Beispiel #1
// NewMethodNotSupported returns an error indicating the requested action is not supported on this kind.
func NewMethodNotSupported(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, action string) *StatusError {
	return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
		Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
		Code:   http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
		Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonMethodNotAllowed,
		Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
			Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
			Kind:  qualifiedResource.Resource,
		Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not supported on resources of kind %q", action, qualifiedResource.String()),
Beispiel #2
// NewNotFound returns a new error which indicates that the resource of the kind and the name was not found.
func NewNotFound(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, name string) *StatusError {
	return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
		Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
		Code:   http.StatusNotFound,
		Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonNotFound,
		Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
			Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
			Kind:  qualifiedResource.Resource,
			Name:  name,
		Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s %q not found", qualifiedResource.String(), name),
Beispiel #3
// NewConflict returns an error indicating the item can't be updated as provided.
func NewConflict(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, name string, err error) *StatusError {
	return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
		Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
		Code:   http.StatusConflict,
		Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonConflict,
		Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
			Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
			Kind:  qualifiedResource.Resource,
			Name:  name,
		Message: fmt.Sprintf("Operation cannot be fulfilled on %s %q: %v", qualifiedResource.String(), name, err),
Beispiel #4
// NewForbidden returns an error indicating the requested action was forbidden
func NewForbidden(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, name string, err error) *StatusError {
	return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
		Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
		Code:   http.StatusForbidden,
		Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonForbidden,
		Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
			Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
			Kind:  qualifiedResource.Resource,
			Name:  name,
		Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s %q is forbidden: %v", qualifiedResource.String(), name, err),
Beispiel #5
// NewAlreadyExists returns an error indicating the item requested exists by that identifier.
func NewAlreadyExists(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, name string) *StatusError {
	return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
		Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
		Code:   http.StatusConflict,
		Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonAlreadyExists,
		Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
			Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
			Kind:  qualifiedResource.Resource,
			Name:  name,
		Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s %q already exists", qualifiedResource.String(), name),
Beispiel #6
func (g *configRESTOptionsGetter) GetRESTOptions(resource unversioned.GroupResource) (genericrest.RESTOptions, error) {
	defer g.restOptionsLock.Unlock()
	if resourceOptions, ok := g.restOptionsMap[resource]; ok {
		return resourceOptions, nil

	if g.etcdHelper == nil {
		// TODO: choose destination etcd based on input resource
		etcdClient, err := etcd.MakeNewEtcdClient(g.masterOptions.EtcdClientInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return genericrest.RESTOptions{}, err
		// TODO: choose destination group/version based on input group/resource
		// TODO: Tune the cache size
		groupVersion := unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: "", Version: g.masterOptions.EtcdStorageConfig.OpenShiftStorageVersion}
		g.etcdHelper = etcdstorage.NewEtcdStorage(etcdClient, kapi.Codecs.LegacyCodec(groupVersion), g.masterOptions.EtcdStorageConfig.OpenShiftStoragePrefix, false, genericapiserver.DefaultDeserializationCacheSize)

	configuredCacheSize, specified := g.cacheSizes[resource]
	if !specified || configuredCacheSize < 0 {
		configuredCacheSize = g.defaultCacheSize

	decorator := func(s storage.Interface, requestedSize int, objectType runtime.Object, resourcePrefix string, scopeStrategy rest.NamespaceScopedStrategy, newListFunc func() runtime.Object) storage.Interface {
		capacity := requestedSize
		if capacity == UseConfiguredCacheSize {
			capacity = configuredCacheSize

		if capacity == 0 || !g.cacheEnabled {
			glog.V(5).Infof("using uncached watch storage for %s", resource.String())
			return genericrest.UndecoratedStorage(s, capacity, objectType, resourcePrefix, scopeStrategy, newListFunc)
		} else {
			glog.V(5).Infof("using watch cache storage (capacity=%d) for %s", capacity, resource.String())
			return registry.StorageWithCacher(s, capacity, objectType, resourcePrefix, scopeStrategy, newListFunc)

	resourceOptions := genericrest.RESTOptions{
		Storage:                 g.etcdHelper,
		Decorator:               decorator,
		DeleteCollectionWorkers: 1,
	g.restOptionsMap[resource] = resourceOptions

	return resourceOptions, nil
Beispiel #7
func (g *configRESTOptionsGetter) GetRESTOptions(resource unversioned.GroupResource) (genericrest.RESTOptions, error) {
	defer g.restOptionsLock.Unlock()
	if resourceOptions, ok := g.restOptionsMap[resource]; ok {
		return resourceOptions, nil

	config, err := g.storageFactory.NewConfig(resource)
	if err != nil {
		return genericrest.RESTOptions{}, err

	if _, ok := g.quorumResources[resource]; ok {
		config.Quorum = true

	configuredCacheSize, specified := g.cacheSizes[resource]
	if !specified || configuredCacheSize < 0 {
		configuredCacheSize = g.defaultCacheSize

	decorator := func(s *storagebackend.Config, requestedSize int, objectType runtime.Object, resourcePrefix string, scopeStrategy rest.NamespaceScopedStrategy, newListFn func() runtime.Object, triggerFn storage.TriggerPublisherFunc) (storage.Interface, factory.DestroyFunc) {
		capacity := requestedSize
		if capacity == UseConfiguredCacheSize {
			capacity = configuredCacheSize

		if capacity == 0 || !g.cacheEnabled {
			glog.V(5).Infof("using uncached watch storage for %s", resource.String())
			return genericrest.UndecoratedStorage(s, capacity, objectType, resourcePrefix, scopeStrategy, newListFn, triggerFn)

		glog.V(5).Infof("using watch cache storage (capacity=%d) for %s %#v", capacity, resource.String(), s)
		return registry.StorageWithCacher(s, capacity, objectType, resourcePrefix, scopeStrategy, newListFn, triggerFn)

	resourceOptions := genericrest.RESTOptions{
		StorageConfig:           config,
		Decorator:               decorator,
		DeleteCollectionWorkers: 1,
		ResourcePrefix:          g.storageFactory.ResourcePrefix(resource),
	g.restOptionsMap[resource] = resourceOptions

	return resourceOptions, nil
Beispiel #8
// TODO: Move this upstream
func printAutoscalingInfo(res unversioned.GroupResource, namespace, name string, kclient kclient.Interface, w *tabwriter.Writer) {
	hpaList, err := kclient.Autoscaling().HorizontalPodAutoscalers(namespace).List(kapi.ListOptions{LabelSelector: labels.Everything()})
	if err != nil {

	scaledBy := []autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{}
	for _, hpa := range hpaList.Items {
		if hpa.Spec.ScaleTargetRef.Name == name && hpa.Spec.ScaleTargetRef.Kind == res.String() {
			scaledBy = append(scaledBy, hpa)

	for _, hpa := range scaledBy {
		cpuUtil := ""
		if hpa.Spec.TargetCPUUtilizationPercentage != nil {
			cpuUtil = fmt.Sprintf(", triggered at %d%% CPU usage", *hpa.Spec.TargetCPUUtilizationPercentage)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Autoscaling:\tbetween %d and %d replicas%s\n", *hpa.Spec.MinReplicas, hpa.Spec.MaxReplicas, cpuUtil)
		// TODO: Print a warning in case of multiple hpas.
		// Related oc status PR:
Beispiel #9
// NewGenericServerResponse returns a new error for server responses that are not in a recognizable form.
func NewGenericServerResponse(code int, verb string, qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, name, serverMessage string, retryAfterSeconds int, isUnexpectedResponse bool) *StatusError {
	reason := unversioned.StatusReasonUnknown
	message := fmt.Sprintf("the server responded with the status code %d but did not return more information", code)
	switch code {
	case http.StatusConflict:
		if verb == "POST" {
			reason = unversioned.StatusReasonAlreadyExists
		} else {
			reason = unversioned.StatusReasonConflict
		message = "the server reported a conflict"
	case http.StatusNotFound:
		reason = unversioned.StatusReasonNotFound
		message = "the server could not find the requested resource"
	case http.StatusBadRequest:
		reason = unversioned.StatusReasonBadRequest
		message = "the server rejected our request for an unknown reason"
	case http.StatusUnauthorized:
		reason = unversioned.StatusReasonUnauthorized
		message = "the server has asked for the client to provide credentials"
	case http.StatusForbidden:
		reason = unversioned.StatusReasonForbidden
		message = "the server does not allow access to the requested resource"
	case http.StatusMethodNotAllowed:
		reason = unversioned.StatusReasonMethodNotAllowed
		message = "the server does not allow this method on the requested resource"
	case StatusUnprocessableEntity:
		reason = unversioned.StatusReasonInvalid
		message = "the server rejected our request due to an error in our request"
	case StatusServerTimeout:
		reason = unversioned.StatusReasonServerTimeout
		message = "the server cannot complete the requested operation at this time, try again later"
	case StatusTooManyRequests:
		reason = unversioned.StatusReasonTimeout
		message = "the server has received too many requests and has asked us to try again later"
		if code >= 500 {
			reason = unversioned.StatusReasonInternalError
			message = fmt.Sprintf("an error on the server (%q) has prevented the request from succeeding", serverMessage)
	switch {
	case !qualifiedResource.Empty() && len(name) > 0:
		message = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s %s %s)", message, strings.ToLower(verb), qualifiedResource.String(), name)
	case !qualifiedResource.Empty():
		message = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s %s)", message, strings.ToLower(verb), qualifiedResource.String())
	var causes []unversioned.StatusCause
	if isUnexpectedResponse {
		causes = []unversioned.StatusCause{
				Type:    unversioned.CauseTypeUnexpectedServerResponse,
				Message: serverMessage,
	} else {
		causes = nil
	return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
		Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
		Code:   int32(code),
		Reason: reason,
		Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
			Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
			Kind:  qualifiedResource.Resource,
			Name:  name,

			Causes:            causes,
			RetryAfterSeconds: int32(retryAfterSeconds),
		Message: message,
Beispiel #10
// NewServerTimeout returns an error indicating the requested action could not be completed due to a
// transient error, and the client should try again.
func NewServerTimeout(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, operation string, retryAfterSeconds int) *StatusError {
	return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
		Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
		Code:   http.StatusInternalServerError,
		Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonServerTimeout,
		Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
			Group:             qualifiedResource.Group,
			Kind:              qualifiedResource.Resource,
			Name:              operation,
			RetryAfterSeconds: int32(retryAfterSeconds),
		Message: fmt.Sprintf("The %s operation against %s could not be completed at this time, please try again.", operation, qualifiedResource.String()),