func roundTrip(t *testing.T, codec runtime.Codec, item runtime.Object) {
	//t.Logf("codec: %#v", codec)

	printer := spew.ConfigState{DisableMethods: true}

	name := reflect.TypeOf(item).Elem().Name()
	data, err := runtime.Encode(codec, item)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("%v: %v (%s)", name, err, printer.Sprintf("%#v", item))

	obj2, err := runtime.Decode(codec, data)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("0: %v: %v\nCodec: %v\nData: %s\nSource: %#v", name, err, codec, string(data), printer.Sprintf("%#v", item))
	if !api.Semantic.DeepEqual(item, obj2) {
		t.Errorf("\n1: %v: diff: %v\nCodec: %v\nSource:\n\n%#v\n\nEncoded:\n\n%s\n\nFinal:\n\n%#v", name, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(item, obj2), codec, printer.Sprintf("%#v", item), string(data), printer.Sprintf("%#v", obj2))

	obj3 := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(item).Elem()).Interface().(runtime.Object)
	if err := runtime.DecodeInto(codec, data, obj3); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("2: %v: %v", name, err)
	if !api.Semantic.DeepEqual(item, obj3) {
		t.Errorf("3: %v: diff: %v\nCodec: %v", name, diff.ObjectDiff(item, obj3), codec)
Beispiel #2
func (r *subjectAccessTest) runTest(t *testing.T) {
	storage := NewREST(subjectaccessreview.NewRegistry(subjectaccessreview.NewREST(r.authorizer)))

	expectedResponse := &authorizationapi.SubjectAccessReviewResponse{
		Namespace: r.reviewRequest.Action.Namespace,
		Allowed:   r.authorizer.allowed,
		Reason:    r.authorizer.reason,

	expectedAttributes := authorizer.ToDefaultAuthorizationAttributes(r.reviewRequest.Action)

	ctx := kapi.WithNamespace(kapi.NewContext(), r.reviewRequest.Action.Namespace)
	if r.requestingUser != nil {
		ctx = kapi.WithUser(ctx, r.requestingUser)

	obj, err := storage.Create(ctx, r.reviewRequest)
	if err != nil && len(r.authorizer.err) == 0 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	if len(r.authorizer.err) != 0 {
		if err == nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected non-error: %v", err)
		if e, a := r.authorizer.err, err.Error(); e != a {
			t.Fatalf("expected %v, got %v", e, a)


	switch obj.(type) {
	case *authorizationapi.SubjectAccessReviewResponse:
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedResponse, obj) {
			t.Errorf("diff %v", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expectedResponse, obj))
	case nil:
		if len(r.authorizer.err) == 0 {
			t.Fatal("unexpected nil object")

		t.Errorf("Unexpected obj type: %v", obj)

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedAttributes, r.authorizer.actualAttributes) {
		t.Errorf("diff %v", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expectedAttributes, r.authorizer.actualAttributes))

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(r.expectedUserInfo, r.authorizer.actualUserInfo) {
		t.Errorf("diff %v", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(r.expectedUserInfo, r.authorizer.actualUserInfo))

Beispiel #3
func (r *subjectAccessTest) runTest(t *testing.T) {
	storage := REST{r.authorizer}

	expectedResponse := &authorizationapi.SubjectAccessReviewResponse{
		Namespace:       r.reviewRequest.Action.Namespace,
		Allowed:         r.authorizer.allowed,
		Reason:          r.authorizer.reason,
		EvaluationError: r.authorizer.err,

	expectedAttributes := authorizer.ToDefaultAuthorizationAttributes(r.reviewRequest.Action)

	ctx := kapi.WithNamespace(kapi.NewContext(), kapi.NamespaceAll)
	if r.requestingUser != nil {
		ctx = kapi.WithUser(ctx, r.requestingUser)

	obj, err := storage.Create(ctx, r.reviewRequest)
	switch {
	case err == nil && len(r.expectedError) == 0:
	case err == nil && len(r.expectedError) != 0:
		t.Fatalf("missing expected error: %v", r.expectedError)
	case err != nil && len(r.expectedError) == 0:
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	case err != nil && len(r.expectedError) == 0 && err.Error() != r.expectedError:
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", r.expectedError)
	if len(r.expectedError) > 0 {

	switch obj.(type) {
	case *authorizationapi.SubjectAccessReviewResponse:
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedResponse, obj) {
			t.Errorf("diff %v", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expectedResponse, obj))

		t.Errorf("Unexpected obj type: %v", obj)

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedAttributes, r.authorizer.actualAttributes) {
		t.Errorf("diff %v", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expectedAttributes, r.authorizer.actualAttributes))

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(r.expectedUserInfo, r.authorizer.actualUserInfo) {
		t.Errorf("diff %v", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(r.expectedUserInfo, r.authorizer.actualUserInfo))
func validateEvent(messagePrefix string, actualEvent *api.Event, expectedEvent *api.Event, t *testing.T) (*api.Event, error) {
	recvEvent := *actualEvent
	expectCompression := expectedEvent.Count > 1
	t.Logf("%v - expectedEvent.Count is %d\n", messagePrefix, expectedEvent.Count)
	// Just check that the timestamp was set.
	if recvEvent.FirstTimestamp.IsZero() || recvEvent.LastTimestamp.IsZero() {
		t.Errorf("%v - timestamp wasn't set: %#v", messagePrefix, recvEvent)
	actualFirstTimestamp := recvEvent.FirstTimestamp
	actualLastTimestamp := recvEvent.LastTimestamp
	if actualFirstTimestamp.Equal(actualLastTimestamp) {
		if expectCompression {
			t.Errorf("%v - FirstTimestamp (%q) and LastTimestamp (%q) must be different to indicate event compression happened, but were the same. Actual Event: %#v", messagePrefix, actualFirstTimestamp, actualLastTimestamp, recvEvent)
	} else {
		if expectedEvent.Count == 1 {
			t.Errorf("%v - FirstTimestamp (%q) and LastTimestamp (%q) must be equal to indicate only one occurrence of the event, but were different. Actual Event: %#v", messagePrefix, actualFirstTimestamp, actualLastTimestamp, recvEvent)
	// Temp clear time stamps for comparison because actual values don't matter for comparison
	recvEvent.FirstTimestamp = expectedEvent.FirstTimestamp
	recvEvent.LastTimestamp = expectedEvent.LastTimestamp
	// Check that name has the right prefix.
	if n, en := recvEvent.Name, expectedEvent.Name; !strings.HasPrefix(n, en) {
		t.Errorf("%v - Name '%v' does not contain prefix '%v'", messagePrefix, n, en)
	recvEvent.Name = expectedEvent.Name
	if e, a := expectedEvent, &recvEvent; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
		t.Errorf("%v - diff: %s", messagePrefix, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(e, a))
	recvEvent.FirstTimestamp = actualFirstTimestamp
	recvEvent.LastTimestamp = actualLastTimestamp
	return actualEvent, nil
Beispiel #5
func (r *resourceAccessTest) runTest(t *testing.T) {
	storage := REST{r.authorizer}

	expectedResponse := &authorizationapi.ResourceAccessReviewResponse{
		Namespace: r.reviewRequest.Action.Namespace,
		Users:     r.authorizer.users,
		Groups:    r.authorizer.groups,

	expectedAttributes := authorizer.ToDefaultAuthorizationAttributes(r.reviewRequest.Action)

	ctx := kapi.WithNamespace(kapi.NewContext(), kapi.NamespaceAll)
	obj, err := storage.Create(ctx, r.reviewRequest)
	if err != nil && len(r.authorizer.err) == 0 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	if len(r.authorizer.err) != 0 {
		if err == nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected non-error: %v", err)
		if e, a := r.authorizer.err, err.Error(); e != a {
			t.Fatalf("expected %v, got %v", e, a)


	switch obj.(type) {
	case *authorizationapi.ResourceAccessReviewResponse:
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedResponse, obj) {
			t.Errorf("diff %v", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expectedResponse, obj))
	case nil:
		if len(r.authorizer.err) == 0 {
			t.Fatal("unexpected nil object")
		t.Errorf("Unexpected obj type: %v", obj)

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedAttributes, r.authorizer.actualAttributes) {
		t.Errorf("diff %v", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expectedAttributes, r.authorizer.actualAttributes))
Beispiel #6
func TestRepositoryBucketCopy(t *testing.T) {
	now := time.Now()
	clock := util.NewFakeClock(now)

	ttl5m := time.Minute * 5
	for _, tc := range []struct {
		name          string
		entries       []bucketEntry
		expectedRepos []string
			name:          "no entry",
			expectedRepos: []string{},

			name: "one stale entry",
			entries: []bucketEntry{
					repository: "1",
			expectedRepos: []string{},

			name: "two entries",
			entries: []bucketEntry{
					repository: "a",
					evictOn:    now.Add(ttl5m),
					repository: "b",
					evictOn:    now.Add(ttl5m),
			expectedRepos: []string{"a", "b"},
	} {
		b := repositoryBucket{
			clock: clock,
			list:  tc.entries,
		result := b.Copy()

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, tc.expectedRepos) {
			t.Errorf("[%s] got unexpected repo list: %s",, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(result, tc.expectedRepos))
func TestStrategyPrepareForCreate(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := kapi.NewDefaultContext()

	original := api.Image{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name: "image",

	seed := int64(2703387474910584091) //rand.Int63()
	fuzzed := fuzzImage(t, &original, seed)
	obj, err := kapi.Scheme.DeepCopy(fuzzed)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("faild to deep copy fuzzed image: %v", err)
	image := obj.(*api.Image)

	if len(image.Signatures) == 0 {
		t.Fatalf("fuzzifier failed to generate signatures")

	Strategy.PrepareForCreate(ctx, image)

	if len(image.Signatures) != len(fuzzed.Signatures) {
		t.Errorf("unexpected number of signatures: %d != %d", len(image.Signatures), len(fuzzed.Signatures))

	for i, sig := range image.Signatures {
		vi := reflect.ValueOf(&sig).Elem()
		vf := reflect.ValueOf(&fuzzed.Signatures[i]).Elem()
		typeOfT := vf.Type()

		for j := 0; j < vf.NumField(); j++ {
			iField := vi.Field(j)
			fField := vf.Field(j)
			typeOfF := fField.Type()

			switch typeOfT.Field(j).Name {
			case "Content", "Type", "TypeMeta", "ObjectMeta":
				if !reflect.DeepEqual(iField.Interface(), fField.Interface()) {
					t.Errorf("%s field should not differ: %s", typeOfT.Field(j).Name, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(iField.Interface(), fField.Interface()))

				if !reflect.DeepEqual(iField.Interface(), reflect.Zero(typeOfF).Interface()) {
					t.Errorf("expected Signatures.%s to be unset, not %#+v", typeOfF.Field(j).Name, iField.Interface())
Beispiel #8
func TestAPIServerDefaults(t *testing.T) {
	defaults := apiserveroptions.NewAPIServer()

	// This is a snapshot of the default config
	// If the default changes (new fields are added, or default values change), we want to know
	// Once we've reacted to the changes appropriately in BuildKubernetesMasterConfig(), update this expected default to match the new upstream defaults
	expectedDefaults := &apiserveroptions.APIServer{
		ServerRunOptions: &genericapiserver.ServerRunOptions{
			BindAddress:            net.ParseIP(""),
			CertDirectory:          "/var/run/kubernetes",
			InsecureBindAddress:    net.ParseIP(""),
			InsecurePort:           8080,
			LongRunningRequestRE:   "(/|^)((watch|proxy)(/|$)|(logs?|portforward|exec|attach)/?$)",
			MaxRequestsInFlight:    400,
			SecurePort:             6443,
			APIGroupPrefix:         "/apis",
			APIPrefix:              "/api",
			EnableLogsSupport:      true,
			EnableProfiling:        true,
			EnableWatchCache:       true,
			MinRequestTimeout:      1800,
			RuntimeConfig:          utilconfig.ConfigurationMap{},
			StorageVersions:        registered.AllPreferredGroupVersions(),
			MasterCount:            1,
			DefaultStorageVersions: registered.AllPreferredGroupVersions(),
			StorageConfig: storagebackend.Config{
				Prefix: "/registry",
				DeserializationCacheSize: genericapiserver.DefaultDeserializationCacheSize,
		DefaultStorageMediaType: "application/json",
		AdmissionControl:        "AlwaysAdmit",
		AuthorizationMode:       "AlwaysAllow",
		DeleteCollectionWorkers: 1,
		EventTTL:                1 * time.Hour,
		MasterServiceNamespace:  "default",
		KubeletConfig: kubeletclient.KubeletClientConfig{
			Port:        10250,
			EnableHttps: true,
			HTTPTimeout: time.Duration(5) * time.Second,

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(defaults, expectedDefaults) {
		t.Logf("expected defaults, actual defaults: \n%s", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expectedDefaults, defaults))
		t.Errorf("Got different defaults than expected, adjust in BuildKubernetesMasterConfig and update expectedDefaults")
func TestProtobufRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
	obj := &v1.Pod{}
	apitesting.FuzzerFor(t, v1.SchemeGroupVersion, rand.NewSource(benchmarkSeed)).Fuzz(obj)
	// InitContainers are turned into annotations by conversion.
	obj.Spec.InitContainers = nil
	obj.Status.InitContainerStatuses = nil
	data, err := obj.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
	out := &v1.Pod{}
	if err := out.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
	if !api.Semantic.Equalities.DeepEqual(out, obj) {
		t.Logf("marshal\n%s", hex.Dump(data))
		t.Fatalf("Unmarshal is unequal\n%s", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(out, obj))
Beispiel #10
func TestProtobufRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
	obj := &v1.Pod{}
	apitesting.FuzzerFor(t, v1.SchemeGroupVersion, rand.NewSource(benchmarkSeed)).Fuzz(obj)
	// InitContainers are turned into annotations by conversion.
	obj.Spec.InitContainers = nil
	obj.Status.InitContainerStatuses = nil
	// We don't round trip VolumeSource.Metadata (it's a deprecated OpenShift
	// carry) for protobuf, so we need to nil it out here to make the test pass.
	for i := range obj.Spec.Volumes {
		obj.Spec.Volumes[i].VolumeSource.Metadata = nil
	data, err := obj.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
	out := &v1.Pod{}
	if err := out.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
	if !api.Semantic.Equalities.DeepEqual(out, obj) {
		t.Logf("marshal\n%s", hex.Dump(data))
		t.Fatalf("Unmarshal is unequal\n%s", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(out, obj))
Beispiel #11
func TestAnonymousConfig(t *testing.T) {
	f := fuzz.New().NilChance(0.0).NumElements(1, 1)
		func(r *runtime.Codec, f fuzz.Continue) {},
		func(r *http.RoundTripper, f fuzz.Continue) {},
		func(fn *func(http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper, f fuzz.Continue) {},
	for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
		original := &restclient.Config{}
		actual := AnonymousClientConfig(original)
		expected := *original

		// this is the list of known security related fields, add to this list if a new field
		// is added to restclient.Config, update AnonymousClientConfig to preserve the field otherwise.
		expected.Impersonate = ""
		expected.BearerToken = ""
		expected.Username = ""
		expected.Password = ""
		expected.TLSClientConfig.CertData = nil
		expected.TLSClientConfig.CertFile = ""
		expected.TLSClientConfig.KeyData = nil
		expected.TLSClientConfig.KeyFile = ""

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
			t.Fatalf("AnonymousClientConfig dropped unexpected fields, identify whether they are security related or not: %s", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expected, actual))
func TestObjectWatchFraming(t *testing.T) {
	f := apitesting.FuzzerFor(nil, api.SchemeGroupVersion, rand.NewSource(benchmarkSeed))
	secret := &api.Secret{}
	secret.Data["binary"] = []byte{0x00, 0x10, 0x30, 0x55, 0xff, 0x00}
	secret.Data["utf8"] = []byte("a string with \u0345 characters")
	secret.Data["long"] = bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00}, 1000)
	converted, _ := api.Scheme.ConvertToVersion(secret, "v1")
	v1secret := converted.(*v1.Secret)
	for _, streamingMediaType := range api.Codecs.SupportedStreamingMediaTypes() {
		s, framer, mediaType, _ := api.Codecs.StreamingSerializerForMediaType(streamingMediaType, nil)
		// TODO: remove this when the runtime.SerializerInfo PR lands
		if mediaType == "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf;stream=watch" {
			mediaType = "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"
		embedded, ok := api.Codecs.SerializerForMediaType(mediaType, nil)
		if !ok {
			t.Logf("no embedded serializer for %s", mediaType)
			embedded = s
		innerDecode := api.Codecs.DecoderToVersion(embedded, api.SchemeGroupVersion)
		//innerEncode := api.Codecs.EncoderForVersion(embedded, api.SchemeGroupVersion)

		// write a single object through the framer and back out
		obj := &bytes.Buffer{}
		if err := s.EncodeToStream(v1secret, obj); err != nil {
		out := &bytes.Buffer{}
		w := framer.NewFrameWriter(out)
		if n, err := w.Write(obj.Bytes()); err != nil || n != len(obj.Bytes()) {
		sr := streaming.NewDecoder(framer.NewFrameReader(ioutil.NopCloser(out)), s)
		resultSecret := &v1.Secret{}
		res, _, err := sr.Decode(nil, resultSecret)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v:\n%s", err, hex.Dump(obj.Bytes()))
		resultSecret.Kind = "Secret"
		resultSecret.APIVersion = "v1"
		if !api.Semantic.DeepEqual(v1secret, res) {
			t.Fatalf("objects did not match: %s", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(v1secret, res))

		// write a watch event through and back out
		obj = &bytes.Buffer{}
		if err := embedded.EncodeToStream(v1secret, obj); err != nil {
		event := &versioned.Event{Type: string(watch.Added)}
		event.Object.Raw = obj.Bytes()
		obj = &bytes.Buffer{}
		if err := s.EncodeToStream(event, obj); err != nil {
		out = &bytes.Buffer{}
		w = framer.NewFrameWriter(out)
		if n, err := w.Write(obj.Bytes()); err != nil || n != len(obj.Bytes()) {
		sr = streaming.NewDecoder(framer.NewFrameReader(ioutil.NopCloser(out)), s)
		outEvent := &versioned.Event{}
		res, _, err = sr.Decode(nil, outEvent)
		if err != nil || outEvent.Type != string(watch.Added) {
			t.Fatalf("%v: %#v", err, outEvent)
		if outEvent.Object.Object == nil && outEvent.Object.Raw != nil {
			outEvent.Object.Object, err = runtime.Decode(innerDecode, outEvent.Object.Raw)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%v:\n%s", err, hex.Dump(outEvent.Object.Raw))

		if !api.Semantic.DeepEqual(secret, outEvent.Object.Object) {
			t.Fatalf("%s: did not match after frame decoding: %s", streamingMediaType, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(secret, outEvent.Object.Object))
Beispiel #13
func TestAddServices(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name             string
		input            Objects
		firstOnly        bool
		expectedServices Objects
			name: "single port",
			input: Objects{
				fakeDeploymentConfig("singleport", containerDesc{"test", []portDesc{{100, "tcp"}}}),
			expectedServices: Objects{
				expectedService("singleport", portDesc{100, "tcp"}),
			name: "multiple containers",
			input: Objects{
					containerDesc{"test1", []portDesc{{100, "tcp"}}},
					containerDesc{"test2", []portDesc{{200, "udp"}}},
			expectedServices: Objects{
				expectedService("multicontainer", portDesc{100, "tcp"}, portDesc{200, "udp"}),
			name: "duplicate ports",
			input: Objects{
					containerDesc{"test1", []portDesc{{80, "tcp"}, {25, "tcp"}}},
					containerDesc{"test2", []portDesc{{80, "tcp"}}},
			expectedServices: Objects{
				expectedService("dupports", portDesc{25, "tcp"}, portDesc{80, "tcp"}),
			name: "multiple deployment configs",
			input: Objects{
					containerDesc{"test1", []portDesc{{100, "tcp"}, {200, "udp"}}},
					containerDesc{"test2", []portDesc{{300, "tcp"}}},
					containerDesc{"dc2_test1", []portDesc{{300, "tcp"}}},
					containerDesc{"dc2_test2", []portDesc{{200, "udp"}, {300, "tcp"}}},
			expectedServices: Objects{
				expectedService("multidc1", portDesc{100, "tcp"}, portDesc{200, "udp"}, portDesc{300, "tcp"}),
				expectedService("multidc2", portDesc{200, "udp"}, portDesc{300, "tcp"}),
			name: "first only",
			input: Objects{
					containerDesc{"test1", []portDesc{{80, "tcp"}, {25, "tcp"}, {100, "udp"}}},
			expectedServices: Objects{
				expectedService("firstonly", portDesc{25, "tcp"}),
			firstOnly: true,

	for _, test := range tests {
		output := AddServices(test.input, test.firstOnly)
		services := getServices(output)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(services, test.expectedServices) {
			t.Errorf("%s: did not get expected output: %s",, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(test.expectedServices, services))
Beispiel #14
func TestKubeletDefaults(t *testing.T) {
	defaults := kubeletoptions.NewKubeletServer()

	// This is a snapshot of the default config
	// If the default changes (new fields are added, or default values change), we want to know
	// Once we've reacted to the changes appropriately in BuildKubernetesNodeConfig(), update this expected default to match the new upstream defaults
	expectedDefaults := &kubeletoptions.KubeletServer{
		AuthPath:   util.NewStringFlag("/var/lib/kubelet/kubernetes_auth"),
		KubeConfig: util.NewStringFlag("/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig"),

		SystemReserved: utilconfig.ConfigurationMap{},
		KubeReserved:   utilconfig.ConfigurationMap{},
		KubeletConfiguration: componentconfig.KubeletConfiguration{
			Address:                     "", // overridden
			AllowPrivileged:             false,     // overridden
			CAdvisorPort:                4194,      // disabled
			VolumeStatsAggPeriod:        unversioned.Duration{Duration: time.Minute},
			CertDirectory:               "/var/run/kubernetes",
			CgroupRoot:                  "",
			ClusterDNS:                  "", // overridden
			ClusterDomain:               "", // overridden
			ConfigureCBR0:               false,
			ContainerRuntime:            "docker",
			Containerized:               false, // overridden based on OPENSHIFT_CONTAINERIZED
			CPUCFSQuota:                 true,  // forced to true
			DockerExecHandlerName:       "native",
			EventBurst:                  10,
			EventRecordQPS:              5.0,
			EnableCustomMetrics:         false,
			EnableDebuggingHandlers:     true,
			EnableServer:                true,
			FileCheckFrequency:          unversioned.Duration{Duration: 20 * time.Second}, // overridden
			HealthzBindAddress:          "",                                      // disabled
			HealthzPort:                 10248,                                            // disabled
			HostNetworkSources:          "*",                                              // overridden
			HostPIDSources:              "*",                                              // overridden
			HostIPCSources:              "*",                                              // overridden
			HTTPCheckFrequency:          unversioned.Duration{Duration: 20 * time.Second}, // disabled
			ImageMinimumGCAge:           unversioned.Duration{Duration: 2 * time.Minute},
			ImageGCHighThresholdPercent: 90,
			ImageGCLowThresholdPercent:  80,
			LowDiskSpaceThresholdMB:     256,
			MasterServiceNamespace:      "default",
			MaxContainerCount:           240,
			MaxPerPodContainerCount:     2,
			MaxOpenFiles:                1000000,
			MaxPods:                     110, // overridden
			MinimumGCAge:                unversioned.Duration{Duration: 1 * time.Minute},
			NetworkPluginDir:            "/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/net/exec/",
			NetworkPluginName:           "", // overridden
			NonMasqueradeCIDR:           "",
			VolumePluginDir:             "/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/",
			NodeStatusUpdateFrequency:   unversioned.Duration{Duration: 10 * time.Second},
			NodeLabels:                  map[string]string{},
			OOMScoreAdj:                 -999,
			LockFilePath:                "",
			PodInfraContainerImage:      kubeletoptions.GetDefaultPodInfraContainerImage(), // overridden
			Port:                           10250, // overridden
			ReadOnlyPort:                   10255, // disabled
			RegisterNode:                   true,
			RegisterSchedulable:            true,
			RegistryBurst:                  10,
			RegistryPullQPS:                5.0,
			ResolverConfig:                 kubetypes.ResolvConfDefault,
			KubeletCgroups:                 "",
			RktAPIEndpoint:                 rkt.DefaultRktAPIServiceEndpoint,
			RktPath:                        "",
			RktStage1Image:                 "",
			RootDirectory:                  "/var/lib/kubelet", // overridden
			RuntimeCgroups:                 "",
			SerializeImagePulls:            true,
			StreamingConnectionIdleTimeout: unversioned.Duration{Duration: 4 * time.Hour},
			SyncFrequency:                  unversioned.Duration{Duration: 1 * time.Minute},
			SystemCgroups:                  "",
			TLSCertFile:                    "", // overridden to prevent cert generation
			TLSPrivateKeyFile:              "", // overridden to prevent cert generation
			ReconcileCIDR:                  true,
			KubeAPIQPS:                     5.0,
			KubeAPIBurst:                   10,
			ExperimentalFlannelOverlay:     false,
			OutOfDiskTransitionFrequency:   unversioned.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute},
			HairpinMode:                    "promiscuous-bridge",
			BabysitDaemons:                 false,

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(defaults, expectedDefaults) {
		t.Logf("expected defaults, actual defaults: \n%s", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expectedDefaults, defaults))
		t.Errorf("Got different defaults than expected, adjust in BuildKubernetesNodeConfig and update expectedDefaults")
Beispiel #15
func (tc *patchTestCase) Run(t *testing.T) {
	t.Logf("Starting test %s",

	namespace := tc.startingPod.Namespace
	name := tc.startingPod.Name

	codec := testapi.Default.Codec()
	admit := tc.admit
	if admit == nil {
		admit = func(updatedObject runtime.Object, currentObject runtime.Object) error {
			return nil

	testPatcher := &testPatcher{}
	testPatcher.t = t
	testPatcher.startingPod = tc.startingPod
	testPatcher.updatePod = tc.updatePod

	ctx := api.NewDefaultContext()
	ctx = api.WithNamespace(ctx, namespace)

	namer := &testNamer{namespace, name}
	copier := runtime.ObjectCopier(api.Scheme)
	resource := unversioned.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "pods"}
	versionedObj := &v1.Pod{}

	for _, patchType := range []api.PatchType{api.JSONPatchType, api.MergePatchType, api.StrategicMergePatchType} {
		if patchType == api.JSONPatchType {
		t.Logf("Working with patchType %v", patchType)

		originalObjJS, err := runtime.Encode(codec, tc.startingPod)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v",, err)
		changedJS, err := runtime.Encode(codec, tc.changedPod)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v",, err)

		patch := []byte{}
		switch patchType {
		case api.JSONPatchType:

		case api.StrategicMergePatchType:
			patch, err = strategicpatch.CreateStrategicMergePatch(originalObjJS, changedJS, versionedObj)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v",, err)

		case api.MergePatchType:
			patch, err = jsonpatch.CreateMergePatch(originalObjJS, changedJS)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v",, err)


		resultObj, err := patchResource(ctx, admit, 1*time.Second, versionedObj, testPatcher, name, patchType, patch, namer, copier, resource, codec)
		if len(tc.expectedError) != 0 {
			if err == nil || err.Error() != tc.expectedError {
				t.Errorf("%s: expected error %v, but got %v",, tc.expectedError, err)
		} else {
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v",, err)

		if tc.expectedPod == nil {
			if resultObj != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: unexpected result: %v",, resultObj)

		resultPod := resultObj.(*api.Pod)

		// roundtrip to get defaulting
		expectedJS, err := runtime.Encode(codec, tc.expectedPod)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v",, err)
		expectedObj, err := runtime.Decode(codec, expectedJS)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v",, err)
		reallyExpectedPod := expectedObj.(*api.Pod)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(*reallyExpectedPod, *resultPod) {
			t.Errorf("%s mismatch: %v\n",, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(reallyExpectedPod, resultPod))

func TestObjectWatchFraming(t *testing.T) {
	f := apitesting.FuzzerFor(nil, api.SchemeGroupVersion, rand.NewSource(benchmarkSeed))
	secret := &api.Secret{}
	secret.Data["binary"] = []byte{0x00, 0x10, 0x30, 0x55, 0xff, 0x00}
	secret.Data["utf8"] = []byte("a string with \u0345 characters")
	secret.Data["long"] = bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00}, 1000)
	converted, _ := api.Scheme.ConvertToVersion(secret, v1.SchemeGroupVersion)
	v1secret := converted.(*v1.Secret)
	for _, info := range api.Codecs.SupportedMediaTypes() {
		if info.StreamSerializer == nil {
		s := info.StreamSerializer
		framer := s.Framer
		embedded := info.Serializer
		if embedded == nil {
			t.Errorf("no embedded serializer for %s", info.MediaType)
		innerDecode := api.Codecs.DecoderToVersion(embedded, api.SchemeGroupVersion)

		// write a single object through the framer and back out
		obj := &bytes.Buffer{}
		if err := s.Encode(v1secret, obj); err != nil {
		out := &bytes.Buffer{}
		w := framer.NewFrameWriter(out)
		if n, err := w.Write(obj.Bytes()); err != nil || n != len(obj.Bytes()) {
		sr := streaming.NewDecoder(framer.NewFrameReader(ioutil.NopCloser(out)), s)
		resultSecret := &v1.Secret{}
		res, _, err := sr.Decode(nil, resultSecret)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v:\n%s", err, hex.Dump(obj.Bytes()))
		resultSecret.Kind = "Secret"
		resultSecret.APIVersion = "v1"
		if !api.Semantic.DeepEqual(v1secret, res) {
			t.Fatalf("objects did not match: %s", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(v1secret, res))

		// write a watch event through and back out
		obj = &bytes.Buffer{}
		if err := embedded.Encode(v1secret, obj); err != nil {
		event := &versioned.Event{Type: string(watch.Added)}
		event.Object.Raw = obj.Bytes()
		obj = &bytes.Buffer{}
		if err := s.Encode(event, obj); err != nil {
		out = &bytes.Buffer{}
		w = framer.NewFrameWriter(out)
		if n, err := w.Write(obj.Bytes()); err != nil || n != len(obj.Bytes()) {
		sr = streaming.NewDecoder(framer.NewFrameReader(ioutil.NopCloser(out)), s)
		outEvent := &versioned.Event{}
		res, _, err = sr.Decode(nil, outEvent)
		if err != nil || outEvent.Type != string(watch.Added) {
			t.Fatalf("%v: %#v", err, outEvent)
		if outEvent.Object.Object == nil && outEvent.Object.Raw != nil {
			outEvent.Object.Object, err = runtime.Decode(innerDecode, outEvent.Object.Raw)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%v:\n%s", err, hex.Dump(outEvent.Object.Raw))

		if !api.Semantic.DeepEqual(secret, outEvent.Object.Object) {
			t.Fatalf("%s: did not match after frame decoding: %s", info.MediaType, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(secret, outEvent.Object.Object))
Beispiel #17
func TestAnonymousConfig(t *testing.T) {
	f := fuzz.New().NilChance(0.0).NumElements(1, 1)
		func(r *runtime.Codec, f fuzz.Continue) {
			codec := &fakeCodec{}
			*r = codec
		func(r *http.RoundTripper, f fuzz.Continue) {
			roundTripper := &fakeRoundTripper{}
			*r = roundTripper
		func(fn *func(http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper, f fuzz.Continue) {
			*fn = fakeWrapperFunc
		func(r *runtime.NegotiatedSerializer, f fuzz.Continue) {
			serializer := &fakeNegotiatedSerializer{}
			*r = serializer
		func(r *flowcontrol.RateLimiter, f fuzz.Continue) {
			limiter := &fakeLimiter{}
			*r = limiter
		// Authentication does not require fuzzer
		func(r *AuthProviderConfigPersister, f fuzz.Continue) {},
		func(r *clientcmdapi.AuthProviderConfig, f fuzz.Continue) {
			r.Config = map[string]string{}
	for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
		original := &Config{}
		actual := AnonymousClientConfig(original)
		expected := *original

		// this is the list of known security related fields, add to this list if a new field
		// is added to Config, update AnonymousClientConfig to preserve the field otherwise.
		expected.Impersonate = ImpersonationConfig{}
		expected.BearerToken = ""
		expected.Username = ""
		expected.Password = ""
		expected.AuthProvider = nil
		expected.AuthConfigPersister = nil
		expected.TLSClientConfig.CertData = nil
		expected.TLSClientConfig.CertFile = ""
		expected.TLSClientConfig.KeyData = nil
		expected.TLSClientConfig.KeyFile = ""

		// The DeepEqual cannot handle the func comparison, so we just verify if the
		// function return the expected object.
		if actual.WrapTransport == nil || !reflect.DeepEqual(expected.WrapTransport(nil), &fakeRoundTripper{}) {
			t.Fatalf("AnonymousClientConfig dropped the WrapTransport field")
		} else {
			actual.WrapTransport = nil
			expected.WrapTransport = nil

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(*actual, expected) {
			t.Fatalf("AnonymousClientConfig dropped unexpected fields, identify whether they are security related or not: %s", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expected, actual))
Beispiel #18
func TestCMServerDefaults(t *testing.T) {
	defaults := cmapp.NewCMServer()

	// This is a snapshot of the default config
	// If the default changes (new fields are added, or default values change), we want to know
	// Once we've reacted to the changes appropriately in BuildKubernetesMasterConfig(), update this expected default to match the new upstream defaults
	expectedDefaults := &cmapp.CMServer{
		KubeControllerManagerConfiguration: componentconfig.KubeControllerManagerConfiguration{
			Port:                              10252, // disabled
			Address:                           "",
			ConcurrentEndpointSyncs:           5,
			ConcurrentRCSyncs:                 5,
			ConcurrentRSSyncs:                 5,
			ConcurrentDaemonSetSyncs:          2,
			ConcurrentJobSyncs:                5,
			ConcurrentResourceQuotaSyncs:      5,
			ConcurrentDeploymentSyncs:         5,
			ConcurrentNamespaceSyncs:          2,
			ConcurrentSATokenSyncs:            5,
			LookupCacheSizeForRC:              4096,
			LookupCacheSizeForRS:              4096,
			LookupCacheSizeForDaemonSet:       1024,
			ServiceSyncPeriod:                 unversioned.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute},
			NodeSyncPeriod:                    unversioned.Duration{Duration: 10 * time.Second},
			ResourceQuotaSyncPeriod:           unversioned.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute},
			NamespaceSyncPeriod:               unversioned.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute},
			PVClaimBinderSyncPeriod:           unversioned.Duration{Duration: 10 * time.Minute},
			HorizontalPodAutoscalerSyncPeriod: unversioned.Duration{Duration: 30 * time.Second},
			DeploymentControllerSyncPeriod:    unversioned.Duration{Duration: 30 * time.Second},
			MinResyncPeriod:                   unversioned.Duration{Duration: 12 * time.Hour},
			RegisterRetryCount:                10,
			PodEvictionTimeout:                unversioned.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute},
			NodeMonitorGracePeriod:            unversioned.Duration{Duration: 40 * time.Second},
			NodeStartupGracePeriod:            unversioned.Duration{Duration: 60 * time.Second},
			NodeMonitorPeriod:                 unversioned.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Second},
			ClusterName:                       "kubernetes",
			TerminatedPodGCThreshold:          12500,
			VolumeConfiguration: componentconfig.VolumeConfiguration{
				EnableHostPathProvisioning: false,
				PersistentVolumeRecyclerConfiguration: componentconfig.PersistentVolumeRecyclerConfiguration{
					MaximumRetry:             3,
					MinimumTimeoutNFS:        300,
					IncrementTimeoutNFS:      30,
					MinimumTimeoutHostPath:   60,
					IncrementTimeoutHostPath: 30,
			KubeAPIQPS:   20.0,
			KubeAPIBurst: 30,
			LeaderElection: componentconfig.LeaderElectionConfiguration{
				LeaderElect:   false,
				LeaseDuration: unversioned.Duration{Duration: 15 * time.Second},
				RenewDeadline: unversioned.Duration{Duration: 10 * time.Second},
				RetryPeriod:   unversioned.Duration{Duration: 2 * time.Second},

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(defaults, expectedDefaults) {
		t.Logf("expected defaults, actual defaults: \n%s", diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expectedDefaults, defaults))
		t.Errorf("Got different defaults than expected, adjust in BuildKubernetesMasterConfig and update expectedDefaults")
Beispiel #19
func TestWebhook(t *testing.T) {
	serv := new(recorderService)
	s, err := NewTestServer(serv, serverCert, serverKey, caCert)
	if err != nil {
	defer s.Close()

	wh, err := newAuthorizer(s.URL, clientCert, clientKey, caCert)
	if err != nil {

	expTypeMeta := unversioned.TypeMeta{
		APIVersion: "",
		Kind:       "SubjectAccessReview",

	tests := []struct {
		attr authorizer.Attributes
		want v1beta1.SubjectAccessReview
			attr: authorizer.AttributesRecord{User: &user.DefaultInfo{}},
			want: v1beta1.SubjectAccessReview{
				TypeMeta: expTypeMeta,
				Spec: v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec{
					NonResourceAttributes: &v1beta1.NonResourceAttributes{},
			attr: authorizer.AttributesRecord{User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "jane"}},
			want: v1beta1.SubjectAccessReview{
				TypeMeta: expTypeMeta,
				Spec: v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec{
					User: "******",
					NonResourceAttributes: &v1beta1.NonResourceAttributes{},
			attr: authorizer.AttributesRecord{
				User: &user.DefaultInfo{
					Name:   "jane",
					UID:    "1",
					Groups: []string{"group1", "group2"},
				Verb:            "GET",
				Namespace:       "kittensandponies",
				APIGroup:        "group3",
				Resource:        "pods",
				ResourceRequest: true,
				Path:            "/foo",
			want: v1beta1.SubjectAccessReview{
				TypeMeta: expTypeMeta,
				Spec: v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec{
					User:   "******",
					Groups: []string{"group1", "group2"},
					ResourceAttributes: &v1beta1.ResourceAttributes{
						Verb:      "GET",
						Namespace: "kittensandponies",
						Group:     "group3",
						Resource:  "pods",

	for i, tt := range tests {
		if err := wh.Authorize(tt.attr); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("case %d: authorization failed: %v", i, err)

		gotAttr, err := serv.Last()
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("case %d: failed to deserialize webhook request: %v", i, err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotAttr, tt.want) {
			t.Errorf("case %d: got != want:\n%s", i, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(gotAttr, tt.want))
func TestDecodeObjects(t *testing.T) {
	obj1 := &v1.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
			Name: "cool",
		Spec: v1.PodSpec{
			Containers: []v1.Container{
					Name: "test",
	obj1wire, err := obj1.Marshal()
	if err != nil {

	wire1, err := (&runtime.Unknown{
		TypeMeta: runtime.TypeMeta{Kind: "Pod", APIVersion: "v1"},
		Raw:      obj1wire,
	if err != nil {

	unk2 := &runtime.Unknown{
		TypeMeta: runtime.TypeMeta{Kind: "Pod", APIVersion: "v1"},
	wire2 := make([]byte, len(wire1)*2)
	n, err := unk2.NestedMarshalTo(wire2, obj1, uint64(obj1.Size()))
	if err != nil {
	if n != len(wire1) || !bytes.Equal(wire1, wire2[:n]) {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected wire:\n%s", hex.Dump(wire2[:n]))

	wire1 = append([]byte{0x6b, 0x38, 0x73, 0x00}, wire1...)

	testCases := []struct {
		obj   runtime.Object
		data  []byte
		errFn func(error) bool
			obj:  obj1,
			data: wire1,

	for i, test := range testCases {
		s := protobuf.NewSerializer(api.Scheme, runtime.ObjectTyperToTyper(api.Scheme), "application/protobuf")
		obj, err := runtime.Decode(s,

		switch {
		case err == nil && test.errFn != nil:
			t.Errorf("%d: failed: %v", i, err)
		case err != nil && test.errFn == nil:
			t.Errorf("%d: failed: %v", i, err)
		case err != nil:
			if !test.errFn(err) {
				t.Errorf("%d: failed: %v", i, err)
			if obj != nil {
				t.Errorf("%d: should not have returned an object", i)

		if !api.Semantic.DeepEqual(obj, test.obj) {
			t.Errorf("%d: unexpected object:\n%s", i, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(test.obj, obj))
func TestRepositoryBlobStat(t *testing.T) {
	quotaEnforcing = &quotaEnforcingConfig{}

	ctx := context.Background()
	// this driver holds all the testing blobs in memory during the whole test run
	driver := inmemory.New()
	// generate two images and store their blobs in the driver
	testImages, err := populateTestStorage(t, driver, true, 1, map[string]int{"nm/is:latest": 1, "nm/repo:missing-layer-links": 1}, nil)
	if err != nil {
	// generate an image and store its blobs in the driver; the resulting image will lack managed by openshift
	// annotation
	testImages, err = populateTestStorage(t, driver, false, 1, map[string]int{"nm/unmanaged:missing-layer-links": 1}, testImages)
	if err != nil {

	// remove layer repository links from two of the above images; keep the uploaded blobs in the global
	// blostore though
	for _, name := range []string{"nm/repo:missing-layer-links", "nm/unmanaged:missing-layer-links"} {
		repoName := strings.Split(name, ":")[0]
		for _, layer := range testImages[name][0].DockerImageLayers {
			dgst := digest.Digest(layer.Name)
			alg, hex := dgst.Algorithm(), dgst.Hex()
			err := driver.Delete(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("/docker/registry/v2/repositories/%s/_layers/%s/%s", repoName, alg, hex))
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("failed to delete layer link %q from repository %q: %v", layer.Name, repoName, err)

	// generate random images without storing its blobs in the driver
	etcdOnlyImages := map[string]*imageapi.Image{}
	for _, d := range []struct {
		name    string
		managed bool
	}{{"nm/is", true}, {"", false}} {
		img, err := registrytest.NewImageForManifest(, registrytest.SampleImageManifestSchema1, d.managed)
		if err != nil {
		etcdOnlyImages[] = img

	for _, tc := range []struct {
		name               string
		stat               string
		images             []imageapi.Image
		imageStreams       []imageapi.ImageStream
		pullthrough        bool
		skipAuth           bool
		deferredErrors     deferredErrors
		expectedDescriptor distribution.Descriptor
		expectedError      error
		expectedActions    []clientAction
			name:               "local stat",
			stat:               "nm/is@" + testImages["nm/is:latest"][0].DockerImageLayers[0].Name,
			imageStreams:       []imageapi.ImageStream{{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "nm", Name: "is"}}},
			expectedDescriptor: testNewDescriptorForLayer(testImages["nm/is:latest"][0].DockerImageLayers[0]),

			name:   "blob only tagged in image stream",
			stat:   "nm/repo@" + testImages["nm/repo:missing-layer-links"][0].DockerImageLayers[1].Name,
			images: []imageapi.Image{*testImages["nm/repo:missing-layer-links"][0]},
			imageStreams: []imageapi.ImageStream{
					ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
						Namespace: "nm",
						Name:      "repo",
					Status: imageapi.ImageStreamStatus{
						Tags: map[string]imageapi.TagEventList{
							"latest": {
								Items: []imageapi.TagEvent{
										Image: testImages["nm/repo:missing-layer-links"][0].Name,
			expectedDescriptor: testNewDescriptorForLayer(testImages["nm/repo:missing-layer-links"][0].DockerImageLayers[1]),
			expectedActions:    []clientAction{{"get", "imagestreams"}, {"get", "images"}},

			name:   "blob referenced only by not managed image with pullthrough on",
			stat:   "nm/unmanaged@" + testImages["nm/unmanaged:missing-layer-links"][0].DockerImageLayers[1].Name,
			images: []imageapi.Image{*testImages["nm/unmanaged:missing-layer-links"][0]},
			imageStreams: []imageapi.ImageStream{
					ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
						Namespace: "nm",
						Name:      "unmanaged",
					Status: imageapi.ImageStreamStatus{
						Tags: map[string]imageapi.TagEventList{
							"latest": {
								Items: []imageapi.TagEvent{
										Image: testImages["nm/unmanaged:missing-layer-links"][0].Name,
			pullthrough:        true,
			expectedDescriptor: testNewDescriptorForLayer(testImages["nm/unmanaged:missing-layer-links"][0].DockerImageLayers[1]),
			expectedActions:    []clientAction{{"get", "imagestreams"}, {"get", "images"}},

			// TODO: this should err out because of missing image stream.
			// Unfortunately, it's not the case. Until we start storing layer links in etcd, we depend on
			// local layer links.
			name:               "layer link present while image stream not found",
			stat:               "nm/is@" + testImages["nm/is:latest"][0].DockerImageLayers[0].Name,
			images:             []imageapi.Image{*testImages["nm/is:latest"][0]},
			expectedDescriptor: testNewDescriptorForLayer(testImages["nm/is:latest"][0].DockerImageLayers[0]),

			name:   "blob only tagged by not managed image with pullthrough off",
			stat:   "nm/repo@" + testImages["nm/unmanaged:missing-layer-links"][0].DockerImageLayers[1].Name,
			images: []imageapi.Image{*testImages["nm/unmanaged:missing-layer-links"][0]},
			imageStreams: []imageapi.ImageStream{
					ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
						Namespace: "nm",
						Name:      "repo",
					Status: imageapi.ImageStreamStatus{
						Tags: map[string]imageapi.TagEventList{
							"latest": {
								Items: []imageapi.TagEvent{
										Image: testImages["nm/unmanaged:missing-layer-links"][0].DockerImageLayers[1].Name,
			expectedError:   distribution.ErrBlobUnknown,
			expectedActions: []clientAction{{"get", "imagestreams"}, {"get", "images"}},

			name:   "blob not stored locally but referred in image stream",
			stat:   "nm/is@" + etcdOnlyImages["nm/is"].DockerImageLayers[1].Name,
			images: []imageapi.Image{*etcdOnlyImages["nm/is"]},
			imageStreams: []imageapi.ImageStream{
					ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
						Namespace: "nm",
						Name:      "is",
					Status: imageapi.ImageStreamStatus{
						Tags: map[string]imageapi.TagEventList{
							"latest": {
								Items: []imageapi.TagEvent{
										Image: etcdOnlyImages["nm/is"].Name,
			expectedError: distribution.ErrBlobUnknown,

			name:   "blob does not exist",
			stat:   "nm/repo@" + etcdOnlyImages["nm/is"].DockerImageLayers[0].Name,
			images: []imageapi.Image{*testImages["nm/is:latest"][0]},
			imageStreams: []imageapi.ImageStream{
					ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
						Namespace: "nm",
						Name:      "repo",
					Status: imageapi.ImageStreamStatus{
						Tags: map[string]imageapi.TagEventList{
							"latest": {
								Items: []imageapi.TagEvent{
										Image: testImages["nm/is:latest"][0].Name,
			expectedError: distribution.ErrBlobUnknown,

			name:          "auth not performed",
			stat:          "nm/is@" + testImages["nm/is:latest"][0].DockerImageLayers[0].Name,
			imageStreams:  []imageapi.ImageStream{{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "nm", Name: "is"}}},
			skipAuth:      true,
			expectedError: fmt.Errorf("openshift.auth.completed missing from context"),

			name:           "deferred error",
			stat:           "nm/is@" + testImages["nm/is:latest"][0].DockerImageLayers[0].Name,
			imageStreams:   []imageapi.ImageStream{{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "nm", Name: "is"}}},
			deferredErrors: deferredErrors{"nm/is": ErrOpenShiftAccessDenied},
			expectedError:  ErrOpenShiftAccessDenied,
	} {
		ref, err := reference.Parse(tc.stat)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("[%s] failed to parse blob reference %q: %v",, tc.stat, err)
		canonical, ok := ref.(reference.Canonical)
		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("[%s] not a canonical reference %q",, ref.String())

		cachedLayers, err = newDigestToRepositoryCache(defaultDigestToRepositoryCacheSize)
		if err != nil {

		ctx := context.Background()
		if !tc.skipAuth {
			ctx = WithAuthPerformed(ctx)
		if tc.deferredErrors != nil {
			ctx = WithDeferredErrors(ctx, tc.deferredErrors)

		client := &testclient.Fake{}
		client.AddReactor("get", "imagestreams", imagetest.GetFakeImageStreamGetHandler(t, tc.imageStreams...))
		client.AddReactor("get", "images", registrytest.GetFakeImageGetHandler(t, tc.images...))

		reg, err := newTestRegistry(ctx, client, driver, defaultBlobRepositoryCacheTTL, tc.pullthrough, true)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("[%s] unexpected error: %v",, err)

		repo, err := reg.Repository(ctx, canonical)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("[%s] unexpected error: %v",, err)

		desc, err := repo.Blobs(ctx).Stat(ctx, canonical.Digest())
		if err != nil && tc.expectedError == nil {
			t.Errorf("[%s] got unexpected stat error: %v",, err)
		if err == nil && tc.expectedError != nil {
			t.Errorf("[%s] got unexpected non-error",
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, tc.expectedError) {
			t.Errorf("[%s] got unexpected error: %s",, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(err, tc.expectedError))
		if tc.expectedError == nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(desc, tc.expectedDescriptor) {
			t.Errorf("[%s] got unexpected descriptor: %s",, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(desc, tc.expectedDescriptor))

		compareActions(t,, client.Actions(), tc.expectedActions)
Beispiel #22
func TestControllerStart(t *testing.T) {
	two := int64(2)
	testCases := []struct {
		stream *api.ImageStream
		run    bool
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
					Annotations: map[string]string{api.DockerImageRepositoryCheckAnnotation: unversioned.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)},
					Name:        "test",
					Namespace:   "other",
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
					Annotations: map[string]string{api.DockerImageRepositoryCheckAnnotation: unversioned.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)},
					Name:        "test",
					Namespace:   "other",
				Spec: api.ImageStreamSpec{
					DockerImageRepository: "test/other",
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
					Annotations: map[string]string{api.DockerImageRepositoryCheckAnnotation: "a random error"},
					Name:        "test",
					Namespace:   "other",
				Spec: api.ImageStreamSpec{
					DockerImageRepository: "test/other",

		// references are ignored
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "test", Namespace: "other"},
				Spec: api.ImageStreamSpec{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagReference{
						"latest": {
							From:      &kapi.ObjectReference{Kind: "DockerImage", Name: "test/other:latest"},
							Reference: true,
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "test", Namespace: "other"},
				Spec: api.ImageStreamSpec{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagReference{
						"latest": {
							From:      &kapi.ObjectReference{Kind: "AnotherImage", Name: "test/other:latest"},
							Reference: true,

		// spec tag will be imported
			run: true,
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "test", Namespace: "other"},
				Spec: api.ImageStreamSpec{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagReference{
						"latest": {
							From: &kapi.ObjectReference{Kind: "DockerImage", Name: "test/other:latest"},
		// spec tag with generation with no pending status will be imported
			run: true,
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "test", Namespace: "other"},
				Spec: api.ImageStreamSpec{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagReference{
						"latest": {
							From:       &kapi.ObjectReference{Kind: "DockerImage", Name: "test/other:latest"},
							Generation: &two,
		// spec tag with generation with older status generation will be imported
			run: true,
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "test", Namespace: "other"},
				Spec: api.ImageStreamSpec{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagReference{
						"latest": {
							From:       &kapi.ObjectReference{Kind: "DockerImage", Name: "test/other:latest"},
							Generation: &two,
				Status: api.ImageStreamStatus{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagEventList{"latest": {Items: []api.TagEvent{{Generation: 1}}}},
		// spec tag with generation with status condition error and equal generation will not be imported
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
					Annotations: map[string]string{api.DockerImageRepositoryCheckAnnotation: unversioned.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)},
					Name:        "test",
					Namespace:   "other",
				Spec: api.ImageStreamSpec{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagReference{
						"latest": {
							From:       &kapi.ObjectReference{Kind: "DockerImage", Name: "test/other:latest"},
							Generation: &two,
				Status: api.ImageStreamStatus{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagEventList{"latest": {Conditions: []api.TagEventCondition{
							Type:       api.ImportSuccess,
							Status:     kapi.ConditionFalse,
							Generation: 2,
		// spec tag with generation with status condition error and older generation will be imported
			run: true,
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
					Annotations: map[string]string{api.DockerImageRepositoryCheckAnnotation: unversioned.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)},
					Name:        "test",
					Namespace:   "other",
				Spec: api.ImageStreamSpec{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagReference{
						"latest": {
							From:       &kapi.ObjectReference{Kind: "DockerImage", Name: "test/other:latest"},
							Generation: &two,
				Status: api.ImageStreamStatus{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagEventList{"latest": {Conditions: []api.TagEventCondition{
							Type:       api.ImportSuccess,
							Status:     kapi.ConditionFalse,
							Generation: 1,
		// spec tag with generation with older status generation will be imported
			run: true,
			stream: &api.ImageStream{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
					Annotations: map[string]string{api.DockerImageRepositoryCheckAnnotation: unversioned.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)},
					Name:        "test",
					Namespace:   "other",
				Spec: api.ImageStreamSpec{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagReference{
						"latest": {
							From:       &kapi.ObjectReference{Kind: "DockerImage", Name: "test/other:latest"},
							Generation: &two,
				Status: api.ImageStreamStatus{
					Tags: map[string]api.TagEventList{"latest": {Items: []api.TagEvent{{Generation: 1}}}},

	for i, test := range testCases {
		fake := &client.Fake{}
		c := ImportController{streams: fake}
		other, err := kapi.Scheme.DeepCopy(
		if err != nil {

		if err := c.Next(, nil); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d: unexpected error: %v", i, err)
		if {
			if len(fake.Actions()) == 0 {
				t.Errorf("%d: expected remote calls: %#v", i, fake)
		} else {
			if !kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(, other) {
				t.Errorf("%d: did not expect change to stream: %s", i, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(, other))
			if len(fake.Actions()) != 0 {
				t.Errorf("%d: did not expect remote calls", i)