Beispiel #1
// doProbe probes the container once and records the result.
// Returns whether the worker should continue.
func doProbe(m *manager, w *worker) (keepGoing bool) {
	defer util.HandleCrash(func(_ interface{}) { keepGoing = true })

	status, ok := m.statusManager.GetPodStatus(w.pod.UID)
	if !ok {
		// Either the pod has not been created yet, or it was already deleted.
		glog.V(3).Infof("No status for pod: %v", kubeutil.FormatPodName(w.pod))
		return true

	// Worker should terminate if pod is terminated.
	if status.Phase == api.PodFailed || status.Phase == api.PodSucceeded {
		glog.V(3).Infof("Pod %v %v, exiting probe worker",
			kubeutil.FormatPodName(w.pod), status.Phase)
		return false

	c, ok := api.GetContainerStatus(status.ContainerStatuses, w.container.Name)
	if !ok {
		// Either the container has not been created yet, or it was deleted.
		glog.V(3).Infof("Non-existant container probed: %v - %v",
			kubeutil.FormatPodName(w.pod), w.container.Name)
		return true // Wait for more information.

	if w.containerID != types.UID(c.ContainerID) {
		if w.containerID != "" {
		w.containerID = types.UID(kubecontainer.TrimRuntimePrefix(c.ContainerID))

	if c.State.Running == nil {
		glog.V(3).Infof("Non-running container probed: %v - %v",
			kubeutil.FormatPodName(w.pod), w.container.Name)
		m.readinessCache.setReadiness(string(w.containerID), false)
		// Abort if the container will not be restarted.
		return c.State.Terminated == nil ||
			w.pod.Spec.RestartPolicy != api.RestartPolicyNever

	if int64(time.Since(c.State.Running.StartedAt.Time).Seconds()) < w.spec.InitialDelaySeconds {
		// Readiness defaults to false during the initial delay.
		m.readinessCache.setReadiness(string(w.containerID), false)
		return true

	// TODO: Move error handling out of prober.
	result, _ := m.prober.ProbeReadiness(w.pod, status, w.container, string(w.containerID))
	if result != probe.Unknown {
		m.readinessCache.setReadiness(string(w.containerID), result != probe.Failure)

	return true
Beispiel #2
func (m *manager) UpdatePodStatus(podUID types.UID, podStatus *api.PodStatus) {
	for i, c := range podStatus.ContainerStatuses {
		var ready bool
		if c.State.Running == nil {
			ready = false
		} else if result, ok := m.readinessCache.getReadiness(kubecontainer.TrimRuntimePrefix(c.ContainerID)); ok {
			ready = result
		} else {
			// The check whether there is a probe which hasn't run yet.
			_, exists := m.getReadinessProbe(podUID, c.Name)
			ready = !exists
		podStatus.ContainerStatuses[i].Ready = ready