func roundTrip(t *testing.T, codec runtime.Codec, item runtime.Object) {
	printer := spew.ConfigState{DisableMethods: true}

	original := item
	copied, err := api.Scheme.DeepCopy(item)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to copy: %v", err))
	item = copied.(runtime.Object)

	name := reflect.TypeOf(item).Elem().Name()
	data, err := runtime.Encode(codec, item)
	if err != nil {
		if runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
			t.Logf("%v: not registered: %v (%s)", name, err, printer.Sprintf("%#v", item))
		} else {
			t.Errorf("%v: %v (%s)", name, err, printer.Sprintf("%#v", item))

	if !api.Semantic.DeepEqual(original, item) {
		t.Errorf("0: %v: encode altered the object, diff: %v", name, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(original, item))

	obj2, err := runtime.Decode(codec, data)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("0: %v: %v\nCodec: %#v\nData: %s\nSource: %#v", name, err, codec, dataAsString(data), printer.Sprintf("%#v", item))
	if !api.Semantic.DeepEqual(original, obj2) {
		t.Errorf("\n1: %v: diff: %v\nCodec: %#v\nSource:\n\n%#v\n\nEncoded:\n\n%s\n\nFinal:\n\n%#v", name, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(item, obj2), codec, printer.Sprintf("%#v", item), dataAsString(data), printer.Sprintf("%#v", obj2))

	obj3 := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(item).Elem()).Interface().(runtime.Object)
	if err := runtime.DecodeInto(codec, data, obj3); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("2: %v: %v", name, err)
	if !api.Semantic.DeepEqual(item, obj3) {
		t.Errorf("3: %v: diff: %v\nCodec: %#v", name, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(item, obj3), codec)
Beispiel #2
func TestVersionedEncoding(t *testing.T) {
	s, codec := GetTestScheme()
	out, err := runtime.Encode(codec, &TestType1{}, unversioned.GroupVersion{Version: "v2"})
	if err != nil {
	if string(out) != `{"myVersionKey":"v2","myKindKey":"TestType1"}`+"\n" {
	_, err = runtime.Encode(codec, &TestType1{}, unversioned.GroupVersion{Version: "v3"})
	if err == nil {

	cf := newCodecFactory(s, testMetaFactory{})
	encoder, _ := cf.SerializerForFileExtension("json")

	// codec that is unversioned uses the target version
	unversionedCodec := cf.CodecForVersions(encoder, nil, nil)
	_, err = runtime.Encode(unversionedCodec, &TestType1{}, unversioned.GroupVersion{Version: "v3"})
	if err == nil || !runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {

	// unversioned encode with no versions is written directly to wire
	out, err = runtime.Encode(unversionedCodec, &TestType1{})
	if err != nil {
	if string(out) != `{"myVersionKey":"__internal","myKindKey":"TestType1"}`+"\n" {
Beispiel #3
// Convert_runtime_Object_To_runtime_RawExtension is conversion function that assumes that the runtime.Object you've embedded is in
// the same GroupVersion that your containing type is in.  This is signficantly better than simply breaking.
// Given an ordered list of preferred external versions for a given encode or conversion call, the behavior of this function could be
// made generic, predictable, and controllable.
func convert_runtime_Object_To_runtime_RawExtension(in runtime.Object, out *runtime.RawExtension, s conversion.Scope) error {
	if in == nil {
		return nil

	externalObject, err := internal.Scheme.ConvertToVersion(in, s.Meta().DestVersion)
	if runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
		switch cast := in.(type) {
		case *runtime.Unknown:
			out.Raw = cast.Raw
			return nil
		case *runtime.Unstructured:
			bytes, err := runtime.Encode(runtime.UnstructuredJSONScheme, externalObject)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			out.Raw = bytes
			return nil
	if err != nil {
		return err

	bytes, err := runtime.Encode(codec, externalObject)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	out.Raw = bytes
	out.Object = externalObject

	return nil
Beispiel #4
// AsVersionedObjects converts a list of infos into versioned objects. The provided
// version will be preferred as the conversion target, but the Object's mapping version will be
// used if that version is not present.
func AsVersionedObjects(infos []*Info, version string, encoder runtime.Encoder) ([]runtime.Object, error) {
	objects := []runtime.Object{}
	for _, info := range infos {
		if info.Object == nil {

		// TODO: use info.VersionedObject as the value?

		// objects that are not part of api.Scheme must be converted to JSON
		// TODO: convert to map[string]interface{}, attach to runtime.Unknown?
		if len(version) > 0 {
			if _, err := api.Scheme.ObjectKind(info.Object); runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
				// TODO: ideally this would encode to version, but we don't expose multiple codecs here.
				data, err := runtime.Encode(encoder, info.Object)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				// TODO: Set ContentEncoding and ContentType.
				objects = append(objects, &runtime.Unknown{Raw: data})

		converted, err := tryConvert(info.Mapping.ObjectConvertor, info.Object, version, info.Mapping.GroupVersionKind.GroupVersion().String())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		objects = append(objects, converted)
	return objects, nil
Beispiel #5
// AsVersionedObjects converts a list of infos into versioned objects. The provided
// version will be preferred as the conversion target, but the Object's mapping version will be
// used if that version is not present.
func AsVersionedObjects(infos []*Info, version string) ([]runtime.Object, error) {
	objects := []runtime.Object{}
	for _, info := range infos {
		if info.Object == nil {

		// objects that are not part of api.Scheme must be converted to JSON
		// TODO: convert to map[string]interface{}, attach to runtime.Unknown?
		if len(version) > 0 {
			if _, _, err := api.Scheme.ObjectVersionAndKind(info.Object); runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
				// TODO: ideally this would encode to version, but we don't expose multiple codecs here.
				data, err := info.Mapping.Codec.Encode(info.Object)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				objects = append(objects, &runtime.Unknown{RawJSON: data})

		converted, err := tryConvert(info.Mapping.ObjectConvertor, info.Object, version, info.Mapping.APIVersion)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		objects = append(objects, converted)
	return objects, nil
Beispiel #6
func (versionedParameterEncoderWithV1Fallback) EncodeParameters(obj runtime.Object, to unversioned.GroupVersion) (url.Values, error) {
	ret, err := api.ParameterCodec.EncodeParameters(obj, to)
	if err != nil && runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
		// fallback to v1
		return api.ParameterCodec.EncodeParameters(obj, v1.SchemeGroupVersion)
	return ret, err
func roundTrip(t *testing.T, codec runtime.Codec, originalItem runtime.Object) {
	// Make a copy of the originalItem to give to conversion functions
	// This lets us know if conversion messed with the input object
	deepCopy, err := kapi.Scheme.DeepCopy(originalItem)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Could not copy object: %v", err)
	item := deepCopy.(runtime.Object)

	name := reflect.TypeOf(item).Elem().Name()
	data, err := runtime.Encode(codec, item)
	if err != nil {
		if runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
			t.Logf("%v skipped: not registered: %v", name, err)
		t.Errorf("%v: %v (%#v)", name, err, item)

	obj2, err := runtime.Decode(codec, data)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("0: %v: %v\nCodec: %v\nData: %s\nSource: %#v", name, err, codec, string(data), originalItem)
	if reflect.TypeOf(item) != reflect.TypeOf(obj2) {
		obj2conv := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(item).Elem()).Interface().(runtime.Object)
		if err := kapi.Scheme.Convert(obj2, obj2conv, nil); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("0X: no conversion from %v to %v: %v", reflect.TypeOf(item), reflect.TypeOf(obj2), err)
		obj2 = obj2conv

	if !kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(originalItem, obj2) {
		t.Errorf("1: %v: diff: %v\nCodec: %v\nData: %s", name, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(originalItem, obj2), codec, dataToString(data))

	obj3 := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(item).Elem()).Interface().(runtime.Object)
	if err := runtime.DecodeInto(codec, data, obj3); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("2: %v: %v", name, err)
	if !kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(originalItem, obj3) {
		t.Errorf("3: %v: diff: %v\nCodec: %v", name, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(originalItem, obj3), codec)
Beispiel #8
// Encode does not do conversion. It sets the gvk during serialization.
func (e DirectEncoder) Encode(obj runtime.Object, stream io.Writer) error {
	gvks, _, err := e.ObjectTyper.ObjectKinds(obj)
	if err != nil {
		if runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
			return e.Encoder.Encode(obj, stream)
		return err
	kind := obj.GetObjectKind()
	oldGVK := kind.GroupVersionKind()
	err = e.Encoder.Encode(obj, stream)
	return err
Beispiel #9
// Print converts the object to a map[string]interface{} in the target version before calling the nested printer.
func (p *VersionedColumnPrinter) Print(out interface{}) ([]string, []byte, error) {
	var output []byte
	if obj, ok := out.(runtime.Object); ok {
		converted, err := p.convertor.ConvertToVersion(obj, p.version)
		if err != nil {
			if !runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
				return nil, nil, err
			converted = obj
		data, err := json.Marshal(converted)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		output = data
		out = map[string]interface{}{}
		if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &out); err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
	args, _, err := p.printer.Print(out)
	return args, output, err
Beispiel #10
// DecodeNestedRawExtensionOrUnknown
func DecodeNestedRawExtensionOrUnknown(d runtime.Decoder, ext *runtime.RawExtension) {
	if ext.Raw == nil || ext.Object != nil {
	obj, gvk, err := d.Decode(ext.Raw, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		unk := &runtime.Unknown{Raw: ext.Raw}
		if runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
			if _, gvk, err := d.Decode(ext.Raw, nil, unk); err == nil {
				unk.APIVersion = gvk.GroupVersion().String()
				unk.Kind = gvk.Kind
				ext.Object = unk
		// TODO: record mime-type with the object
		if gvk != nil {
			unk.APIVersion = gvk.GroupVersion().String()
			unk.Kind = gvk.Kind
		obj = unk
	ext.Object = obj
Beispiel #11
// Decode attempts to convert the provided data into YAML or JSON, extract the stored schema kind, apply the provided default gvk, and then
// load that data into an object matching the desired schema kind or the provided into. If into is *runtime.Unknown, the raw data will be
// extracted and no decoding will be performed. If into is not registered with the typer, then the object will be straight decoded using
// normal JSON/YAML unmarshalling. If into is provided and the original data is not fully qualified with kind/version/group, the type of
// the into will be used to alter the returned gvk. On success or most errors, the method will return the calculated schema kind.
func (s *Serializer) Decode(originalData []byte, gvk *unversioned.GroupVersionKind, into runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, *unversioned.GroupVersionKind, error) {
	if versioned, ok := into.(*runtime.VersionedObjects); ok {
		into = versioned.Last()
		obj, actual, err := s.Decode(originalData, gvk, into)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, actual, err
		versioned.Objects = []runtime.Object{obj}
		return versioned, actual, nil

	data := originalData
	if s.yaml {
		altered, err := yaml.YAMLToJSON(data)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		data = altered

	actual, err := s.meta.Interpret(data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	if gvk != nil {
		// apply kind and version defaulting from provided default
		if len(actual.Kind) == 0 {
			actual.Kind = gvk.Kind
		if len(actual.Version) == 0 && len(actual.Group) == 0 {
			actual.Group = gvk.Group
			actual.Version = gvk.Version
		if len(actual.Version) == 0 && actual.Group == gvk.Group {
			actual.Version = gvk.Version

	if unk, ok := into.(*runtime.Unknown); ok && unk != nil {
		unk.Raw = originalData
		unk.ContentType = runtime.ContentTypeJSON
		return unk, actual, nil

	if into != nil {
		typed, _, err := s.typer.ObjectKind(into)
		switch {
		case runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err):
			if err := codec.NewDecoderBytes(data, new(codec.JsonHandle)).Decode(into); err != nil {
				return nil, actual, err
			return into, actual, nil
		case err != nil:
			return nil, actual, err
			if len(actual.Kind) == 0 {
				actual.Kind = typed.Kind
			if len(actual.Version) == 0 && len(actual.Group) == 0 {
				actual.Group = typed.Group
				actual.Version = typed.Version
			if len(actual.Version) == 0 && actual.Group == typed.Group {
				actual.Version = typed.Version

	if len(actual.Kind) == 0 {
		return nil, actual, runtime.NewMissingKindErr(string(originalData))
	if len(actual.Version) == 0 {
		return nil, actual, runtime.NewMissingVersionErr(string(originalData))

	// use the target if necessary
	obj, err := runtime.UseOrCreateObject(s.typer, s.creater, *actual, into)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, actual, err

	if err := codec.NewDecoderBytes(data, new(codec.JsonHandle)).Decode(obj); err != nil {
		return nil, actual, err
	return obj, actual, nil
Beispiel #12
func TestConvertToVersion(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		scheme *runtime.Scheme
		in     runtime.Object
		gv     runtime.GroupVersioner
		same   bool
		out    runtime.Object
		errFn  func(error) bool
		// errors if the type is not registered in the scheme
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &UnknownType{},
			errFn:  func(err error) bool { return err != nil && runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) },
		// errors if the group versioner returns no target
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     testGroupVersioner{},
			errFn: func(err error) bool {
				return err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "is not suitable for converting")
		// converts to internal
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     schema.GroupVersion{Version: "__internal"},
			out:    &TestType1{A: "test"},
		// prefers the best match
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     schema.GroupVersions{{Version: "__internal"}, {Version: "v1"}},
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "v1", ObjectKind: "TestType1"},
				A: "test",
		// unversioned type returned as-is
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &UnversionedType{A: "test"},
			gv:     schema.GroupVersions{{Version: "v1"}},
			same:   true,
			out: &UnversionedType{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "v1", ObjectKind: "UnversionedType"},
				A: "test",
		// unversioned type returned when not included in the target types
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &UnversionedType{A: "test"},
			gv:     schema.GroupVersions{{Group: "other", Version: "v2"}},
			same:   true,
			out: &UnversionedType{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "v1", ObjectKind: "UnversionedType"},
				A: "test",
		// detected as already being in the target version
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     schema.GroupVersions{{Version: "v1"}},
			same:   true,
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "v1", ObjectKind: "TestType1"},
				A: "test",
		// detected as already being in the first target version
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     schema.GroupVersions{{Version: "v1"}, {Version: "__internal"}},
			same:   true,
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "v1", ObjectKind: "TestType1"},
				A: "test",
		// detected as already being in the first target version
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     schema.GroupVersions{{Version: "v1"}, {Version: "__internal"}},
			same:   true,
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "v1", ObjectKind: "TestType1"},
				A: "test",
		// the external type is registered in multiple groups, versions, and kinds, and can be targeted to all of them (1/3): different kind
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     testGroupVersioner{ok: true, target: schema.GroupVersionKind{Kind: "TestType3", Version: "v1"}},
			same:   true,
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "v1", ObjectKind: "TestType3"},
				A: "test",
		// the external type is registered in multiple groups, versions, and kinds, and can be targeted to all of them (2/3): different gv
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     testGroupVersioner{ok: true, target: schema.GroupVersionKind{Kind: "TestType3", Group: "custom", Version: "v1"}},
			same:   true,
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "custom/v1", ObjectKind: "TestType3"},
				A: "test",
		// the external type is registered in multiple groups, versions, and kinds, and can be targeted to all of them (3/3): different gvk
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     testGroupVersioner{ok: true, target: schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "custom", Version: "v1", Kind: "TestType5"}},
			same:   true,
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "custom/v1", ObjectKind: "TestType5"},
				A: "test",
		// multi group versioner recognizes multiple groups and forces the output to a particular version, copies because version differs
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     runtime.NewMultiGroupVersioner(schema.GroupVersion{Group: "other", Version: "v2"}, schema.GroupKind{Group: "custom", Kind: "TestType3"}, schema.GroupKind{Kind: "TestType1"}),
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "other/v2", ObjectKind: "TestType1"},
				A: "test",
		// multi group versioner recognizes multiple groups and forces the output to a particular version, copies because version differs
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     runtime.NewMultiGroupVersioner(schema.GroupVersion{Group: "other", Version: "v2"}, schema.GroupKind{Kind: "TestType1"}, schema.GroupKind{Group: "custom", Kind: "TestType3"}),
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "other/v2", ObjectKind: "TestType1"},
				A: "test",
		// multi group versioner is unable to find a match when kind AND group don't match (there is no TestType1 kind in group "other", and no kind "TestType5" in the default group)
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &TestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     runtime.NewMultiGroupVersioner(schema.GroupVersion{Group: "custom", Version: "v1"}, schema.GroupKind{Group: "other"}, schema.GroupKind{Kind: "TestType5"}),
			errFn: func(err error) bool {
				return err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "is not suitable for converting")
		// multi group versioner recognizes multiple groups and forces the output to a particular version, performs no copy
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     runtime.NewMultiGroupVersioner(schema.GroupVersion{Group: "", Version: "v1"}, schema.GroupKind{Group: "custom", Kind: "TestType3"}, schema.GroupKind{Kind: "TestType1"}),
			same:   true,
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "v1", ObjectKind: "TestType1"},
				A: "test",
		// multi group versioner recognizes multiple groups and forces the output to a particular version, performs no copy
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &ExternalTestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     runtime.NewMultiGroupVersioner(schema.GroupVersion{Group: "", Version: "v1"}, schema.GroupKind{Kind: "TestType1"}, schema.GroupKind{Group: "custom", Kind: "TestType3"}),
			same:   true,
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "v1", ObjectKind: "TestType1"},
				A: "test",
		// group versioner can choose a particular target kind for a given input when kind is the same across group versions
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &TestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     testGroupVersioner{ok: true, target: schema.GroupVersionKind{Version: "v1", Kind: "TestType3"}},
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "v1", ObjectKind: "TestType3"},
				A: "test",
		// group versioner can choose a different kind
			scheme: GetTestScheme(),
			in:     &TestType1{A: "test"},
			gv:     testGroupVersioner{ok: true, target: schema.GroupVersionKind{Kind: "TestType5", Group: "custom", Version: "v1"}},
			out: &ExternalTestType1{
				MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField: MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField{APIVersion: "custom/v1", ObjectKind: "TestType5"},
				A: "test",
	for i, test := range testCases {
		original, _ := test.scheme.DeepCopy(
		out, err := test.scheme.ConvertToVersion(, test.gv)
		switch {
		case test.errFn != nil:
			if !test.errFn(err) {
				t.Errorf("%d: unexpected error: %v", i, err)
		case err != nil:
			t.Errorf("%d: unexpected error: %v", i, err)
		if out == {
			t.Errorf("%d: ConvertToVersion should always copy out: %#v", i, out)

		if test.same {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(original, {
				t.Errorf("%d: unexpected mutation of input: %s", i, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(original,
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, test.out) {
				t.Errorf("%d: unexpected out: %s", i, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(out, test.out))
			unsafe, err := test.scheme.UnsafeConvertToVersion(, test.gv)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%d: unexpected error: %v", i, err)
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(unsafe, test.out) {
				t.Errorf("%d: unexpected unsafe: %s", i, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(unsafe, test.out))
			if unsafe != {
				t.Errorf("%d: UnsafeConvertToVersion should return same object: %#v", i, unsafe)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, test.out) {
			t.Errorf("%d: unexpected out: %s", i, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(out, test.out))
Beispiel #13
// Decode attempts to convert the provided data into a protobuf message, extract the stored schema kind, apply the provided default
// gvk, and then load that data into an object matching the desired schema kind or the provided into. If into is *runtime.Unknown,
// the raw data will be extracted and no decoding will be performed. If into is not registered with the typer, then the object will
// be straight decoded using normal protobuf unmarshalling (the MarshalTo interface). If into is provided and the original data is
// not fully qualified with kind/version/group, the type of the into will be used to alter the returned gvk. On success or most
// errors, the method will return the calculated schema kind.
func (s *Serializer) Decode(originalData []byte, gvk *unversioned.GroupVersionKind, into runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, *unversioned.GroupVersionKind, error) {
	if versioned, ok := into.(*runtime.VersionedObjects); ok {
		into = versioned.Last()
		obj, actual, err := s.Decode(originalData, gvk, into)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, actual, err
		// the last item in versioned becomes into, so if versioned was not originally empty we reset the object
		// array so the first position is the decoded object and the second position is the outermost object.
		// if there were no objects in the versioned list passed to us, only add ourselves.
		if into != nil && into != obj {
			versioned.Objects = []runtime.Object{obj, into}
		} else {
			versioned.Objects = []runtime.Object{obj}
		return versioned, actual, err

	prefixLen := len(s.prefix)
	switch {
	case len(originalData) == 0:
		// TODO: treat like decoding {} from JSON with defaulting
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("empty data")
	case len(originalData) < prefixLen || !bytes.Equal(s.prefix, originalData[:prefixLen]):
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("provided data does not appear to be a protobuf message, expected prefix %v", s.prefix)
	case len(originalData) == prefixLen:
		// TODO: treat like decoding {} from JSON with defaulting
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("empty body")

	data := originalData[prefixLen:]
	unk := runtime.Unknown{}
	if err := unk.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	actual := unk.GroupVersionKind()
	copyKindDefaults(actual, gvk)

	if intoUnknown, ok := into.(*runtime.Unknown); ok && intoUnknown != nil {
		*intoUnknown = unk
		if len(intoUnknown.ContentType) == 0 {
			intoUnknown.ContentType = s.contentType
		return intoUnknown, actual, nil

	if into != nil {
		typed, _, err := s.typer.ObjectKind(into)
		switch {
		case runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err):
			pb, ok := into.(proto.Message)
			if !ok {
				return nil, actual, errNotMarshalable{reflect.TypeOf(into)}
			if err := proto.Unmarshal(unk.Raw, pb); err != nil {
				return nil, actual, err
			return into, actual, nil
		case err != nil:
			return nil, actual, err
			copyKindDefaults(actual, typed)
			// if the result of defaulting did not set a version or group, ensure that at least group is set
			// (copyKindDefaults will not assign Group if version is already set). This guarantees that the group
			// of into is set if there is no better information from the caller or object.
			if len(actual.Version) == 0 && len(actual.Group) == 0 {
				actual.Group = typed.Group

	if len(actual.Kind) == 0 {
		return nil, actual, runtime.NewMissingKindErr(fmt.Sprintf("%#v", unk.TypeMeta))
	if len(actual.Version) == 0 {
		return nil, actual, runtime.NewMissingVersionErr(fmt.Sprintf("%#v", unk.TypeMeta))

	return unmarshalToObject(s.typer, s.creater, actual, into, unk.Raw)
Beispiel #14
// Decode attempts to convert the provided data into a protobuf message, extract the stored schema kind, apply the provided default
// gvk, and then load that data into an object matching the desired schema kind or the provided into. If into is *runtime.Unknown,
// the raw data will be extracted and no decoding will be performed. If into is not registered with the typer, then the object will
// be straight decoded using normal protobuf unmarshalling (the MarshalTo interface). If into is provided and the original data is
// not fully qualified with kind/version/group, the type of the into will be used to alter the returned gvk. On success or most
// errors, the method will return the calculated schema kind.
func (s *RawSerializer) Decode(originalData []byte, gvk *unversioned.GroupVersionKind, into runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, *unversioned.GroupVersionKind, error) {
	if into == nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("this serializer requires an object to decode into: %#v", s)

	if versioned, ok := into.(*runtime.VersionedObjects); ok {
		into = versioned.Last()
		obj, actual, err := s.Decode(originalData, gvk, into)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, actual, err
		if into != nil && into != obj {
			versioned.Objects = []runtime.Object{obj, into}
		} else {
			versioned.Objects = []runtime.Object{obj}
		return versioned, actual, err

	if len(originalData) == 0 {
		// TODO: treat like decoding {} from JSON with defaulting
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("empty data")
	data := originalData

	actual := &unversioned.GroupVersionKind{}
	copyKindDefaults(actual, gvk)

	if intoUnknown, ok := into.(*runtime.Unknown); ok && intoUnknown != nil {
		intoUnknown.Raw = data
		intoUnknown.ContentEncoding = ""
		intoUnknown.ContentType = s.contentType
		return intoUnknown, actual, nil

	typed, _, err := s.typer.ObjectKind(into)
	switch {
	case runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err):
		pb, ok := into.(proto.Message)
		if !ok {
			return nil, actual, errNotMarshalable{reflect.TypeOf(into)}
		if err := proto.Unmarshal(data, pb); err != nil {
			return nil, actual, err
		return into, actual, nil
	case err != nil:
		return nil, actual, err
		copyKindDefaults(actual, typed)
		// if the result of defaulting did not set a version or group, ensure that at least group is set
		// (copyKindDefaults will not assign Group if version is already set). This guarantees that the group
		// of into is set if there is no better information from the caller or object.
		if len(actual.Version) == 0 && len(actual.Group) == 0 {
			actual.Group = typed.Group

	if len(actual.Kind) == 0 {
		return nil, actual, runtime.NewMissingKindErr("<protobuf encoded body - must provide default type>")
	if len(actual.Version) == 0 {
		return nil, actual, runtime.NewMissingVersionErr("<protobuf encoded body - must provide default type>")

	return unmarshalToObject(s.typer, s.creater, actual, into, data)
Beispiel #15
// TODO: Have policies be created via an API call and stored in REST storage.
func NewFromFile(path string) (policyList, error) {
	// File format is one map per line.  This allows easy concatentation of files,
	// comments in files, and identification of errors by line number.
	file, err := os.Open(path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer file.Close()

	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
	pl := make(policyList, 0)

	decoder := api.Codecs.UniversalDecoder()

	i := 0
	unversionedLines := 0
	for scanner.Scan() {
		p := &api.Policy{}
		b := scanner.Bytes()

		// skip comment lines and blank lines
		trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(string(b))
		if len(trimmed) == 0 || strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, "#") {

		decodedObj, _, err := decoder.Decode(b, nil, nil)
		if err != nil {
			if !(runtime.IsMissingVersion(err) || runtime.IsMissingKind(err) || runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err)) {
				return nil, policyLoadError{path, i, b, err}
			// Migrate unversioned policy object
			oldPolicy := &v0.Policy{}
			if err := runtime.DecodeInto(decoder, b, oldPolicy); err != nil {
				return nil, policyLoadError{path, i, b, err}
			if err := api.Scheme.Convert(oldPolicy, p); err != nil {
				return nil, policyLoadError{path, i, b, err}
			pl = append(pl, p)

		decodedPolicy, ok := decodedObj.(*api.Policy)
		if !ok {
			return nil, policyLoadError{path, i, b, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized object: %#v", decodedObj)}
		pl = append(pl, decodedPolicy)

	if unversionedLines > 0 {
		glog.Warningf(`Policy file %s contained unversioned rules. See docs/admin/ for ABAC file format details.`, path)

	if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
		return nil, policyLoadError{path, -1, nil, err}
	return pl, nil