Beispiel #1
func (ic *GenericController) getUDPServices() []*ingress.Location {
	if ic.cfg.UDPConfigMapName == "" {
		// no configmap for TCP services
		return []*ingress.Location{}

	ns, name, err := k8s.ParseNameNS(ic.cfg.UDPConfigMapName)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Warningf("%v", err)
		return []*ingress.Location{}
	tcpMap, err := ic.getConfigMap(ns, name)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(3).Infof("no configured tcp services found: %v", err)
		return []*ingress.Location{}

	return ic.getStreamServices(tcpMap.Data, api.ProtocolUDP)
Beispiel #2
// ParseAnnotations parses the annotations contained in the ingress
// rule used to use an external URL as source for authentication
func ParseAnnotations(ing *extensions.Ingress,
	fn func(secret string) (*SSLCert, error)) (*SSLCert, error) {
	if ing.GetAnnotations() == nil {
		return &SSLCert{}, parser.ErrMissingAnnotations

	str, err := parser.GetStringAnnotation(authTLSSecret, ing)
	if err != nil {
		return &SSLCert{}, err

	if str == "" {
		return &SSLCert{}, fmt.Errorf("an empty string is not a valid secret name")

	_, _, err = k8s.ParseNameNS(str)
	if err != nil {
		return &SSLCert{}, err

	return fn(str)
Beispiel #3
// runningAddresess returns a list of IP addresses and/or FQDN where the
// ingress controller is currently running
func (s *statusSync) runningAddresess() ([]string, error) {
	if s.PublishService != "" {
		ns, name, _ := k8s.ParseNameNS(s.PublishService)
		svc, err := s.Client.Core().Services(ns).Get(name)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		addrs := []string{}
		for _, ip := range svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress {
			if ip.IP == "" {
				addrs = append(addrs, ip.Hostname)
			} else {
				addrs = append(addrs, ip.IP)

		return addrs, nil

	// get information about all the pods running the ingress controller
	pods, err := s.Client.Core().Pods(s.pod.Namespace).List(api.ListOptions{
		LabelSelector: labels.SelectorFromSet(s.pod.Labels),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	addrs := []string{}
	for _, pod := range pods.Items {
		name := k8s.GetNodeIP(s.Client, pod.Spec.NodeName)
		if !strings.StringInSlice(name, addrs) {
			addrs = append(addrs, name)
	return addrs, nil
Beispiel #4
func (ic *GenericController) getStreamServices(data map[string]string, proto api.Protocol) []*ingress.Location {
	var svcs []*ingress.Location
	// k -> port to expose
	// v -> <namespace>/<service name>:<port from service to be used>
	for k, v := range data {
		port, err := strconv.Atoi(k)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Warningf("%v is not valid as a TCP port", k)

		// this ports used by the backend
		if local_strings.StringInSlice(k, reservedPorts) {
			glog.Warningf("port %v cannot be used for TCP or UDP services. It is reserved for the Ingress controller", k)

		nsSvcPort := strings.Split(v, ":")
		if len(nsSvcPort) != 2 {
			glog.Warningf("invalid format (namespace/name:port) '%v'", k)

		nsName := nsSvcPort[0]
		svcPort := nsSvcPort[1]

		svcNs, svcName, err := k8s.ParseNameNS(nsName)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Warningf("%v", err)

		svcObj, svcExists, err := ic.svcLister.Indexer.GetByKey(nsName)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Warningf("error getting service %v: %v", nsName, err)

		if !svcExists {
			glog.Warningf("service %v was not found", nsName)

		svc := svcObj.(*api.Service)

		var endps []ingress.Endpoint
		targetPort, err := strconv.Atoi(svcPort)
		if err != nil {
			for _, sp := range svc.Spec.Ports {
				if sp.Name == svcPort {
					endps = ic.getEndpoints(svc, sp.TargetPort, proto, &healthcheck.Upstream{})
		} else {
			// we need to use the TargetPort (where the endpoints are running)
			for _, sp := range svc.Spec.Ports {
				if sp.Port == int32(targetPort) {
					endps = ic.getEndpoints(svc, sp.TargetPort, proto, &healthcheck.Upstream{})


		// tcp upstreams cannot contain empty upstreams and there is no
		// default backend equivalent for TCP
		if len(endps) == 0 {
			glog.Warningf("service %v/%v does not have any active endpoints", svcNs, svcName)

		svcs = append(svcs, &ingress.Location{
			Path:    k,
			Backend: fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v-%v", svcNs, svcName, port),

	return svcs
Beispiel #5
// sync collects all the pieces required to assemble the configuration file and
// then sends the content to the backend (OnUpdate) receiving the populated
// template as response reloading the backend if is required.
func (ic *GenericController) sync(key interface{}) error {

	if ic.syncQueue.IsShuttingDown() {
		return nil

	if !ic.controllersInSync() {
		return fmt.Errorf("deferring sync till endpoints controller has synced")

	// by default no custom configuration
	cfg := &api.ConfigMap{}

	if ic.cfg.ConfigMapName != "" {
		// search for custom configmap (defined in main args)
		var err error
		ns, name, _ := k8s.ParseNameNS(ic.cfg.ConfigMapName)
		cfg, err = ic.getConfigMap(ns, name)
		if err != nil {
			// requeue
			return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching configmap %v: %v", ic.cfg.ConfigMapName, err)

	upstreams, servers := ic.getBackendServers()
	var passUpstreams []*ingress.SSLPassthroughBackend
	for _, server := range servers {
		if !server.SSLPassthrough {

		for _, loc := range server.Locations {
			if loc.Path != rootLocation {
			passUpstreams = append(passUpstreams, &ingress.SSLPassthroughBackend{
				Backend:  loc.Backend,
				Hostname: server.Hostname,

	data, err := ic.cfg.Backend.OnUpdate(cfg, ingress.Configuration{
		Backends:            upstreams,
		Servers:             servers,
		TCPEndpoints:        ic.getTCPServices(),
		UPDEndpoints:        ic.getUDPServices(),
		PassthroughBackends: passUpstreams,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	out, reloaded, err := ic.cfg.Backend.Reload(data)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("unexpected failure restarting the backend: \n%v", string(out))
		return err
	if reloaded {
		glog.Infof("ingress backend successfully reloaded...")
	return nil
Beispiel #6
// NewIngressController returns a configured Ingress controller
func NewIngressController(backend ingress.Controller) *GenericController {
	var (
		flags = pflag.NewFlagSet("", pflag.ExitOnError)

		defaultSvc = flags.String("default-backend-service", "",
			`Service used to serve a 404 page for the default backend. Takes the form
    	namespace/name. The controller uses the first node port of this Service for
    	the default backend.`)

		ingressClass = flags.String("ingress-class", "",
			`Name of the ingress class to route through this controller.`)

		configMap = flags.String("configmap", "",
			`Name of the ConfigMap that contains the custom configuration to use`)

		publishSvc = flags.String("publish-service", "",
			`Service fronting the ingress controllers. Takes the form
 		namespace/name. The controller will set the endpoint records on the
 		ingress objects to reflect those on the service.`)

		tcpConfigMapName = flags.String("tcp-services-configmap", "",
			`Name of the ConfigMap that contains the definition of the TCP services to expose.
		The key in the map indicates the external port to be used. The value is the name of the
		service with the format namespace/serviceName and the port of the service could be a 
		number of the name of the port.
		The ports 80 and 443 are not allowed as external ports. This ports are reserved for the backend`)

		udpConfigMapName = flags.String("udp-services-configmap", "",
			`Name of the ConfigMap that contains the definition of the UDP services to expose.
		The key in the map indicates the external port to be used. The value is the name of the
		service with the format namespace/serviceName and the port of the service could be a 
		number of the name of the port.`)

		resyncPeriod = flags.Duration("sync-period", 60*time.Second,
			`Relist and confirm cloud resources this often.`)

		watchNamespace = flags.String("watch-namespace", api.NamespaceAll,
			`Namespace to watch for Ingress. Default is to watch all namespaces`)

		healthzPort = flags.Int("healthz-port", 10254, "port for healthz endpoint.")

		profiling = flags.Bool("profiling", true, `Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/`)

		defSSLCertificate = flags.String("default-ssl-certificate", "", `Name of the secret 
		that contains a SSL certificate to be used as default for a HTTPS catch-all server`)

		defHealthzURL = flags.String("health-check-path", "/healthz", `Defines 
		the URL to be used as health check inside in the default server in NGINX.`)

	clientConfig := kubectl_util.DefaultClientConfig(flags)

	flag.Set("logtostderr", "true")


	if *ingressClass != "" {
		glog.Infof("Watching for ingress class: %s", *ingressClass)

	if *defaultSvc == "" {
		glog.Fatalf("Please specify --default-backend-service")

	kubeconfig, err := restclient.InClusterConfig()
	if err != nil {
		kubeconfig, err = clientConfig.ClientConfig()
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("error configuring the client: %v", err)

	kubeClient, err := clientset.NewForConfig(kubeconfig)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)

	_, err = k8s.IsValidService(kubeClient, *defaultSvc)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("no service with name %v found: %v", *defaultSvc, err)
	glog.Infof("validated %v as the default backend", *defaultSvc)

	if *publishSvc != "" {
		svc, err := k8s.IsValidService(kubeClient, *publishSvc)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("no service with name %v found: %v", *publishSvc, err)

		if len(svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) == 0 {
			// We could poll here, but we instead just exit and rely on k8s to restart us
			glog.Fatalf("service %s does not (yet) have ingress points", *publishSvc)

		glog.Infof("service %v validated as source of Ingress status", *publishSvc)

	if *configMap != "" {
		_, _, err = k8s.ParseNameNS(*configMap)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("configmap error: %v", err)

	os.MkdirAll(ingress.DefaultSSLDirectory, 0655)

	config := &Configuration{
		Client:                kubeClient,
		ResyncPeriod:          *resyncPeriod,
		DefaultService:        *defaultSvc,
		IngressClass:          *ingressClass,
		Namespace:             *watchNamespace,
		ConfigMapName:         *configMap,
		TCPConfigMapName:      *tcpConfigMapName,
		UDPConfigMapName:      *udpConfigMapName,
		DefaultSSLCertificate: *defSSLCertificate,
		DefaultHealthzURL:     *defHealthzURL,
		PublishService:        *publishSvc,
		Backend:               backend,

	ic := newIngressController(config)
	go registerHandlers(*profiling, *healthzPort, ic)
	return ic