// nonMasqueradeCIDR is the CIDR for our internal IP range; traffic to IPs
// outside this range will use IP masquerade.
func ensureIPTablesMasqRule(client iptables.Interface, nonMasqueradeCIDR string) error {
	if _, err := client.EnsureRule(iptables.Append, iptables.TableNAT,
		"-m", "comment", "--comment", "kubelet: SNAT outbound cluster traffic",
		"-m", "addrtype", "!", "--dst-type", "LOCAL",
		"!", "-d", nonMasqueradeCIDR,
		"-j", "MASQUERADE"); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to ensure masquerading for %s chain %s: %v",
			iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainPostrouting, err)
	return nil
Beispiel #2
// Ensure that the iptables infrastructure we use is set up.  This can safely be called periodically.
func iptablesInit(ipt iptables.Interface) error {
	// TODO: There is almost certainly room for optimization here.  E.g. If
	// we knew the service-cluster-ip-range CIDR we could fast-track outbound packets not
	// destined for a service. There's probably more, help wanted.

	// Danger - order of these rules matters here:
	// We match portal rules first, then NodePort rules.  For NodePort rules, we filter primarily on --dst-type LOCAL,
	// because we want to listen on all local addresses, but don't match internet traffic with the same dst port number.
	// There is one complication (per thockin):
	// -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL is what we want except that it is broken (by intent without foresight to our usecase)
	// on at least GCE. Specifically, GCE machines have a daemon which learns what external IPs are forwarded to that
	// machine, and configure a local route for that IP, making a match for --dst-type LOCAL when we don't want it to.
	// Removing the route gives correct behavior until the daemon recreates it.
	// Killing the daemon is an option, but means that any non-kubernetes use of the machine with external IP will be broken.
	// This applies to IPs on GCE that are actually from a load-balancer; they will be categorized as LOCAL.
	// _If_ the chains were in the wrong order, and the LB traffic had dst-port == a NodePort on some other service,
	// the NodePort would take priority (incorrectly).
	// This is unlikely (and would only affect outgoing traffic from the cluster to the load balancer, which seems
	// doubly-unlikely), but we need to be careful to keep the rules in the right order.
	args := []string{ /* service-cluster-ip-range matching could go here */ }
	args = append(args, "-m", "comment", "--comment", "handle ClusterIPs; NOTE: this must be before the NodePort rules")
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesContainerPortalChain); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureRule(iptables.Prepend, iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainPrerouting, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesContainerPortalChain))...); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesHostPortalChain); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureRule(iptables.Prepend, iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainOutput, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesHostPortalChain))...); err != nil {
		return err

	// This set of rules matches broadly (addrtype & destination port), and therefore must come after the portal rules
	args = []string{"-m", "addrtype", "--dst-type", "LOCAL"}
	args = append(args, "-m", "comment", "--comment", "handle service NodePorts; NOTE: this must be the last rule in the chain")
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesContainerNodePortChain); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureRule(iptables.Append, iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainPrerouting, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesContainerNodePortChain))...); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureChain(iptables.TableNAT, iptablesHostNodePortChain); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err := ipt.EnsureRule(iptables.Append, iptables.TableNAT, iptables.ChainOutput, append(args, "-j", string(iptablesHostNodePortChain))...); err != nil {
		return err

	// TODO: Verify order of rules.
	return nil
Beispiel #3
func SetupIptables(ipt iptables.Interface, clusterNetworkCIDR string) error {
	rules := []FirewallRule{
		{"nat", "POSTROUTING", []string{"-s", clusterNetworkCIDR, "!", "-d", clusterNetworkCIDR, "-j", "MASQUERADE"}},
		{"filter", "INPUT", []string{"-p", "udp", "-m", "multiport", "--dports", "4789", "-m", "comment", "--comment", "001 vxlan incoming", "-j", "ACCEPT"}},
		{"filter", "INPUT", []string{"-i", "tun0", "-m", "comment", "--comment", "traffic from docker for internet", "-j", "ACCEPT"}},
		{"filter", "FORWARD", []string{"-d", clusterNetworkCIDR, "-j", "ACCEPT"}},
		{"filter", "FORWARD", []string{"-s", clusterNetworkCIDR, "-j", "ACCEPT"}},

	for _, rule := range rules {
		_, err := ipt.EnsureRule(iptables.Prepend, iptables.Table(rule.table), iptables.Chain(rule.chain), rule.args...)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil