Beispiel #1
func (fr *frame) callRecover(isDeferredRecover bool) *govalue {
	startbb := fr.builder.GetInsertBlock()
	recoverbb := llvm.AddBasicBlock(fr.function, "")
	contbb := llvm.AddBasicBlock(fr.function, "")
	canRecover := fr.builder.CreateTrunc(fr.canRecover, llvm.Int1Type(), "")
	fr.builder.CreateCondBr(canRecover, recoverbb, contbb)

	var recovered llvm.Value
	if isDeferredRecover {
		recovered =[0]
	} else {
		recovered =[0]
	recoverbb = fr.builder.GetInsertBlock()

	eface := types.NewInterface(nil, nil)
	llv := fr.builder.CreatePHI(fr.types.ToLLVM(eface), "")
		[]llvm.Value{llvm.ConstNull(llv.Type()), recovered},
		[]llvm.BasicBlock{startbb, recoverbb},
	return newValue(llv, eface)
Beispiel #2
// convertI2E converts a non-empty interface value to an empty interface.
func (fr *frame) convertI2E(v *govalue) *govalue {
	td := fr.getInterfaceTypeDescriptor(v)
	val := fr.builder.CreateExtractValue(v.value, 1, "")

	typ := types.NewInterface(nil, nil)
	intf := llvm.Undef(fr.types.ToLLVM(typ))
	intf = fr.builder.CreateInsertValue(intf, td, 0, "")
	intf = fr.builder.CreateInsertValue(intf, val, 1, "")
	return newValue(intf, typ)
Beispiel #3
func initReflect(i *interpreter) {
	i.reflectPackage = &ssa.Package{
		Prog:    i.prog,
		Pkg:     reflectTypesPackage,
		Members: make(map[string]ssa.Member),

	// Clobber the type-checker's notion of reflect.Value's
	// underlying type so that it more closely matches the fake one
	// (at least in the number of fields---we lie about the type of
	// the rtype field).
	// We must ensure that calls to (ssa.Value).Type() return the
	// fake type so that correct "shape" is used when allocating
	// variables, making zero values, loading, and storing.
	// TODO(adonovan): obviously this is a hack.  We need a cleaner
	// way to fake the reflect package (almost---DeepEqual is fine).
	// One approach would be not to even load its source code, but
	// provide fake source files.  This would guarantee that no bad
	// information leaks into other packages.
	if r := i.prog.ImportedPackage("reflect"); r != nil {
		rV := r.Pkg.Scope().Lookup("Value").Type().(*types.Named)

		// delete bodies of the old methods
		mset := i.prog.MethodSets.MethodSet(rV)
		for j := 0; j < mset.Len(); j++ {
			i.prog.MethodValue(mset.At(j)).Blocks = nil

		tEface := types.NewInterface(nil, nil).Complete()
			types.NewField(token.NoPos, r.Pkg, "t", tEface, false), // a lie
			types.NewField(token.NoPos, r.Pkg, "v", tEface, false),
		}, nil))

	i.rtypeMethods = methodSet{
		"Bits":      newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "Bits"),
		"Elem":      newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "Elem"),
		"Field":     newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "Field"),
		"In":        newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "In"),
		"Kind":      newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "Kind"),
		"NumField":  newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "NumField"),
		"NumIn":     newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "NumIn"),
		"NumMethod": newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "NumMethod"),
		"NumOut":    newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "NumOut"),
		"Out":       newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "Out"),
		"Size":      newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "Size"),
		"String":    newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "String"),
	i.errorMethods = methodSet{
		"Error": newMethod(i.reflectPackage, errorType, "Error"),
Beispiel #4
// InterfaceType = "interface" "{" [ MethodList ] "}" .
// MethodList    = Method { ";" Method } .
// Method        = Name Signature .
// The methods of embedded interfaces are always "inlined"
// by the compiler and thus embedded interfaces are never
// visible in the export data.
func (p *parser) parseInterfaceType() types.Type {
	var methods []*types.Func

	for i := 0; p.tok != '}' && p.tok != scanner.EOF; i++ {
		if i > 0 {
		pkg, name := p.parseName(true)
		sig := p.parseSignature(nil)
		methods = append(methods, types.NewFunc(token.NoPos, pkg, name, sig))

	// Complete requires the type's embedded interfaces to be fully defined,
	// but we do not define any
	return types.NewInterface(methods, nil).Complete()
Beispiel #5
// InterfaceType = "interface" "{" { ("?" Type | Func) ";" } "}" .
func (p *parser) parseInterfaceType(pkg *types.Package) types.Type {

	var methods []*types.Func
	var typs []*types.Named

	for p.tok != '}' && p.tok != scanner.EOF {
		if p.tok == '?' {
			typs = append(typs, p.parseType(pkg).(*types.Named))
		} else {
			method := p.parseFunc(pkg)
			methods = append(methods, method)

	return types.NewInterface(methods, typs)
Beispiel #6
func (c *funcContext) translateStmt(stmt ast.Stmt, label *types.Label) {

	stmt = filter.IncDecStmt(stmt, c.p.Info)
	stmt = filter.Assign(stmt, c.p.Info)

	switch s := stmt.(type) {
	case *ast.BlockStmt:

	case *ast.IfStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, nil)
		var caseClauses []ast.Stmt
		ifStmt := s
		for {
			caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{List: []ast.Expr{ifStmt.Cond}, Body: ifStmt.Body.List})
			switch elseStmt := ifStmt.Else.(type) {
			case *ast.IfStmt:
				if elseStmt.Init != nil {
					caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{List: nil, Body: []ast.Stmt{elseStmt}})
				ifStmt = elseStmt
			case *ast.BlockStmt:
				caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{List: nil, Body: elseStmt.List})
			case *ast.EmptyStmt, nil:
				// no else clause
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled else: %T\n", elseStmt))
		c.translateBranchingStmt(caseClauses, false, nil, nil, nil, c.Flattened[s])

	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, nil)

		tag := s.Tag
		if tag == nil {
			tag = ast.NewIdent("true")
			c.p.Types[tag] = types.TypeAndValue{Type: types.Typ[types.Bool], Value: exact.MakeBool(true)}

		if c.p.Types[tag].Value == nil {
			refVar := c.newVariable("_ref")
			c.Printf("%s = %s;", refVar, c.translateExpr(tag))
			tag = c.newIdent(refVar, c.p.Types[tag].Type)

		translateCond := func(cond ast.Expr) *expression {
			return c.translateExpr(&ast.BinaryExpr{
				X:  tag,
				Op: token.EQL,
				Y:  cond,
		c.translateBranchingStmt(s.Body.List, true, translateCond, nil, label, c.Flattened[s])

	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, nil)
		refVar := c.newVariable("_ref")
		var expr ast.Expr
		var printCaseBodyPrefix func(index int)
		switch a := s.Assign.(type) {
		case *ast.AssignStmt:
			expr = a.Rhs[0].(*ast.TypeAssertExpr).X
			printCaseBodyPrefix = func(index int) {
				value := refVar
				caseClause := s.Body.List[index].(*ast.CaseClause)
				if len(caseClause.List) == 1 {
					t := c.p.Types[caseClause.List[0]].Type
					if _, isInterface := t.Underlying().(*types.Interface); !isInterface && !types.Identical(t, types.Typ[types.UntypedNil]) {
						value += ".$val"
				c.Printf("%s = %s;", c.objectName(c.p.Implicits[caseClause]), value)
		case *ast.ExprStmt:
			expr = a.X.(*ast.TypeAssertExpr).X
		c.Printf("%s = %s;", refVar, c.translateExpr(expr))
		translateCond := func(cond ast.Expr) *expression {
			if types.Identical(c.p.Types[cond].Type, types.Typ[types.UntypedNil]) {
				return c.formatExpr("%s === $ifaceNil", refVar)
			return c.formatExpr("$assertType(%s, %s, true)[1]", refVar, c.typeName(c.p.Types[cond].Type))
		c.translateBranchingStmt(s.Body.List, true, translateCond, printCaseBodyPrefix, label, c.Flattened[s])

	case *ast.ForStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, nil)
		cond := func() string {
			if s.Cond == nil {
				return "true"
			return c.translateExpr(s.Cond).String()
		c.translateLoopingStmt(cond, s.Body, nil, func() {
			if s.Post != nil {
				c.translateStmt(s.Post, nil)
		}, label, c.Flattened[s])

	case *ast.RangeStmt:
		refVar := c.newVariable("_ref")
		c.Printf("%s = %s;", refVar, c.translateExpr(s.X))

		switch t := c.p.Types[s.X].Type.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Basic:
			iVar := c.newVariable("_i")
			c.Printf("%s = 0;", iVar)
			runeVar := c.newVariable("_rune")
			c.translateLoopingStmt(func() string { return iVar + " < " + refVar + ".length" }, s.Body, func() {
				c.Printf("%s = $decodeRune(%s, %s);", runeVar, refVar, iVar)
				if !isBlank(s.Key) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Key, iVar, types.Typ[types.Int], s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
				if !isBlank(s.Value) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Value, runeVar+"[0]", types.Typ[types.Rune], s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
			}, func() {
				c.Printf("%s += %s[1];", iVar, runeVar)
			}, label, c.Flattened[s])

		case *types.Map:
			iVar := c.newVariable("_i")
			c.Printf("%s = 0;", iVar)
			keysVar := c.newVariable("_keys")
			c.Printf("%s = $keys(%s);", keysVar, refVar)
			c.translateLoopingStmt(func() string { return iVar + " < " + keysVar + ".length" }, s.Body, func() {
				entryVar := c.newVariable("_entry")
				c.Printf("%s = %s[%s[%s]];", entryVar, refVar, keysVar, iVar)
					Cond: c.newIdent(entryVar+" === undefined", types.Typ[types.Bool]),
					Body: &ast.BlockStmt{List: []ast.Stmt{&ast.BranchStmt{Tok: token.CONTINUE}}},
				}, nil)
				if !isBlank(s.Key) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Key, entryVar+".k", t.Key(), s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
				if !isBlank(s.Value) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Value, entryVar+".v", t.Elem(), s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
			}, func() {
				c.Printf("%s++;", iVar)
			}, label, c.Flattened[s])

		case *types.Array, *types.Pointer, *types.Slice:
			var length string
			var elemType types.Type
			switch t2 := t.(type) {
			case *types.Array:
				length = fmt.Sprintf("%d", t2.Len())
				elemType = t2.Elem()
			case *types.Pointer:
				length = fmt.Sprintf("%d", t2.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array).Len())
				elemType = t2.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array).Elem()
			case *types.Slice:
				length = refVar + ".$length"
				elemType = t2.Elem()
			iVar := c.newVariable("_i")
			c.Printf("%s = 0;", iVar)
			c.translateLoopingStmt(func() string { return iVar + " < " + length }, s.Body, func() {
				if !isBlank(s.Key) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Key, iVar, types.Typ[types.Int], s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
				if !isBlank(s.Value) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Value, c.translateImplicitConversion(c.setType(&ast.IndexExpr{
						X:     c.newIdent(refVar, t),
						Index: c.newIdent(iVar, types.Typ[types.Int]),
					}, elemType), elemType).String(), elemType, s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
			}, func() {
				c.Printf("%s++;", iVar)
			}, label, c.Flattened[s])

		case *types.Chan:
			okVar := c.newIdent(c.newVariable("_ok"), types.Typ[types.Bool])
			key := s.Key
			tok := s.Tok
			if key == nil {
				key = ast.NewIdent("_")
				tok = token.ASSIGN
			forStmt := &ast.ForStmt{
				Body: &ast.BlockStmt{
					List: []ast.Stmt{
							Lhs: []ast.Expr{
							Rhs: []ast.Expr{
								c.setType(&ast.UnaryExpr{X: c.newIdent(refVar, t), Op: token.ARROW}, types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", t.Elem()), types.NewVar(0, nil, "", types.Typ[types.Bool]))),
							Tok: tok,
							Cond: &ast.UnaryExpr{X: okVar, Op: token.NOT},
							Body: &ast.BlockStmt{List: []ast.Stmt{&ast.BranchStmt{Tok: token.BREAK}}},
			c.Flattened[forStmt] = true
			c.translateStmt(forStmt, label)


	case *ast.BranchStmt:
		normalLabel := ""
		blockingLabel := ""
		data := c.flowDatas[nil]
		if s.Label != nil {
			normalLabel = " " + s.Label.Name
			blockingLabel = " s" // use explicit label "s", because surrounding loop may not be flattened
			data = c.flowDatas[c.p.Uses[s.Label].(*types.Label)]
		switch s.Tok {
		case token.BREAK:
			c.PrintCond(data.endCase == 0, fmt.Sprintf("break%s;", normalLabel), fmt.Sprintf("$s = %d; continue%s;", data.endCase, blockingLabel))
		case token.CONTINUE:
			c.PrintCond(data.beginCase == 0, fmt.Sprintf("continue%s;", normalLabel), fmt.Sprintf("$s = %d; continue%s;", data.beginCase, blockingLabel))
		case token.GOTO:
			c.PrintCond(false, "goto "+s.Label.Name, fmt.Sprintf("$s = %d; continue;", c.labelCase(c.p.Uses[s.Label].(*types.Label))))
		case token.FALLTHROUGH:
			// handled in CaseClause
			panic("Unhandled branch statment: " + s.Tok.String())

	case *ast.ReturnStmt:
		results := s.Results
		if c.resultNames != nil {
			if len(s.Results) != 0 {
					Lhs: c.resultNames,
					Tok: token.ASSIGN,
					Rhs: s.Results,
				}, nil)
			results = c.resultNames
		c.Printf("return%s;", c.translateResults(results))

	case *ast.DeferStmt:
		isBuiltin := false
		isJs := false
		switch fun := s.Call.Fun.(type) {
		case *ast.Ident:
			var builtin *types.Builtin
			builtin, isBuiltin = c.p.Uses[fun].(*types.Builtin)
			if isBuiltin && builtin.Name() == "recover" {
				c.Printf("$deferred.push([$recover, []]);")
		case *ast.SelectorExpr:
			isJs = typesutil.IsJsPackage(c.p.Uses[fun.Sel].Pkg())
		sig := c.p.Types[s.Call.Fun].Type.Underlying().(*types.Signature)
		args := c.translateArgs(sig, s.Call.Args, s.Call.Ellipsis.IsValid(), true)
		if isBuiltin || isJs {
			vars := make([]string, len(s.Call.Args))
			callArgs := make([]ast.Expr, len(s.Call.Args))
			for i, arg := range s.Call.Args {
				v := c.newVariable("_arg")
				vars[i] = v
				callArgs[i] = c.newIdent(v, c.p.Types[arg].Type)
			call := c.translateExpr(&ast.CallExpr{
				Fun:      s.Call.Fun,
				Args:     callArgs,
				Ellipsis: s.Call.Ellipsis,
			c.Printf("$deferred.push([function(%s) { %s; }, [%s]]);", strings.Join(vars, ", "), call, strings.Join(args, ", "))
		c.Printf("$deferred.push([%s, [%s]]);", c.translateExpr(s.Call.Fun), strings.Join(args, ", "))

	case *ast.AssignStmt:
		if s.Tok != token.ASSIGN && s.Tok != token.DEFINE {

		if s.Tok == token.DEFINE {
			for _, lhs := range s.Lhs {
				if !isBlank(lhs) {
					obj := c.p.Defs[lhs.(*ast.Ident)]
					if obj == nil {
						obj = c.p.Uses[lhs.(*ast.Ident)]
					c.setType(lhs, obj.Type())

		switch {
		case len(s.Lhs) == 1 && len(s.Rhs) == 1:
			lhs := astutil.RemoveParens(s.Lhs[0])
			if isBlank(lhs) {
				if analysis.HasSideEffect(s.Rhs[0], c.p.Info.Info) {
					c.Printf("%s;", c.translateExpr(s.Rhs[0]).String())
			lhsType := c.p.Types[s.Lhs[0]].Type
			c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssignOfExpr(lhs, s.Rhs[0], lhsType, s.Tok == token.DEFINE))

		case len(s.Lhs) > 1 && len(s.Rhs) == 1:
			tupleVar := c.newVariable("_tuple")
			out := tupleVar + " = " + c.translateExpr(s.Rhs[0]).String() + ";"
			tuple := c.p.Types[s.Rhs[0]].Type.(*types.Tuple)
			for i, lhs := range s.Lhs {
				lhs = astutil.RemoveParens(lhs)
				if !isBlank(lhs) {
					lhsType := c.p.Types[s.Lhs[i]].Type
					out += " " + c.translateAssignOfExpr(lhs, c.newIdent(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", tupleVar, i), tuple.At(i).Type()), lhsType, s.Tok == token.DEFINE)
			c.Printf("%s", out)
		case len(s.Lhs) == len(s.Rhs):
			tmpVars := make([]string, len(s.Rhs))
			var parts []string
			for i, rhs := range s.Rhs {
				tmpVars[i] = c.newVariable("_tmp")
				if isBlank(astutil.RemoveParens(s.Lhs[i])) {
					if analysis.HasSideEffect(rhs, c.p.Info.Info) {
						c.Printf("%s;", c.translateExpr(rhs).String())
				lhsType := c.p.Types[s.Lhs[i]].Type
				parts = append(parts, c.translateAssignOfExpr(c.newIdent(tmpVars[i], c.p.Types[s.Lhs[i]].Type), rhs, lhsType, true))
			for i, lhs := range s.Lhs {
				lhs = astutil.RemoveParens(lhs)
				if !isBlank(lhs) {
					t := c.p.Types[lhs].Type
					parts = append(parts, c.translateAssignOfExpr(lhs, c.newIdent(tmpVars[i], t), t, s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
			c.Printf("%s", strings.Join(parts, " "))

			panic("Invalid arity of AssignStmt.")


	case *ast.DeclStmt:
		decl := s.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
		switch decl.Tok {
		case token.VAR:
			for _, spec := range s.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl).Specs {
				valueSpec := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec)
				lhs := make([]ast.Expr, len(valueSpec.Names))
				for i, name := range valueSpec.Names {
					lhs[i] = name
				rhs := valueSpec.Values
				isTuple := false
				if len(rhs) == 1 {
					_, isTuple = c.p.Types[rhs[0]].Type.(*types.Tuple)
				for len(rhs) < len(lhs) && !isTuple {
					rhs = append(rhs, nil)
					Lhs: lhs,
					Tok: token.DEFINE,
					Rhs: rhs,
				}, nil)
		case token.TYPE:
			for _, spec := range decl.Specs {
				o := c.p.Defs[spec.(*ast.TypeSpec).Name].(*types.TypeName)
				c.p.typeNames = append(c.p.typeNames, o)
				c.p.objectNames[o] = c.newVariableWithLevel(o.Name(), true)
				c.p.dependencies[o] = true
		case token.CONST:
			// skip, constants are inlined

	case *ast.ExprStmt:
		expr := c.translateExpr(s.X)
		if expr != nil && expr.String() != "" {
			c.Printf("%s;", expr)

	case *ast.LabeledStmt:
		label := c.p.Defs[s.Label].(*types.Label)
		if c.GotoLabel[label] {
			c.PrintCond(false, s.Label.Name+":", fmt.Sprintf("case %d:", c.labelCase(label)))
		c.translateStmt(s.Stmt, label)

	case *ast.GoStmt:
		c.Printf("$go(%s, [%s]);", c.translateExpr(s.Call.Fun), strings.Join(c.translateArgs(c.p.Types[s.Call.Fun].Type.Underlying().(*types.Signature), s.Call.Args, s.Call.Ellipsis.IsValid(), false), ", "))

	case *ast.SendStmt:
		chanType := c.p.Types[s.Chan].Type.Underlying().(*types.Chan)
		call := &ast.CallExpr{
			Fun:  c.newIdent("$send", types.NewSignature(nil, types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", chanType), types.NewVar(0, nil, "", chanType.Elem())), nil, false)),
			Args: []ast.Expr{s.Chan, s.Value},
		c.Blocking[call] = true
		c.translateStmt(&ast.ExprStmt{X: call}, label)

	case *ast.SelectStmt:
		var channels []string
		var caseClauses []ast.Stmt
		flattened := false
		hasDefault := false
		for i, s := range s.Body.List {
			clause := s.(*ast.CommClause)
			switch comm := clause.Comm.(type) {
			case nil:
				channels = append(channels, "[]")
				hasDefault = true
			case *ast.ExprStmt:
				channels = append(channels, c.formatExpr("[%e]", astutil.RemoveParens(comm.X).(*ast.UnaryExpr).X).String())
			case *ast.AssignStmt:
				channels = append(channels, c.formatExpr("[%e]", astutil.RemoveParens(comm.Rhs[0]).(*ast.UnaryExpr).X).String())
			case *ast.SendStmt:
				channels = append(channels, c.formatExpr("[%e, %e]", comm.Chan, comm.Value).String())
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled: %T", comm))
			indexLit := &ast.BasicLit{Kind: token.INT}
			c.p.Types[indexLit] = types.TypeAndValue{Type: types.Typ[types.Int], Value: exact.MakeInt64(int64(i))}
			caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{
				List: []ast.Expr{indexLit},
				Body: clause.Body,
			flattened = flattened || c.Flattened[clause]

		selectCall := c.setType(&ast.CallExpr{
			Fun:  c.newIdent("$select", types.NewSignature(nil, types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", types.NewInterface(nil, nil))), types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", types.Typ[types.Int])), false)),
			Args: []ast.Expr{c.newIdent(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(channels, ", ")), types.NewInterface(nil, nil))},
		}, types.Typ[types.Int])
		c.Blocking[selectCall] = !hasDefault
		selectionVar := c.newVariable("_selection")
		c.Printf("%s = %s;", selectionVar, c.translateExpr(selectCall))

		translateCond := func(cond ast.Expr) *expression {
			return c.formatExpr("%s[0] === %e", selectionVar, cond)
		printCaseBodyPrefix := func(index int) {
			if assign, ok := s.Body.List[index].(*ast.CommClause).Comm.(*ast.AssignStmt); ok {
				switch rhsType := c.p.Types[assign.Rhs[0]].Type.(type) {
				case *types.Tuple:
					c.translateStmt(&ast.AssignStmt{Lhs: assign.Lhs, Rhs: []ast.Expr{c.newIdent(selectionVar+"[1]", rhsType)}, Tok: assign.Tok}, nil)
					c.translateStmt(&ast.AssignStmt{Lhs: assign.Lhs, Rhs: []ast.Expr{c.newIdent(selectionVar+"[1][0]", rhsType)}, Tok: assign.Tok}, nil)
		c.translateBranchingStmt(caseClauses, true, translateCond, printCaseBodyPrefix, label, flattened)

	case *ast.EmptyStmt:
		// skip

		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled statement: %T\n", s))

Beispiel #7
func (c *funcContext) translateBuiltin(name string, sig *types.Signature, args []ast.Expr, ellipsis bool) *expression {
	switch name {
	case "new":
		t := sig.Results().At(0).Type().(*types.Pointer)
		if c.p.Pkg.Path() == "syscall" && types.Identical(t.Elem().Underlying(), types.Typ[types.Uintptr]) {
			return c.formatExpr("new Uint8Array(8)")
		switch t.Elem().Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Struct, *types.Array:
			return c.formatExpr("%e", c.zeroValue(t.Elem()))
			return c.formatExpr("$newDataPointer(%e, %s)", c.zeroValue(t.Elem()), c.typeName(t))
	case "make":
		switch argType := c.p.TypeOf(args[0]).Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Slice:
			t := c.typeName(c.p.TypeOf(args[0]))
			if len(args) == 3 {
				return c.formatExpr("$makeSlice(%s, %f, %f)", t, args[1], args[2])
			return c.formatExpr("$makeSlice(%s, %f)", t, args[1])
		case *types.Map:
			return c.formatExpr("{}")
		case *types.Chan:
			length := "0"
			if len(args) == 2 {
				length = c.translateExpr(args[1]).String()
			return c.formatExpr("new %s(%s)", c.typeName(c.p.TypeOf(args[0])), length)
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled make type: %T\n", argType))
	case "len":
		switch argType := c.p.TypeOf(args[0]).Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Basic:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.length", args[0])
		case *types.Slice:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.$length", args[0])
		case *types.Pointer:
			return c.formatExpr("(%e, %d)", args[0], argType.Elem().(*types.Array).Len())
		case *types.Map:
			return c.formatExpr("$keys(%e).length", args[0])
		case *types.Chan:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.$buffer.length", args[0])
		// length of array is constant
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled len type: %T\n", argType))
	case "cap":
		switch argType := c.p.TypeOf(args[0]).Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Slice, *types.Chan:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.$capacity", args[0])
		case *types.Pointer:
			return c.formatExpr("(%e, %d)", args[0], argType.Elem().(*types.Array).Len())
		// capacity of array is constant
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled cap type: %T\n", argType))
	case "panic":
		return c.formatExpr("$panic(%s)", c.translateImplicitConversion(args[0], types.NewInterface(nil, nil)))
	case "append":
		if ellipsis || len(args) == 1 {
			argStr := c.translateArgs(sig, args, ellipsis, false)
			return c.formatExpr("$appendSlice(%s, %s)", argStr[0], argStr[1])
		sliceType := sig.Results().At(0).Type().Underlying().(*types.Slice)
		return c.formatExpr("$append(%e, %s)", args[0], strings.Join(c.translateExprSlice(args[1:], sliceType.Elem()), ", "))
	case "delete":
		keyType := c.p.TypeOf(args[0]).Underlying().(*types.Map).Key()
		return c.formatExpr(`delete %e[%s.keyFor(%s)]`, args[0], c.typeName(keyType), c.translateImplicitConversion(args[1], keyType))
	case "copy":
		if basic, isBasic := c.p.TypeOf(args[1]).Underlying().(*types.Basic); isBasic && isString(basic) {
			return c.formatExpr("$copyString(%e, %e)", args[0], args[1])
		return c.formatExpr("$copySlice(%e, %e)", args[0], args[1])
	case "print", "println":
		return c.formatExpr("console.log(%s)", strings.Join(c.translateExprSlice(args, nil), ", "))
	case "complex":
		argStr := c.translateArgs(sig, args, ellipsis, false)
		return c.formatExpr("new %s(%s, %s)", c.typeName(sig.Results().At(0).Type()), argStr[0], argStr[1])
	case "real":
		return c.formatExpr("%e.$real", args[0])
	case "imag":
		return c.formatExpr("%e.$imag", args[0])
	case "recover":
		return c.formatExpr("$recover()")
	case "close":
		return c.formatExpr(`$close(%e)`, args[0])
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled builtin: %s\n", name))
Beispiel #8
func (c *funcContext) translateExpr(expr ast.Expr) *expression {
	exprType := c.p.TypeOf(expr)
	if value := c.p.Types[expr].Value; value != nil {
		basic := exprType.Underlying().(*types.Basic)
		switch {
		case isBoolean(basic):
			return c.formatExpr("%s", strconv.FormatBool(exact.BoolVal(value)))
		case isInteger(basic):
			if is64Bit(basic) {
				if basic.Kind() == types.Int64 {
					d, ok := exact.Int64Val(value)
					if !ok {
						panic("could not get exact uint")
					return c.formatExpr("new %s(%s, %s)", c.typeName(exprType), strconv.FormatInt(d>>32, 10), strconv.FormatUint(uint64(d)&(1<<32-1), 10))
				d, ok := exact.Uint64Val(value)
				if !ok {
					panic("could not get exact uint")
				return c.formatExpr("new %s(%s, %s)", c.typeName(exprType), strconv.FormatUint(d>>32, 10), strconv.FormatUint(d&(1<<32-1), 10))
			d, ok := exact.Int64Val(value)
			if !ok {
				panic("could not get exact int")
			return c.formatExpr("%s", strconv.FormatInt(d, 10))
		case isFloat(basic):
			f, _ := exact.Float64Val(value)
			return c.formatExpr("%s", strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'g', -1, 64))
		case isComplex(basic):
			r, _ := exact.Float64Val(exact.Real(value))
			i, _ := exact.Float64Val(exact.Imag(value))
			if basic.Kind() == types.UntypedComplex {
				exprType = types.Typ[types.Complex128]
			return c.formatExpr("new %s(%s, %s)", c.typeName(exprType), strconv.FormatFloat(r, 'g', -1, 64), strconv.FormatFloat(i, 'g', -1, 64))
		case isString(basic):
			return c.formatExpr("%s", encodeString(exact.StringVal(value)))
			panic("Unhandled constant type: " + basic.String())

	var obj types.Object
	switch e := expr.(type) {
	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
		obj = c.p.Uses[e.Sel]
	case *ast.Ident:
		obj = c.p.Defs[e]
		if obj == nil {
			obj = c.p.Uses[e]

	if obj != nil && typesutil.IsJsPackage(obj.Pkg()) {
		switch obj.Name() {
		case "Global":
			return c.formatExpr("$global")
		case "Module":
			return c.formatExpr("$module")
		case "Undefined":
			return c.formatExpr("undefined")

	switch e := expr.(type) {
	case *ast.CompositeLit:
		if ptrType, isPointer := exprType.(*types.Pointer); isPointer {
			exprType = ptrType.Elem()

		collectIndexedElements := func(elementType types.Type) []string {
			var elements []string
			i := 0
			zero := c.translateExpr(c.zeroValue(elementType)).String()
			for _, element := range e.Elts {
				if kve, isKve := element.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); isKve {
					key, ok := exact.Int64Val(c.p.Types[kve.Key].Value)
					if !ok {
						panic("could not get exact int")
					i = int(key)
					element = kve.Value
				for len(elements) <= i {
					elements = append(elements, zero)
				elements[i] = c.translateImplicitConversionWithCloning(element, elementType).String()
			return elements

		switch t := exprType.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Array:
			elements := collectIndexedElements(t.Elem())
			if len(elements) == 0 {
				return c.formatExpr("", c.typeName(t))
			zero := c.translateExpr(c.zeroValue(t.Elem())).String()
			for len(elements) < int(t.Len()) {
				elements = append(elements, zero)
			return c.formatExpr(`$toNativeArray(%s, [%s])`, typeKind(t.Elem()), strings.Join(elements, ", "))
		case *types.Slice:
			return c.formatExpr("new %s([%s])", c.typeName(exprType), strings.Join(collectIndexedElements(t.Elem()), ", "))
		case *types.Map:
			entries := make([]string, len(e.Elts))
			for i, element := range e.Elts {
				kve := element.(*ast.KeyValueExpr)
				entries[i] = fmt.Sprintf("{ k: %s, v: %s }", c.translateImplicitConversionWithCloning(kve.Key, t.Key()), c.translateImplicitConversionWithCloning(kve.Value, t.Elem()))
			return c.formatExpr("$makeMap(%s.keyFor, [%s])", c.typeName(t.Key()), strings.Join(entries, ", "))
		case *types.Struct:
			elements := make([]string, t.NumFields())
			isKeyValue := true
			if len(e.Elts) != 0 {
				_, isKeyValue = e.Elts[0].(*ast.KeyValueExpr)
			if !isKeyValue {
				for i, element := range e.Elts {
					elements[i] = c.translateImplicitConversionWithCloning(element, t.Field(i).Type()).String()
			if isKeyValue {
				for i := range elements {
					elements[i] = c.translateExpr(c.zeroValue(t.Field(i).Type())).String()
				for _, element := range e.Elts {
					kve := element.(*ast.KeyValueExpr)
					for j := range elements {
						if kve.Key.(*ast.Ident).Name == t.Field(j).Name() {
							elements[j] = c.translateImplicitConversionWithCloning(kve.Value, t.Field(j).Type()).String()
			return c.formatExpr("new %s.ptr(%s)", c.typeName(exprType), strings.Join(elements, ", "))
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled CompositeLit type: %T\n", t))

	case *ast.FuncLit:
		_, fun := translateFunction(e.Type, nil, e.Body, c, exprType.(*types.Signature), c.p.FuncLitInfos[e], "")
		if len(c.p.escapingVars) != 0 {
			names := make([]string, 0, len(c.p.escapingVars))
			for obj := range c.p.escapingVars {
				names = append(names, c.p.objectNames[obj])
			list := strings.Join(names, ", ")
			return c.formatExpr("(function(%s) { return %s; })(%s)", list, fun, list)
		return c.formatExpr("(%s)", fun)

	case *ast.UnaryExpr:
		t := c.p.TypeOf(e.X)
		switch e.Op {
		case token.AND:
			if typesutil.IsJsObject(exprType) {
				return c.formatExpr("%e.object", e.X)

			switch t.Underlying().(type) {
			case *types.Struct, *types.Array:
				return c.translateExpr(e.X)

			switch x := astutil.RemoveParens(e.X).(type) {
			case *ast.CompositeLit:
				return c.formatExpr("$newDataPointer(%e, %s)", x, c.typeName(c.p.TypeOf(e)))
			case *ast.Ident:
				obj := c.p.Uses[x].(*types.Var)
				if c.p.escapingVars[obj] {
					return c.formatExpr("(%1s.$ptr || (%1s.$ptr = new %2s(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, %1s)))", c.p.objectNames[obj], c.typeName(exprType))
				return c.formatExpr(`(%1s || (%1s = new %2s(function() { return %3s; }, function($v) { %4s })))`, c.varPtrName(obj), c.typeName(exprType), c.objectName(obj), c.translateAssign(x, c.newIdent("$v", exprType), false))
			case *ast.SelectorExpr:
				sel, ok := c.p.Selections[x]
				if !ok {
					// qualified identifier
					obj := c.p.Uses[x.Sel].(*types.Var)
					return c.formatExpr(`(%1s || (%1s = new %2s(function() { return %3s; }, function($v) { %4s })))`, c.varPtrName(obj), c.typeName(exprType), c.objectName(obj), c.translateAssign(x, c.newIdent("$v", exprType), false))
				newSel := &ast.SelectorExpr{X: c.newIdent("this.$target", c.p.TypeOf(x.X)), Sel: x.Sel}
				c.setType(newSel, exprType)
				c.p.Selections[newSel] = sel
				return c.formatExpr("(%1e.$ptr_%2s || (%1e.$ptr_%2s = new %3s(function() { return %4e; }, function($v) { %5s }, %1e)))", x.X, x.Sel.Name, c.typeName(exprType), newSel, c.translateAssign(newSel, c.newIdent("$v", exprType), false))
			case *ast.IndexExpr:
				if _, ok := c.p.TypeOf(x.X).Underlying().(*types.Slice); ok {
					return c.formatExpr("$indexPtr(%1e.$array, %1e.$offset + %2e, %3s)", x.X, x.Index, c.typeName(exprType))
				return c.formatExpr("$indexPtr(%e, %e, %s)", x.X, x.Index, c.typeName(exprType))
			case *ast.StarExpr:
				return c.translateExpr(x.X)
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled: %T\n", x))

		case token.ARROW:
			call := &ast.CallExpr{
				Fun:  c.newIdent("$recv", types.NewSignature(nil, types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", t)), types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", exprType), types.NewVar(0, nil, "", types.Typ[types.Bool])), false)),
				Args: []ast.Expr{e.X},
			c.Blocking[call] = true
			if _, isTuple := exprType.(*types.Tuple); isTuple {
				return c.formatExpr("%e", call)
			return c.formatExpr("%e[0]", call)

		basic := t.Underlying().(*types.Basic)
		switch e.Op {
		case token.ADD:
			return c.translateExpr(e.X)
		case token.SUB:
			switch {
			case is64Bit(basic):
				return c.formatExpr("new %1s(-%2h, -%2l)", c.typeName(t), e.X)
			case isComplex(basic):
				return c.formatExpr("new %1s(-%2r, -%2i)", c.typeName(t), e.X)
			case isUnsigned(basic):
				return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("-%e", e.X), basic)
				return c.formatExpr("-%e", e.X)
		case token.XOR:
			if is64Bit(basic) {
				return c.formatExpr("new %1s(~%2h, ~%2l >>> 0)", c.typeName(t), e.X)
			return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("~%e", e.X), basic)
		case token.NOT:
			return c.formatExpr("!%e", e.X)

	case *ast.BinaryExpr:
		if e.Op == token.NEQ {
			return c.formatExpr("!(%s)", c.translateExpr(&ast.BinaryExpr{
				X:  e.X,
				Op: token.EQL,
				Y:  e.Y,

		t := c.p.TypeOf(e.X)
		t2 := c.p.TypeOf(e.Y)
		_, isInterface := t2.Underlying().(*types.Interface)
		if isInterface || types.Identical(t, types.Typ[types.UntypedNil]) {
			t = t2

		if basic, isBasic := t.Underlying().(*types.Basic); isBasic && isNumeric(basic) {
			if is64Bit(basic) {
				switch e.Op {
				case token.MUL:
					return c.formatExpr("$mul64(%e, %e)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.QUO:
					return c.formatExpr("$div64(%e, %e, false)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.REM:
					return c.formatExpr("$div64(%e, %e, true)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.SHL:
					return c.formatExpr("$shiftLeft64(%e, %f)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.SHR:
					return c.formatExpr("$shiftRight%s(%e, %f)", toJavaScriptType(basic), e.X, e.Y)
				case token.EQL:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1h === %2h && %1l === %2l)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.LSS:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1h < %2h || (%1h === %2h && %1l < %2l))", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.LEQ:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1h < %2h || (%1h === %2h && %1l <= %2l))", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.GTR:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1h > %2h || (%1h === %2h && %1l > %2l))", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.GEQ:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1h > %2h || (%1h === %2h && %1l >= %2l))", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.ADD, token.SUB:
					return c.formatExpr("new %3s(%1h %4t %2h, %1l %4t %2l)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t), e.Op)
				case token.AND, token.OR, token.XOR:
					return c.formatExpr("new %3s(%1h %4t %2h, (%1l %4t %2l) >>> 0)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t), e.Op)
				case token.AND_NOT:
					return c.formatExpr("new %3s(%1h & ~%2h, (%1l & ~%2l) >>> 0)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t))

			if isComplex(basic) {
				switch e.Op {
				case token.EQL:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1r === %2r && %1i === %2i)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.ADD, token.SUB:
					return c.formatExpr("new %3s(%1r %4t %2r, %1i %4t %2i)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t), e.Op)
				case token.MUL:
					return c.formatExpr("new %3s(%1r * %2r - %1i * %2i, %1r * %2i + %1i * %2r)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t))
				case token.QUO:
					return c.formatExpr("$divComplex(%e, %e)", e.X, e.Y)

			switch e.Op {
			case token.EQL:
				return c.formatParenExpr("%e === %e", e.X, e.Y)
			case token.LSS, token.LEQ, token.GTR, token.GEQ:
				return c.formatExpr("%e %t %e", e.X, e.Op, e.Y)
			case token.ADD, token.SUB:
				return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("%e %t %e", e.X, e.Op, e.Y), basic)
			case token.MUL:
				switch basic.Kind() {
				case types.Int32:
					return c.formatParenExpr("(((%1e >>> 16 << 16) * %2e >> 0) + (%1e << 16 >>> 16) * %2e) >> 0", e.X, e.Y)
				case types.Uint32, types.Uintptr:
					return c.formatParenExpr("(((%1e >>> 16 << 16) * %2e >>> 0) + (%1e << 16 >>> 16) * %2e) >>> 0", e.X, e.Y)
				return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("%e * %e", e.X, e.Y), basic)
			case token.QUO:
				if isInteger(basic) {
					// cut off decimals
					shift := ">>"
					if isUnsigned(basic) {
						shift = ">>>"
					return c.formatExpr(`(%1s = %2e / %3e, (%1s === %1s && %1s !== 1/0 && %1s !== -1/0) ? %1s %4s 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))`, c.newVariable("_q"), e.X, e.Y, shift)
				if basic.Kind() == types.Float32 {
					return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("%e / %e", e.X, e.Y), basic)
				return c.formatExpr("%e / %e", e.X, e.Y)
			case token.REM:
				return c.formatExpr(`(%1s = %2e %% %3e, %1s === %1s ? %1s : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))`, c.newVariable("_r"), e.X, e.Y)
			case token.SHL, token.SHR:
				op := e.Op.String()
				if e.Op == token.SHR && isUnsigned(basic) {
					op = ">>>"
				if c.p.Types[e.Y].Value != nil {
					return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("%e %s %e", e.X, op, e.Y), basic)
				if e.Op == token.SHR && !isUnsigned(basic) {
					return c.fixNumber(c.formatParenExpr("%e >> $min(%e, 31)", e.X, e.Y), basic)
				y := c.newVariable("y")
				return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("(%s = %s, %s < 32 ? (%e %s %s) : 0)", y, c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, types.Typ[types.Uint]), y, e.X, op, y), basic)
			case token.AND, token.OR:
				if isUnsigned(basic) {
					return c.formatParenExpr("(%e %t %e) >>> 0", e.X, e.Op, e.Y)
				return c.formatParenExpr("%e %t %e", e.X, e.Op, e.Y)
			case token.AND_NOT:
				return c.fixNumber(c.formatParenExpr("%e & ~%e", e.X, e.Y), basic)
			case token.XOR:
				return c.fixNumber(c.formatParenExpr("%e ^ %e", e.X, e.Y), basic)

		switch e.Op {
		case token.ADD, token.LSS, token.LEQ, token.GTR, token.GEQ:
			return c.formatExpr("%e %t %e", e.X, e.Op, e.Y)
		case token.LAND:
			if c.Blocking[e.Y] {
				skipCase := c.caseCounter
				resultVar := c.newVariable("_v")
				c.Printf("if (!(%s)) { %s = false; $s = %d; continue s; }", c.translateExpr(e.X), resultVar, skipCase)
				c.Printf("%s = %s; case %d:", resultVar, c.translateExpr(e.Y), skipCase)
				return c.formatExpr("%s", resultVar)
			return c.formatExpr("%e && %e", e.X, e.Y)
		case token.LOR:
			if c.Blocking[e.Y] {
				skipCase := c.caseCounter
				resultVar := c.newVariable("_v")
				c.Printf("if (%s) { %s = true; $s = %d; continue s; }", c.translateExpr(e.X), resultVar, skipCase)
				c.Printf("%s = %s; case %d:", resultVar, c.translateExpr(e.Y), skipCase)
				return c.formatExpr("%s", resultVar)
			return c.formatExpr("%e || %e", e.X, e.Y)
		case token.EQL:
			switch u := t.Underlying().(type) {
			case *types.Array, *types.Struct:
				return c.formatExpr("$equal(%e, %e, %s)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t))
			case *types.Interface:
				return c.formatExpr("$interfaceIsEqual(%s, %s)", c.translateImplicitConversion(e.X, t), c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, t))
			case *types.Pointer:
				if _, ok := u.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array); ok {
					return c.formatExpr("$equal(%s, %s, %s)", c.translateImplicitConversion(e.X, t), c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, t), c.typeName(u.Elem()))
			case *types.Basic:
				if isBoolean(u) {
					if b, ok := analysis.BoolValue(e.X, c.p.Info.Info); ok && b {
						return c.translateExpr(e.Y)
					if b, ok := analysis.BoolValue(e.Y, c.p.Info.Info); ok && b {
						return c.translateExpr(e.X)
			return c.formatExpr("%s === %s", c.translateImplicitConversion(e.X, t), c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, t))

	case *ast.ParenExpr:
		return c.formatParenExpr("%e", e.X)

	case *ast.IndexExpr:
		switch t := c.p.TypeOf(e.X).Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Array, *types.Pointer:
			pattern := rangeCheck("%1e[%2f]", c.p.Types[e.Index].Value != nil, true)
			if _, ok := t.(*types.Pointer); ok { // check pointer for nix (attribute getter causes a panic)
				pattern = `(%1e.nilCheck, ` + pattern + `)`
			return c.formatExpr(pattern, e.X, e.Index)
		case *types.Slice:
			return c.formatExpr(rangeCheck("%1e.$array[%1e.$offset + %2f]", c.p.Types[e.Index].Value != nil, false), e.X, e.Index)
		case *types.Map:
			if typesutil.IsJsObject(c.p.TypeOf(e.Index)) {
				c.p.errList = append(c.p.errList, types.Error{Fset: c.p.fileSet, Pos: e.Index.Pos(), Msg: "cannot use js.Object as map key"})
			key := fmt.Sprintf("%s.keyFor(%s)", c.typeName(t.Key()), c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Index, t.Key()))
			if _, isTuple := exprType.(*types.Tuple); isTuple {
				return c.formatExpr(`(%1s = %2e[%3s], %1s !== undefined ? [%1s.v, true] : [%4e, false])`, c.newVariable("_entry"), e.X, key, c.zeroValue(t.Elem()))
			return c.formatExpr(`(%1s = %2e[%3s], %1s !== undefined ? %1s.v : %4e)`, c.newVariable("_entry"), e.X, key, c.zeroValue(t.Elem()))
		case *types.Basic:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.charCodeAt(%f)", e.X, e.Index)
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled IndexExpr: %T\n", t))

	case *ast.SliceExpr:
		if b, isBasic := c.p.TypeOf(e.X).Underlying().(*types.Basic); isBasic && isString(b) {
			switch {
			case e.Low == nil && e.High == nil:
				return c.translateExpr(e.X)
			case e.Low == nil:
				return c.formatExpr("%e.substring(0, %f)", e.X, e.High)
			case e.High == nil:
				return c.formatExpr("%e.substring(%f)", e.X, e.Low)
				return c.formatExpr("%e.substring(%f, %f)", e.X, e.Low, e.High)
		slice := c.translateConversionToSlice(e.X, exprType)
		switch {
		case e.Low == nil && e.High == nil:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", slice)
		case e.Low == nil:
			if e.Max != nil {
				return c.formatExpr("$subslice(%s, 0, %f, %f)", slice, e.High, e.Max)
			return c.formatExpr("$subslice(%s, 0, %f)", slice, e.High)
		case e.High == nil:
			return c.formatExpr("$subslice(%s, %f)", slice, e.Low)
			if e.Max != nil {
				return c.formatExpr("$subslice(%s, %f, %f, %f)", slice, e.Low, e.High, e.Max)
			return c.formatExpr("$subslice(%s, %f, %f)", slice, e.Low, e.High)

	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
		sel, ok := c.p.Selections[e]
		if !ok {
			// qualified identifier
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.objectName(obj))

		switch sel.Kind() {
		case types.FieldVal:
			fields, jsTag := c.translateSelection(sel, e.Pos())
			if jsTag != "" {
				if _, ok := sel.Type().(*types.Signature); ok {
					return c.formatExpr("$internalize(%1e.%2s.%3s, %4s, %1e.%2s)", e.X, strings.Join(fields, "."), jsTag, c.typeName(sel.Type()))
				return c.internalize(c.formatExpr("%e.%s.%s", e.X, strings.Join(fields, "."), jsTag), sel.Type())
			return c.formatExpr("%e.%s", e.X, strings.Join(fields, "."))
		case types.MethodVal:
			recv := c.makeReceiver(e.X, sel)
			return c.formatExpr(`$methodVal(%s, "%s")`, recv, sel.Obj().(*types.Func).Name())
		case types.MethodExpr:
			if !sel.Obj().Exported() {
				c.p.dependencies[sel.Obj()] = true
			return c.formatExpr(`$methodExpr(%s, "%s")`, c.typeName(sel.Recv()), sel.Obj().(*types.Func).Name())
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected sel.Kind(): %T", sel.Kind()))

	case *ast.CallExpr:
		plainFun := astutil.RemoveParens(e.Fun)

		if astutil.IsTypeExpr(plainFun, c.p.Info.Info) {
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.translateConversion(e.Args[0], c.p.TypeOf(plainFun)))

		sig := c.p.TypeOf(plainFun).Underlying().(*types.Signature)

		switch f := plainFun.(type) {
		case *ast.Ident:
			obj := c.p.Uses[f]
			if o, ok := obj.(*types.Builtin); ok {
				return c.translateBuiltin(o.Name(), sig, e.Args, e.Ellipsis.IsValid())
			if typesutil.IsJsPackage(obj.Pkg()) && obj.Name() == "InternalObject" {
				return c.translateExpr(e.Args[0])
			return c.translateCall(e, sig, c.translateExpr(f))

		case *ast.SelectorExpr:
			sel, ok := c.p.Selections[f]
			if !ok {
				// qualified identifier
				obj := c.p.Uses[f.Sel]
				if typesutil.IsJsPackage(obj.Pkg()) {
					switch obj.Name() {
					case "Debugger":
						return c.formatExpr("debugger")
					case "InternalObject":
						return c.translateExpr(e.Args[0])
					case "MakeFunc":
						return c.formatExpr("(function() { return $externalize(%e(this, new ($sliceType($jsObjectPtr))($, []))), $emptyInterface); })", e.Args[0])
				return c.translateCall(e, sig, c.translateExpr(f))

			externalizeExpr := func(e ast.Expr) string {
				t := c.p.TypeOf(e)
				if types.Identical(t, types.Typ[types.UntypedNil]) {
					return "null"
				return c.externalize(c.translateExpr(e).String(), t)
			externalizeArgs := func(args []ast.Expr) string {
				s := make([]string, len(args))
				for i, arg := range args {
					s[i] = externalizeExpr(arg)
				return strings.Join(s, ", ")

			switch sel.Kind() {
			case types.MethodVal:
				recv := c.makeReceiver(f.X, sel)

				if typesutil.IsJsPackage(sel.Obj().Pkg()) {
					globalRef := func(id string) string {
						if recv.String() == "$global" && id[0] == '$' {
							return id
						return recv.String() + "." + id
					switch sel.Obj().Name() {
					case "Get":
						if id, ok := c.identifierConstant(e.Args[0]); ok {
							return c.formatExpr("%s", globalRef(id))
						return c.formatExpr("%s[$externalize(%e, $String)]", recv, e.Args[0])
					case "Set":
						if id, ok := c.identifierConstant(e.Args[0]); ok {
							return c.formatExpr("%s = %s", globalRef(id), externalizeExpr(e.Args[1]))
						return c.formatExpr("%s[$externalize(%e, $String)] = %s", recv, e.Args[0], externalizeExpr(e.Args[1]))
					case "Delete":
						return c.formatExpr("delete %s[$externalize(%e, $String)]", recv, e.Args[0])
					case "Length":
						return c.formatExpr("$parseInt(%s.length)", recv)
					case "Index":
						return c.formatExpr("%s[%e]", recv, e.Args[0])
					case "SetIndex":
						return c.formatExpr("%s[%e] = %s", recv, e.Args[0], externalizeExpr(e.Args[1]))
					case "Call":
						if id, ok := c.identifierConstant(e.Args[0]); ok {
							if e.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
								objVar := c.newVariable("obj")
								return c.formatExpr("(%s = %s, %s.%s.apply(%s, %s))", objVar, recv, objVar, id, objVar, externalizeExpr(e.Args[1]))
							return c.formatExpr("%s(%s)", globalRef(id), externalizeArgs(e.Args[1:]))
						if e.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
							objVar := c.newVariable("obj")
							return c.formatExpr("(%s = %s, %s[$externalize(%e, $String)].apply(%s, %s))", objVar, recv, objVar, e.Args[0], objVar, externalizeExpr(e.Args[1]))
						return c.formatExpr("%s[$externalize(%e, $String)](%s)", recv, e.Args[0], externalizeArgs(e.Args[1:]))
					case "Invoke":
						if e.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
							return c.formatExpr("%s.apply(undefined, %s)", recv, externalizeExpr(e.Args[0]))
						return c.formatExpr("%s(%s)", recv, externalizeArgs(e.Args))
					case "New":
						if e.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
							return c.formatExpr("new ($global.Function.prototype.bind.apply(%s, [undefined].concat(%s)))", recv, externalizeExpr(e.Args[0]))
						return c.formatExpr("new (%s)(%s)", recv, externalizeArgs(e.Args))
					case "Bool":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.Bool])
					case "String":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.String])
					case "Int":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.Int])
					case "Int64":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.Int64])
					case "Uint64":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.Uint64])
					case "Float":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.Float64])
					case "Interface":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.NewInterface(nil, nil))
					case "Unsafe":
						return recv
						panic("Invalid js package object: " + sel.Obj().Name())

				methodName := sel.Obj().Name()
				if reservedKeywords[methodName] {
					methodName += "$"
				return c.translateCall(e, sig, c.formatExpr("%s.%s", recv, methodName))

			case types.FieldVal:
				fields, jsTag := c.translateSelection(sel, f.Pos())
				if jsTag != "" {
					call := c.formatExpr("%e.%s.%s(%s)", f.X, strings.Join(fields, "."), jsTag, externalizeArgs(e.Args))
					switch sig.Results().Len() {
					case 0:
						return call
					case 1:
						return c.internalize(call, sig.Results().At(0).Type())
						c.p.errList = append(c.p.errList, types.Error{Fset: c.p.fileSet, Pos: f.Pos(), Msg: "field with js tag can not have func type with multiple results"})
				return c.translateCall(e, sig, c.formatExpr("%e.%s", f.X, strings.Join(fields, ".")))

			case types.MethodExpr:
				return c.translateCall(e, sig, c.translateExpr(f))

				panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected sel.Kind(): %T", sel.Kind()))
			return c.translateCall(e, sig, c.translateExpr(plainFun))

	case *ast.StarExpr:
		if typesutil.IsJsObject(c.p.TypeOf(e.X)) {
			return c.formatExpr("new $jsObjectPtr(%e)", e.X)
		if c1, isCall := e.X.(*ast.CallExpr); isCall && len(c1.Args) == 1 {
			if c2, isCall := c1.Args[0].(*ast.CallExpr); isCall && len(c2.Args) == 1 && types.Identical(c.p.TypeOf(c2.Fun), types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]) {
				if unary, isUnary := c2.Args[0].(*ast.UnaryExpr); isUnary && unary.Op == token.AND {
					return c.translateExpr(unary.X) // unsafe conversion
		switch exprType.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Struct, *types.Array:
			return c.translateExpr(e.X)
		return c.formatExpr("%e.$get()", e.X)

	case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
		if e.Type == nil {
			return c.translateExpr(e.X)
		t := c.p.TypeOf(e.Type)
		if _, isTuple := exprType.(*types.Tuple); isTuple {
			return c.formatExpr("$assertType(%e, %s, true)", e.X, c.typeName(t))
		return c.formatExpr("$assertType(%e, %s)", e.X, c.typeName(t))

	case *ast.Ident:
		if e.Name == "_" {
			panic("Tried to translate underscore identifier.")
		switch o := obj.(type) {
		case *types.Var, *types.Const:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.objectName(o))
		case *types.Func:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.objectName(o))
		case *types.TypeName:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.typeName(o.Type()))
		case *types.Nil:
			if typesutil.IsJsObject(exprType) {
				return c.formatExpr("null")
			switch t := exprType.Underlying().(type) {
			case *types.Basic:
				if t.Kind() != types.UnsafePointer {
					panic("unexpected basic type")
				return c.formatExpr("0")
			case *types.Slice, *types.Pointer, *types.Chan:
				return c.formatExpr("%s.nil", c.typeName(exprType))
			case *types.Map:
				return c.formatExpr("false")
			case *types.Interface:
				return c.formatExpr("$ifaceNil")
			case *types.Signature:
				return c.formatExpr("$throwNilPointerError")
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type: %T", t))
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled object: %T\n", o))

	case *this:
		if isWrapped(c.p.TypeOf(e)) {
			return c.formatExpr("this.$val")
		return c.formatExpr("this")

	case nil:
		return c.formatExpr("")

		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled expression: %T\n", e))

Beispiel #9
func (p *importer) typ() types.Type {
	// if the type was seen before, i is its index (>= 0)
	i :=
	if i >= 0 {
		return p.typList[i]

	// otherwise, i is the type tag (< 0)
	switch i {
	case arrayTag:
		t := new(types.Array)

		n := p.int64()
		*t = *types.NewArray(p.typ(), n)
		return t

	case sliceTag:
		t := new(types.Slice)

		*t = *types.NewSlice(p.typ())
		return t

	case structTag:
		t := new(types.Struct)

		n :=
		fields := make([]*types.Var, n)
		tags := make([]string, n)
		for i := range fields {
			fields[i] = p.field()
			tags[i] = p.string()
		*t = *types.NewStruct(fields, tags)
		return t

	case pointerTag:
		t := new(types.Pointer)

		*t = *types.NewPointer(p.typ())
		return t

	case signatureTag:
		t := new(types.Signature)

		*t = *p.signature()
		return t

	case interfaceTag:
		// Create a dummy entry in the type list. This is safe because we
		// cannot expect the interface type to appear in a cycle, as any
		// such cycle must contain a named type which would have been
		// first defined earlier.
		n := len(p.typList)

		// read embedded interfaces
		embeddeds := make([]*types.Named,
		for i := range embeddeds {
			embeddeds[i] = p.typ().(*types.Named)

		// read methods
		methods := make([]*types.Func,
		for i := range methods {
			pkg, name := p.qualifiedName()
			methods[i] = types.NewFunc(token.NoPos, pkg, name, p.typ().(*types.Signature))

		t := types.NewInterface(methods, embeddeds)
		p.typList[n] = t
		return t

	case mapTag:
		t := new(types.Map)

		*t = *types.NewMap(p.typ(), p.typ())
		return t

	case chanTag:
		t := new(types.Chan)

		*t = *types.NewChan(types.ChanDir(, p.typ())
		return t

	case namedTag:
		// read type object
		name := p.string()
		pkg := p.pkg()
		scope := pkg.Scope()
		obj := scope.Lookup(name)

		// if the object doesn't exist yet, create and insert it
		if obj == nil {
			obj = types.NewTypeName(token.NoPos, pkg, name, nil)

		// associate new named type with obj if it doesn't exist yet
		t0 := types.NewNamed(obj.(*types.TypeName), nil, nil)

		// but record the existing type, if any
		t := obj.Type().(*types.Named)

		// read underlying type

		// read associated methods
		for i, n := 0,; i < n; i++ {
			t0.AddMethod(types.NewFunc(token.NoPos, pkg, p.string(), p.typ().(*types.Signature)))

		return t

		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type tag %d", i))
Beispiel #10
// TODO(adonovan): move the constraint definitions and the store() etc
// functions which add them (and are also used by the solver) into a
// new file, constraints.go.

import (


var (
	tEface     = types.NewInterface(nil, nil).Complete()
	tInvalid   = types.Typ[types.Invalid]
	tUnsafePtr = types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]

// ---------- Node creation ----------

// nextNode returns the index of the next unused node.
func (a *analysis) nextNode() nodeid {
	return nodeid(len(a.nodes))

// addNodes creates nodes for all scalar elements in type typ, and
// returns the id of the first one, or zero if the type was
// analytically uninteresting.
Beispiel #11
func newRuntimeInterface(module llvm.Module, tm *llvmTypeMap) (*runtimeInterface, error) {
	var ri runtimeInterface

	Bool := types.Typ[types.Bool]
	Complex128 := types.Typ[types.Complex128]
	Float64 := types.Typ[types.Float64]
	Int32 := types.Typ[types.Int32]
	Int64 := types.Typ[types.Int64]
	Int := types.Typ[types.Int]
	Rune := types.Typ[types.Rune]
	String := types.Typ[types.String]
	Uintptr := types.Typ[types.Uintptr]
	UnsafePointer := types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]

	EmptyInterface := types.NewInterface(nil, nil)
	IntSlice := types.NewSlice(types.Typ[types.Int])

	for _, rt := range [...]struct {
		name      string
		rfi       *runtimeFnInfo
		args, res []types.Type
		attrs     []llvm.Attribute
			name: "__go_append",
			rfi:  &ri.append,
			args: []types.Type{IntSlice, UnsafePointer, Uintptr, Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{IntSlice},
			name: "__go_assert_interface",
			rfi:  &ri.assertInterface,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_can_recover",
			rfi:  &ri.canRecover,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Bool},
			name: "__go_chan_cap",
			rfi:  &ri.chanCap,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "__go_chan_len",
			rfi:  &ri.chanLen,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "runtime.chanrecv2",
			rfi:  &ri.chanrecv2,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Bool},
			name: "__go_check_defer",
			rfi:  &ri.checkDefer,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_check_interface_type",
			rfi:  &ri.checkInterfaceType,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_builtin_close",
			rfi:  &ri.builtinClose,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_convert_interface",
			rfi:  &ri.convertInterface,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_copy",
			rfi:  &ri.copy,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, Uintptr},
			name: "__go_defer",
			rfi:  &ri.Defer,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_deferred_recover",
			rfi:  &ri.deferredRecover,
			res:  []types.Type{EmptyInterface},
			name: "__go_empty_interface_compare",
			rfi:  &ri.emptyInterfaceCompare,
			args: []types.Type{EmptyInterface, EmptyInterface},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "__go_get_closure",
			rfi:  &ri.getClosure,
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_go",
			rfi:  &ri.Go,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "runtime.ifaceE2I2",
			rfi:  &ri.ifaceE2I2,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, EmptyInterface},
			res:  []types.Type{EmptyInterface, Bool},
			name: "runtime.ifaceI2I2",
			rfi:  &ri.ifaceI2I2,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, EmptyInterface},
			res:  []types.Type{EmptyInterface, Bool},
			name: "__go_int_array_to_string",
			rfi:  &ri.intArrayToString,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Int},
			res:  []types.Type{String},
			name: "__go_int_to_string",
			rfi:  &ri.intToString,
			args: []types.Type{Int},
			res:  []types.Type{String},
			name: "__go_interface_compare",
			rfi:  &ri.interfaceCompare,
			args: []types.Type{EmptyInterface, EmptyInterface},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "__go_make_slice2",
			rfi:  &ri.makeSlice,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Uintptr, Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{IntSlice},
			name: "runtime.mapdelete",
			rfi:  &ri.mapdelete,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "runtime.mapiter2",
			rfi:  &ri.mapiter2,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "runtime.mapiterinit",
			rfi:  &ri.mapiterinit,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "runtime.mapiternext",
			rfi:  &ri.mapiternext,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_map_index",
			rfi:  &ri.mapIndex,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, Bool},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_map_len",
			rfi:  &ri.mapLen,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "__go_new",
			rfi:  &ri.New,
			args: []types.Type{Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_new_channel",
			rfi:  &ri.newChannel,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_new_map",
			rfi:  &ri.newMap,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_new_nopointers",
			rfi:  &ri.NewNopointers,
			args: []types.Type{Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "runtime.newselect",
			rfi:  &ri.newSelect,
			args: []types.Type{Int32},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name:  "__go_panic",
			rfi:   &ri.panic,
			args:  []types.Type{EmptyInterface},
			attrs: []llvm.Attribute{llvm.NoReturnAttribute},
			name: "__go_print_bool",
			rfi:  &ri.printBool,
			args: []types.Type{Bool},
			name: "__go_print_complex",
			rfi:  &ri.printComplex,
			args: []types.Type{Complex128},
			name: "__go_print_double",
			rfi:  &ri.printDouble,
			args: []types.Type{Float64},
			name: "__go_print_empty_interface",
			rfi:  &ri.printEmptyInterface,
			args: []types.Type{EmptyInterface},
			name: "__go_print_interface",
			rfi:  &ri.printInterface,
			args: []types.Type{EmptyInterface},
			name: "__go_print_int64",
			rfi:  &ri.printInt64,
			args: []types.Type{Int64},
			name: "__go_print_nl",
			rfi:  &ri.printNl,
			name: "__go_print_pointer",
			rfi:  &ri.printPointer,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_print_slice",
			rfi:  &ri.printSlice,
			args: []types.Type{IntSlice},
			name: "__go_print_space",
			rfi:  &ri.printSpace,
			name: "__go_print_string",
			rfi:  &ri.printString,
			args: []types.Type{String},
			name: "__go_print_uint64",
			rfi:  &ri.printUint64,
			args: []types.Type{Int64},
			name: "__go_receive",
			rfi:  &ri.receive,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_recover",
			rfi:  &ri.recover,
			res:  []types.Type{EmptyInterface},
			name: "__go_register_gc_roots",
			rfi:  &ri.registerGcRoots,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name:  "__go_runtime_error",
			rfi:   &ri.runtimeError,
			args:  []types.Type{Int32},
			attrs: []llvm.Attribute{llvm.NoReturnAttribute},
			name: "runtime.selectdefault",
			rfi:  &ri.selectdefault,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Int32},
			name: "runtime.selectgo",
			rfi:  &ri.selectgo,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "runtime.selectrecv2",
			rfi:  &ri.selectrecv2,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, Int32},
			name: "runtime.selectsend",
			rfi:  &ri.selectsend,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, Int32},
			name: "__go_send_big",
			rfi:  &ri.sendBig,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_set_closure",
			rfi:  &ri.setClosure,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_set_defer_retaddr",
			rfi:  &ri.setDeferRetaddr,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Bool},
			name: "__go_strcmp",
			rfi:  &ri.strcmp,
			args: []types.Type{String, String},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "__go_string_plus",
			rfi:  &ri.stringPlus,
			args: []types.Type{String, String},
			res:  []types.Type{String},
			name: "__go_string_slice",
			rfi:  &ri.stringSlice,
			args: []types.Type{String, Int, Int},
			res:  []types.Type{String},
			name: "__go_string_to_int_array",
			rfi:  &ri.stringToIntArray,
			args: []types.Type{String},
			res:  []types.Type{IntSlice},
			name: "runtime.stringiter2",
			rfi:  &ri.stringiter2,
			args: []types.Type{String, Int},
			res:  []types.Type{Int, Rune},
			name: "__go_type_descriptors_equal",
			rfi:  &ri.typeDescriptorsEqual,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Bool},
			name: "__go_undefer",
			rfi:  &ri.undefer,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
	} {
		rt.rfi.init(tm, module,, rt.args, rt.res)
		for _, attr := range rt.attrs {

	memsetName := "llvm.memset.p0i8.i" + strconv.Itoa(
	memsetType := llvm.FunctionType(
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
	ri.memset = llvm.AddFunction(module, memsetName, memsetType)

	memcpyName := "llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i" + strconv.Itoa(
	memcpyType := llvm.FunctionType(
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),,
	ri.memcpy = llvm.AddFunction(module, memcpyName, memcpyType)

	returnaddressType := llvm.FunctionType(
		llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
	ri.returnaddress = llvm.AddFunction(module, "llvm.returnaddress", returnaddressType)

	gccgoPersonalityType := llvm.FunctionType(
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
	ri.gccgoPersonality = llvm.AddFunction(module, "__gccgo_personality_v0", gccgoPersonalityType)

	ri.gccgoExceptionType = llvm.StructType(
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),

	return &ri, nil