Beispiel #1
func TestFsChildRemoveDeleteNetworkTimeout(t *testing.T) {
	log.Info("Testing TestFsChildRemoveDeleteNetworkTimeout...")

	resp3, other3 := GetProcessForPath("/test/timeout/delete1", "/test/timeout")
	resp2, other2 := GetProcessForPath("/test/timeout/delete2", "/test/timeout", "/test/timeout/delete2")
	resp1, other1 := GetProcessForPath("/test/timeout")

	buf := buffer.NewFromString("write1")
	resp3.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/test/timeout/delete1"), buf.Size, "", buf, nil)
	buf = buffer.NewFromString("write1")
	resp3.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/test/timeout/delete2"), buf.Size, "", buf, nil)

	initadr := resp2.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp1.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address
	resp2.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp1.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address = net.ParseIP("")
	resp3.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp1.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address = net.ParseIP("")

	// Delete child, it should never get delete from the parent
	err := other2.Fss.Delete(fs.NewPath("/test/timeout/delete1"), false, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("1) Received an error: %s", err)
	children, _ := other1.Fss.Children(fs.NewPath("/test/timeout"), nil)
	found := false
	for _, child := range children {
		if child.Name == "delete1" {
			found = true
	if !found {
		t.Error("2) Child should not have been deleted")

	// Test timeout of the first and write of a new one
	err = other3.Fss.Delete(fs.NewPath("/test/timeout/delete2"), false, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("3) Received an error: %s", err)

	// Set back the address
	resp2.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp1.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address = initadr
	resp3.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp1.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address = initadr

	children, _ = other1.Fss.Children(fs.NewPath("/test/timeout"), nil)
	found1, found2 := false, false
	for _, child := range children {
		if child.Name == "delete2" {
			found2 = true
		} else if child.Name == "delete1" {
			found1 = true
	if found1 || found2 {
		t.Error("4) At least one of the children is still there", found1, found2)

Beispiel #2
func TestFsChildAddWriteNeedNetworkTimeout(t *testing.T) {
	log.Info("Testing TestFsChildAddWriteNeedNetworkTimeout...")

	resp2, other2 := GetProcessForPath("/tests/timeout2/write")
	resp1, other1 := GetProcessForPath("/tests/timeout2")

	initadr := resp2.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp1.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address
	resp2.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp1.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address = net.ParseIP("")

	// Create the child, it should never get added to the parent
	buf := buffer.NewFromString("write1")
	err := other2.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/tests/timeout2/write"), buf.Size, "", buf, nil)
	if err != nil && err != comm.ErrorTimeout {
		t.Error("1) Received an error: %s", err)
	children, _ := other1.Fss.Children(fs.NewPath("/tests/timeout2"), nil)
	found := false
	for _, child := range children {
		if child.Name == "write" {
			found = true
	if found {
		t.Error("2) Child should not have been added")

	// Test one timeout + 1 retry, no error
	buf = buffer.NewFromString("write1")

	go func() {
		time.Sleep(1500 * 1000 * 1000)
		// set the address back
		resp2.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp1.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address = initadr

	err = other2.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/tests/timeout2/write3"), buf.Size, "", buf, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("3) Received an error: %s", err)

	children, err = other1.Fss.Children(fs.NewPath("/tests/timeout2"), nil)
	found = false
	for _, child := range children {
		if child.Name == "write3" {
			found = true
	if !found {
		t.Error("4) Child should have been added")
Beispiel #3
func TestFsDeleteNetworkTimeout(t *testing.T) {
	log.Info("Testing TestFsDeleteNetworkTimeout...")

	resp, other := GetProcessForPath("/tests/timeouts/delete1")
	buf := buffer.NewFromString("write1")
	other.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/tests/timeouts/delete1"), buf.Size, "", buf, nil)

	initadr := other.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address
	other.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address = net.ParseIP("")

	// Test full timeout and return of an error
	timeoutTest(1500*4, func() {
		buf = buffer.NewFromString("write1")
		err := other.Fss.Delete(fs.NewPath("/tests/timeouts/delete1"), false, nil)
		if err != comm.ErrorTimeout {
			t.Error("1) Didn't receive timeout error: %s", err)
		func(returned bool) {
			if !returned {
				t.Error("2) Write network timeout is endlessly sleeping")

	resp, other = GetProcessForPath("/tests/timeouts/delete2")
	buf = buffer.NewFromString("write1")
	other.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/tests/timeouts/delete2"), buf.Size, "", buf, nil)

	// Test one timeout + 1 retry, no error
	timeoutTest(1500*4, func() {
		// wait 50ms and change addr of the remote node
		go func() {
			other.Cluster.Nodes.Get(resp.Cluster.MyNode.Id).Address = initadr

		buf = buffer.NewFromString("write1")
		err := other.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/tests/timeouts/delete2"), buf.Size, "", buf, nil)
		if err == comm.ErrorTimeout {
			t.Error("3) Received timeout error: %s", err)
		func(returned bool) {
			if !returned {
				t.Error("4) Write network timeout is endlessly sleeping")
Beispiel #4
func TestString(t *testing.T) {
	buff := buffer.NewFromString("test")

	str, err := buff.ReadString()
	if str != "test" {
		t.Errorf("1) Read string wasn't 'test', got %s", str)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("1) Got an error: %s", err)


	buff.Seek(0, 0)
	str, err = buff.ReadString()
	if str != "test" {
		t.Errorf("2) Read string wasn't 'test', got %s", str)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("2) Got an error: %s", err)

	str, err = buff.ReadString()
	if str != "toto" {
		t.Errorf("3) Read string wasn't 'toto', got %s", str)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("3) Got an error: %s", err)
Beispiel #5
func TestChildAddReplication(t *testing.T) {
	log.Info("Testing TestChildAddReplication...")

	_, other := GetProcessForPath("/tests/replication/write/childadd")
	resolv := tc.nodes[0].Cluster.Rings.GetGlobalRing().Resolve("/tests/replication/write")
	_, otherparent := GetProcessForPath("/tests/replication/write")

	buf := buffer.NewFromString("write1")
	err := other.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/childadd"), buf.Size, "application/mytest", buf, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("1) Got an error while write: %s", err)

	// check if its not on another node
	context := tc.nodes[0].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	children, err := otherparent.Fss.Children(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write"), context)
	if err == nil && len(children) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("2) Children should not exists on another node")

	// check on first secondary
	secondaryid := resolv.GetOnline(1).Id
	context = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	children, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Children(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("3) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	found := false
	for _, child := range children {
		if child.Name == "childadd" {
			found = true
	if !found {
		t.Errorf("4) Couldn't find child 'childadd'")

	// check on second secondary
	secondaryid = resolv.GetOnline(1).Id
	context = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	children, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Children(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("5) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	found = false
	for _, child := range children {
		if child.Name == "childadd" {
			found = true
	if !found {
		t.Errorf("6) Couldn't find child 'childadd'")
Beispiel #6
func TestWriteReadReplication(t *testing.T) {
	log.Info("Testing TestWriteReadReplication...")

	_, other := GetProcessForPath("/tests/replication/write/read")
	resolv := tc.nodes[0].Cluster.Rings.GetGlobalRing().Resolve("/tests/replication/write/read")

	buf := buffer.NewFromString("write1")
	err := other.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/read"), buf.Size, "application/mytest", buf, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("1) Got an error while write: %s", err)

	// test force local on exists
	context := tc.nodes[0].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	bufwriter := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0))
	buffer := io.Writer(bufwriter)
	n, err := other.Fss.Read(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/read"), 0, -1, 0, buffer, context)
	if err != fs.ErrorFileNotFound {
		t.Errorf("2) File shouldn't exists on another node: %s", err)

	// force local replication on each secondary

	// check on first secondary
	secondaryid := resolv.GetOnline(1).Id
	context = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	bufwriter = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0))
	buffer = io.Writer(bufwriter)
	n, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Read(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/read"), 0, -1, 0, buffer, context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("3) Got an error from read: %s", err)
	if n != buf.Size || bytes.Compare(bufwriter.Bytes(), buf.Bytes()) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("4) Didn't read what was written: %s!=%s", buf.Bytes(), bufwriter)

	// check on second secondary
	secondaryid = resolv.GetOnline(2).Id
	context = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	bufwriter = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0))
	buffer = io.Writer(bufwriter)
	n, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Read(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/read"), 0, -1, 0, buffer, context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("3) Got an error from read: %s", err)
	if n != buf.Size || bytes.Compare(bufwriter.Bytes(), buf.Bytes()) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("4) Didn't read what was written: %s!=%s", buf.Bytes(), bufwriter)
Beispiel #7
func TestWriteExistsReplication(t *testing.T) {
	log.Info("Testing TestWriteExistsReplication...")

	_, other := GetProcessForPath("/tests/replication/write/exists")
	resolv := tc.nodes[0].Cluster.Rings.GetGlobalRing().Resolve("/tests/replication/write/exists")

	buf := buffer.NewFromString("write1")
	err := other.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/exists"), buf.Size, "application/mytest", buf, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("1) Got an error while write: %s", err)

	// test force local on exists
	context := tc.nodes[0].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	exists, err := other.Fss.Exists(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/exists"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("2) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	if exists {
		t.Errorf("3) Shouldn't exists on another node when forced local")

	// check on first secondary
	secondaryid := resolv.GetOnline(1).Id
	context = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	exists, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Exists(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/exists"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("4) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	if !exists {
		t.Errorf("5) Received exists = false, should be true")

	// check on second secondary
	secondaryid = resolv.GetOnline(2).Id
	exists, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Exists(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/exists"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("6) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	if !exists {
		t.Errorf("7) Received exists = false, should be true")
Beispiel #8
func TestWriteHeaderReplication(t *testing.T) {
	log.Info("Testing TestWriteHeaderReplication...")

	resp, other := GetProcessForPath("/tests/replication/write/header")
	resolv := tc.nodes[0].Cluster.Rings.GetGlobalRing().Resolve("/tests/replication/write/header")

	buf := buffer.NewFromString("write1")
	err := other.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/header"), buf.Size, "application/mytest", buf, nil)

	if err != nil {
		t.Error("1) Got an error while write: %s", err)

	// check header on master
	header, err := resp.Fss.Header(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/header"), nil)
	version := header.Version

	// check on first secondary
	secondaryid := resolv.GetOnline(1).Id
	header, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Header(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/header"), nil)
	if header.Version != version {
		t.Errorf("2) Version on secondary node wasn't the same as on master: %d != %d", version, header.Version)
	if header.MimeType != "application/mytest" {
		t.Errorf("3) Mimetype on secondary node wasn't the same as on master: %s != %s", "application/mytest", header.MimeType)
	if header.Size != buf.Size {
		t.Errorf("4) Size on secondary node wasn't the same as on master: %d != %d", 6, header.Size)

	// check on second secondary
	secondaryid = resolv.GetOnline(2).Id
	header, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Header(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/header"), nil)
	if header.Version != version {
		t.Errorf("5) Version on secondary node wasn't the same as on master: %d != %d", version, header.Version)
	if header.MimeType != "application/mytest" {
		t.Errorf("6) Mimetype on secondary node wasn't the same as on master: %s != %s", "application/mytest", header.MimeType)
	if header.Size != buf.Size {
		t.Errorf("7) Size on secondary node wasn't the same as on master: %d != %d", 6, header.Size)
Beispiel #9
func TestUnicode(t *testing.T) {
	log.Info("Testing TestUnicode...")

	// Read write test
	path := fs.NewPath("/tests/io/writeunicode")
	byts := []byte("Some é unicode à data 世界")
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(byts)
	err := tc.nodes[0].Fss.Write(path, int64(len(byts)), "", buf, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("1) Write returned an an error for: %s\n", err)

	// Check if read data is the same as written
	bufwriter := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0))
	n, err := tc.nodes[2].Fss.Read(path, 0, -1, 0, io.Writer(bufwriter), nil)
	if n != int64(len(byts)) || bytes.Compare(bufwriter.Bytes(), byts) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("2) Didn't read written data correctly: %s!=%s\n", byts, bufwriter)

	// Test unicode path
	path = fs.NewPath("/école èàaû/世界.txt")
	wrtnData := buffer.NewFromString("some data")
	err = tc.nodes[0].Fss.Write(path, wrtnData.Size, "", wrtnData, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("3) Error while writing: %s\n", err)

	// Reading written data
	rdData := buffer.NewWithSize(0, false)
	n, err = tc.nodes[1].Fss.Read(path, 0, -1, 0, rdData, nil)
	if n != wrtnData.Size || bytes.Compare(rdData.Bytes(), wrtnData.Bytes()) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("4) Didn't read what had ben written: %s!=%s", rdData.Bytes(), wrtnData.Bytes())

Beispiel #10
func TestDeleteReplication(t *testing.T) {
	log.Info("Testing TestDeleteReplication...")

	resp, other := GetProcessForPath("/tests/replication/write/childdelete")
	resolv := tc.nodes[0].Cluster.Rings.GetGlobalRing().Resolve("/tests/replication/write/childdelete")
	respparent, _ := GetProcessForPath("/tests/replication/write")
	resolvparent := tc.nodes[0].Cluster.Rings.GetGlobalRing().Resolve("/tests/replication/write")

	buf := buffer.NewFromString("write1")
	err := other.Fss.Write(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/childdelete"), buf.Size, "application/mytest", buf, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("1) Got an error while write: %s", err)

	// check if its not on another node
	err = other.Fss.Delete(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/childdelete"), true, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("2) Got an error while deleting: %s", err)

	// check on master
	context := tc.nodes[0].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	exists, err := resp.Fss.Exists(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/childdelete"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("3) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	if exists {
		t.Errorf("4) Shouldn't exists on master")

	// check on first secondary
	secondaryid := resolv.GetOnline(1).Id
	context = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	exists, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Exists(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/childdelete"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("5) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	if exists {
		t.Errorf("6) Shouldn't exists on master")

	// check on second secondary
	secondaryid = resolv.GetOnline(2).Id
	context = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	exists, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Exists(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write/childdelete"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("7) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	if exists {
		t.Errorf("8) Shouldn't exists on master")


	// check master parent
	secondaryid = resolvparent.GetOnline(2).Id
	context = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	children, err := respparent.Fss.Children(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("9) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	found := false
	for _, child := range children {
		if child.Name == "childdelete" {
			found = true
	if found {
		t.Errorf("10) Child 'childdelete' should exists on master anymore")

	// check first secondary
	secondaryid = resolvparent.GetOnline(1).Id
	context = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	children, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Children(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("11) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	found = false
	for _, child := range children {
		if child.Name == "childdelete" {
			found = true
	if found {
		t.Errorf("12) Child 'childdelete' should exists on secondary anymore")

	// check second secondary
	secondaryid = resolvparent.GetOnline(2).Id
	context = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.NewContext()
	context.ForceLocal = true
	children, err = tc.nodes[secondaryid].Fss.Children(fs.NewPath("/tests/replication/write"), context)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("13) Got an error while exists: %s", err)
	found = false
	for _, child := range children {
		if child.Name == "childdelete" {
			found = true
	if found {
		t.Errorf("14) Child 'childdelete' should exists on secondary anymore")