Beispiel #1
// SetCharm sets the charm for a given for the application.
func (api *API) SetCharm(args params.ApplicationSetCharm) error {
	if err := api.checkCanWrite(); err != nil {
		return err
	// when forced units in error, don't block
	if !args.ForceUnits {
		if err := api.check.ChangeAllowed(); err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
	application, err := api.backend.Application(args.ApplicationName)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	channel := csparams.Channel(args.Channel)
	return api.applicationSetCharm(
// Run implements cmd.Command.
func (c *ListCharmResourcesCommand) Run(ctx *cmd.Context) error {
	// TODO(ericsnow) Adjust this to the charm store.

	apiclient, err := c.Connect(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO(ericsnow) Return a more user-friendly error?
		return errors.Trace(err)
	defer apiclient.Close()

	charmURLs, err := resolveCharms([]string{c.charm})
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)

	charms := make([]charmstore.CharmID, len(charmURLs))
	for i, id := range charmURLs {
		charms[i] = charmstore.CharmID{URL: id, Channel: csparams.Channel(}

	resources, err := apiclient.ListResources(charms)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	if len(resources) != 1 {
		return errors.New("got bad data from charm store")

	// Note that we do not worry about c.CompatVersion
	// for show-charm-resources...
	formatter := newCharmResourcesFormatter(resources[0])
	formatted := formatter.format()
	return c.out.Write(ctx, formatted)
Beispiel #3
// SetCharm sets the charm for a given service.
func (api *API) SetCharm(args params.ServiceSetCharm) error {
	// when forced units in error, don't block
	if !args.ForceUnits {
		if err := api.check.ChangeAllowed(); err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
	service, err := api.state.Service(args.ServiceName)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	channel := csparams.Channel(args.Channel)
	return api.serviceSetCharm(service, args.CharmUrl, channel, args.ForceSeries, args.ForceUnits, args.ResourceIDs)
Beispiel #4
// AddPendingResources adds the provided resources (info) to the Juju
// model in a pending state, meaning they are not available until
// resolved.
func (f Facade) AddPendingResources(args api.AddPendingResourcesArgs) (api.AddPendingResourcesResult, error) {
	var result api.AddPendingResourcesResult

	tag, apiErr := parseApplicationTag(args.Tag)
	if apiErr != nil {
		result.Error = apiErr
		return result, nil
	applicationID := tag.Id()

	channel := csparams.Channel(args.Channel)
	ids, err := f.addPendingResources(applicationID, args.URL, channel, args.CharmStoreMacaroon, args.Resources)
	if err != nil {
		result.Error = common.ServerError(err)
		return result, nil
	result.PendingIDs = ids
	return result, nil
Beispiel #5
func openCSClient(args params.AddCharmWithAuthorization) (*csclient.Client, error) {
	csURL, err := url.Parse(csclient.ServerURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	csParams := csclient.Params{
		URL:        csURL.String(),
		HTTPClient: httpbakery.NewHTTPClient(),

	if args.CharmStoreMacaroon != nil {
		// Set the provided charmstore authorizing macaroon
		// as a cookie in the HTTP client.
		// TODO(cmars) discharge any third party caveats in the macaroon.
		ms := []*macaroon.Macaroon{args.CharmStoreMacaroon}
		httpbakery.SetCookie(csParams.HTTPClient.Jar, csURL, ms)
	csClient := csclient.New(csParams)
	channel := csparams.Channel(args.Channel)
	if channel != csparams.NoChannel {
		csClient = csClient.WithChannel(channel)
	return csClient, nil
Beispiel #6
// deployApplication fetches the charm from the charm store and deploys it.
// The logic has been factored out into a common function which is called by
// both the legacy API on the client facade, as well as the new application facade.
func deployApplication(
	backend Backend,
	stateCharm func(Charm) *state.Charm,
	args params.ApplicationDeploy,
) error {
	curl, err := charm.ParseURL(args.CharmURL)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	if curl.Revision < 0 {
		return errors.Errorf("charm url must include revision")

	// Do a quick but not complete validation check before going any further.
	for _, p := range args.Placement {
		if p.Scope != instance.MachineScope {
		_, err = backend.Machine(p.Directive)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Annotatef(err, `cannot deploy "%v" to machine %v`, args.ApplicationName, p.Directive)

	// Try to find the charm URL in state first.
	ch, err := backend.Charm(curl)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)

	if err := checkMinVersion(ch); err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)

	var settings charm.Settings
	if len(args.ConfigYAML) > 0 {
		settings, err = ch.Config().ParseSettingsYAML([]byte(args.ConfigYAML), args.ApplicationName)
	} else if len(args.Config) > 0 {
		// Parse config in a compatible way (see function comment).
		settings, err = parseSettingsCompatible(ch.Config(), args.Config)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)

	channel := csparams.Channel(args.Channel)

	_, err = jjj.DeployApplication(backend,
			ApplicationName:  args.ApplicationName,
			Series:           args.Series,
			Charm:            stateCharm(ch),
			Channel:          channel,
			NumUnits:         args.NumUnits,
			ConfigSettings:   settings,
			Constraints:      args.Constraints,
			Placement:        args.Placement,
			Storage:          args.Storage,
			EndpointBindings: args.EndpointBindings,
			Resources:        args.Resources,
	return errors.Trace(err)
Beispiel #7
// DeployService fetches the charm from the charm store and deploys it.
// The logic has been factored out into a common function which is called by
// both the legacy API on the client facade, as well as the new service facade.
func deployService(st *state.State, owner string, args params.ServiceDeploy) error {
	curl, err := charm.ParseURL(args.CharmUrl)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	if curl.Revision < 0 {
		return errors.Errorf("charm url must include revision")

	// Do a quick but not complete validation check before going any further.
	for _, p := range args.Placement {
		if p.Scope != instance.MachineScope {
		_, err = st.Machine(p.Directive)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Annotatef(err, `cannot deploy "%v" to machine %v`, args.ServiceName, p.Directive)

	// Try to find the charm URL in state first.
	ch, err := st.Charm(curl)
	// TODO(wallyworld) - remove for 2.0 beta4
	if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
		// Clients written to expect 1.16 compatibility require this next block.
		if curl.Schema != "cs" {
			return errors.Errorf(`charm url has unsupported schema %q`, curl.Schema)
		if err = AddCharmWithAuthorization(st, params.AddCharmWithAuthorization{
			URL: args.CharmUrl,
		}); err == nil {
			ch, err = st.Charm(curl)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)

	if err := checkMinVersion(ch); err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)

	var settings charm.Settings
	if len(args.ConfigYAML) > 0 {
		settings, err = ch.Config().ParseSettingsYAML([]byte(args.ConfigYAML), args.ServiceName)
	} else if len(args.Config) > 0 {
		// Parse config in a compatible way (see function comment).
		settings, err = parseSettingsCompatible(ch, args.Config)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)

	channel := csparams.Channel(args.Channel)

	_, err = jjj.DeployService(st,
			ServiceName: args.ServiceName,
			Series:      args.Series,
			// TODO(dfc) ServiceOwner should be a tag
			ServiceOwner:     owner,
			Charm:            ch,
			Channel:          channel,
			NumUnits:         args.NumUnits,
			ConfigSettings:   settings,
			Constraints:      args.Constraints,
			Placement:        args.Placement,
			Storage:          args.Storage,
			EndpointBindings: args.EndpointBindings,
			Resources:        args.Resources,
	return errors.Trace(err)