Beispiel #1
func TestCreditCardInfoNotSubscribingMember(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("When a non subscribed user request to get CC", t, func() {
		withTestServer(t, func(endpoint string) {
			withStubData(endpoint, func(username, groupName, sessionID string) {
				group, err := modelhelper.GetGroup(groupName)
				tests.ResultedWithNoErrorCheck(group, err)

				err = modelhelper.UpdateGroupPartial(
					modelhelper.Selector{"_id": group.Id},
						"$unset": modelhelper.Selector{"": ""},
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)

				Convey("Endpoint should return error", func() {
					_, err := rest.DoRequestWithAuth("GET", endpoint+EndpointCreditCardHas, nil, sessionID)
					So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)

					// set the customer id back becase test data callback requires it.
					err = modelhelper.UpdateGroupPartial(
						modelhelper.Selector{"_id": group.Id},
							"$set": modelhelper.Selector{"": group.Payment.Customer.ID},
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Beispiel #2
// EnsureCustomerForGroup registers a customer for a group if it does not exist,
// returns the existing one if created previously
func EnsureCustomerForGroup(username string, groupName string, req *stripe.CustomerParams) (*stripe.Customer, error) {
	group, err := modelhelper.GetGroup(groupName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// if we already have the customer, return it.
	if group.Payment.Customer.ID != "" {
		return customer.Get(group.Payment.Customer.ID, nil)

	req, err = populateCustomerParams(username, group.Slug, req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cus, err := customer.New(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := modelhelper.UpdateGroupPartial(
		modelhelper.Selector{"_id": group.Id},
			"$set": modelhelper.Selector{
				"": cus.ID,
	); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return cus, nil
Beispiel #3
func updateGroupPartially(groupId bson.ObjectId, property string, value string) error {
	return modelhelper.UpdateGroupPartial(
		modelhelper.Selector{"_id": groupId},
			"$set": modelhelper.Selector{
				property: value,
Beispiel #4
func syncGroupWithCustomerID(cusID string) error {
	cus, err := customer.Get(cusID, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	group, err := modelhelper.GetGroup(cus.Meta["groupName"])
	if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
		return nil

	if err != nil {
		return err

	// here sub count might be 0, but should not be gt 1
	if cus.Subs.Count > 1 {
		return errors.New("customer should only have one subscription")

	subID := ""
	subStatus := SubStatusCanceled

	// if we dont have any sub, set it as canceled
	if cus.Subs.Count == 1 {
		subID = cus.Subs.Values[0].ID
		subStatus = cus.Subs.Values[0].Status

	// if subID and subStatus are same, update not needed
	if group.Payment.Subscription.ID == subID &&
		stripe.SubStatus(group.Payment.Subscription.Status) == subStatus {
		return nil

	return modelhelper.UpdateGroupPartial(
		modelhelper.Selector{"_id": group.Id},
			"$set": modelhelper.Selector{
				"":     subID,
				"payment.subscription.status": string(subStatus),
Beispiel #5
// DeleteCustomerForGroup deletes the customer for a given group. If customer is
// not registered, returns error. If customer is already deleted, returns success.
// Not necessarily should be used. Call with care.
func DeleteCustomerForGroup(groupName string) error {
	group, err := modelhelper.GetGroup(groupName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if group.Payment.Customer.ID == "" {
		return nil

	if err := deleteCustomer(group.Payment.Customer.ID); err != nil {
		return err

	return modelhelper.UpdateGroupPartial(
		modelhelper.Selector{"_id": group.Id},
			// deleting customer deletes everything belong to that customer in stripe,
			// so say we all
			"$unset": modelhelper.Selector{"payment": ""},
Beispiel #6
func (mwc *Controller) migrateAllGroups() {
	mwc.log.Notice("Group migration started")
	s := modelhelper.Selector{
		"migration": modelhelper.Selector{"$exists": false},

	errCount := 0
	successCount := 0

	handleError := func(g *mongomodels.Group, err error) {
		mwc.log.Error("an error occurred for group %s: %s", g.Id.Hex(), err)

		s := modelhelper.Selector{"slug": g.Slug}
		o := modelhelper.Selector{"$set": modelhelper.Selector{"migration": MigrationFailed, "error": err.Error()}}
		if err := modelhelper.UpdateGroupPartial(s, o); err != nil {
			mwc.log.Warning("Could not update group document: %s", err)

	migrateGroup := func(group interface{}) error {
		oldGroup := group.(*mongomodels.Group)
		if oldGroup.SocialApiChannelId != "" {
			s := modelhelper.Selector{"slug": oldGroup.Slug}
			o := modelhelper.Selector{"$set": modelhelper.Selector{"migration": MigrationCompleted}}
			modelhelper.UpdateGroupPartial(s, o)
			return nil
		c, err := mwc.createGroupChannel(oldGroup.Slug)
		if err != nil {
			handleError(oldGroup, err)
			return nil

		// if err := mwc.createGroupMembers(&group, c.Id); err != nil {
		// 	handleError(&group, err)
		// 	continue
		//  return nil
		// }

		if err := completeGroupMigration(oldGroup, c.Id); err != nil {
			handleError(oldGroup, err)
			return nil


		return nil

	iterOptions := helpers.NewIterOptions()
	iterOptions.CollectionName = "jGroups"
	iterOptions.F = migrateGroup
	iterOptions.Filter = s
	iterOptions.Result = &mongomodels.Group{}
	iterOptions.Limit = 10000000
	iterOptions.Skip = 0

	helpers.Iter(modelhelper.Mongo, iterOptions)
	helpers.Iter(modelhelper.Mongo, iterOptions)

	mwc.log.Notice("Group migration completed for %d groups with %d errors", successCount, errCount)