeutil.UserHasAdminRights(r) {
		username := login.LoggedInAs(r)
		taskUser := task.GetCommonCols().Username
		if taskUser != username {
			return false, fmt.Errorf("Task is owned by %s but you are logged in as %s", taskUser, username)
	if task.GetCommonCols().TsStarted.Valid && !task.GetCommonCols().TsCompleted.Valid {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("Cannot delete currently running tasks.")
	return true, nil
func DeleteTaskHandler(prototype Task, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if !ctfeutil.UserHasEditRights(r) {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Must have google or chromium account to delete tasks"), "")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	vars := struct{ Id int64 }{}
	if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&vars); err != nil {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to parse delete request")
	defer skutil.Close(r.Body)
	requireUsernameMatch := !ctfeutil.UserHasAdminRights(r)
	username := login.LoggedInAs(r)
	// Put all conditions in delete request; only if the delete fails, do a select to determine the cause.
	deleteQuery := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE id = ? AND (ts_started IS NULL OR ts_completed IS NOT NULL)", prototype.TableName())
	binds := []interface{}{vars.Id}
	if requireUsernameMatch {
		deleteQuery += " AND username = ?"
		binds = append(binds, username)
	result, err := db.DB.Exec(deleteQuery, binds...)
	if err != nil {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to delete")
	// Check result to ensure that the row was deleted.
	if rowsDeleted, _ := result.RowsAffected(); rowsDeleted == 1 {
		glog.Infof("%s task with ID %d deleted by %s", prototype.GetTaskName(), vars.Id, username)
	// The code below determines the reason that no rows were deleted.
	rowQuery := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = ?", prototype.TableName())
	data, err := prototype.Select(rowQuery, vars.Id)
	if err != nil {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, err, "Unable to validate request.")
	tasks := AsTaskSlice(data)
	if len(tasks) != 1 {
		// Row already deleted; return success.
	if ok, err := canDeleteTask(tasks[0], r); !ok {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, err, "")
	} else {
		skutil.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete; reason unknown"), "")
Beispiel #15
// alertResetHandler deletes all the non-Bug alerts.
func alertResetHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	glog.Infof("AlertResetHandler: %q\n", r.URL.Path)
	if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Not logged in."), "You must be logged in to change an alert status.")
	if r.Method != "POST" {
		http.NotFound(w, r)
	if err := alerting.Reset(); err != nil {
		glog.Errorln("Failed to delete all non-Bug alerts:", err)
	http.Redirect(w, r, "/alerts/", 303)
Beispiel #16
// builderRedirectHandler handles redirecting to the correct tradefed page.
func builderRedirectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
		r.Header.Set("Referer", r.URL.String())
		http.Redirect(w, r, login.LoginURL(w, r), 302)
	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	codename := vars["codename"]
	target, err := codenameDB.Get([]byte(codename), nil)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Not a valid target codename.")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
	if _, err := w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(BUILDER_REDIRECT_TEMPLATE, codename, target, target, target))); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to write response: %s", err)
Beispiel #17
func polyIgnoresDeleteHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	user := login.LoggedInAs(r)
	if user == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Not logged in."), "You must be logged in to add an ignore rule.")
	id, err := strconv.ParseInt(mux.Vars(r)["id"], 10, 0)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "ID must be valid integer.")

	if _, err = storages.IgnoreStore.Delete(int(id), user); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Unable to delete ignore rule.")
	} else {
		// If delete worked just list the current ignores and return them.
		polyIgnoresJSONHandler(w, r)
Beispiel #18
// redirectHandler handles redirecting to the correct internal build page.
func redirectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
		r.Header.Set("Referer", r.URL.String())
		http.Redirect(w, r, login.LoginURL(w, r), 302)
	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	codename := vars["codename"]
	buildNumberStr := vars["buildNumber"]
	target, err := codenameDB.Get([]byte(codename), nil)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Not a valid target codename.")
	buildNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(buildNumberStr)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Not a valid build number.")
	build, err := db.GetBuildFromDB(FAKE_MASTER, string(codename), buildNumber)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Could not find a matching build.")
	result := ""
	if id, err := build.GetStringProperty("androidinternal_buildid"); err == nil {
		result = fmt.Sprintf(LAUNCH_CONTROL_BUILD_REDIRECT_TEMPLATE, codename, target, id, id, target, id, id, target)
	} else if link, err := build.GetStringProperty("testResultsLink"); err == nil {
		result = fmt.Sprintf(TEST_RESULTS_REDIRECT_TEMPLATE, target, link, link)
	} else if cl, err := build.GetStringProperty("changeListNumber"); err == nil {
		link = fmt.Sprintf("http://cl/%s", cl)
		result = fmt.Sprintf(TEST_RESULTS_REDIRECT_TEMPLATE, target, link, link)
	if result == "" {
		glog.Errorf("No redirect for %#v", build)
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("No redirect for this build."), "")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
	if _, err := w.Write([]byte(result)); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to write response")
Beispiel #19
// failureClearJSONHandler removes digests from the local cache.
func failureClearJSONHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	user := login.LoggedInAs(r)
	if user == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Not logged in."), "You must be logged in to clear digests.")

	digests := []string{}
	dec := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
	if err := dec.Decode(&digests); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Unable to decode digest list.")
	purgeGS := r.URL.Query().Get("purge") == "true"

	if err := storages.DiffStore.PurgeDigests(digests, purgeGS); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Unable to clear digests.")
	failureListJSONHandler(w, r)
Beispiel #20
func polyIgnoresUpdateHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	user := login.LoggedInAs(r)
	if user == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Not logged in."), "You must be logged in to update an ignore rule.")
	id, err := strconv.ParseInt(mux.Vars(r)["id"], 10, 0)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "ID must be valid integer.")
	req := &IgnoresRequest{}
	if err := parseJson(r, req); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to parse submitted data.")
	if req.Filter == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Filter: %q", req.Filter), "Filters can't be empty.")
	d, err := human.ParseDuration(req.Duration)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to parse duration")
	ignoreRule := ignore.NewIgnoreRule(user, time.Now().Add(d), req.Filter, req.Note)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to create ignore rule.")
	ignoreRule.ID = int(id)

	err = storages.IgnoreStore.Update(int(id), ignoreRule)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Unable to update ignore rule.")
	} else {
		// If update worked just list the current ignores and return them.
		polyIgnoresJSONHandler(w, r)
Beispiel #21
func modeJsonHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if !login.IsAGoogler(r) {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("User does not have edit rights."), "You must be logged in with an account to do that.")

	var mode struct {
		Mode string `json:"mode"`
	defer util.Close(r.Body)
	if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&mode); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to decode request body.")

	if err := arb.SetMode(mode.Mode, login.LoggedInAs(r), "[Placeholder Message]"); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to set AutoRoll mode.")

	// Return the ARB status.
	statusJsonHandler(w, r)
Beispiel #22
func addBuilderCommentHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	defer timer.New("addBuilderCommentHandler").Stop()
	if !userHasEditRights(r) {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("User does not have edit rights."), "User does not have edit rights.")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	cache, err := getCommitCache(w, r)
	if err != nil {
	builder := mux.Vars(r)["builder"]

	comment := struct {
		Comment       string `json:"comment"`
		Flaky         bool   `json:"flaky"`
		IgnoreFailure bool   `json:"ignoreFailure"`
	if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&comment); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to add comment: %v", err))
	defer util.Close(r.Body)

	c := buildbot.BuilderComment{
		Builder:       builder,
		User:          login.LoggedInAs(r),
		Timestamp:     time.Now().UTC(),
		Flaky:         comment.Flaky,
		IgnoreFailure: comment.IgnoreFailure,
		Message:       comment.Comment,
	if err := cache.AddBuilderComment(builder, &c); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to add builder comment: %v", err))
Beispiel #23
func UserHasEditRights(r *http.Request) bool {
	return strings.HasSuffix(login.LoggedInAs(r), "") || strings.HasSuffix(login.LoggedInAs(r), "")
Beispiel #24
func userHasEditRights(r *http.Request) bool {
	return strings.HasSuffix(login.LoggedInAs(r), "")
Beispiel #25
// Handler serves the /annotate/ endpoint for changing the status of an
// alert cluster. It also writes a new types.Activity log record to the database.
// Expects a POST of JSON of the following form:
//   {
//     Id: 20                - The id of the alerting cluster.
//     Status: "Ignore"      - The new Status value.
//     Message: "SKP Update" - The new Messge value.
//   }
// Returns JSON of the form:
//  {
//    "Bug": "http://"
//  }
// Where bug, if set, is the URL the user should be directed to to log a bug report.
func Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	glog.Infof("Annotate Handler: %q\n", r.URL.Path)

	if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Not logged in."), "You must be logged in to change an alert status.")
	if r.Method != "POST" {
		http.NotFound(w, r)
	if r.Body == nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Missing POST Body."), "POST with no request body.")

	req := struct {
		Id      int64
		Status  string
		Message string
	dec := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
	if err := dec.Decode(&req); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Unable to decode posted JSON.")

	if !util.In(req.Status, types.ValidStatusValues) {
		util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Invalid status value: %s", req.Status), "Unknown value.")

	// Store the updated values in the ClusterSummary.
	c, err := alerting.Get(req.Id)
	if err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to load cluster summary.")
	c.Status = req.Status
	c.Message = req.Message
	if err := alerting.Write(c); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to save cluster summary.")

	// Write a new Activity record.
	// TODO(jcgregorio) Move into alerting.Write().
	a := &types.Activity{
		UserID: login.LoggedInAs(r),
		Action: "Perf Alert: " + req.Status,
		URL:    fmt.Sprintf("", req.Id),
	if err := activitylog.Write(a); err != nil {
		util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to save activity.")

	retval := map[string]string{}

	if req.Status == "Bug" {
		q := url.Values{
			"labels":  []string{"FromSkiaPerf,Type-Defect,Priority-Medium"},
			"comment": []string{fmt.Sprintf(ISSUE_COMMENT_TEMPLATE, req.Id)},
		retval["Bug"] = "" + q.Encode()
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
	if err := enc.Encode(retval); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to write or encode output: %s", err)
Beispiel #26
// stateHandler handles the GET of the JSON.
func stateHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

	allAvailable := packageInfo.AllAvailable()
	allInstalled := packageInfo.AllInstalled()

	// Update allInstalled to add in missing applications.
	// Loop over 'config' and make sure each server and application is
	// represented, adding in "appName/" placeholders as package names where
	// appropriate. This is to bootstrap the case where an app is configured to
	// be available for a server, but no package for that application has been
	// installed yet.
	serversSeen := map[string]bool{}
	for name, installed := range allInstalled {
		installedNames := appNames(installed.Names)
		for _, expected := range config.Servers[name].AppNames {
			if !util.In(expected, installedNames) {
				installed.Names = append(installed.Names, expected+"/")
		allInstalled[name] = installed
		serversSeen[name] = true

	// Now loop over config.Servers and find servers that don't have
	// any installed applications. Add them to allInstalled.
	for name, expected := range config.Servers {
		if _, ok := serversSeen[name]; ok {
		installed := []string{}
		for _, appName := range expected.AppNames {
			installed = append(installed, appName+"/")
		allInstalled[name].Names = installed

	if r.Method == "POST" {
		if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
			util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("You must be logged on to push."), "")
		push := PushNewPackage{}
		dec := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
		defer util.Close(r.Body)
		if err := dec.Decode(&push); err != nil {
			util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode push request"), "Failed to decode push request")
		if installedPackages, ok := allInstalled[push.Server]; !ok {
			util.ReportError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Unknown server name"), "Unknown server name")
		} else {
			// Find a string starting with the same appname, replace it with
			// push.Name. Leave all other package names unchanged.
			appName := strings.Split(push.Name, "/")[0]
			newInstalled := []string{}
			for _, oldName := range installedPackages.Names {
				goodName := oldName
				if strings.Split(oldName, "/")[0] == appName {
					goodName = push.Name
				newInstalled = append(newInstalled, goodName)
			glog.Infof("Updating %s with %#v giving %#v", push.Server, push.Name, newInstalled)
			if err := packageInfo.PutInstalled(push.Server, newInstalled, installedPackages.Generation); err != nil {
				util.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to update server.")
			resp, err := client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:10114/pullpullpull", push.Server))
			if err != nil || resp == nil {
				glog.Infof("Failed to trigger an instant pull for server %s: %v %v", push.Server, err, resp)
			} else {
			allInstalled[push.Server].Names = newInstalled

	// The response to either a GET or a POST is an up to date ServersUI.
	servers := serversFromAllInstalled(allInstalled)
	enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
	err := enc.Encode(AllUI{
		Servers:  servers,
		Packages: allAvailable,
		IP:       ip.Get(),
		Status:   serviceStatus(servers),
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to write or encode output: %s", err)