Beispiel #1
func (l langType) rtypeBuild(i int, sizes types.Sizes, t types.Type, name string) (string, reflect.Kind) {
	var kind reflect.Kind
	kind, name = getTypeInfo(t, name)
	sof := int64(4)
	aof := int64(4)
	if kind != reflect.Invalid {
		sof = sizes.Sizeof(t)
		aof = sizes.Alignof(t)

	ret := "Go_haxegoruntime_newRRtype.callFromRT(0,\n"
	ret += fmt.Sprintf("\t/*size:*/ %d,\n", sof)
	ret += fmt.Sprintf("\t/*align:*/ %d,\n", aof)
	ret += fmt.Sprintf("\t/*fieldAlign:*/ %d,\n", aof) // TODO check correct for fieldAlign
	ret += fmt.Sprintf("\t/*kind:*/ %d, // %s\n", kind, (kind & ((1 << 5) - 1)).String())
	alg := "false"
	if types.Comparable(t) {
		alg = "true"
	ret += fmt.Sprintf("\t/*comprable:*/ %s,\n", alg) // TODO change this to be the actual function
	ret += fmt.Sprintf("\t/*string:*/ \"%s\", // %s\n", escapedTypeString(t.String()), t.String())
	ret += fmt.Sprintf("\t/*uncommonType:*/ %s,\n", l.uncommonBuild(i, sizes, name, t))
	ptt := "null"
	for pti, pt := range l.hc.typesByID {
		_, isPtr := pt.(*types.Pointer)
		if isPtr {
			ele := l.hc.pte.At(pt.(*types.Pointer).Elem())
			if ele != nil {
				if i == ele.(int) {
					ptt = fmt.Sprintf("type%d()", pti)
	ret += fmt.Sprintf("\t/*ptrToThis:*/ %s", ptt)
	ret += ")"
	return ret, kind