Beispiel #1
func postHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
	if cv := req.FormValue("cookie"); cv != "" {
		trace("postHandler recieved param cookie %s.", cv)
		cp := strings.SplitN(cv, "=", 2)
		if cp[1] != "-DELETE-" {
			exp := time.SecondsToUTC(time.UTC().Seconds() + 7*24*3600).Format(http.TimeFormat) // Now + 7 days
			w.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; Path=/de/index; expires=%s;; Secure;", cp[0], cp[1], exp))
		} else {
			trace("post-handler: Deleting cookie %s\n", cp[0])
			w.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; Path=/de/index; MaxAge=-1;; Secure;", cp[0], "X"))
	t := req.FormValue("q")
	if req.Method != "POST" {
		fmt.Printf("====== called /post with GET! ======\n")

	_, header, err := req.FormFile("datei")
	if err == nil {
		info("Recieved datei: %s. %v", header.Filename, header.Filename == "file äöü 1.txt")

	if t != "" {
		// w.Header().Set("Location", "http://localhost:54123/"+t)
		// w.Header().Set("Location", "localhost:54123/"+t)
		w.Header().Set("Location", "/"+t)
	} else {
		text := req.FormValue("text")
		body := "<html><body><h1>Post Page</h1><p>t = " + html.EscapeString(text) + "</p></body></html>"
Beispiel #2
func upload(req *http.Request) (*page, os.Error) {
	var p page
	p.template = "upload.html"
	p.html = make(map[string]interface{})
	p.html["Body"] = ""

	// show upload form if no post
	if req.Method != "POST" {
		return &p, nil
	f, fh, err := req.FormFile("upfile")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else {
		file, err := os.Create(filesDir + "/" + fh.Filename)

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		} else {

			io.Copy(file, f)
			p.html["Body"] = fh.Filename + " uploaded!"

	return &p, nil
Beispiel #3
func uploadUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if r.Method != "POST" {
		// No upload; show the upload form.
		uploadUserTemplate.Execute(w, nil)

	f, _, err := r.FormFile("image")
	defer f.Close()

	// Grab the image data
	i, _, err := image.Decode(f)

	var key string = keyOf()

	// store image
	i = picstore.Store(key, i, 320, "userimg")
	i = picstore.Store(key, i, 180, "userthumb")
	// generate result

	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	w.Header().Set("cache-control", "no-cache")
	w.Header().Set("Expires", "-1")
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "{\"profilePicUrl\":\"uimg?id="+key+"\",\"profileThumbUrl\":\"utmb?id="+key+"\"}")
Beispiel #4
 * Handle uploading images
func uploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if r.Method != "POST" {

	f, fHeader, err := r.FormFile("image")
	defer f.Close()

	// check file extension
	fileName := strings.TrimSpace(fHeader.Filename)
	fileType := strings.ToLower(fileName[len(fileName)-3:])
	if fileType != "png" && fileType != "jpg" {
		panic(os.NewError("Invalid file type."))

	t, err := os.Create(UploadDir + fileName)
	defer t.Close()

	_, e := io.Copy(t, f)

	// JSON response
	jsonResponse, _ := json.MarshalForHTML(&UploadResult{Image: fileName, Error: false, Message: "Image uploaded."})
	fmt.Fprint(w, string(jsonResponse))
Beispiel #5
// upload is the HTTP handler for uploading images; it handles "/".
func upload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if r.Method != "POST" {
		// No upload; show the upload form.
		uploadTemplate.Execute(w, nil)

	f, _, err := r.FormFile("image")
	defer f.Close()

	// Grab the image data
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	io.Copy(&buf, f)
	i, _, err := image.Decode(&buf)

	// Resize if too large, for more efficient moustachioing.
	// We aim for less than 1200 pixels in any dimension; if the
	// picture is larger than that, we squeeze it down to 600.
	const max = 1200
	if b := i.Bounds(); b.Dx() > max || b.Dy() > max {
		// If it's gigantic, it's more efficient to downsample first
		// and then resize; resizing will smooth out the roughness.
		if b.Dx() > 2*max || b.Dy() > 2*max {
			w, h := max, max
			if b.Dx() > b.Dy() {
				h = b.Dy() * h / b.Dx()
			} else {
				w = b.Dx() * w / b.Dy()
			i = resize.Resample(i, i.Bounds(), w, h)
			b = i.Bounds()
		w, h := max/2, max/2
		if b.Dx() > b.Dy() {
			h = b.Dy() * h / b.Dx()
		} else {
			w = b.Dx() * w / b.Dy()
		i = resize.Resize(i, i.Bounds(), w, h)

	// Encode as a new JPEG image.
	err = jpeg.Encode(&buf, i, nil)

	// Create an App Engine context for the client's request.
	c := appengine.NewContext(r)

	// Save the image under a unique key, a hash of the image.
	key := datastore.NewKey(c, "Image", keyOf(buf.Bytes()), 0, nil)
	_, err = datastore.Put(c, key, &Image{buf.Bytes()})

	// Redirect to /edit using the key.
	http.Redirect(w, r, "/edit?id="+key.StringID(), http.StatusFound)
Beispiel #6
// 99.9% of this was stolen from
func extractImageFromPost(name string, r *http.Request) []byte {
	f, _, err := r.FormFile(name)
	defer f.Close()

	// Grab the image data
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	io.Copy(buf, f)
	i, _, err := image.Decode(buf)

	// We aim for less than 400 pixels in any dimension; if the
	// picture is larger than that, we squeeze it down
	const max = 800
	if b := i.Bounds(); b.Dx() > max || b.Dy() > max {
		// If it's gigantic, it's more efficient to downsample first
		// and then resize; resizing will smooth out the roughness.
		if b.Dx() > 2*max || b.Dy() > 2*max {
			w, h := max, max
			if b.Dx() > b.Dy() {
				h = b.Dy() * h / b.Dx()
			} else {
				w = b.Dx() * w / b.Dy()
			i = resize.Resample(i, i.Bounds(), w, h)
			b = i.Bounds()
		w, h := max/2, max/2
		//w, h := max, max
		if b.Dx() > b.Dy() {
			h = b.Dy() * h / b.Dx()
		} else {
			w = b.Dx() * w / b.Dy()
		i = resize.Resize(i, i.Bounds(), w, h)

	// Encode as a new JPEG image.
	err = jpeg.Encode(buf, i, &jpeg.Options{Quality: 95})

	// return JPEG
	return buf.Bytes()
Beispiel #7
// storeChunk puts the chunk in the request into the right place on disk
func storeChunk(tempDir string, tempFile string, ngfd NgFlowData, r *http.Request) error {
	err := os.MkdirAll(tempDir, DefaultDirPermissions)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Bad directory")
	file, _, err := r.FormFile("file")
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Can't access file field")
	data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Can't read file")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(tempFile, data, DefaultDirPermissions)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Can't write file")
	return nil