Beispiel #1
// TestValidNamespace validates that namespace rules are enforced on a resource prior to create or update
func TestValidNamespace(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := api.NewDefaultContext()
	namespace, _ := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	resource := api.ReplicationController{}
	if !api.ValidNamespace(ctx, &resource.ObjectMeta) {
		t.Errorf("expected success")
	if namespace != resource.Namespace {
		t.Errorf("expected resource to have the default namespace assigned during validation")
	resource = api.ReplicationController{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "other"}}
	if api.ValidNamespace(ctx, &resource.ObjectMeta) {
		t.Errorf("Expected error that resource and context errors do not match because resource has different namespace")
	ctx = api.NewContext()
	if api.ValidNamespace(ctx, &resource.ObjectMeta) {
		t.Errorf("Expected error that resource and context errors do not match since context has no namespace")

	ctx = api.NewContext()
	ns := api.NamespaceValue(ctx)
	if ns != "" {
		t.Errorf("Expected the empty string")
Beispiel #2
// Get retrieves all pull type secrets in the current namespace. Name is currently ignored and
// reserved for future use.
func (r *REST) Get(ctx kapi.Context, _ string, options runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	listOptions, ok := options.(*kapi.ListOptions)
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected options: %v", listOptions)
	ns, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		ns = kapi.NamespaceAll
	secrets, err := r.secrets.Secrets(ns).List(*listOptions)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	filtered := make([]kapi.Secret, 0, len(secrets.Items))
	for i := range secrets.Items {
		if secrets.Items[i].Annotations[api.ExcludeImageSecretAnnotation] == "true" {
		switch secrets.Items[i].Type {
		case kapi.SecretTypeDockercfg, kapi.SecretTypeDockerConfigJson:
			filtered = append(filtered, secrets.Items[i])
	secrets.Items = filtered
	return secrets, nil
Beispiel #3
func (g *podGetter) Get(ctx kapi.Context, name string) (runtime.Object, error) {
	ns, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.NewBadRequest("namespace parameter required.")
	return g.podsNamespacer.Pods(ns).Get(name)
Beispiel #4
// TestNamespaceContext validates that a namespace can be get/set on a context object
func TestNamespaceContext(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := api.NewDefaultContext()
	result, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		t.Errorf("Error getting namespace")
	if api.NamespaceDefault != result {
		t.Errorf("Expected: %v, Actual: %v", api.NamespaceDefault, result)

	ctx = api.NewContext()
	result, ok = api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if ok {
		t.Errorf("Should not be ok because there is no namespace on the context")
Beispiel #5
// namespacingFilter adds a filter that adds the namespace of the request to the context.  Not all requests will have namespaces,
// but any that do will have the appropriate value added.
func namespacingFilter(handler http.Handler, contextMapper kapi.RequestContextMapper) http.Handler {
	infoResolver := &apiserver.RequestInfoResolver{APIPrefixes: sets.NewString("api", "osapi", "oapi", "apis"), GrouplessAPIPrefixes: sets.NewString("api", "osapi", "oapi")}

	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		ctx, ok := contextMapper.Get(req)
		if !ok {
			http.Error(w, "Unable to find request context", http.StatusInternalServerError)

		if _, exists := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx); !exists {
			if requestInfo, err := infoResolver.GetRequestInfo(req); err == nil {
				// only set the namespace if the apiRequestInfo was resolved
				// keep in mind that GetAPIRequestInfo will fail on non-api requests, so don't fail the entire http request on that
				// kind of failure.

				// TODO reconsider special casing this.  Having the special case hereallow us to fully share the kube
				// APIRequestInfoResolver without any modification or customization.
				namespace := requestInfo.Namespace
				if (requestInfo.Resource == "projects") && (len(requestInfo.Name) > 0) {
					namespace = requestInfo.Name

				ctx = kapi.WithNamespace(ctx, namespace)
				contextMapper.Update(req, ctx)

		handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
Beispiel #6
func NewTestGenericEtcdRegistry(t *testing.T) (*etcdtesting.EtcdTestServer, *Etcd) {
	podPrefix := "/pods"
	server := etcdtesting.NewEtcdTestClientServer(t)
	s := etcdstorage.NewEtcdStorage(server.Client, testapi.Default.Codec(), etcdtest.PathPrefix())
	strategy := &testRESTStrategy{api.Scheme, api.SimpleNameGenerator, true, false, true}

	return server, &Etcd{
		NewFunc:        func() runtime.Object { return &api.Pod{} },
		NewListFunc:    func() runtime.Object { return &api.PodList{} },
		EndpointName:   "pods",
		CreateStrategy: strategy,
		UpdateStrategy: strategy,
		KeyRootFunc: func(ctx api.Context) string {
			return podPrefix
		KeyFunc: func(ctx api.Context, id string) (string, error) {
			if _, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx); !ok {
				return "", fmt.Errorf("namespace is required")
			return path.Join(podPrefix, id), nil
		ObjectNameFunc: func(obj runtime.Object) (string, error) { return obj.(*api.Pod).Name, nil },
		Storage:        s,
Beispiel #7
func cacheKey(ctx kapi.Context, a authorizer.Action) (string, error) {
	if a.GetRequestAttributes() != nil {
		// TODO: see if we can serialize this?
		return "", errors.New("cannot cache request attributes")

	keyData := map[string]interface{}{
		"verb":           a.GetVerb(),
		"apiVersion":     a.GetAPIVersion(),
		"apiGroup":       a.GetAPIGroup(),
		"resource":       a.GetResource(),
		"resourceName":   a.GetResourceName(),
		"nonResourceURL": a.IsNonResourceURL(),
		"url":            a.GetURL(),

	if namespace, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx); ok {
		keyData["namespace"] = namespace
	if user, ok := kapi.UserFrom(ctx); ok {
		keyData["user"] = user.GetName()
		keyData["groups"] = user.GetGroups()
		keyData["scopes"] = user.GetExtra()[authorizationapi.ScopesKey]

	key, err := json.Marshal(keyData)
	return string(key), err
Beispiel #8
// Update scales the DeploymentConfig for the given Scale subresource, returning the updated Scale.
func (r *ScaleREST) Update(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, bool, error) {
	if obj == nil {
		return nil, false, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("nil update passed to Scale"))
	scale, ok := obj.(*extensions.Scale)
	if !ok {
		return nil, false, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("wrong object passed to Scale update: %v", obj))

	// fake an existing object to validate
	existing := &extensions.Scale{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:              scale.Name,
			CreationTimestamp: scale.CreationTimestamp,

	if existing.Namespace, ok = kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx); !ok {
		existing.Namespace = scale.Namespace

	if errs := extvalidation.ValidateScaleUpdate(scale, existing); len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, false, errors.NewInvalid("scale", scale.Name, errs)

	deploymentConfig, err := r.registry.GetDeploymentConfig(ctx, scale.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, errors.NewNotFound("scale", scale.Name)

	scaleRet := &extensions.Scale{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:              deploymentConfig.Name,
			Namespace:         deploymentConfig.Namespace,
			CreationTimestamp: deploymentConfig.CreationTimestamp,
		Spec: extensions.ScaleSpec{
			Replicas: scale.Spec.Replicas,
		Status: extensions.ScaleStatus{
			Selector: deploymentConfig.Spec.Selector,

	// TODO(directxman12): this is going to be a bit out of sync, since we are calculating it
	// here and not as part of the deploymentconfig loop -- is there a better way of doing it?
	totalReplicas, err := r.replicasForDeploymentConfig(deploymentConfig.Namespace, deploymentConfig.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err

	oldReplicas := deploymentConfig.Spec.Replicas
	deploymentConfig.Spec.Replicas = scale.Spec.Replicas
	if err := r.registry.UpdateDeploymentConfig(ctx, deploymentConfig); err != nil {
		return nil, false, err
	scaleRet.Status.Replicas = totalReplicas + (scale.Spec.Replicas - oldReplicas)

	return scaleRet, false, nil
Beispiel #9
// Create registers a given new PodSecurityPolicyReview instance to r.registry.
func (r *REST) Create(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	pspr, ok := obj.(*securityapi.PodSecurityPolicyReview)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("not a PodSecurityPolicyReview: %#v", obj))
	if errs := securityvalidation.ValidatePodSecurityPolicyReview(pspr); len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewInvalid(kapi.Kind("PodSecurityPolicyReview"), "", errs)
	ns, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest("namespace parameter required.")
	serviceAccounts, err := getServiceAccounts(pspr.Spec, r.saCache, ns)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(err.Error())

	if len(serviceAccounts) == 0 {
		glog.Errorf("No service accounts for namespace %s", ns)
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("unable to find ServiceAccount for namespace: %s", ns))

	errs := []error{}
	newStatus := securityapi.PodSecurityPolicyReviewStatus{}
	for _, sa := range serviceAccounts {
		userInfo := serviceaccount.UserInfo(ns, sa.Name, "")
		saConstraints, err := r.sccMatcher.FindApplicableSCCs(userInfo)
		if err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("unable to find SecurityContextConstraints for ServiceAccount %s: %v", sa.Name, err))
		var namespace *kapi.Namespace
		for _, constraint := range saConstraints {
			var (
				provider kscc.SecurityContextConstraintsProvider
				err      error
			pspsrs := securityapi.PodSecurityPolicySubjectReviewStatus{}
			if provider, namespace, err = oscc.CreateProviderFromConstraint(ns, namespace, constraint, r.client); err != nil {
				errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("unable to create provider for service account %s: %v", sa.Name, err))
			_, err = podsecuritypolicysubjectreview.FillPodSecurityPolicySubjectReviewStatus(&pspsrs, provider, pspr.Spec.Template.Spec, constraint)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("unable to fill PodSecurityPolicyReviewStatus from constraint %v", err)
			sapsprs := securityapi.ServiceAccountPodSecurityPolicyReviewStatus{pspsrs, sa.Name}
			newStatus.AllowedServiceAccounts = append(newStatus.AllowedServiceAccounts, sapsprs)
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("%s", kerrors.NewAggregate(errs)))
	pspr.Status = newStatus
	return pspr, nil
Beispiel #10
// NamespaceKeyRootFunc is the default function for constructing storage paths to resource directories enforcing namespace rules.
func NamespaceKeyRootFunc(ctx api.Context, prefix string) string {
	key := prefix
	ns, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if ok && len(ns) > 0 {
		key = key + "/" + ns
	return key
Beispiel #11
// MakeEtcdListKey constructs etcd paths to resource directories enforcing namespace rules
func MakeEtcdListKey(ctx api.Context, prefix string) string {
	key := prefix
	ns, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if ok && len(ns) > 0 {
		key = key + "/" + ns
	return key
Beispiel #12
func (r *REST) Create(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	istag, ok := obj.(*imageapi.ImageStreamTag)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("obj is not an ImageStreamTag: %#v", obj))
	if err := rest.BeforeCreate(Strategy, ctx, obj); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	namespace, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest("a namespace must be specified to import images")

	imageStreamName, imageTag, ok := imageapi.SplitImageStreamTag(istag.Name)
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q must be of the form <stream_name>:<tag>", istag.Name)

	target, err := r.imageStreamRegistry.GetImageStream(ctx, imageStreamName)
	if err != nil {
		if !kapierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return nil, err

		// try to create the target if it doesn't exist
		target = &imageapi.ImageStream{
			ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
				Name:      imageStreamName,
				Namespace: namespace,

	if target.Spec.Tags == nil {
		target.Spec.Tags = make(map[string]imageapi.TagReference)

	// The user wants to symlink a tag.
	_, exists := target.Spec.Tags[imageTag]
	if exists {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewAlreadyExists(imageapi.Resource("imagestreamtag"), istag.Name)
	target.Spec.Tags[imageTag] = *istag.Tag

	// Check the stream creation timestamp and make sure we will not
	// create a new image stream while deleting.
	if target.CreationTimestamp.IsZero() {
		_, err = r.imageStreamRegistry.CreateImageStream(ctx, target)
	} else {
		_, err = r.imageStreamRegistry.UpdateImageStream(ctx, target)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return istag, nil
Beispiel #13
func newTestGenericStoreRegistry(t *testing.T, hasCacheEnabled bool) (*etcdtesting.EtcdTestServer, *Store) {
	podPrefix := "/pods"
	server, sc := etcdtesting.NewUnsecuredEtcd3TestClientServer(t)
	strategy := &testRESTStrategy{api.Scheme, api.SimpleNameGenerator, true, false, true}
	sc.Codec = testapi.Default.StorageCodec()
	s, err := factory.Create(*sc)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error creating storage: %v", err)
	if hasCacheEnabled {
		config := storage.CacherConfig{
			CacheCapacity:  10,
			Storage:        s,
			Versioner:      etcdstorage.APIObjectVersioner{},
			Type:           &api.Pod{},
			ResourcePrefix: podPrefix,
			KeyFunc:        func(obj runtime.Object) (string, error) { return storage.NoNamespaceKeyFunc(podPrefix, obj) },
			NewListFunc:    func() runtime.Object { return &api.PodList{} },
			Codec:          sc.Codec,
		s = storage.NewCacherFromConfig(config)

	return server, &Store{
		NewFunc:           func() runtime.Object { return &api.Pod{} },
		NewListFunc:       func() runtime.Object { return &api.PodList{} },
		QualifiedResource: api.Resource("pods"),
		CreateStrategy:    strategy,
		UpdateStrategy:    strategy,
		DeleteStrategy:    strategy,
		KeyRootFunc: func(ctx api.Context) string {
			return podPrefix
		KeyFunc: func(ctx api.Context, id string) (string, error) {
			if _, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx); !ok {
				return "", fmt.Errorf("namespace is required")
			return path.Join(podPrefix, id), nil
		ObjectNameFunc: func(obj runtime.Object) (string, error) { return obj.(*api.Pod).Name, nil },
		PredicateFunc: func(label labels.Selector, field fields.Selector) *generic.SelectionPredicate {
			return &generic.SelectionPredicate{
				Label: label,
				Field: field,
				GetAttrs: func(obj runtime.Object) (labels.Set, fields.Set, error) {
					pod, ok := obj.(*api.Pod)
					if !ok {
						return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("not a pod")
					return labels.Set(pod.ObjectMeta.Labels), generic.ObjectMetaFieldsSet(pod.ObjectMeta, true), nil
		Storage: s,
Beispiel #14
// NoNamespaceKeyFunc is the default function for constructing etcd paths to a resource relative to prefix enforcing
// If a namespace is on context, it errors.
func NoNamespaceKeyFunc(ctx kapi.Context, prefix string, name string) (string, error) {
	ns, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if ok && len(ns) > 0 {
		return "", kerrors.NewBadRequest("Namespace parameter is not allowed.")
	if len(name) == 0 {
		return "", kerrors.NewBadRequest("Name parameter required.")
	return path.Join(prefix, name), nil
Beispiel #15
func (r *staticRoles) ListClusterRoleBindings(ctx api.Context, options *api.ListOptions) (*rbac.ClusterRoleBindingList, error) {
	namespace, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if ok && namespace != "" {
		return nil, errors.New("cannot list cluster role bindings from within a namespace")
	clusterRoleBindings := new(rbac.ClusterRoleBindingList)
	clusterRoleBindings.Items = make([]rbac.ClusterRoleBinding, len(r.clusterRoleBindings))
	copy(clusterRoleBindings.Items, r.clusterRoleBindings)
	return clusterRoleBindings, nil
Beispiel #16
// Create registers a given new PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview instance to r.registry.
func (r *REST) Create(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	pspsr, ok := obj.(*securityapi.PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("not a PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview: %#v", obj))

	ns, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest("namespace parameter required.")

	if errs := securityvalidation.ValidatePodSecurityPolicySubjectReview(pspsr); len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewInvalid(kapi.Kind("PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview"), "", errs)

	userInfo := &user.DefaultInfo{Name: pspsr.Spec.User, Groups: pspsr.Spec.Groups}
	matchedConstraints, err := r.sccMatcher.FindApplicableSCCs(userInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("unable to find SecurityContextConstraints: %v", err))

	saName := pspsr.Spec.Template.Spec.ServiceAccountName
	if len(saName) > 0 {
		saUserInfo := serviceaccount.UserInfo(ns, saName, "")
		saConstraints, err := r.sccMatcher.FindApplicableSCCs(saUserInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, kapierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("unable to find SecurityContextConstraints: %v", err))
		matchedConstraints = append(matchedConstraints, saConstraints...)
	var namespace *kapi.Namespace
	for _, constraint := range matchedConstraints {
		var (
			provider kscc.SecurityContextConstraintsProvider
			err      error
		if provider, namespace, err = oscc.CreateProviderFromConstraint(ns, namespace, constraint, r.client); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to create provider for constraint: %v", err)
		filled, err := FillPodSecurityPolicySubjectReviewStatus(&pspsr.Status, provider, pspsr.Spec.Template.Spec, constraint)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("unable to fill PodSecurityPolicySubjectReviewStatus from constraint %v", err)
		if filled {
			return pspsr, nil
	return pspsr, nil
Beispiel #17
// MakeEtcdItemKey constructs etcd paths to a resource relative to prefix enforcing namespace rules.  If no namespace is on context, it errors.
func MakeEtcdItemKey(ctx api.Context, prefix string, id string) (string, error) {
	key := MakeEtcdListKey(ctx, prefix)
	ns, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok || len(ns) == 0 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid request.  Namespace parameter required.")
	if len(id) == 0 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid request.  Id parameter required.")
	key = key + "/" + id
	return key, nil
Beispiel #18
// NamespaceKeyFunc is the default function for constructing etcd paths to a resource relative to prefix enforcing namespace rules.
// If no namespace is on context, it errors.
func NamespaceKeyFunc(ctx api.Context, prefix string, name string) (string, error) {
	key := NamespaceKeyRootFunc(ctx, prefix)
	ns, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok || len(ns) == 0 {
		return "", kubeerr.NewBadRequest("Namespace parameter required.")
	if len(name) == 0 {
		return "", kubeerr.NewBadRequest("Name parameter required.")
	key = key + "/" + name
	return key, nil
Beispiel #19
func (r *staticRoles) GetRole(ctx api.Context, id string) (*rbac.Role, error) {
	namespace, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok || namespace == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("must provide namespace when getting role")
	for _, role := range r.roles {
		if role.Namespace == namespace && role.Name == id {
			return &role, nil
	return nil, errors.New("role not found")
Beispiel #20
func (r *staticRoles) GetClusterRole(ctx api.Context, id string) (*rbac.ClusterRole, error) {
	namespace, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if ok && namespace != "" {
		return nil, errors.New("cannot provide namespace when getting cluster role")
	for _, clusterRole := range r.clusterRoles {
		if clusterRole.Namespace == namespace && clusterRole.Name == id {
			return &clusterRole, nil
	return nil, errors.New("role not found")
Beispiel #21
// Create generates a new DeploymentConfig representing a rollback.
func (r *REST) Create(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	namespace, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kerrors.NewBadRequest("namespace parameter required.")
	rollback, ok := obj.(*deployapi.DeploymentConfigRollback)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kerrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("not a rollback spec: %#v", obj))

	if errs := validation.ValidateDeploymentConfigRollback(rollback); len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, kerrors.NewInvalid(deployapi.Kind("DeploymentConfigRollback"), rollback.Name, errs)

	from, err := r.dn.DeploymentConfigs(namespace).Get(rollback.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, newInvalidError(rollback, fmt.Sprintf("cannot get deployment config %q: %v", rollback.Name, err))

	switch from.Status.LatestVersion {
	case 0:
		return nil, newInvalidError(rollback, "cannot rollback an undeployed config")
	case 1:
		return nil, newInvalidError(rollback, fmt.Sprintf("no previous deployment exists for %q", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(from)))

	revision := from.Status.LatestVersion - 1
	if rollback.Spec.Revision > 0 {
		revision = rollback.Spec.Revision

	// Find the target deployment and decode its config.
	name := deployutil.DeploymentNameForConfigVersion(from.Name, revision)
	targetDeployment, err := r.rn.ReplicationControllers(namespace).Get(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, newInvalidError(rollback, err.Error())

	to, err := deployutil.DecodeDeploymentConfig(targetDeployment, r.codec)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, newInvalidError(rollback, fmt.Sprintf("couldn't decode deployment config from deployment: %v", err))

	if from.Annotations == nil && len(rollback.UpdatedAnnotations) > 0 {
		from.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
	for key, value := range rollback.UpdatedAnnotations {
		from.Annotations[key] = value

	return r.generator.GenerateRollback(from, to, &rollback.Spec)
Beispiel #22
func ConfirmNoEscalation(ctx kapi.Context, resource unversioned.GroupResource, name string, ruleResolver, cachedRuleResolver AuthorizationRuleResolver, role authorizationinterfaces.Role) error {
	var ruleResolutionErrors []error

	user, ok := kapi.UserFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return kapierrors.NewForbidden(resource, name, fmt.Errorf("no user provided in context"))
	namespace, _ := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)

	// if a cached resolver is provided, attempt to verify coverage against the cache, then fall back to the normal
	// path otherwise
	if cachedRuleResolver != nil {
		if ownerRules, err := cachedRuleResolver.RulesFor(user, namespace); err == nil {
			if ownerRightsCover, _ := Covers(ownerRules, role.Rules()); ownerRightsCover {
				return nil

	ownerRules, err := ruleResolver.RulesFor(user, namespace)
	if err != nil {
		// do not fail in this case.  Rules are purely additive, so we can continue with a coverage check based on the rules we have
		glog.V(1).Infof("non-fatal error getting rules for %v: %v", user, err)
		ruleResolutionErrors = append(ruleResolutionErrors, err)

	ownerRightsCover, missingRights := Covers(ownerRules, role.Rules())
	if ownerRightsCover {
		return nil

	// determine what resources the user is missing
	if compactedMissingRights, err := CompactRules(missingRights); err == nil {
		missingRights = compactedMissingRights

	missingRightsStrings := make([]string, 0, len(missingRights))
	for _, missingRight := range missingRights {
		missingRightsStrings = append(missingRightsStrings, missingRight.CompactString())

	var internalErr error
	if len(ruleResolutionErrors) > 0 {
		internalErr = fmt.Errorf("user %q cannot grant extra privileges:\n%v\nrule resolution errors: %v)", user.GetName(), strings.Join(missingRightsStrings, "\n"), ruleResolutionErrors)
	} else {
		internalErr = fmt.Errorf("user %q cannot grant extra privileges:\n%v", user.GetName(), strings.Join(missingRightsStrings, "\n"))
	return kapierrors.NewForbidden(resource, name, internalErr)
Beispiel #23
// NamespaceKeyFunc is the default function for constructing etcd paths to a resource relative to prefix enforcing namespace rules.
// If no namespace is on context, it errors.
func NamespaceKeyFunc(ctx api.Context, prefix string, name string) (string, error) {
	key := NamespaceKeyRootFunc(ctx, prefix)
	ns, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok || len(ns) == 0 {
		return "", kubeerr.NewBadRequest("Namespace parameter required.")
	if len(name) == 0 {
		return "", kubeerr.NewBadRequest("Name parameter required.")
	if ok, msg := validation.ValidatePathSegmentName(name, false); !ok {
		return "", kubeerr.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("Name parameter invalid: %v.", msg))
	key = key + "/" + name
	return key, nil
Beispiel #24
// NamespaceKeyFunc is the default function for constructing storage paths to a resource relative to prefix enforcing namespace rules.
// If no namespace is on context, it errors.
func NamespaceKeyFunc(ctx api.Context, prefix string, name string) (string, error) {
	key := NamespaceKeyRootFunc(ctx, prefix)
	ns, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok || len(ns) == 0 {
		return "", kubeerr.NewBadRequest("Namespace parameter required.")
	if len(name) == 0 {
		return "", kubeerr.NewBadRequest("Name parameter required.")
	if msgs := validation.IsValidPathSegmentName(name); len(msgs) != 0 {
		return "", kubeerr.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("Name parameter invalid: %q: %s", name, strings.Join(msgs, ";")))
	key = key + "/" + name
	return key, nil
Beispiel #25
func (r *staticRoles) ListRoleBindings(ctx api.Context, options *api.ListOptions) (*rbac.RoleBindingList, error) {
	namespace, ok := api.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok || namespace == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("must provide namespace when listing role bindings")

	roleBindingList := new(rbac.RoleBindingList)
	for _, roleBinding := range r.roleBindings {
		if roleBinding.Namespace != namespace {
		// TODO(ericchiang): need to implement label selectors?
		roleBindingList.Items = append(roleBindingList.Items, roleBinding)
	return roleBindingList, nil
Beispiel #26
func (s StatusStrategy) ValidateUpdate(ctx kapi.Context, obj, old runtime.Object) field.ErrorList {
	newIS := obj.(*api.ImageStream)
	errs := field.ErrorList{}

	ns, ok := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
	if !ok {
		ns = newIS.Namespace
	err := s.limitVerifier.VerifyLimits(ns, newIS)
	if err != nil {
		errs = append(errs, field.Forbidden(field.NewPath("imageStream"), err.Error()))

	// TODO: merge valid fields after update
	errs = append(errs, validation.ValidateImageStreamStatusUpdate(newIS, old.(*api.ImageStream))...)
	return errs
Beispiel #27
// ListPolicyBindings obtains list of policyBindings that match a selector.  It conforms to rulevalidation.BindingLister
func (c readOnlyAuthorizationCache) ListPolicyBindings(ctx kapi.Context, options *unversioned.ListOptions) (*authorizationapi.PolicyBindingList, error) {
	namespace, _ := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)

	if namespaceRefersToCluster(namespace) {
		clusterPolicyBindingList, err := c.ReadOnlyClusterPolicyBindings().List(options)
		if err != nil {
			return &authorizationapi.PolicyBindingList{}, err
		return authorizationapi.ToPolicyBindingList(clusterPolicyBindingList), nil
	} else {
		policyBindingList, err := c.ReadOnlyPolicyBindings(namespace).List(options)
		if err != nil {
			return &authorizationapi.PolicyBindingList{}, err
		return policyBindingList, nil
Beispiel #28
// ListPolicyBindings obtains list of policyBindings that match a selector.  It conforms to rulevalidation.BindingLister
func (c readOnlyAuthorizationCache) ListPolicyBindings(ctx kapi.Context, label labels.Selector, field fields.Selector) (*authorizationapi.PolicyBindingList, error) {
	namespace, _ := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)

	if namespaceRefersToCluster(namespace) {
		clusterPolicyBindingList, err := c.ReadOnlyClusterPolicyBindings().List(label, field)
		if err != nil {
			return &authorizationapi.PolicyBindingList{}, err
		return authorizationapi.ToPolicyBindingList(clusterPolicyBindingList), nil
	} else {
		policyBindingList, err := c.ReadOnlyPolicyBindings(namespace).List(label, field)
		if err != nil {
			return &authorizationapi.PolicyBindingList{}, err
		return policyBindingList, nil
Beispiel #29
// GetPolicy retrieves a specific policy.  It conforms to rulevalidation.PolicyGetter.
func (c readOnlyAuthorizationCache) GetPolicy(ctx kapi.Context, name string) (*authorizationapi.Policy, error) {
	namespace, _ := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)

	if namespaceRefersToCluster(namespace) {
		clusterPolicy, err := c.ReadOnlyClusterPolicies().Get(name)
		if err != nil {
			return &authorizationapi.Policy{}, err
		return authorizationapi.ToPolicy(clusterPolicy), nil
	} else {
		policy, err := c.ReadOnlyPolicies(namespace).Get(name)
		if err != nil {
			return &authorizationapi.Policy{}, err
		return policy, nil
Beispiel #30
func (r *RemoteAuthorizer) Authorize(ctx kapi.Context, a authorizer.AuthorizationAttributes) (bool, string, error) {
	var (
		result *authzapi.SubjectAccessReviewResponse
		err    error

	// Extract namespace from context
	namespace, _ := kapi.NamespaceFrom(ctx)

	// Extract user from context
	user := ""
	groups := sets.NewString()
	if userInfo, ok := kapi.UserFrom(ctx); ok {
		user = userInfo.GetName()

	// Make sure we don't run a subject access review on our own permissions
	if len(user) == 0 && len(groups) == 0 {
		user = bootstrappolicy.UnauthenticatedUsername
		groups = sets.NewString(bootstrappolicy.UnauthenticatedGroup)

	if len(namespace) > 0 {
		result, err = r.client.LocalSubjectAccessReviews(namespace).Create(&authzapi.LocalSubjectAccessReview{
			User:   user,
			Groups: groups,
			Action: getAction(namespace, a),
	} else {
		result, err = r.client.SubjectAccessReviews().Create(&authzapi.SubjectAccessReview{
			User:   user,
			Groups: groups,
			Action: getAction(namespace, a),

	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("error running subject access review: %v", err)
		return false, "", kerrs.NewInternalError(err)
	glog.V(2).Infof("allowed=%v, reason=%s", result.Allowed, result.Reason)
	return result.Allowed, result.Reason, nil