func (fo *frameOpen) maybeStartRoll() { if !fo.rollActive && fo.currentState == fo && fo.child == nil && fo.writes.Len() == 0 && fo.v.positions != nil && (fo.reads.Len() > fo.uncommittedReads || (len(fo.frameTxnClock.Clock) > fo.frameTxnActions.Len() && fo.parent == nil && fo.reads.Len() == 0 && len(fo.learntFutureReads) == 0)) { fo.rollActive = true ctxn, varPosMap := fo.createRollClientTxn() go func() { server.Log(fo.frame, "Starting roll") outcome, err := fo.v.vm.RunClientTransaction(ctxn, varPosMap, true) ow := "" if outcome != nil { ow = fmt.Sprint(outcome.Which()) if outcome.Which() == msgs.OUTCOME_ABORT { ow += fmt.Sprintf("-%v", outcome.Abort().Which()) } } // fmt.Printf("r%v ", ow) server.Log(fo.frame, "Roll finished: outcome", ow, "; err:", err) if outcome == nil || outcome.Which() != msgs.OUTCOME_COMMIT { fo.v.applyToVar(func() { fo.rollActive = false if outcome != nil { fo.maybeScheduleRoll() } }) } }() } else { fo.maybeScheduleRoll() } }
func (sts *SimpleTxnSubmitter) TopologyChange(topology *server.Topology, servers map[common.RMId]paxos.Connection) { if topology != nil { server.Log("TM setting topology to", topology) sts.topology = topology sts.resolver = ch.NewResolver(sts.rng, topology.AllRMs) sts.hashCache.SetResolverDesiredLen(sts.resolver, topology.AllRMs.NonEmptyLen()) if topology.RootVarUUId != nil { sts.hashCache.AddPosition(topology.RootVarUUId, topology.RootPositions) } if !topology.Equal(server.BlankTopology) && sts.bufferedSubmissions != nil { funcs := sts.bufferedSubmissions sts.bufferedSubmissions = nil for _, fun := range funcs { fun() } } } if servers != nil { sts.disabledHashCodes = make(map[common.RMId]server.EmptyStruct, len(sts.topology.AllRMs)) for _, rmId := range sts.topology.AllRMs { if _, found := servers[rmId]; !found { sts.disabledHashCodes[rmId] = server.EmptyStructVal } } sts.connections = servers server.Log("TM disabled hash codes", sts.disabledHashCodes) } }
func (awtd *acceptorWriteToDisk) start() { outcome := awtd.outcome outcomeCap := (*msgs.Outcome)(outcome) awtd.sendToAll = awtd.sendToAll || outcomeCap.Which() == msgs.OUTCOME_COMMIT sendToAll := awtd.sendToAll stateSeg := capn.NewBuffer(nil) state := msgs.NewRootAcceptorState(stateSeg) state.SetTxn(*awtd.ballotAccumulator.Txn) state.SetOutcome(*outcomeCap) state.SetSendToAll(awtd.sendToAll) state.SetInstances(awtd.ballotAccumulator.AddInstancesToSeg(stateSeg)) data := server.SegToBytes(stateSeg) // to ensure correct order of writes, schedule the write from // the current go-routine... server.Log(awtd.txnId, "Writing 2B to disk...") future := awtd.acceptorManager.Disk.ReadWriteTransaction(false, func(rwtxn *mdbs.RWTxn) (interface{}, error) { return nil, rwtxn.Put(db.DB.BallotOutcomes, awtd.txnId[:], data, 0) }) go func() { // ... but process the result in a new go-routine to avoid blocking the executor. if _, err := future.ResultError(); err != nil { log.Printf("Error: %v Acceptor Write error: %v", awtd.txnId, err) return } server.Log(awtd.txnId, "Writing 2B to disk...done.") awtd.acceptorManager.Exe.Enqueue(func() { awtd.writeDone(outcome, sendToAll) }) }() }
// topologySubscribers func (subs topologySubscribers) TopologyChanged(topology *configuration.Topology, callbacks map[eng.TopologyChangeSubscriberType]func()) { for subType, subsMap := range subs.subscribers { subTypeCopy := subType subCount := len(subsMap) resultChan := make(chan bool, subCount) done := func(success bool) { resultChan <- success } for sub := range subsMap { sub.TopologyChanged(topology, done) } if cb, found := callbacks[eng.TopologyChangeSubscriberType(subType)]; found { cbCopy := cb go func() { server.Log("CM TopologyChanged", subTypeCopy, "expects", subCount, "Dones") for subCount > 0 { if result := <-resultChan; result { subCount-- } else { server.Log("CM TopologyChanged", subTypeCopy, "failed") return } } server.Log("CM TopologyChanged", subTypeCopy, "all done") cbCopy() }() } } }
// from network func (pm *ProposerManager) TxnSubmissionAbortReceived(sender common.RMId, txnId *common.TxnId) { if proposer, found := pm.proposers[*txnId]; found { server.Log(txnId, "TSA received from", sender, "(proposer found)") proposer.Abort() } else { server.Log(txnId, "TSA received from", sender, "(ignored)") } }
// from network func (pm *ProposerManager) TxnGloballyCompleteReceived(sender common.RMId, txnId *common.TxnId) { if proposer, found := pm.proposers[*txnId]; found { server.Log(txnId, "TGC received from", sender, "(proposer found)") proposer.TxnGloballyCompleteReceived(sender) } else { server.Log(txnId, "TGC received from", sender, "(ignored)") } }
func (fo *frameOpen) ReadLearnt(action *localAction) bool { txn := action.Txn if fo.currentState != fo { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v ReadLearnt called for %v with frame in state %v", fo.v, txn, fo.currentState)) } actClockElem := action.outcomeClock.Clock[*fo.v.UUId] - 1 if action.outcomeClock.Clock[*fo.v.UUId] == 0 { panic("Just did 0 - 1 in int64") } reqClockElem := fo.frameTxnClock.Clock[*fo.v.UUId] if action.readVsn.Compare(fo.frameTxnId) != common.EQ { // The write would be one less than the read. We want to know if // this read is of a write before or after our current frame // write. If the clock elems are equal then the read _must_ be // of a write that is after this frame write and we created this // frame "early", so we should store the read. So that means we // only should ignore this read if its write clock elem is < our // frame write clock elem. if actClockElem < reqClockElem { server.Log(fo.frame, "ReadLearnt", txn, "ignored, too old") return false } else { server.Log(fo.frame, "ReadLearnt", txn, "of future frame") fo.learntFutureReads = append(fo.learntFutureReads, action) action.frame = fo.frame return true } } if actClockElem != reqClockElem { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v oddness in read learnt: read is of right version, but clocks differ (action=%v != frame=%v) (%v)", fo.frame, actClockElem, reqClockElem, action)) } if fo.reads.Get(action) == nil { fo.reads.Insert(action, committed) action.frame = fo.frame // If we had voted on this txn (rather than learning it), then // every element within our readVoteClock we would find within // the action.outcomeClock (albeit possibly at a later // version). Thus if anything within our readVoteClock is _not_ // in the action.outcomeClock then we know that we must be // missing some TGCs - essentially we can infer TGCs by // observing the outcome clocks on future txns we learn. for k, v := range fo.readVoteClock.Clock { if _, found := action.outcomeClock.Clock[k]; !found { fo.mask.SetVarIdMax(k, v) } } server.Log(fo.frame, "ReadLearnt", txn, "uncommittedReads:", fo.uncommittedReads, "uncommittedWrites:", fo.uncommittedWrites) fo.maybeScheduleRoll() return true } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v ReadLearnt called for known txn %v", fo.frame, txn)) } }
func (pro *proposerReceiveOutcomes) BallotOutcomeReceived(sender common.RMId, outcome *msgs.Outcome) { server.Log(pro.txnId, "Ballot outcome received from", sender) if pro.mode == proposerTLCSender { // Consensus already reached and we've been to disk. So this // *must* be a duplicate: safe to ignore. // Even in the case where it's a retry, we actually don't care // that we could be receiving this *after* sending a TLC because // all we need to know is that it aborted, not the details. return } outcome, allAgreed := pro.outcomeAccumulator.BallotOutcomeReceived(sender, outcome) if allAgreed { pro.allAcceptorsAgree() } if outcome == nil && pro.mode == ProposerPassiveLearner { if knownAcceptors := pro.outcomeAccumulator.IsAllAborts(); knownAcceptors != nil { // As a passiveLearner, we started this proposer through // receiving a commit outcome. However, that has changed, due // to failures and every outcome we have is for the same // abort. Therefore we're abandoning this learner, and // sending TLCs immediately to everyone we've received the // abort outcome from. server.Log(pro.txnId, "abandoning learner with all aborts", knownAcceptors) pro.proposerManager.FinishProposers(pro.txnId) pro.proposerManager.TxnFinished(pro.txnId) tlcMsg := MakeTxnLocallyCompleteMsg(pro.txnId) // We are destroying out state here. Thus even if this msg // goes missing, if the acceptor sends us further 2Bs then // we'll send back further TLCs from proposer manager. So the // use of OSS here is correct. NewOneShotSender(tlcMsg, pro.proposerManager, knownAcceptors...) return } } if pro.outcome == nil && outcome != nil { pro.outcome = outcome // It's possible that we're an activeVoter, and whilst our vars // are figuring out their votes, we receive enough ballot // outcomes from acceptors to determine the overall outcome. We // should only advance to the next state if we're currently // waiting for ballot outcomes. if pro.currentState == pro { pro.nextState() } else if pro.currentState == &pro.proposerAwaitBallots && pro.txn.Retry { // Advance currentState to proposerReceiveOutcomes, the // start() of which will immediately call nextState() again. pro.nextState() } } }
func (am *AcceptorManager) TwoATxnVotesReceived(sender common.RMId, txnId *common.TxnId, twoATxnVotes *msgs.TwoATxnVotes) { instanceRMId := common.RMId(twoATxnVotes.RmId()) server.Log(txnId, "2A received from", sender, "; instance:", instanceRMId) instId := instanceId([instanceIdLen]byte{}) instIdSlice := instId[:] copy(instIdSlice, txnId[:]) binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(instIdSlice[common.KeyLen:], uint32(instanceRMId)) txnCap := twoATxnVotes.Txn() a := am.ensureAcceptor(txnId, &txnCap) requests := twoATxnVotes.AcceptRequests() failureInstances := make([]*instance, 0, requests.Len()) failureRequests := make([]*msgs.TxnVoteAcceptRequest, 0, requests.Len()) for idx, l := 0, requests.Len(); idx < l; idx++ { request := requests.At(idx) vUUId := common.MakeVarUUId(request.Ballot().VarId()) copy(instIdSlice[common.KeyLen+4:], vUUId[:]) inst := am.ensureInstance(txnId, &instId, vUUId) accepted, rejected := inst.TwoATxnVotesReceived(&request) if accepted { a.BallotAccepted(instanceRMId, inst, vUUId, &txnCap) } else if rejected { failureInstances = append(failureInstances, inst) failureRequests = append(failureRequests, &request) } } if len(failureInstances) != 0 { replySeg := capn.NewBuffer(nil) msg := msgs.NewRootMessage(replySeg) twoBTxnVotes := msgs.NewTwoBTxnVotes(replySeg) msg.SetTwoBTxnVotes(twoBTxnVotes) twoBTxnVotes.SetFailures() failuresCap := twoBTxnVotes.Failures() failuresCap.SetTxnId(txnId[:]) failuresCap.SetRmId(uint32(instanceRMId)) nacks := msgs.NewTxnVoteTwoBFailureList(replySeg, len(failureInstances)) failuresCap.SetNacks(nacks) for idx, inst := range failureInstances { failure := nacks.At(idx) failure.SetVarId(inst.vUUId[:]) failure.SetRoundNumber(failureRequests[idx].RoundNumber()) failure.SetRoundNumberTooLow(uint32(inst.promiseNum >> 32)) } server.Log(txnId, "Sending 2B failures to", sender, "; instance:", instanceRMId) // The proposal senders are repeating, so this use of OSS is fine. NewOneShotSender(server.SegToBytes(replySeg), am, sender) } }
func (p *proposal) maybeSendOneA() { pendingPromises := p.pending[:0] for _, pi := range p.instances { if pi.currentState == &pi.proposalOneA { pendingPromises = append(pendingPromises, pi) } } if len(pendingPromises) == 0 { return } seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil) msg := msgs.NewRootMessage(seg) sender := newProposalSender(p, pendingPromises) oneACap := msgs.NewOneATxnVotes(seg) msg.SetOneATxnVotes(oneACap) oneACap.SetTxnId(p.txnId[:]) oneACap.SetRmId(uint32(p.instanceRMId)) proposals := msgs.NewTxnVoteProposalList(seg, len(pendingPromises)) oneACap.SetProposals(proposals) for idx, pi := range pendingPromises { proposal := proposals.At(idx) pi.addOneAToProposal(&proposal, sender) } sender.msg = server.SegToBytes(seg) server.Log(p.txnId, "Adding sender for 1A") p.proposerManager.AddServerConnectionSubscriber(sender) }
func (s *proposalSender) finished() { if !s.done { s.done = true server.Log("Removing proposal sender") s.proposerManager.RemoveServerConnectionSubscriber(s) } }
func (p *proposal) maybeSendTwoA() { pendingAccepts := p.pending[:0] for _, pi := range p.instances { if pi.currentState == &pi.proposalTwoA { pendingAccepts = append(pendingAccepts, pi) } } if len(pendingAccepts) == 0 { return } seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil) msg := msgs.NewRootMessage(seg) sender := newProposalSender(p, pendingAccepts) twoACap := msgs.NewTwoATxnVotes(seg) msg.SetTwoATxnVotes(twoACap) twoACap.SetRmId(uint32(p.instanceRMId)) acceptRequests := msgs.NewTxnVoteAcceptRequestList(seg, len(pendingAccepts)) twoACap.SetAcceptRequests(acceptRequests) deflate := false for idx, pi := range pendingAccepts { acceptRequest := acceptRequests.At(idx) deflate = pi.addTwoAToAcceptRequest(seg, &acceptRequest, sender) || deflate } if deflate { deflated := deflateTxn(p.txn, seg) twoACap.SetTxn(*deflated) } else { twoACap.SetTxn(*p.txn) } sender.msg = server.SegToBytes(seg) server.Log(p.txnId, "Adding sender for 2A") p.proposerManager.AddServerConnectionSubscriber(sender) }
func (subs topologySubscribers) AddSubscriber(subType eng.TopologyChangeSubscriberType, ob eng.TopologySubscriber) { if _, found := subs.subscribers[subType][ob]; found { server.Log(ob, "CM found duplicate add topology subscriber") } else { subs.subscribers[subType][ob] = server.EmptyStructVal } }
func (v *Var) ReceiveTxn(action *localAction) { server.Log(v.UUId, "ReceiveTxn", action) isRead, isWrite := action.IsRead(), action.IsWrite() if isRead && action.Retry { if voted := v.curFrame.ReadRetry(action); !voted { v.AddWriteSubscriber(action.Id, func(v *Var, value []byte, refs *msgs.VarIdPos_List, newtxn *Txn) { if voted := v.curFrame.ReadRetry(action); voted { v.RemoveWriteSubscriber(action.Id) } }) } return } switch { case isRead && isWrite: v.curFrame.AddReadWrite(action) case isRead: v.curFrame.AddRead(action) default: v.curFrame.AddWrite(action) } }
func (p *Proposer) TopologyChange(topology *configuration.Topology) { if topology == p.topology { return } p.topology = topology rmsRemoved := topology.RMsRemoved() server.Log("proposer", p.txnId, "in", p.currentState, "sees loss of", rmsRemoved) if _, found := rmsRemoved[p.proposerManager.RMId]; found { return } // create new acceptors slice because the initial slice can be // shared with proposals. acceptors := make([]common.RMId, 0, len(p.acceptors)) for _, rmId := range p.acceptors { if _, found := rmsRemoved[rmId]; !found { acceptors = append(acceptors, rmId) } } p.acceptors = acceptors switch p.currentState { case &p.proposerAwaitBallots, &p.proposerReceiveOutcomes, &p.proposerAwaitLocallyComplete: if p.outcomeAccumulator.TopologyChange(topology) { p.allAcceptorsAgree() } case &p.proposerReceiveGloballyComplete: for rmId := range rmsRemoved { p.TxnGloballyCompleteReceived(rmId) } case &p.proposerAwaitFinished: // do nothing } }
func VarFromData(data []byte, exe *dispatcher.Executor, disk *mdbs.MDBServer, vm *VarManager) (*Var, error) { seg, _, err := capn.ReadFromMemoryZeroCopy(data) if err != nil { return nil, err } varCap := msgs.ReadRootVar(seg) v := newVar(common.MakeVarUUId(varCap.Id()), exe, disk, vm) positions := varCap.Positions() if positions.Len() != 0 { v.positions = (*common.Positions)(&positions) } writeTxnId := common.MakeTxnId(varCap.WriteTxnId()) writeTxnClock := VectorClockFromCap(varCap.WriteTxnClock()) writesClock := VectorClockFromCap(varCap.WritesClock()) server.Log(v.UUId, "Restored", writeTxnId) if result, err := disk.ReadonlyTransaction(func(rtxn *mdbs.RTxn) (interface{}, error) { return db.ReadTxnFromDisk(rtxn, writeTxnId) }).ResultError(); err == nil { if result == nil || result.(*msgs.Txn) == nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v Unable to find txn %v on disk (%v)", v.UUId, writeTxnId, result)) } actions := result.(*msgs.Txn).Actions() v.curFrame = NewFrame(nil, v, writeTxnId, &actions, writeTxnClock, writesClock) v.curFrameOnDisk = v.curFrame } else { return nil, err } v.varCap = &varCap return v, nil }
func (palc *proposerAwaitLocallyComplete) TxnLocallyComplete() { if palc.currentState == palc && !palc.callbackInvoked { server.Log(palc.txnId, "Txn locally completed") palc.callbackInvoked = true palc.maybeWriteToDisk() } }
func (vm *VarManager) checkAllDisk() { if od := vm.onDisk; od != nil { for _, v := range { if v.UUId.Compare(configuration.TopologyVarUUId) != common.EQ && !v.isOnDisk(true) { if !vm.RollAllowed { server.Log("VarManager", fmt.Sprintf("%p", vm), "WTF?! rolls are banned, but have var", v.UUId, "not on disk!") } return } } vm.onDisk = nil vm.RollAllowed = false server.Log("VarManager", fmt.Sprintf("%p", vm), "Rolls banned; calling done", fmt.Sprintf("%p", od)) od(true) } }
func (fo *frameOpen) AddReadWrite(action *localAction) { txn := action.Txn server.Log(fo.frame, "AddReadWrite", txn, action.readVsn) switch { case fo.currentState != fo: panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v AddReadWrite called for %v with frame in state %v", fo.v, txn, fo.currentState)) case fo.writeVoteClock != nil || fo.writes.Len() != 0 || (fo.maxUncommittedRead != nil && action.LessThan(fo.maxUncommittedRead)) || fo.frameTxnActions == nil || len(fo.learntFutureReads) != 0 || (!action.IsRoll() && fo.isLocked()): action.VoteDeadlock(fo.frameTxnClock) case !fo.frameTxnId.Equal(action.readVsn): action.VoteBadRead(fo.frameTxnClock, fo.frameTxnId, fo.frameTxnActions) fo.v.maybeMakeInactive() case fo.writes.Get(action) == nil: fo.rwPresent = true fo.uncommittedWrites++ action.frame = fo.frame if fo.uncommittedReads == 0 { fo.writes.Insert(action, uncommitted) fo.calculateWriteVoteClock() if !action.VoteCommit(fo.writeVoteClock) { fo.ReadWriteAborted(action, true) } } else { fo.writes.Insert(action, postponed) } default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v AddReadWrite called for known txn %v", fo.frame, txn)) } }
func (fo *frameOpen) AddRead(action *localAction) { txn := action.Txn server.Log(fo.frame, "AddRead", txn, action.readVsn) switch { case fo.currentState != fo: panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v AddRead called for %v with frame in state %v", fo.v, txn, fo.currentState)) case fo.writeVoteClock != nil || (fo.writes.Len() != 0 && fo.writes.First().Key.LessThan(action)) || fo.frameTxnActions == nil || fo.isLocked(): // We could have learnt a write at this point but we're still fine to accept smaller reads. action.VoteDeadlock(fo.frameTxnClock) case !fo.frameTxnId.Equal(action.readVsn): action.VoteBadRead(fo.frameTxnClock, fo.frameTxnId, fo.frameTxnActions) fo.v.maybeMakeInactive() case fo.reads.Get(action) == nil: fo.uncommittedReads++ fo.reads.Insert(action, uncommitted) if fo.maxUncommittedRead == nil || fo.maxUncommittedRead.LessThan(action) { fo.maxUncommittedRead = action } action.frame = fo.frame if !action.VoteCommit(fo.readVoteClock) { fo.ReadAborted(action) } default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v AddRead called for known txn %v", fo.frame, txn)) } }
func (fo *frameOpen) AddWrite(action *localAction) { txn := action.Txn server.Log(fo.frame, "AddWrite", txn) cid := txn.Id.ClientId() _, found := fo.clientWrites[cid] switch { case fo.currentState != fo: panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v AddWrite called for %v with frame in state %v", fo.v, txn, fo.currentState)) case fo.rwPresent || (fo.maxUncommittedRead != nil && action.LessThan(fo.maxUncommittedRead)) || found || len(fo.learntFutureReads) != 0 || fo.isLocked(): action.VoteDeadlock(fo.frameTxnClock) case fo.writes.Get(action) == nil: fo.uncommittedWrites++ fo.clientWrites[cid] = server.EmptyStructVal action.frame = fo.frame if fo.uncommittedReads == 0 { fo.writes.Insert(action, uncommitted) fo.calculateWriteVoteClock() if !action.VoteCommit(fo.writeVoteClock) { fo.WriteAborted(action, true) } } else { fo.writes.Insert(action, postponed) } default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v AddWrite called for known txn %v", fo.frame, txn)) } }
// Callback (from network/paxos) func (trc *txnReceiveCompletion) CompletionReceived() { server.Log(trc.Id, "CompletionReceived; already completed?", trc.completed, "state:", trc.currentState, "aborted?", trc.aborted) if trc.completed { // Be silent in this case. return } if trc.currentState != trc { // We've been completed early! Be noisy! panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v error: Txn completion received with txn in wrong state: %v\n", trc.Id, trc.currentState)) } trc.completed = true trc.maybeFinish() if trc.aborted { return } for idx := 0; idx < len(trc.localActions); idx++ { action := &trc.localActions[idx] if action.frame == nil { // Could be the case if !aborted and we're a learner, but // when we learnt, we never assigned a frame. continue } f := func(v *Var) { if v == nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v error (%v, aborted? %v, frame == nil? %v): %v Not found!", trc.Id, trc, trc.aborted, action.frame == nil, action.vUUId)) } else { v.TxnGloballyComplete(action) } } trc.vd.ApplyToVar(f, false, action.vUUId) } }
func (am *AcceptorManager) OneATxnVotesReceived(sender common.RMId, txnId *common.TxnId, oneATxnVotes *msgs.OneATxnVotes) { instanceRMId := common.RMId(oneATxnVotes.RmId()) server.Log(txnId, "1A received from", sender, "; instance:", instanceRMId) instId := instanceId([instanceIdLen]byte{}) instIdSlice := instId[:] copy(instIdSlice, txnId[:]) binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(instIdSlice[common.KeyLen:], uint32(instanceRMId)) replySeg := capn.NewBuffer(nil) msg := msgs.NewRootMessage(replySeg) oneBTxnVotes := msgs.NewOneBTxnVotes(replySeg) msg.SetOneBTxnVotes(oneBTxnVotes) oneBTxnVotes.SetRmId(oneATxnVotes.RmId()) oneBTxnVotes.SetTxnId(oneATxnVotes.TxnId()) proposals := oneATxnVotes.Proposals() promises := msgs.NewTxnVotePromiseList(replySeg, proposals.Len()) oneBTxnVotes.SetPromises(promises) for idx, l := 0, proposals.Len(); idx < l; idx++ { proposal := proposals.At(idx) vUUId := common.MakeVarUUId(proposal.VarId()) copy(instIdSlice[common.KeyLen+4:], vUUId[:]) promise := promises.At(idx) promise.SetVarId(vUUId[:]) am.ensureInstance(txnId, &instId, vUUId).OneATxnVotesReceived(&proposal, &promise) } NewOneShotSender(server.SegToBytes(replySeg), am.ConnectionManager, sender) }
func newTwoBTxnVotesSender(outcome *msgs.Outcome, txnId *common.TxnId, submitter common.RMId, recipients ...common.RMId) *twoBTxnVotesSender { submitterSeg := capn.NewBuffer(nil) submitterMsg := msgs.NewRootMessage(submitterSeg) submitterMsg.SetSubmissionOutcome(*outcome) if outcome.Which() == msgs.OUTCOME_ABORT { abort := outcome.Abort() abort.SetResubmit() // nuke out the updates as proposers don't need them. } seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil) msg := msgs.NewRootMessage(seg) twoB := msgs.NewTwoBTxnVotes(seg) msg.SetTwoBTxnVotes(twoB) twoB.SetOutcome(*outcome) server.Log(txnId, "Sending 2B to", recipients) return &twoBTxnVotesSender{ msg: server.SegToBytes(seg), recipients: recipients, submitterMsg: server.SegToBytes(submitterSeg), submitter: submitter, } }
func (subs serverConnSubscribers) AddSubscriber(ob paxos.ServerConnectionSubscriber) { if _, found := subs.subscribers[ob]; found { server.Log(ob, "CM found duplicate add serverConn subscriber") } else { subs.subscribers[ob] = server.EmptyStructVal ob.ConnectedRMs(subs.cloneRMToServer()) } }
func (fo *frameOpen) WriteLearnt(action *localAction) bool { txn := action.Txn if fo.currentState != fo { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v WriteLearnt called for %v with frame in state %v", fo.v, txn, fo.currentState)) } actClockElem := action.outcomeClock.Clock[*fo.v.UUId] reqClockElem := fo.frameTxnClock.Clock[*fo.v.UUId] if actClockElem < reqClockElem || (actClockElem == reqClockElem && action.Id.Compare(fo.frameTxnId) == common.LT) { server.Log(fo.frame, "WriteLearnt", txn, "ignored, too old") return false } if action.Id.Compare(fo.frameTxnId) == common.EQ { server.Log(fo.frame, "WriteLearnt", txn, "is duplicate of current frame") return false } if actClockElem == reqClockElem { // ok, so ourself and this txn were actually siblings, but we // created this frame before we knew that. By definition, there // cannot be any committed reads of us. if fo.reads.Len() > fo.uncommittedReads { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v (%v) Found committed reads where there should have been none for action %v (%v)", fo.frame, fo.frameTxnClock, action, action.outcomeClock)) } } if fo.writes.Get(action) == nil { fo.writes.Insert(action, committed) action.frame = fo.frame fo.positionsFound = fo.positionsFound || (fo.frameTxnActions == nil && action.createPositions != nil) // See corresponding comment in ReadLearnt clock := fo.writeVoteClock if clock == nil { clock = fo.readVoteClock } for k, v := range clock.Clock { if _, found := action.outcomeClock.Clock[k]; !found { fo.mask.SetVarIdMax(k, v) } } server.Log(fo.frame, "WriteLearnt", txn, "uncommittedReads:", fo.uncommittedReads, "uncommittedWrites:", fo.uncommittedWrites) if fo.uncommittedReads == 0 { fo.maybeCreateChild() } return true } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v WriteLearnt called for known txn %v", fo.frame, txn)) } }
func (lc *LocalConnection) SubmissionOutcomeReceived(sender common.RMId, txnId *common.TxnId, outcome *msgs.Outcome) { server.Log("LC Received submission outcome for", txnId) lc.enqueueQuery(localConnectionMsgOutcomeReceived{ sender: sender, txnId: txnId, outcome: outcome, }) }
func (sts *SimpleTxnSubmitter) SubmitTransaction(txnCap *msgs.Txn, activeRMs []common.RMId, continuation TxnCompletionConsumer, delay time.Duration) { seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil) msg := msgs.NewRootMessage(seg) msg.SetTxnSubmission(*txnCap) txnId := common.MakeTxnId(txnCap.Id()) server.Log(txnId, "Submitting txn") txnSender := paxos.NewRepeatingSender(server.SegToBytes(seg), activeRMs...) var removeSenderCh chan server.EmptyStruct if delay == 0 { sts.connPub.AddServerConnectionSubscriber(txnSender) } else { removeSenderCh = make(chan server.EmptyStruct) go func() { // fmt.Printf("%v ", delay) time.Sleep(delay) sts.connPub.AddServerConnectionSubscriber(txnSender) <-removeSenderCh sts.connPub.RemoveServerConnectionSubscriber(txnSender) }() } acceptors := paxos.GetAcceptorsFromTxn(txnCap) shutdownFun := func(shutdown bool) { delete(sts.outcomeConsumers, *txnId) // fmt.Printf("sts%v ", len(sts.outcomeConsumers)) if delay == 0 { sts.connPub.RemoveServerConnectionSubscriber(txnSender) } else { close(removeSenderCh) } // OSS is safe here - see above. paxos.NewOneShotSender(paxos.MakeTxnSubmissionCompleteMsg(txnId), sts.connPub, acceptors...) if shutdown { if txnCap.Retry() { // If this msg doesn't make it then proposers should // observe our death and tidy up anyway. If it's just this // connection shutting down then there should be no // problem with these msgs getting to the propposers. paxos.NewOneShotSender(paxos.MakeTxnSubmissionAbortMsg(txnId), sts.connPub, activeRMs...) } continuation(txnId, nil, nil) } } shutdownFunPtr := &shutdownFun sts.onShutdown[shutdownFunPtr] = server.EmptyStructVal outcomeAccumulator := paxos.NewOutcomeAccumulator(int(txnCap.FInc()), acceptors) consumer := func(sender common.RMId, txnId *common.TxnId, outcome *msgs.Outcome) { if outcome, _ = outcomeAccumulator.BallotOutcomeReceived(sender, outcome); outcome != nil { delete(sts.onShutdown, shutdownFunPtr) shutdownFun(false) continuation(txnId, outcome, nil) } } sts.outcomeConsumers[*txnId] = consumer // fmt.Printf("sts%v ", len(sts.outcomeConsumers)) }
func (pab *proposerAwaitBallots) Abort() { if pab.currentState == pab && !pab.allAcceptorsAgreed { server.Log(pab.txnId, "Proposer Aborting") txnCap := pab.txn.TxnCap alloc := AllocForRMId(txnCap, pab.proposerManager.RMId) ballots := MakeAbortBallots(txnCap, alloc) pab.TxnBallotsComplete(ballots...) } }
func (fc *frameClosed) DescendentOnDisk() bool { if !fc.onDisk { server.Log(fc.frame, "DescendentOnDisk") fc.onDisk = true fc.MaybeCompleteTxns() return true } return false }