Beispiel #1
func probeICMP(target string, w http.ResponseWriter, module Module) (success bool) {
	deadline := time.Now().Add(module.Timeout)
	socket, err := icmp.ListenPacket("ip4:icmp", "")
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error listening to socket: %s", err)
	defer socket.Close()

	ip, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip4", target)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error resolving address %s: %s", target, err)

	seq := getICMPSequence()
	pid := os.Getpid() & 0xffff

	wm := icmp.Message{
		Type: ipv4.ICMPTypeEcho, Code: 0,
		Body: &icmp.Echo{
			ID: pid, Seq: int(seq),
			Data: []byte("Prometheus Blackbox Exporter"),
	wb, err := wm.Marshal(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error marshalling packet for %s: %s", target, err)
	if _, err := socket.WriteTo(wb, ip); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error writing to socker for %s: %s", target, err)

	// Reply should be the same except for the message type.
	wm.Type = ipv4.ICMPTypeEchoReply
	wb, err = wm.Marshal(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error marshalling packet for %s: %s", target, err)

	rb := make([]byte, 1500)
	if err := socket.SetReadDeadline(deadline); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error setting socket deadline for %s: %s", target, err)
	for {
		n, peer, err := socket.ReadFrom(rb)
		if err != nil {
			if nerr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && nerr.Timeout() {
				log.Infof("Timeout reading from socket for %s: %s", target, err)
			log.Errorf("Error reading from socket for %s: %s", target, err)
		if peer.String() != ip.String() {
		if bytes.Compare(rb[:n], wb) == 0 {
			success = true
Beispiel #2
// Pinger pings requested address.
// It returns nil when IcmpEchoReplay is recived, error otherwishe.
func Pinger(address string, timeout time.Duration) (err error) {
	addr, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip", address)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	network := "ip4:icmp"
	if addr.IP.To4() == nil {
		network = "ip6:ipv6-icmp"

	c, err := icmp.ListenPacket(network, address)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer func() {
		if cerr := c.Close(); cerr != nil && err == nil {
			err = cerr

	wm := icmp.Message{
		Type: ipv4.ICMPTypeEcho, Code: 0,
		Body: &icmp.Echo{
			ID: os.Getpid() & 0xffff, Seq: 1,
			Data: []byte("ping"),

	if addr.IP.To4() == nil {
		wm.Type = ipv6.ICMPTypeEchoRequest

	wb, err := wm.Marshal(nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err := c.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(timeout)); err != nil {
		return err

	if _, err = c.WriteTo(wb, addr); err != nil {
		return err

	rb := make([]byte, 1500)
	n, _, err := c.ReadFrom(rb)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	rm, err := icmp.ParseMessage(ProtocolICMP, rb[:n])
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if addr.IP.To4() == nil {
		if rm.Type == ipv6.ICMPTypeEchoReply {
			return ErrNoImcpReplay
		return nil

	if rm.Type == ipv4.ICMPTypeEchoReply {
		return ErrNoImcpReplay
	return nil
Beispiel #3
// Sends a single ICMP echo to an IP and returns success and latency information.
// Borrowed from BrianBrazil's blackbox exporter
func Ping(ip net.IP, maxRTT time.Duration) (success bool, latency time.Duration) {
	deadline := time.Now().Add(maxRTT)

	var socket *icmp.PacketConn
	var err error
	if isIPv4(ip) {
		socket, err = icmp.ListenPacket("ip4:icmp", "")
	} else if isIPv6(ip) {
		socket, err = icmp.ListenPacket("ip6:ipv6-icmp", "::")
	} else {
		log.Errorln("IP did not match any known types?")

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error listening to socket: %s", err)
	defer socket.Close()

	seq := getICMPSequence()
	pid := os.Getpid() & 0xffff

	// Build the packet
	var wm icmp.Message
	if isIPv4(ip) {
		wm = icmp.Message{
			Type: ipv4.ICMPTypeEcho, Code: 0,
			Body: &icmp.Echo{
				ID: pid, Seq: int(seq),
				Data: []byte("poller_exporter"),
	} else if isIPv6(ip) {
		wm = icmp.Message{
			Type: ipv6.ICMPTypeEchoRequest, Code: 0,
			Body: &icmp.Echo{
				ID: pid, Seq: int(seq),
				Data: []byte("poller_exporter"),
	} else {
		log.Errorln("IP did not match any known types?")

	wb, err := wm.Marshal(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error marshalling packet for %s: %s", ip.String(), err)

	sendTime := time.Now()

	var dst *net.IPAddr
	dst = &net.IPAddr{IP: ip}

	if _, err := socket.WriteTo(wb, dst); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error writing to socket for %s: %s", ip.String(), err)

	// Reply should be the same except for the message type.
	if isIPv4(ip) {
		wm.Type = ipv4.ICMPTypeEchoReply
	} else if isIPv6(ip) {
		wm.Type = ipv6.ICMPTypeEchoReply
	} else {
		log.Errorln("IP did not match any known types?")

	wb, err = wm.Marshal(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error marshalling packet for %s: %s", ip.String(), err)

	rb := make([]byte, 1500)
	if err := socket.SetReadDeadline(deadline); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error setting socket deadline for %s: %s", ip.String(), err)
	for {
		n, peer, err := socket.ReadFrom(rb)
		if err != nil {
			if nerr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && nerr.Timeout() {
				log.Infof("Timeout reading from socket for %s: %s", ip.String(), err)
			log.Errorf("Error reading from socket for %s: %s", ip.String(), err)
		if peer.String() != ip.String() {
		if bytes.Compare(rb[:n], wb) == 0 {
			success = true
			latency = time.Now().Sub(sendTime)
Beispiel #4
func probeICMP(target string, w http.ResponseWriter, module Module) (success bool) {
	var (
		socket           *icmp.PacketConn
		requestType      icmp.Type
		replyType        icmp.Type
		fallbackProtocol string

	deadline := time.Now().Add(module.Timeout)

	// Defaults to IPv4 to be compatible with older versions
	if module.ICMP.Protocol == "" {
		module.ICMP.Protocol = "icmp"

	// In case of ICMP prefer IPv6 by default
	if module.ICMP.Protocol == "icmp" && module.ICMP.PreferredIpProtocol == "" {
		module.ICMP.PreferredIpProtocol = "ip6"

	if module.ICMP.Protocol == "icmp4" {
		module.ICMP.PreferredIpProtocol = "ip4"
		fallbackProtocol = ""
	} else if module.ICMP.Protocol == "icmp6" {
		module.ICMP.PreferredIpProtocol = "ip6"
		fallbackProtocol = ""
	} else if module.ICMP.PreferredIpProtocol == "ip6" {
		fallbackProtocol = "ip4"
	} else {
		fallbackProtocol = "ip6"

	ip, err := net.ResolveIPAddr(module.ICMP.PreferredIpProtocol, target)
	if err != nil && fallbackProtocol != "" {
		ip, err = net.ResolveIPAddr(fallbackProtocol, target)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error resolving address %s: %s", target, err)

	if ip.IP.To4() == nil {
		requestType = ipv6.ICMPTypeEchoRequest
		replyType = ipv6.ICMPTypeEchoReply
		socket, err = icmp.ListenPacket("ip6:ipv6-icmp", "::")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "probe_ip_protocol 6\n")
	} else {
		requestType = ipv4.ICMPTypeEcho
		replyType = ipv4.ICMPTypeEchoReply
		socket, err = icmp.ListenPacket("ip4:icmp", "")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "probe_ip_protocol 4\n")

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error listening to socket: %s", err)
	defer socket.Close()

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error resolving address %s: %s", target, err)

	seq := getICMPSequence()
	pid := os.Getpid() & 0xffff

	wm := icmp.Message{
		Type: requestType,
		Code: 0,
		Body: &icmp.Echo{
			ID: pid, Seq: int(seq),
			Data: []byte("Prometheus Blackbox Exporter"),

	wb, err := wm.Marshal(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error marshalling packet for %s: %s", target, err)
	if _, err := socket.WriteTo(wb, ip); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error writing to socker for %s: %s", target, err)

	// Reply should be the same except for the message type.
	wm.Type = replyType
	wb, err = wm.Marshal(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error marshalling packet for %s: %s", target, err)

	rb := make([]byte, 1500)
	if err := socket.SetReadDeadline(deadline); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error setting socket deadline for %s: %s", target, err)
	for {
		n, peer, err := socket.ReadFrom(rb)
		if err != nil {
			if nerr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && nerr.Timeout() {
				log.Infof("Timeout reading from socket for %s: %s", target, err)
			log.Errorf("Error reading from socket for %s: %s", target, err)
		if peer.String() != ip.String() {
		if replyType == ipv6.ICMPTypeEchoReply {
			// Clear checksum to make comparison succeed.
			rb[2] = 0
			rb[3] = 0
		if bytes.Compare(rb[:n], wb) == 0 {
			success = true