// restoreSpecsFromContainerLabels restores all information needed for killing a container. In some
// case we may not have pod and container spec when killing a container, e.g. pod is deleted during
// kubelet restart.
// To solve this problem, we've already written necessary information into container labels. Here we
// just need to retrieve them from container labels and restore the specs.
// TODO(random-liu): Add a node e2e test to test this behaviour.
// TODO(random-liu): Change the lifecycle handler to just accept information needed, so that we can
// just pass the needed function not create the fake object.
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) restoreSpecsFromContainerLabels(containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID) (*api.Pod, *api.Container, error) {
	var pod *api.Pod
	var container *api.Container
	s, err := m.runtimeService.ContainerStatus(containerID.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	l := getContainerInfoFromLabels(s.Labels)
	a := getContainerInfoFromAnnotations(s.Annotations)
	// Notice that the followings are not full spec. The container killing code should not use
	// un-restored fields.
	pod = &api.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
			UID:                        l.PodUID,
			Name:                       l.PodName,
			Namespace:                  l.PodNamespace,
			DeletionGracePeriodSeconds: a.PodDeletionGracePeriod,
		Spec: api.PodSpec{
			TerminationGracePeriodSeconds: a.PodTerminationGracePeriod,
	container = &api.Container{
		Name:  l.ContainerName,
		Ports: a.ContainerPorts,
		TerminationMessagePath: a.TerminationMessagePath,
	if a.PreStopHandler != nil {
		container.Lifecycle = &api.Lifecycle{
			PreStop: a.PreStopHandler,
	return pod, container, nil
func fakeDeploymentConfig(name string, containers ...containerDesc) *deployapi.DeploymentConfig {
	specContainers := []kapi.Container{}
	for _, c := range containers {
		container := kapi.Container{
			Name: c.name,

		container.Ports = []kapi.ContainerPort{}
		for _, p := range c.ports {
			container.Ports = append(container.Ports, kapi.ContainerPort{
				Name:          fmt.Sprintf("port-%d-%s", p.port, p.protocol),
				ContainerPort: p.port,
				Protocol:      kapi.Protocol(p.protocol),

		specContainers = append(specContainers, container)
	return &deployapi.DeploymentConfig{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name: name,
		Spec: deployapi.DeploymentConfigSpec{
			Replicas: 1,
			Selector: map[string]string{"name": "test"},
			Template: &kapi.PodTemplateSpec{
				Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
					Containers: specContainers,
func admissionTestPod() *kapi.Pod {
	pod := &kapi.Pod{}
	pod.Name = "test-pod"
	container := kapi.Container{}
	container.Name = "foo"
	container.Image = "openshift/hello-openshift"
	pod.Spec.Containers = []kapi.Container{container}
	return pod
Beispiel #4
// resolveContainerSecurityContext checks the provided container against the provider, returning any
// validation errors encountered on the resulting security context, or the security context that was
// resolved. The SecurityContext field of the container is updated, so ensure that a copy of the original
// container is passed here if you wish to preserve the original input.
func resolveContainerSecurityContext(provider scc.SecurityContextConstraintsProvider, pod *kapi.Pod, container *kapi.Container, path *field.Path) (*kapi.SecurityContext, field.ErrorList) {
	// We will determine the effective security context for the container and validate against that
	// since that is how the sc provider will eventually apply settings in the runtime.
	// This results in an SC that is based on the Pod's PSC with the set fields from the container
	// overriding pod level settings.
	container.SecurityContext = sc.DetermineEffectiveSecurityContext(pod, container)

	csc, err := provider.CreateContainerSecurityContext(pod, container)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, field.ErrorList{field.Invalid(path.Child("securityContext"), "", err.Error())}
	container.SecurityContext = csc
	return csc, provider.ValidateContainerSecurityContext(pod, container, path.Child("securityContext"))
Beispiel #5
// ToAPIPod converts Pod to api.Pod. Note that if a field in api.Pod has no
// corresponding field in Pod, the field would not be populated.
func (p *Pod) ToAPIPod() *api.Pod {
	var pod api.Pod
	pod.UID = p.ID
	pod.Name = p.Name
	pod.Namespace = p.Namespace

	for _, c := range p.Containers {
		var container api.Container
		container.Name = c.Name
		container.Image = c.Image
		pod.Spec.Containers = append(pod.Spec.Containers, container)
	return &pod
func Containers(userContainers []interface{}) []api.Container {
	if len(userContainers) == 0 {
		return nil

	var containers []api.Container

	for _, c := range userContainers {
		userContainer := c.(map[string]interface{})
		container := api.Container{
			Image: userContainer["image"].(string),
			Name:  userContainer["name"].(string),

		if _, ok := userContainer["args"]; ok {
			container.Args = convertListToStringArray(userContainer["args"].([]interface{}))
		if _, ok := userContainer["command"]; ok {
			container.Command = convertListToStringArray(userContainer["command"].([]interface{}))
		if _, ok := userContainer["working_dir"]; ok {
			container.WorkingDir = userContainer["working_dir"].(string)
		if _, ok := userContainer["ports"]; ok {
			container.Ports = ContainerPorts(userContainer["ports"].([]interface{}))
		if _, ok := userContainer["env"]; ok {
			container.Env = EnvVar(userContainer["env"].([]interface{}))

		if _, ok := userContainer["volume_mounts"]; ok {
			container.VolumeMounts = VolumeMounts(userContainer["volume_mounts"].([]interface{}))

		if _, ok := userContainer["termination_message_path"]; ok {
			container.TerminationMessagePath = userContainer["termination_message_path"].(string)

		if _, ok := userContainer["image_pull_policy"]; ok {
			container.ImagePullPolicy = api.PullPolicy(userContainer["image_pull_policy"].(string))

		// TODO: populate these fields:
		// resources
		// liveness_probe
		// readiness_probe
		// lifecycle
		// security_context

		containers = append(containers, container)

	return containers
Beispiel #7
// NewContainer creates a new Entity for the provided kube.Container. Container must be valid.
func NewContainer(container kube.Container, defaults kube.ObjectMeta, source string, objects ...deploy.KubeObject) (*Container, error) {
	err := validateContainer(container)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create Container from `%s`: %v", source, err)

	base, err := newBase(EntityContainer, defaults, source, objects)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	newContainer := Container{base: base}
	if len(container.Image) != 0 {
		image, err := image.FromString(container.Image)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		newContainer.image, err = NewImage(image, defaults, source)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		container.Image = "placeholder"

	newContainer.container = container
	return &newContainer, nil
Beispiel #8
func getTestPod(probeType probeType, probeSpec api.Probe) api.Pod {
	container := api.Container{
		Name: containerName,
	switch probeType {
	case readiness:
		container.ReadinessProbe = &probeSpec
	case liveness:
		container.LivenessProbe = &probeSpec
	pod := api.Pod{
		Spec: api.PodSpec{
			Containers:    []api.Container{container},
			RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyNever,
	pod.UID = podUID
	return pod
Beispiel #9
func getTestPod(probeType probeType, probeSpec api.Probe) api.Pod {
	container := api.Container{
		Name: testContainerName,

	// All tests rely on the fake exec prober.
	probeSpec.Handler = api.Handler{
		Exec: &api.ExecAction{},

	// Apply test defaults, overwridden for test speed.
	defaults := map[string]int64{
		"TimeoutSeconds":   1,
		"PeriodSeconds":    1,
		"SuccessThreshold": 1,
		"FailureThreshold": 1,
	for field, value := range defaults {
		f := reflect.ValueOf(&probeSpec).Elem().FieldByName(field)
		if f.Int() == 0 {

	switch probeType {
	case readiness:
		container.ReadinessProbe = &probeSpec
	case liveness:
		container.LivenessProbe = &probeSpec
	pod := api.Pod{
		Spec: api.PodSpec{
			Containers:    []api.Container{container},
			RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyNever,
	pod.Name = "testPod"
	pod.UID = testPodUID
	return pod
func buildContainers(userContainers []interface{}) []api.Container {
	if len(userContainers) == 0 {
		return nil

	var containers []api.Container

	for _, c := range userContainers {
		userContainer := c.(map[string]interface{})
		container := api.Container{
			Image: userContainer["image"].(string),
			Name:  userContainer["name"].(string),

		if _, ok := userContainer["args"]; ok {
			container.Args = convertListToStringArray(userContainer["args"].([]interface{}))
		if _, ok := userContainer["command"]; ok {
			container.Command = convertListToStringArray(userContainer["command"].([]interface{}))
		if _, ok := userContainer["working_dir"]; ok {
			container.WorkingDir = userContainer["working_dir"].(string)
		if _, ok := userContainer["ports"]; ok {
			container.Ports = buildContainerPorts(userContainer["ports"].([]interface{}))
		if _, ok := userContainer["env"]; ok {
			container.Env = buildEnvVar(userContainer["env"].([]interface{}))
		containers = append(containers, container)

	return containers
Beispiel #11
// EnsureContainerHasEnvVar if there is an existing EnvVar for the given name then lets update it
// with the given value otherwise lets add a new entry.
// Returns true if there was already an existing environment variable
func EnsureContainerHasEnvVar(container *api.Container, name string, value string) bool {
	for _, env := range container.Env {
		if env.Name == name {
			env.Value = value
			return true
	container.Env = append(container.Env, api.EnvVar{
		Name:  name,
		Value: value,
	return false
Beispiel #12
// EnsureContainerHasPreStopCommand ensures that the given container has a `preStop` lifecycle hook
// to invoke the given commands
func EnsureContainerHasPreStopCommand(container *api.Container, commands []string) {
	if container.Lifecycle == nil {
		container.Lifecycle = &api.Lifecycle{}
	lifecycle := container.Lifecycle
	if lifecycle.PreStop == nil {
		lifecycle.PreStop = &api.Handler{}
	preStop := lifecycle.PreStop
	preStop.Exec = &api.ExecAction{
		Command: commands,
Beispiel #13
// EnsureContainerHasVolumeMount ensures that there is a volume mount of the given name with the given values
// Returns true if there was already a volume mount
func EnsureContainerHasVolumeMount(container *api.Container, name string, mountPath string) bool {
	for _, vm := range container.VolumeMounts {
		if vm.Name == name {
			vm.MountPath = mountPath
			return true
	container.VolumeMounts = append(container.VolumeMounts, api.VolumeMount{
		Name:      name,
		MountPath: mountPath,
	return false
Beispiel #14
func (o *ProbeOptions) updateContainer(container *kapi.Container) {
	if o.Remove {
		if o.Readiness {
			container.ReadinessProbe = nil
		if o.Liveness {
			container.LivenessProbe = nil
	if o.Readiness {
		if container.ReadinessProbe == nil {
			container.ReadinessProbe = &kapi.Probe{}
	if o.Liveness {
		if container.LivenessProbe == nil {
			container.LivenessProbe = &kapi.Probe{}
Beispiel #15
// EnsureContainerHasEnvVarFromField if there is an existing EnvVar for the given name then lets update it
// with the given fieldPath otherwise lets add a new entry.
// Returns true if there was already an existing environment variable
func EnsureContainerHasEnvVarFromField(container *api.Container, name string, fieldPath string) bool {
	from := &api.EnvVarSource{
		FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{
			FieldPath: fieldPath,
	for _, env := range container.Env {
		if env.Name == name {
			env.ValueFrom = from
			env.Value = ""
			return true
	container.Env = append(container.Env, api.EnvVar{
		Name:      name,
		ValueFrom: from,
	return false
Beispiel #16
func convert_v1beta3_Container_To_api_Container(in *Container, out *api.Container, s conversion.Scope) error {
	if defaulting, found := s.DefaultingInterface(reflect.TypeOf(*in)); found {
	out.Name = in.Name
	out.Image = in.Image
	if in.Command != nil {
		out.Command = make([]string, len(in.Command))
		for i := range in.Command {
			out.Command[i] = in.Command[i]
	if in.Args != nil {
		out.Args = make([]string, len(in.Args))
		for i := range in.Args {
			out.Args[i] = in.Args[i]
	out.WorkingDir = in.WorkingDir
	if in.Ports != nil {
		out.Ports = make([]api.ContainerPort, len(in.Ports))
		for i := range in.Ports {
			if err := convert_v1beta3_ContainerPort_To_api_ContainerPort(&in.Ports[i], &out.Ports[i], s); err != nil {
				return err
	if in.Env != nil {
		out.Env = make([]api.EnvVar, len(in.Env))
		for i := range in.Env {
			if err := convert_v1beta3_EnvVar_To_api_EnvVar(&in.Env[i], &out.Env[i], s); err != nil {
				return err
	if err := s.Convert(&in.Resources, &out.Resources, 0); err != nil {
		return err
	if in.VolumeMounts != nil {
		out.VolumeMounts = make([]api.VolumeMount, len(in.VolumeMounts))
		for i := range in.VolumeMounts {
			if err := convert_v1beta3_VolumeMount_To_api_VolumeMount(&in.VolumeMounts[i], &out.VolumeMounts[i], s); err != nil {
				return err
	if in.LivenessProbe != nil {
		out.LivenessProbe = new(api.Probe)
		if err := convert_v1beta3_Probe_To_api_Probe(in.LivenessProbe, out.LivenessProbe, s); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		out.LivenessProbe = nil
	if in.ReadinessProbe != nil {
		out.ReadinessProbe = new(api.Probe)
		if err := convert_v1beta3_Probe_To_api_Probe(in.ReadinessProbe, out.ReadinessProbe, s); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		out.ReadinessProbe = nil
	if in.Lifecycle != nil {
		out.Lifecycle = new(api.Lifecycle)
		if err := convert_v1beta3_Lifecycle_To_api_Lifecycle(in.Lifecycle, out.Lifecycle, s); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		out.Lifecycle = nil
	out.TerminationMessagePath = in.TerminationMessagePath
	out.ImagePullPolicy = api.PullPolicy(in.ImagePullPolicy)
	if in.SecurityContext != nil {
		if in.SecurityContext.Capabilities != nil {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(in.SecurityContext.Capabilities.Add, in.Capabilities.Add) ||
				!reflect.DeepEqual(in.SecurityContext.Capabilities.Drop, in.Capabilities.Drop) {
				return fmt.Errorf("container capability settings do not match security context settings, cannot convert")
		if in.SecurityContext.Privileged != nil {
			if in.Privileged != *in.SecurityContext.Privileged {
				return fmt.Errorf("container privileged settings do not match security context settings, cannot convert")
	if in.SecurityContext != nil {
		out.SecurityContext = new(api.SecurityContext)
		if err := convert_v1beta3_SecurityContext_To_api_SecurityContext(in.SecurityContext, out.SecurityContext, s); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		out.SecurityContext = nil

	out.Stdin = in.Stdin
	out.TTY = in.TTY
	return nil
	Describe("container runtime conformance blackbox test", func() {
		var testCContainers []ConformanceContainer
		namespace := "runtime-conformance"

		BeforeEach(func() {
			testCContainers = []ConformanceContainer{}

		Context("when start a container that exits successfully", func() {
			It("it should run with the expected status [Conformance]", func() {
				testContainer := api.Container{
					Image: ImageRegistry[busyBoxImage],
					VolumeMounts: []api.VolumeMount{
							MountPath: "/restart-count",
							Name:      "restart-count",
					ImagePullPolicy: api.PullIfNotPresent,
				testVolumes := []api.Volume{
						Name: "restart-count",
						VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{
							HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{
								Path: os.TempDir(),
				testCount := int32(3)
	pollInterval           = time.Second * 1

var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Container Runtime Conformance Test", func() {
	f := NewDefaultFramework("runtime-conformance")

	Describe("container runtime conformance blackbox test", func() {
		Context("when starting a container that exits", func() {
			It("it should run with the expected status [Conformance]", func() {
				restartCountVolumeName := "restart-count"
				restartCountVolumePath := "/restart-count"
				testContainer := api.Container{
					Image: ImageRegistry[busyBoxImage],
					VolumeMounts: []api.VolumeMount{
							MountPath: restartCountVolumePath,
							Name:      restartCountVolumeName,
				testVolumes := []api.Volume{
						Name: restartCountVolumeName,
						VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{
							HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{
								Path: os.TempDir(),
				testCases := []struct {
Beispiel #19
func deepCopy_api_Container(in api.Container, out *api.Container, c *conversion.Cloner) error {
	out.Name = in.Name
	out.Image = in.Image
	if in.Command != nil {
		out.Command = make([]string, len(in.Command))
		for i := range in.Command {
			out.Command[i] = in.Command[i]
	} else {
		out.Command = nil
	if in.Args != nil {
		out.Args = make([]string, len(in.Args))
		for i := range in.Args {
			out.Args[i] = in.Args[i]
	} else {
		out.Args = nil
	out.WorkingDir = in.WorkingDir
	if in.Ports != nil {
		out.Ports = make([]api.ContainerPort, len(in.Ports))
		for i := range in.Ports {
			if err := deepCopy_api_ContainerPort(in.Ports[i], &out.Ports[i], c); err != nil {
				return err
	} else {
		out.Ports = nil
	if in.Env != nil {
		out.Env = make([]api.EnvVar, len(in.Env))
		for i := range in.Env {
			if err := deepCopy_api_EnvVar(in.Env[i], &out.Env[i], c); err != nil {
				return err
	} else {
		out.Env = nil
	if err := deepCopy_api_ResourceRequirements(in.Resources, &out.Resources, c); err != nil {
		return err
	if in.VolumeMounts != nil {
		out.VolumeMounts = make([]api.VolumeMount, len(in.VolumeMounts))
		for i := range in.VolumeMounts {
			if err := deepCopy_api_VolumeMount(in.VolumeMounts[i], &out.VolumeMounts[i], c); err != nil {
				return err
	} else {
		out.VolumeMounts = nil
	if in.LivenessProbe != nil {
		out.LivenessProbe = new(api.Probe)
		if err := deepCopy_api_Probe(*in.LivenessProbe, out.LivenessProbe, c); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		out.LivenessProbe = nil
	if in.ReadinessProbe != nil {
		out.ReadinessProbe = new(api.Probe)
		if err := deepCopy_api_Probe(*in.ReadinessProbe, out.ReadinessProbe, c); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		out.ReadinessProbe = nil
	if in.Lifecycle != nil {
		out.Lifecycle = new(api.Lifecycle)
		if err := deepCopy_api_Lifecycle(*in.Lifecycle, out.Lifecycle, c); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		out.Lifecycle = nil
	out.TerminationMessagePath = in.TerminationMessagePath
	out.ImagePullPolicy = in.ImagePullPolicy
	if in.SecurityContext != nil {
		out.SecurityContext = new(api.SecurityContext)
		if err := deepCopy_api_SecurityContext(*in.SecurityContext, out.SecurityContext, c); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		out.SecurityContext = nil
	out.Stdin = in.Stdin
	out.TTY = in.TTY
	return nil
Beispiel #20
func TestEnforcingServiceAccount(t *testing.T) {
	masterConfig, err := testserver.DefaultMasterOptions()
	masterConfig.ServiceAccountConfig.LimitSecretReferences = false
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	clusterAdminConfig, err := testserver.StartConfiguredMaster(masterConfig)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	clusterAdminKubeClient, err := testutil.GetClusterAdminKubeClient(clusterAdminConfig)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	// Get a service account token
	saToken, err := waitForServiceAccountToken(clusterAdminKubeClient, api.NamespaceDefault, serviceaccountadmission.DefaultServiceAccountName, 20, time.Second)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	if len(saToken) == 0 {
		t.Errorf("token was not created")

	pod := &api.Pod{}
	pod.Name = "foo"
	pod.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
	pod.Spec.ServiceAccountName = serviceaccountadmission.DefaultServiceAccountName

	container := api.Container{}
	container.Name = "foo"
	container.Image = "openshift/hello-openshift"
	pod.Spec.Containers = []api.Container{container}

	secretVolume := api.Volume{}
	secretVolume.Name = "bar-vol"
	secretVolume.Secret = &api.SecretVolumeSource{}
	secretVolume.Secret.SecretName = "bar"
	pod.Spec.Volumes = []api.Volume{secretVolume}

	err = wait.Poll(100*time.Millisecond, 5*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
		if _, err := clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(api.NamespaceDefault).Create(pod); err != nil {
			// The SA admission controller cache seems to take forever to update.  This check comes after the limit check, so until we get it sorted out
			// check if we're getting this particular error
			if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no API token found for service account") {
				return true, nil

			return false, nil

		return true, nil
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(api.NamespaceDefault).Delete(pod.Name, nil)

	sa, err := clusterAdminKubeClient.ServiceAccounts(api.NamespaceDefault).Get(bootstrappolicy.DeployerServiceAccountName)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	if sa.Annotations == nil {
		sa.Annotations = map[string]string{}
	sa.Annotations[serviceaccountadmission.EnforceMountableSecretsAnnotation] = "true"


	_, err = clusterAdminKubeClient.ServiceAccounts(api.NamespaceDefault).Update(sa)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	expectedMessage := "is not allowed because service account deployer does not reference that secret"
	pod.Spec.ServiceAccountName = bootstrappolicy.DeployerServiceAccountName

	err = wait.Poll(100*time.Millisecond, 5*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
		if _, err := clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(api.NamespaceDefault).Create(pod); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedMessage) {
			clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(api.NamespaceDefault).Delete(pod.Name, nil)
			return false, nil

		return true, nil
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

Beispiel #21
// Deploys an app based on the given configuration. The app is deployed using the given client.
// App deployment consists of a replication controller and an optional service. Both of them share
// common labels.
func DeployApp(spec *AppDeploymentSpec, client client.Interface) error {
	log.Printf("Deploying %s application into %s namespace", spec.Name, spec.Namespace)

	annotations := map[string]string{}
	if spec.Description != nil {
		annotations[DescriptionAnnotationKey] = *spec.Description
	labels := getLabelsMap(spec.Labels)
	objectMeta := api.ObjectMeta{
		Annotations: annotations,
		Name:        spec.Name,
		Labels:      labels,

	containerSpec := api.Container{
		Name:  spec.Name,
		Image: spec.ContainerImage,
		SecurityContext: &api.SecurityContext{
			Privileged: &spec.RunAsPrivileged,
		Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
			Requests: make(map[api.ResourceName]resource.Quantity),
		Env: convertEnvVarsSpec(spec.Variables),

	if spec.ContainerCommand != nil {
		containerSpec.Command = []string{*spec.ContainerCommand}
	if spec.ContainerCommandArgs != nil {
		containerSpec.Args = []string{*spec.ContainerCommandArgs}

	if spec.CpuRequirement != nil {
		containerSpec.Resources.Requests[api.ResourceCPU] = *spec.CpuRequirement
	if spec.MemoryRequirement != nil {
		containerSpec.Resources.Requests[api.ResourceMemory] = *spec.MemoryRequirement
	podSpec := api.PodSpec{
		Containers: []api.Container{containerSpec},
	if spec.ImagePullSecret != nil {
		podSpec.ImagePullSecrets = []api.LocalObjectReference{{Name: *spec.ImagePullSecret}}

	podTemplate := &api.PodTemplateSpec{
		ObjectMeta: objectMeta,
		Spec:       podSpec,

	replicationController := &api.ReplicationController{
		ObjectMeta: objectMeta,
		Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{
			Replicas: spec.Replicas,
			Selector: labels,
			Template: podTemplate,

	_, err := client.ReplicationControllers(spec.Namespace).Create(replicationController)

	if err != nil {
		// TODO(bryk): Roll back created resources in case of error.
		return err

	if len(spec.PortMappings) > 0 {

		service := &api.Service{
			ObjectMeta: objectMeta,
			Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
				Selector: labels,

		if spec.IsExternal {
			service.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer
		} else {
			service.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP

		for _, portMapping := range spec.PortMappings {
			servicePort :=
					Protocol: portMapping.Protocol,
					Port:     portMapping.Port,
					Name:     generatePortMappingName(portMapping),
					TargetPort: intstr.IntOrString{
						Type:   intstr.Int,
						IntVal: portMapping.TargetPort,
			service.Spec.Ports = append(service.Spec.Ports, servicePort)

		_, err = client.Services(spec.Namespace).Create(service)

		// TODO(bryk): Roll back created resources in case of error.
		return err
	} else {
		return nil
func TestProbe(t *testing.T) {
	prober := &prober{
		refManager: kubecontainer.NewRefManager(),
		recorder:   &record.FakeRecorder{},
	containerID := kubecontainer.ContainerID{Type: "test", ID: "foobar"}

	execProbe := &api.Probe{
		Handler: api.Handler{
			Exec: &api.ExecAction{},
	tests := []struct {
		probe          *api.Probe
		execError      bool
		expectError    bool
		execResult     probe.Result
		expectedResult results.Result
		{ // No probe
			probe:          nil,
			expectedResult: results.Success,
		{ // No handler
			probe:          &api.Probe{},
			expectError:    true,
			expectedResult: results.Failure,
		{ // Probe fails
			probe:          execProbe,
			execResult:     probe.Failure,
			expectedResult: results.Failure,
		{ // Probe succeeds
			probe:          execProbe,
			execResult:     probe.Success,
			expectedResult: results.Success,
		{ // Probe result is unknown
			probe:          execProbe,
			execResult:     probe.Unknown,
			expectedResult: results.Failure,
		{ // Probe has an error
			probe:          execProbe,
			execError:      true,
			expectError:    true,
			execResult:     probe.Unknown,
			expectedResult: results.Failure,

	for i, test := range tests {
		for _, probeType := range [...]probeType{liveness, readiness} {
			testID := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", i, probeType)
			testContainer := api.Container{}
			switch probeType {
			case liveness:
				testContainer.LivenessProbe = test.probe
			case readiness:
				testContainer.ReadinessProbe = test.probe
			if test.execError {
				prober.exec = fakeExecProber{test.execResult, errors.New("exec error")}
			} else {
				prober.exec = fakeExecProber{test.execResult, nil}

			result, err := prober.probe(probeType, &api.Pod{}, api.PodStatus{}, testContainer, containerID)
			if test.expectError && err == nil {
				t.Errorf("[%s] Expected probe error but no error was returned.", testID)
			if !test.expectError && err != nil {
				t.Errorf("[%s] Didn't expect probe error but got: %v", testID, err)
			if test.expectedResult != result {
				t.Errorf("[%s] Expected result to be %v but was %v", testID, test.expectedResult, result)
Beispiel #23
// Deploys an app based on the given configuration. The app is deployed using the given client.
// App deployment consists of a replication controller and an optional service. Both of them share
// common labels.
// TODO(bryk): Write tests for this function.
func DeployApp(spec *AppDeploymentSpec, client client.Interface) error {
	annotations := map[string]string{}
	if spec.Description != nil {
		annotations[DescriptionAnnotationKey] = *spec.Description
	labels := getLabelsMap(spec.Labels)
	objectMeta := api.ObjectMeta{
		Annotations: annotations,
		Name:        spec.Name,
		Labels:      labels,

	containerSpec := api.Container{
		Name:  spec.Name,
		Image: spec.ContainerImage,
		SecurityContext: &api.SecurityContext{
			Privileged: &spec.RunAsPrivileged,

	if spec.ContainerCommand != nil {
		containerSpec.Command = []string{*spec.ContainerCommand}

	if spec.ContainerCommandArgs != nil {
		containerSpec.Args = []string{*spec.ContainerCommandArgs}

	podTemplate := &api.PodTemplateSpec{
		ObjectMeta: objectMeta,
		Spec: api.PodSpec{
			Containers: []api.Container{containerSpec},

	replicaSet := &api.ReplicationController{
		ObjectMeta: objectMeta,
		Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{
			Replicas: spec.Replicas,
			Selector: labels,
			Template: podTemplate,

	_, err := client.ReplicationControllers(spec.Namespace).Create(replicaSet)

	if err != nil {
		// TODO(bryk): Roll back created resources in case of error.
		return err

	if len(spec.PortMappings) > 0 {
		service := &api.Service{
			ObjectMeta: objectMeta,
			Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
				Selector: labels,

		if spec.IsExternal {
			service.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer
		} else {
			service.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort

		for _, portMapping := range spec.PortMappings {
			servicePort :=
					Protocol: portMapping.Protocol,
					Port:     portMapping.Port,
					TargetPort: intstr.IntOrString{
						Type:   intstr.Int,
						IntVal: portMapping.TargetPort,
			service.Spec.Ports = append(service.Spec.Ports, servicePort)

		_, err = client.Services(spec.Namespace).Create(service)

		// TODO(bryk): Roll back created resources in case of error.

		return err
	} else {
		return nil
func writePodContainer(m map[string]interface{}, item *api.Container) error {

	if x, ok := m["name"].(string); ok {
		item.Name = x

	if x, ok := m["image"].(string); ok {
		item.Image = x

	if x, ok := m["image_pull_policy"].(string); ok {
		item.ImagePullPolicy = api.PullPolicy(x)

	if x, ok := m["termination_message_path"].(string); ok {
		item.TerminationMessagePath = x

	if x, ok := m["working_dir"].(string); ok {
		item.WorkingDir = x

	if x, ok := m["command"].([]interface{}); ok {
		for _, y := range x {
			item.Command = append(item.Command, y.(string))

	if x, ok := m["args"].([]interface{}); ok {
		for _, y := range x {
			item.Args = append(item.Args, y.(string))

	if x, ok := m["port"].([]interface{}); ok {
		for _, y := range x {
			ref := api.ContainerPort{}
			writeContainerPort(y.(map[string]interface{}), &ref)
			item.Ports = append(item.Ports, ref)

	if x, ok := m["env"].([]interface{}); ok {
		for _, y := range x {
			ref := api.EnvVar{}
			writeEnvVar(y.(map[string]interface{}), &ref)
			item.Env = append(item.Env, ref)

	if x, ok := m["volume_mount"].([]interface{}); ok {
		for _, y := range x {
			ref := api.VolumeMount{}
			writeVolumeMount(y.(map[string]interface{}), &ref)
			item.VolumeMounts = append(item.VolumeMounts, ref)

	if n, ok := extractSingleMap(m["liveness_probe"]); ok {
		item.LivenessProbe = &api.Probe{}
		writeProbe(n, item.LivenessProbe)

	if n, ok := extractSingleMap(m["readiness_probe"]); ok {
		item.ReadinessProbe = &api.Probe{}
		writeProbe(n, item.ReadinessProbe)

	if n, ok := extractSingleMap(m["resources"]); ok {
		if o, ok := extractSingleMap(n["limits"]); ok {
			item.Resources.Limits = make(api.ResourceList)
			if x, ok := o["cpu"].(string); ok && x != "" {
				q, err := resource.ParseQuantity(x)
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("%s for %q", err, x)
				item.Resources.Limits[api.ResourceCPU] = *q
			if x, ok := o["memory"].(string); ok && x != "" {
				q, err := resource.ParseQuantity(x)
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("%s for %q", err, x)
				item.Resources.Limits[api.ResourceMemory] = *q
		if o, ok := extractSingleMap(n["requests"]); ok {
			item.Resources.Requests = make(api.ResourceList)
			if x, ok := o["cpu"].(string); ok && x != "" {
				q, err := resource.ParseQuantity(x)
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("%s for %q", err, x)
				item.Resources.Requests[api.ResourceCPU] = *q
			if x, ok := o["memory"].(string); ok && x != "" {
				q, err := resource.ParseQuantity(x)
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("%s for %q", err, x)
				item.Resources.Requests[api.ResourceMemory] = *q

	return nil