Beispiel #1
import texttemplate "text/template"
import "html/template"
import "bytes"
import "time"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import "fmt"
import ""
import ""
import "net/url"
import "strings"
import ""

var cErrorResponsesIssued = cexp.NewCounter("web.errorResponsesIssued")

var panicsToFlag = cflag.String(nil, "panicsto", "", "E. mail address to send panics to")
var webmasterAddressFlag = cflag.String(nil, "webmasteraddress", "", "Webmaster e. mail address (shown on panic)")

// The error handling HTTP handler, wrapping an inner handler for which panics
// are handled.
func Handler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		defer func() {
			if err := recover(); err != nil {
				const size = 4096
				stack := make([]byte, size)
				stack = stack[:runtime.Stack(stack, false)]

				renderError(rw, req, err, stack)
Beispiel #2
import "net/mail"
import "net/smtp"
import "os"
import "os/exec"
import "net"
import ""
import ""
import "path/filepath"
import ""
import "sync"
import "io"
import ""
import "mime/multipart"
import "net/textproto"

var cEmailsSent = cexp.NewCounter("sendemail.emailsSent")

var log, Log = xlog.New("sendemail")

var (
	fg               = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "sendemail")
	smtpAddressFlag  = cflag.String(fg, "smtpaddress", "", "SMTP address (hostname[:port])")
	smtpUsernameFlag = cflag.String(fg, "smtpusername", "", "SMTP username")
	smtpPasswordFlag = cflag.String(fg, "smtppassword", "", "SMTP password")
	sendmailPathFlag = cflag.String(fg, "sendmailpath", "", "path to /usr/sbin/sendmail")
	numSendersFlag   = cflag.Int(fg, "numsenders", 2, "number of asynchronous e. mail senders")
	fromFlag         = cflag.String(fg, "from", "nobody@localhost", "Default from address")

var sendChan = make(chan *Email, 32)
var startOnce sync.Once
Beispiel #3

var log, Log = xlog.New("web")

var cRequestsHandled = cexp.NewCounter("web.requestsHandled")

var bindFlag = cflag.String(nil, "bind", ":3400", "HTTP binding address")
var redisAddressFlag = cflag.String(nil, "redisaddress", "localhost:6379", "Redis address")
var redisPasswordFlag = cflag.String(nil, "redispassword", "", "Redis password")
var redisPrefixFlag = cflag.String(nil, "redisprefix", "", "Redis prefix")
var captchaFontPathFlag = cflag.String(nil, "captchafontpath", "", "Path to CAPTCHA font directory")
var reportURI = cflag.String(nil, "reporturi", "/.csp-report", "CSP/PKP report URI")

var Router *mux.Router

func init() {
	Router = mux.NewRouter()
	Router.KeepContext = true
	Router.NotFoundHandler = http.HandlerFunc(NotFound)
Beispiel #4
// Package passlib provides a simple password hashing and verification
// interface abstracting multiple password hashing schemes.
// Most people need concern themselves only with the functions Hash
// and Verify, which uses the default context and sensible defaults.
package passlib // import ""

import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""

var cHashCalls = cexp.NewCounter("passlib.ctx.hashCalls")
var cVerifyCalls = cexp.NewCounter("passlib.ctx.verifyCalls")
var cSuccessfulVerifyCalls = cexp.NewCounter("passlib.ctx.successfulVerifyCalls")
var cFailedVerifyCalls = cexp.NewCounter("passlib.ctx.failedVerifyCalls")
var cSuccessfulVerifyCallsWithUpgrade = cexp.NewCounter("passlib.ctx.successfulVerifyCallsWithUpgrade")
var cSuccessfulVerifyCallsDeferringUpgrade = cexp.NewCounter("passlib.ctx.successfulVerifyCallsDeferringUpgrade")

// The default schemes, most preferred first. The first scheme will be used to
// hash passwords, and any of the schemes may be used to verify existing
// passwords. The contents of this value may change with subsequent releases.
var DefaultSchemes = []abstract.Scheme{