Beispiel #1
func (t *LiveTests) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
	// Update some Config items now that we have services running.
	// This is setting the public-bucket-url and auth-url because that
	// information is set during startup of the localLiveSuite
	cl := client.NewClient(t.cred, identity.AuthUserPass, nil)
	err := cl.Authenticate()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	publicBucketURL, err := cl.MakeServiceURL("object-store", nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		"public-bucket-url": publicBucketURL,
		"auth-url":          t.cred.URL,
	// Environ.PublicStorage() is read only.
	// For testing, we create a specific storage instance which is authorised to write to
	// the public storage bucket so that we can upload files for testing.
	t.writeablePublicStorage = openstack.WritablePublicStorage(t.Env)
	// Put some fake tools in place so that tests that are simply
	// starting instances without any need to check if those instances
	// are running will find them in the public bucket.
	envtesting.UploadFakeTools(c, t.writeablePublicStorage)
Beispiel #2
func (t *LiveTests) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
	// Get an authenticated Goose client to extract some configuration parameters for the test environment.
	cred, err := identity.CompleteCredentialsFromEnv()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	client := client.NewClient(cred, identity.AuthUserPass, nil)
	err = client.Authenticate()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	publicBucketURL, err := client.MakeServiceURL("object-store", nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	attrs := makeTestConfig()
	attrs["public-bucket-url"] = publicBucketURL
	t.Config = attrs
	e, err := environs.NewFromAttrs(t.Config)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Environ.PublicStorage() is read only.
	// For testing, we create a specific storage instance which is authorised to write to
	// the public storage bucket so that we can upload files for testing.
	t.writeablePublicStorage = openstack.WritablePublicStorage(e)
	// Put some fake tools in place so that tests that are simply
	// starting instances without any need to check if those instances
	// are running will find them in the public bucket.
	putFakeTools(c, t.writeablePublicStorage)
Beispiel #3
func (e *environ) client(ecfg *environConfig, authMethodCfg AuthMethod) client.AuthenticatingClient {
	cred := &identity.Credentials{
		User:       ecfg.username(),
		Secrets:    ecfg.password(),
		Region:     ecfg.region(),
		TenantName: ecfg.tenantName(),
		URL:        ecfg.authURL(),
	// authMethodCfg has already been validated so we know it's one of the values below.
	var authMethod identity.AuthMethod
	switch authMethodCfg {
	case AuthLegacy:
		authMethod = identity.AuthLegacy
	case AuthUserPass:
		authMethod = identity.AuthUserPass
	return client.NewClient(cred, authMethod, nil)
Beispiel #4
func (e *environ) authClient(ecfg *environConfig, authModeCfg AuthMode) client.AuthenticatingClient {
	cred := &identity.Credentials{
		User:       ecfg.username(),
		Secrets:    ecfg.password(),
		Region:     ecfg.region(),
		TenantName: ecfg.tenantName(),
		URL:        ecfg.authURL(),
	// authModeCfg has already been validated so we know it's one of the values below.
	var authMode identity.AuthMode
	switch authModeCfg {
	case AuthLegacy:
		authMode = identity.AuthLegacy
	case AuthUserPass:
		authMode = identity.AuthUserPass
	case AuthKeyPair:
		authMode = identity.AuthKeyPair
		cred.User = ecfg.accessKey()
		cred.Secrets = ecfg.secretKey()
	return client.NewClient(cred, authMode, nil)
Beispiel #5
func (s *localServerSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
	s.srv.start(c, s.cred)
	cl := client.NewClient(s.cred, identity.AuthUserPass, nil)
	err := cl.Authenticate()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	containerURL, err := cl.MakeServiceURL("object-store", nil)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	s.TestConfig = s.TestConfig.Merge(coretesting.Attrs{
		"tools-metadata-url": containerURL + "/juju-dist-test/tools",
		"image-metadata-url": containerURL + "/juju-dist-test",
		"auth-url":           s.cred.URL,
	// For testing, we create a storage instance to which is uploaded tools and image metadata.
	env := s.Prepare(c)
	s.toolsMetadataStorage = openstack.MetadataStorage(env)
	// Put some fake metadata in place so that tests that are simply
	// starting instances without any need to check if those instances
	// are running can find the metadata.
	envtesting.UploadFakeTools(c, s.toolsMetadataStorage)
	s.imageMetadataStorage = openstack.ImageMetadataStorage(env)
	openstack.UseTestImageData(s.imageMetadataStorage, s.cred)
Beispiel #6
func (t *LiveTests) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) {
	// Update some Config items now that we have services running.
	// This is setting the simplestreams urls and auth-url because that
	// information is set during startup of the localLiveSuite
	cl := client.NewClient(t.cred, identity.AuthUserPass, nil)
	err := cl.Authenticate()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	containerURL, err := cl.MakeServiceURL("object-store", nil)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	t.TestConfig = t.TestConfig.Merge(coretesting.Attrs{
		"tools-metadata-url": containerURL + "/juju-dist-test/tools",
		"image-metadata-url": containerURL + "/juju-dist-test",
		"auth-url":           t.cred.URL,
	// For testing, we create a storage instance to which is uploaded tools and image metadata.
	t.metadataStorage = openstack.MetadataStorage(t.Env)
	// Put some fake tools metadata in place so that tests that are simply
	// starting instances without any need to check if those instances
	// are running can find the metadata.
	envtesting.UploadFakeTools(c, t.metadataStorage)